A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Previous parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
So the next night, Sarah gets all primped up for her date and off she goes to dine and canoodle and whatever. And then Danica comes out of the bedroom wearing some dark nylons and this extremely tight and low-cut dress that showed an amazing amount of cleavage. I had, of course, gotten to see her tits naked just the night before, but this top really showed them off well, hugging her figure and just framing her tits to show off just how huge they really are. It may have partially just been my extra horniness, but the outfit really got me going.
She set her phone up on the mantle and started it recording and said, "Okay, we're going to play a game. I'm gonna set a timer and then stomp on or squeeze your balls until the timer goes off. If you can make it the whole time without asking for a break, I'll take off a piece of clothing. If you get me all the way naked, you get to fuck me."
"Uh, okay," I replied, unsure what else to say.
"You need to be naked throughout."
"Sure," i said and began disrobing.
Once I was naked, she continued, "And to make sure you're properly tender …" Suddenly she kicked me really forcefully right in the balls. I let out a loud yelp and fell to the ground. Her toes had jabbed me right in the balls really hard and squished them against my body. As I lay on the ground, I could just feel an intense pain in my balls.
"Wow, I got you pretty good," she said.
"Yeah," I moaned.
She stood over me. I could see up her dress just a little. She was wearing stockings with garters attached. "Well," she said, "time to get started." I heard a beep as she started the timer and then set it off to the side. Rather than waiting for me to get up, she reached down and grabbed my ankles and then put her foot on my balls. Initially, I enjoyed the nice feeling of her nylon stockings on my balls, but slowly, steadily, she began to squish them against me harder and harder. Soon, I was squirming and squeaking in pain. "You're doing good, so far. But if you can't take it, feel free to ask for a break any time, but remember, if you do, no clothing comes off." I endured.
And finally, after a few more minutes, I heard a loud, insistent beeping. My time was up. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the beeping and she said, "Good job. That was five minutes which is a pretty good start." I expected her to release the pressure, entirely, but instead she just eased off and still kept her foot in place. "I figure," she commented, "that so long as the stomp doesn't end, it still should only cost one coupon. But in good news for you, at least the view is about to improve."
She reached down and, grabbing the hem of her dress, slowly peeled it up. She was wearing matching underwear, black with grey trim. Her panties were smooth and silky as was her garter belt. Her bra was also the same color. It was clearly designed to lift more than to cover, but it did manage to barely hide her nipples while showing off all that cleavage I mentioned earlier, which was now even a little more without the dress. She leaned forward and gave me a quick view and gave her cleavage a quick shake.
I steeled myself to try to make the next one, too, since I suspect that she might take the bra off before the garter belt and stockings as the bra looked less comfortable. I heard some beeps as she set the timer. It sounded like maybe she was making the time longer. And then she started it and began to press down on my balls again in earnest. This time, she really sort of bounced on them, leaning forward and back, really putting a lot of weight on them for a moment or two and then rocking back. I was panting and scratching at the carpet regularly throughout, But I gritted my teeth and I tried to relax myself as each wave of pain came. I wanted to see her big lovely boobs again and I really wanted to get to fuck her. And I tried to get excited by letting my eyes wander all over her lovely smooth skin. And boy was that timer taking forever. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the beeping sounded.
This time, she really did step off. "Good job, that was 12 minutes," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I bet you're expecting that I'd take off something less revealing like the garter belt or a stocking, huh?" I just grunted a little, not wanting to reveal that I had guessed otherwise. "Well, I've got a surprise for you, this bra is kind of killing me. I think I've grown since I wore it last. So, it's booby time!" She reached behind and undid the clasps on her bra and set her big lovely tits free. She even gave them a little shake. "No touching yet, though. You only get to touch if you get me naked. Speaking of which, it's time for some squeezing."
She helped me up onto the couch and sat beside me. She took my balls in her hand and began a gentle squeeze. With the other hand, she set the timer. There was even more beeping this time and I was afraid of how long it would take. She set the timer on the couch behind her where I couldn't see it and started it. Then she brought her second hand over and really clamped down hard, squeezing the life out of my poor balls. And she squeezed and squeezed. And when it was getting to be too much and I wasn't sure if I could take it, I breathed hard and tried to relax and she just kept squeezing. Finally, when I was about to break, I got lucky, she shifted her grip a little and the result was actually a much less forceful squeeze than it had been. I kept breathing hard and she didn't notice that it wasn't affecting me as much. After that, she did later ratchet up the pressure in small steps until it was back to where it had been, but I could handle. Still, I was relieved when the timer beeped.
"Twenty minutes! Good job! You might just get to fuck me yet!" she said, quite chipper. That helped steel my determination that I really was gonna. No amount of ball pain was going to deter me from getting with her. She kept one of her hands squeezing my balls, though, again being conservative with her coupons. She unclipped her stocking using the other hand and put her leg across my lap. "How about you remove my stocking for me? I only have one hand free."
So, of course, I did. I peeled her stocking off. Her foot was very pretty and she had painted her toenails red. Once the stocking was off, she just put her foot back on the floor and then she set the timer again and started it. This time she pulsed the pressure of the squeeze. She would clamp down hard for two seconds or so and then ease up for two seconds or so and then clamp down again. She repeated that pattern the whole time. So I would gasp and squirm and then relax and the gasp and squirm again. I tried to focus on her lovely naked form and the thought of fucking her, but the regular pulses of pain made it really hard.
