A Message from the Author:  I've been really impressed with the people I've met here on KITG and I wanted to give you all the opportunity to read the first part of my ballbusting novel, which is available elsewhere for e-readers.

I also ask those of you who really enjoy this work to consider contributing to KITG.  (See the donate button to the right.)  If it weren't for KITG, where else would we get our "kicks"?


"Politics: the art of keeping as many balls as possible up in the air at one time – while protecting your own.”

-Sam Attlesey

A reporter asked, “Miss Newsome, your opponent, incumbent Governor Gerald Davies has described your campaign as being unfocused and based primarily on personal attacks. How do you respond?”

“When it comes down to it, I just don’t think Mr. Davies is capable of the job. He just doesn’t have the BALLS to stand up to Harrisburg, he doesn’t have the BALLS to stand up to the unions, and he doesn’t have the BALLS to stand up to the satan worshipers in our state universities.”

“Strong words from a strong candidate,” the reporter said before signing off.

“Have you gone over my speech for the teachers’ union?” asked the governor.

Lindsey moved her hand from the governor’s knee up his thigh. “There’s something else I’d rather go over,” she said.

“We really do have to go over that speech-” the governor said, blushing. Lindsey leaned over and pressed the button, raising the divider behind the limousine driver.

She whispered into his ear, “The speech is fine and you know it.” She kissed his neck. He let out a deep breath, leaned back, and began unbuttoning his shirt. He felt her hot breath on his bare chest as she began kissing down his chest, massaging his crotch through his suit pants.

She slipped off her shoes, revealing her stocking feet as she knelt on the floor of the limo before the governor. The governor looked down to her, catching a glimpse of her small, but pert breasts through the top of her blouse. She began kissing and gumming at his cock through his pants. She could tell how hard he was. He could feel her fingernails grazing his balls while her lips rubbed against his hard cock. “Jesus!” he said, “I’m a married man.”

Since when have you ever felt guilty about this?” she asked, unbuckling his belt and removing his trousers. She pulled his pants down to his ankles and started kissing his cock through his boxer briefs. She could taste his sweet pre-cum through the fabric.

Fuck! I’ve got to leave my wife.” He rubbed his forehead. “As soon as this election is over.”

You don’t have to leave her for me,” Lindsey replied. “I like our secret rendezvous.” She reached her hand through the one of the legs of his undershorts and grabbed the base of his dick. The governor gasped with excitement.

It’s not for you. It’s for me.” He began breathing heavily. “I just can’t be with her anymore.”

Well fuck her!” Lindsey said, “You’re with me now. Talk about me...about us.” She hastily grabbed at his shorts and pulled them off, nearly ripping them apart.

Lindsey,” he began. He gulped as she slid her hands up his legs and back towards his exposed crotch. “You’re great, Lindsey. I feel bad sometimes because I think you deserve someone better or someone younger.” He let out a moan as she grabbed the base of his cock again and began massaging his balls. “You’re so beautiful, sophisticated... I can’t believe that you’re only twenty.”

Sophisticated, eh?” she said. She suddenly lowered her mouth over his cock, taking it all in with one swift motion.

Oh my God!” he exclaimed. She pulled it out from her mouth and began licking his cock, starting from the bottom and moving up towards the tip. She plunged it into her mouth again, taking it deep and full. She removed his dick from her mouth and began licking it again, working her way from the tip to the base. Then she took his balls into her mouth, both at once, and massaged them with her tongue.

She emptied her mouth. “How’s that for sophistication?” she said rhetorically. She then slowly lowered her mouth over his cock once more, starting slowly. Once she took it in all the way, she began to bob up and down his shaft. She began to pick-up speed. The governor, looking down, saw Lindsey push her hair out of the way, revealing a view of his member entering and exiting the young girl’s full, wet lips.

You are incredible!” he gasped. “I’m...I’m...” he said in a husky whisper, “I’m going to come.” She removed his cock from her young mouth and grabbed it at the base, beginning to jerk him off while massaging his balls. When she saw his body tense-up, she leaned forward, taking the tip of his cock into her mouth just as he came. The governor sighed, as if his last ounce of strength were exiting his body through his lungs.

Lindsey wiped her mouth and reached for a bottle of scotch. She took a quick swig of it, straight from the bottle, before returning it. “I hope you’ve saved some energy for me,” she said as she lifted herself onto the seat beside the still-exposed governor. She removed her wet, black lace panties and tucked them into the governor’s inside jacket pocket. She laid back against the limo door with her legs up on the seat. She spread her legs, revealing her tight, young pussy to the governor. She took his hand and led it towards her own crotch.

I am bushed!” he said. “Can you take a rain check?” He removed his hand. Lindsey sat up and fixed her skirt.

