A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The Grinch who Stole Ballbustingmas
Every Sue down in Sueville loved Ballbustingmas a lot
But the Grinch who lived just South of Sueville, oh, he did not.
He hated Ballbustingmas and the whole Ballbustingmas season
Although no one in Sueville quite knew the reason.
Perhaps he believed that girls shouldn't hit balls,
Or maybe he was ashamed because his were so small,
Or maybe he was just a chauvinist asshole
Who wanted men to always be the ones in control.
But whatever the reason, his balls or his views,
He stood there on Ballbustingmas Eve hating those Sues.
There were naughty Sues and nice Sues, some short and some tall.
Oh, he resented them, the sexy ones most of all.
No boys lived in Sueville. They just visited special
To get their balls busted for Ballbustingmas festival.
He looked down at the town from his house in the hills.
He hated the decorations put up in Sueville.
There were big dioramas of guys getting kicked and punched in the balls.
And the statues of laughing women he hated most of all.
He knew down in Sueville they were making preparations
So that they'd be ready for tomorrow's celebrations.
He knew the girls were folding their socks and shining their shoes.
And in bed they'd all dream of the balls they'd abuse.
Then in the morning they'd awake and go and they'd see
Who Miss Claus had left for them under the tree.
Next those boy’s packages they would quickly unwrap,
And they'd begin their fun with a forceful sack tap.
Then they'd kick and punch just like they’d been dreaming.
But oh those poor boys would they ever be screaming.
That was his least favorite thing. He hated the noise,
All the screams that ball kicking would coax from those boys.
It was so noisy it disturbed his nice morning of quiet.
And they said the guys volunteered, but he didn't buy it.
No man would put up with such testicular pain.
He knew they must be getting tricked again and again.
He wished he could make Ballbustingmas just disappear.
And suddenly he had a wonderful awful idea.
Maybe if he snuck into the village of Sues,
And took away all their stockings and even their shoes
And he took their dioramas and their decorative balls,
Maybe Ballbustingmas would not come at all.
That would be amazing and great thought this man.
So he thought and he thought and came up with a plan.
He got a red dress as a Miss Claus disguise
Just in case he should be spotted by some sleepy Sue's eyes.
And to carry his haul, well, he had simple good luck;
From his work he could borrow a big red dump truck.
Once midnight arrived and all the Sues were in bed,
He drove the truck into town just like his plan said.
He gathered the dioramas and the big hanging balls.
And into the bed of the truck went it all.
But he knew that taking public displays was just not enough.
Inside the homes was the important Ballbustingmas stuff.
So he got a big sack and into a house he did sneak.
He was even quieter than a mouse. He made not a squeak.
He snuck into the bedroom of each of the Sues.
He pilfered their stockings, their socks, and their shoes.
He found their ball crushers, their humblers, their vices.
He even stole their electric ball shocking devices.
He took every paddle, every flogger and bat.
He took their whips and even their hairbrushes at that.
He put all their toys in his oversized sack
Till he thought there was none left for nut smashing attacks.
He thought he was finished, when what did he see?
Why he had forgotten the Ballbustingmas tree.
This was, he thought, the most important part of his plunder.
He must take the tree. That way Miss Claus could not leave any boys under.
So into his sack he attempted it to shove,
When he suddenly heard a quiet noise from above.
Quickly he froze unsure what to do.
Up on the stairs was little Cindy Lou Sue.
She was the youngest of that house’s teenaged daughters.
And she was up to get herself a quick glass of water.
She was still quite tired, still rubbing her eyes.
She hadn't yet seen through his grinchy disguise.
“Miss Claus,” she asked, “is that really you?
Why are you taking our tree? What did it do?“
The Grinch came up with a plan quite keen.
He figured he could fool her since she was only eighteen
“Yes, it's me, don't worry my dear.
It's nothing important. You've nothing to fear.
I need to take your tree for the quickest repair.
So go back to bed, head back up the stairs.”
But hearing what he said, down the stairs she came.
“It's really Miss Claus,” she said repeating the name.
“I'll help with the tree, it seems a tight fit.“
“Okay, thanks dear. Wow, you've got really nice tits.”
The Grinch didn't mean to say that, but it just slipped out
When he got very distracted by all the jiggling about.