Of course, of course,” Lindsey said, rubbing the governor’s shoulder. “I know that the campaign schedule has been running you ragged.” Lindsey wanted to tell the governor that he was a selfish prick for not even attempting to satisfy her, particularly after she pleased him with such skill and vigor. She consoled herself by thinking of the boost her career would receive; she was expecting a big promotion after the campaign. The governor had hinted that he might make her his chief of staff in his second term. She looked back at the governor, half-asleep and half-naked, sitting beside her. His shriveled dick looked so helpless. She knew that she had power over this powerful man. His exposed testicles, she thought, were a perfect analogy to her power over him. With a squeeze she should convince him to do anything she wanted. And she could use their secret affair to gain leverage over him in the future should she ever need it. An insurance policy of sorts, she thought. He would be utterly ruined, she thought, glancing again at the governor’s pathetic nuts.

One week later, Marlene noticed a lump in the pocket of her husband’s suit when she picked it up from the dry cleaners. She dug her hand into the pocket and pulled out the black lace panties, a bit crumpled and stiff. The blood drained from her face. How could he, she thought, after all that she had done for him, for his career. Marlene had known that something was wrong with the relationship, but until she came across another woman’s panties in her husband’s suit pocket, she was able to live in denial. Now it had all changed. She flushed the panties down the toilet and ran into her bedroom. She flung herself onto the bed, their bed, and wept. She had loved him so, and that love which was so pure proved to be her weakness. A weakness that her husband, the governor, had used against her. She sniffled, wiped the tears from her eyes, and resolved that she would find his weakness and use it to destroy him. She now wished that she hadn’t flushed away those incriminating panties. She wanted to throw them in his face, to scream at him, to demand that he account for himself.

“Please, call me Debbie,” she said. Marlene Davies found herself sitting across a coffee table from Deborah Newsome, the Republican gubernatorial candidate who was challenging her husband, the incumbent. “Look,” the candidate said, “I appreciate you coming here and I’d like to think that we can be friends despite our political differences, but how do I know I can trust you?”

“Jerry doesn’t know I’m here,” Marlene said. “I was thinking maybe I could help you,” she uttered, meekly.

“Why would you want to help me?” Debbie asked.

Marlene began to well-up with tears. “He’s been screwing someone else. I don’t even know how many women or for how long. God knows our marriage has been on the rocks these last few years. I found a woman’s panties in one of his suits--”

Debbie came around the coffee table and sat beside the governor’s wife, stroking her knee. “I know how you feel, Marlene, but what do you want me to do?”

“I want to hurt him. That’s all I know right now.” She took a breath. “I just feel so humiliated.”

“You want him to feel the pain and humiliation that you are feeling, am I right?” Debbie asked. Marlene nodded yes. Debbie opened a drawer to a nearby end table and pulled out a business card. “Take this,” she said, handing the card to Marlene. “Trust me, it’s money well spent.”

Marlene looked at the card. It read:


Covert. Painful. Affordable.

Specializing in the punishment of male adulterers.

(717) HIT-NUTS

Marlene blushed. “What is this?”

“You want your husband to feel your pain? Want him humiliated?” Debbie asked. “That’s what they specialize in. I should know, I worked my way through college working here. They are very discrete,” the candidate smirked, “and the governor will never forget it.”

Marlene placed the card in her purse and stood. “I’ll think about it,” she said.

“It’s worth it,” Debbie said. “He won’t even be able to think about fucking someone else without thinking of severe pain after this.” The two women embraced and Marlene headed for the door.

“Please don’t tell anyone that I stopped by,” she said.

“You have my word,” Debbie replied.

Marlene wore sunglasses and a scarf, hoping not to be recognized as she walked across the campus of Middleburg State College towards the sorority house for Beta Beta. The sorority house was a large Georgian-style building with columns and a large set of steps out front. Marlene walked through the double doors at the top to the stairs. Just inside the doors sat a female security guard at a desk. The guard scrutinized Marlene for a moment and then asked, “are you here for the a cappella group rehearsal?”

Marlene looked confused for a moment and then remembered. She dug into her purse and pulled out a small scrap of paper on which she had written, a cappella rehearsal, soprano. “Yes,” Marlene replied.

“What voice part are you?” the guard asked.


The guard made a notation in her log book. Then she picked up the phone. “Your two o’clock appointment is here.” She hung up the phone. “You can head on back, ma’am.”

She was greeted at the top of a staircase by a blond, curly-haired co-ed with a Beta Beta hoodie. “Hello, I’m Katie. We spoke on the phone. Follow me.” The two headed down the stairs.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Marlene said, removing her sunglasses and scarf.

“Oh, we’ve all been there once before,” Katie said. “Now, before we go over our products and pricing structures, allow me to give you a tour of our facility.” They reached the bottom of the stairs. “Over here we have one of our training facilities.”