Cindy Lou was wearing a top which was really quite scanty.
She always slept in just that and some panties.
The top covered her big wobbly jugs by not very much.
And the Grinch was too tempted so he reached out and touched.
Instantly she knew that something was not right.
So she rubbed her eyes and reexamined the sight.
“Hey, you're not Miss Claus! You're just some dude.
I can't believe you had the gall to touch on my boob!“
Reaching under his dress, she grabbed hold of his balls.
And then up the stairs for her sisters she called.
“Wake up, Sally Lou and Peggy Lou, too!
I caught me a pervert and need help with what I should do!”
Also dressed quite scantily and with big jiggling tits
Her two older sisters were downstairs in just a quick bit.
“Oh Sally Lou and Peggy, I'm so glad you're here.
This man was trying to make our tree disappear.
I've got him by his scrotum so he cannot escape
But please check in his bag to see what else he did take.“
Sally Lou opened the bag and saw all of their toys.
“He's taken all our best stuff for ballbusting the boys.”
“Why did you take this?“ asked an angry Peggy Lou.
“You don't even like ballbusting, so what good’s it to you?“
He did not like the question and so the Grinch scowled.
But a squeeze of his nuts brought an answer. He growled,
“It's not right to torment the balls of a man.
I'm stealing Ballbustingmas, that is my plan.
You have no more things to torture the balls
So this year Ballbustingmas won’t come at all.“
Sally Lou was indignant and also quite mad.
“You're a mean grinchy man and your thinking is bad.
You think Ballbustingmas is all about toys?
You think we need these things to torment the boys?
We can bust balls with our hands and our feet.
Is easy to do, they are really quite weak.
But talk is cheap, so here's what we'll do
The three of us now will prove it to you.
We'll make you cry without any device
And then we'll get the toys and do it all twice.
It’s your just punishment for trying to steal.
Me and my sisters won’t even stop when you squeal!”
Peggy Lou grabbed his arms from behind
And feeling her boobs on his back did not mind
Until the kick came and he tried to get free.
But as much as he struggled, it wasn't to be.
Cindy Lou kicked while Sally Lou watched.
Then Sally took her turn assaulting his crotch.
She kicked and she kicked as the Grinch struggled and groaned.
Then Cindy Lou she punched and punched soon making him moan.
Then Peggy Lou released him and he fell to the ground.
He just lay there grabbing his balls and making some sounds.
But two girls grabbed his legs, held them up in the air,
And then Peggy Lou she stomped you-know-where.
She stomped and she stomped till he begged her to stop,
But then she kept going. She stomped quite a lot.
Then Sally helped him up, put him in a headlock.
He had just enough breath for a moment to talk.
“Please let me go girls, I cannot take it much more.
Don’t rupture my testes which I do so adore.“
“Don't worry,“ said Peggy, “we are very exact,
You'll still have both testicles there in your sack.
Although by the end you may wish you did not
We are going to hurt your poor balls quite a lot.“
Peggy Lou she squeezed tighter mashing his face in her tit
And his cock felt excited if for only a bit.
And then the other two girls they kicked from behind,
And even soft breasts could not ease his mind.
They battered his nuts with kick after kick after kick.
And a few errant shots even smacked up his dick.
They kicked and they kick for quite a long while.
The girls they had fun. The Grinch did not smile.
When they let him go, he fell to the floor,
But soon Cindy Lou picked him up for some more.
She held his body right up with a very tight squeeze,
And the other two girls alternated with knees.
Soon he was screaming loud as he could get,
And all the three girls were getting quite wet.
Once their knees were worn out and their legs were so sore
They tied the Grinch up right there on the floor.
And then while he watched and held onto his balls for a bit.
Each girl found a seat and started stroking her clit.
They each jilled themselves off as they watched him in pain.
And once they did it that once, they each did it again.
It was sexy to watch those girls dressed just so scanty.
As they did those fun things right there under their panties.
The Grinch’s balls they still hurt, but he had an erection
Till the girls went and picked from their best toy collection.
Then the ball vice was squashing his balls very flat.
Peggy picked up her cattle prod, gave them a zap.
He detested those toys how they hurt him so bad.
When he first saw the humbler he actually felt glad.
It was two pieces of wood; he was not much in fear.