“Training facilities?” Marlene asked.

“Yes. We have a staff of roughly fifty girls here whom we employ in our work and we have to ensure that they maintain their skills between assignments. Come, let’s step inside.” They walked through a doorway into a large room with mirrored walls, like a dance studio. There two women were holding a large mannequin, each taking an arm and wrenching it behind his back. An older woman in a karate uniform stood nearby, apparently supervising, and four girls stood in a queue before the mannequin.

The instructor called, “Ready!”

The girls replied, “1-2-3 kick!” The girl at the front of the queue kicked the mannequin right square between the legs.

Katie put her hand on Marlene’s shoulder. “Look at the monitor above the mannequin,” she said, “it shows how hard the kick was on a 100 point scale. Ruby just kicked a 65, which is pretty good. He’d be crying his eyes out if he were real.”

Katie then turned to the instructor. “We have a new client here today. This is Marlene. She’s one of our V.I.P.’s. Marlene, this is Mary. She is one of our instructors.” Mary motioned towards Marlene and the four girls in queue bowed. The two holding the mannequin nodded their heads towards Marlene in respect. “I hope you don’t mind if we interrupt your class for a moment.” With that, Katie moved towards the mannequin, unbuckled it’s pants and slid them to its ankles.

“We try to make everything as realistic as possible here,” the instructor said, moving towards the bottomless mannequin. “Notice the attention to detail here in the mannequin’s genitals,” she said, lightly caressing the mannequin’s testicles.

“This mannequin measures pain on a 100 point scale. Anything above 100 would cause permanent damage if inflicted on a real man,” Katie said, matter of factly. With that she nonchalantly smacked the mannequin in the nuts. The monitor showed the number 40. “And that was just a backhand slap,” Katie said. “Imagine what a kick would have done.”

“Watch this,” the instructor said. She took an open palm and smacked the dummy’s balls, then with a swift motion she grabbed, twisted, and yanked on the dummy’s nuts. The monitor read 219.

“You wouldn’t believe how many of these dummies we’ve had to replace on account of Mary,” Katie said laughing. “We sometimes jokingly refer to her as the Queen of Low Blows.” Mary blushed.

“Can I give it a try?” Marlene asked.

“She’s great, isn’t she?” Mary remarked to Katie. She turned to Marlene, “sure you can. Just line up over here,” she gestured towards a place in front of the mannequin, “and make like you’re kicking a field goal.”

Marlene stood before the mannequin and took a deep breath. The four girls behind her started chanting, “KICK HIM IN THE BALLS!” over and over. Marlene took a step forward and kicked her leg up right towards the mannequin’s waiting right nut. BAM! She nailed him dead on. The monitor read 99.

The girls clapped for Marlene. “He’ll be singing soprano after that one,” one of the students remarked.

Amazing,” Mary said, “you must be a natural.”

“Beginner’s luck, I guess,” Marlene said.

Well, Marlene, we should continue with our tour,” Katie said. “Sorry for interrupting your class. Right this way, Marlene.” Two of the girls high-fived Marlene as she and Katie left the room.

“Now, in addition to our training room, we also have a gymnasium with cardio and weight training over here.” Marlene peered into a modern gym with several girls using the machines. “We occasionally sponsor one of our students in a co-ed cage fighting match, although we don’t make our sponsorship public.” They continued walking down the hallway. “And here,” Katie said, “is a room that we are quite proud of. It’s our library.”

She opened the door and the two entered. Marlene saw shelf after shelf after shelf of books. All of the books were red, hardcover volumes of roughly the same size. “What kind of library is this?” Marlene asked.

“Here we have an account of each and every assignment that we’ve ever performed as an organization. Everytime we work an assignment, we have our agent write all of the pertinent details. Our agents can use these volumes as research material for future assignments.”

Marlene was quite impressed. “Wow! How many volumes are there in here?”

Katie paused, trying to recall. “We have over one thousand volumes here, and each volume contains, on average, three assignments.” Katie smiled, “of course, we add to this collection frequently so we may have close to 1,100 volumes by now.”

Katie led Marlene back towards the hallway and closed the library doors behind them. “Let’s head over to my office and we can talk about our various services.”


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Replies to This Discussion

Extremely promising story! Thank you for sharing it, I highly enjoyed reading it. :)

Awesome! Look forward to reading more :)

Wonderful story Tonya , can't wait for the next part

I want to read part 2 :D

Any news for Part 2 ?? 

Part I is available free today only for your Kindle or smartphone at Amazon.com.  Part II is available at Amazon as well.

Happy reading!

Loved part 2, any news for parts 3 ? You're such a good writer !

Still working on it...but I'll keep you posted.

Thank you so much for your kind words!

I actually wanted to read part 2 so much that I bought it on amazon :)

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it! :)



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