When the girls caught his balls in, its use became clear.
It stretched his poor testes and trapped them in place.
His ass had to go up and so down went his face.
He did not like having his ass in the air.
His nuts felt so vulnerable stuck way up there.
He wiggled quite helplessly. His balls were well caught.
And then the girls beat them, oh yes, quite a lot.
They beat them with crops and floggers and paddles.
They used all their implements of testicular battle.
And then they tried every pair of socks and of shoes,
Kicking those poor testes until they were bruised.
At this point they'd been ball busting for hours.
The girls had had fun, their mood no longer was sour.
They tied him up so that he would keep.
And then they jilled off again and then went to sleep.
They woke in a few hours to angry neighbors with drama,
About why the three girls had pulled up dioramas.
(Since the truck with the displays was in front of their home
And none of the neighbors had yet read this poem.)
So the girls explained about the Grinch and his plan,
And then showed the neighbors the ball-busted man.
The neighbors were glad to see his nuts in such pain
But they each wanted a turn to hit them again.
Their displays had taken them each lots of work,
So they all wanted a turn to beat up the jerk.
They went after his balls since it’s the best way
To get revenge on a man on Ballbustingmas Day.
They used their feet, their hands, and their knees
To get some pay back, as much as they pleased.
When they were done back inside went the girls
And saw something special and new to the world.
When they had awoken to the neighbor’s cries
They had skipped right past Miss Claus‘s surprise.
Under their tree (which was still on its side)
They found a big box, but what was inside?
They had expected some balls attached to some teens,
But instead it was an automated ballbusting machine.
And inside Miss Claus had written a note
“You girls have done great at hurting his scrote.
But I can tell you hands and your feet are getting quite sore.
And this Grinchy fellow needs to be busted much more.
Just strap him in and engage it: it'll beat his crotch
And you can all just enjoy yourself as you watch.
And if you’re wondering why I gave you no extra balls,
Don’t worry girls, I haven’t forgotten at all.
As strange as it sounds, this grinchy man here,
Once properly beaten will come back every week all the year.
So even though the three of you will just share this one,
I promise you plenty of ball busting fun.”
So they strapped him in, his legs were locked in tight.
And then they looked at the controls and set them just right
The machine had a mallet, a switch, and a strap.
And once turned on with all three it attacked.
Soon the Grinch he was just howling and screaming.
The machine was giving his nuts quite a reaming.
The girls sat and watched and enjoyed it so much.
Soon all three were giving their moist snatches a touch.
For hours they watched as his agony doubled.
You'd think now he would be regretting this trouble.
But the truth is that now all this astonishing pain
Had grown so big it took over his brain.
His poor aching balls were still in this place
But his mind had gone traveling into sub-space.
And when hours later they stopped the machine
He had been completely changed by where he had been.
“I see now,“ he said, “how it can be glorious to suffer.
My balls seemed so fragile, but now seem much tougher.
I see now they're here for the amusement of girls.
There's no better use for them here in this world.
I know now it’s so sexy to suffer for you,
My balls you can beat till they’re black and they’re blue.“
The girls they were pleased and they made him a deal.
If he came back next week and promised never to steal,
If he didn't take dioramas or take all their toys,
They'd give him a safeword like other ball-busted boys.
And if he took all the abuse they would heap on his crotch
They'd let him jerk off while the three of them watched.
They say that his balls grew three sizes that day
From all the girls punching and kicking that way.
But one thing that's true, all of Sueville did hear it,
The Grinch is now full of Ballbustingmas spirit.
And as he limped back to his house on the hill
The Ballbustingmas feeling his testes did fill.
And he was glad the girls had made perfectly clear,
They'd happily celebrate Ballbustingmas every day of the year.
So though he hurt so bad he could just barely speak,
Once he healed up his bruises he'd be back the next week.
Ok - where is Sueville?? I want to go!!
I laughed a the rhyming of shoes and abuse. Very clever.
This is amazing, nice and long, and it even has a Seuss-like structure.
"My balls you can beat till they’re black and they’re blue.“
Thanks for the wonderful poem
Great story, glad that you are back!
They say that his balls grew three sizes that day
Lol ffs
Good job. I can tell a lot of effort went into this story. ^^
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