There got to be a point where my balls started to feel more sensitive. I think all the abuse was getting to them, and I nearly asked for a break, but I managed to focus on how her nipples would shake a little when she clamped down, which was very sexy, and I managed to push through. It was a huge relief when the timer beeped.
She didn't release her grip entirely, but she went to a very gentle one-handed squeeze. Using her free hand, she unhooked her other garter and twisted a little to put that leg across my lap. I unrolled her nylon stocking, enjoying the feel of her shapely leg in my hands. Once her leg was bare, she put it back on the floor, and then, rotating carefully so as to not lose her grip, she stood up while still leaning forward, holding my balls with one hand. Once she was up, she reach down and grabbed them with the other hand, too, and then she started pulling. "Time to stand up!"
The pulling on my balls was quite painful, so quickly, I stood up. Once I was up, she stopped pulling and then she sort of stuck her chest out and then leaned her breasts against me, squishing them against my upper stomach and said, "I really hope you win. I'm looking forward to having sex with you."
"I hope so, too," I managed to squeak out.
She smiled at that. And then she reset the timer and started it and began to squeeze quite seriously. I'd never gotten squeezed while standing up before, and my knees kept not wanting to hold me up. As she would really clamp down, they would start to buckle and then, as I began to move towards a squat, she would then yank my balls back upwards to force me to stand. The yank itself always released the pressure of the squeeze a little, but having your balls yanked upwards, stretching the cords which connect them is pretty painful too. So I was basically oscillating between two types of pain. My tender balls would get a seriously painful squeeze and I'd start to collapse and then I'd get a partial release of the squeeze, but then a very strenuous pull on my poor cords which seemed to hurt more with each successive yank.
We had been doing this for quite a while, probably at least ten minutes, but it was really hard for me to keep up with time while I was in such alternating types of testicular agony. But I did still manage to be surprised when the door of the apartment opened and Sarah came in, crying.
Danica immediately let go of my balls. I bent over, glad to finally be released. I didn't collapse entirely, though, just leaned forward with my hands on my knees and panted. Danica was paying me no mind at all.
"Sarah! What happened!"
"I hate men! I hate stupid men! They're just all stupid and selfish!"
"Aw, honey! What did he do?"
"He's married! He's fucking married! I fucked a fucking married asshole! I can't believe I feel for that! I'm so stupid! I thought I was in love! I thought he was in love!"
"Hey, now, you're not stupid. He lied to you."
"You're right. He's such an ass. I can't believe I let him fuck me. He's such an ass. I just hate men right now. They only care about getting sex. They just think with their stupid dicks and balls. I want to kick all of their stupid balls in."
"Yeah, I can understand that. I can't make that happen, but I do still have a couple of coupons for ball kicks. You could kick one pair of balls."
"Huh. I hadn't thought of that. It does have a certain appeal."
I realized that she was eying me and I began to get very seriously nervous. Danica was really sexily built, but she didn't have especially strong legs. And even without being all the muscular she had had no problem getting me on the floor. Sarah used to be a field hockey player in high school and had much more developed leg muscles. I was worried that if she really kicked me full force she could do some damage, especially as my balls were in such a tender state already. "Oh, I'm sure you don't really want to kick me. I mean, I've always been honest with you. And the coupons were for Danica."
"Oh, don't worry," Danica said helpfully, "they just say 'the bearer is entitled to whatever.' So I can give them to her.
I could see an evil look come into Sarah's eyes. "Great!" she said, still sounding very upset. "You hold him and I'll kick."
Danica grabbed me from behind, holding my arms and straightening me up. I could feel her erect nipples and soft breasts pressing against my arms as she held them behind my back. That part, I must admit was really nice. I felt awkward being naked in front of Sarah, who was still wearing the very pretty dress she had put on for her date. She hiked her dress up a little and then stepped forward and smashed her foot right into my balls.
I had thought that previous kicks had hurt, but this was a whole new level of pain. I screamed and jerked around in Danica's grip. "Oh God! My balls!" I struggled to try to get my hands free and cover them, but Danica had me firmly and I didn't have my usual strength.
"That felt good!" said Sarah.
"Give him one more," Danica replied with a smile.
"Oh, please no!" I said.
"Shush," Danica said, with a smile.
Sarah got in a fighting stance in front of me and before I could prepare myself, launched a forceful front snap kick right into my naked, swollen, tender balls. I thought that she had burst one of my nuts it hurt so much. I collapsed to the floor and Danica let me. I curled up into a ball and just cradled my poor injured testes and whimpered in pain. Often pain dulls my experience of the world, but this seemed to trigger so much adrenaline that I was actually really aware of things. I saw the girls high-fiving. I checked my pained gonads to see if they were still whole and felt relief that they were.
"That was pretty great," I heard Sarah say. She had clearly calmed down some.
"It was worth the coupons just to watch," Danica said. "You were pretty brutal. I guess I'll go get the coupons so you can give them to him."
"Oh, don't worry about them. I'm sure I can negotiate something separately with him. An extra blow-job or something," Sarah said.
"What do you mean separately? An -extra- blow-job?" Danica asked.
"Oh, you know, separate from--" Sarah paused as it dawned on her that she had almost let it slip that I was going along with this for the blow-jobs. "Uh, nothing. Uh, I mean, separate from you."
Danica was a pretty sharp cookie and sensed that something was wrong. "What are you talking about? Did you negotiate something else involving blow-jobs with him?"
"Nothing, don't worry about it."
"No, I think I am going to worry about it," Danica said, sounding worried. "What did you do?"
"Nothing. I didn't do anything."
"What did you do?" It was Danica's turn to be upset as she started to have definite suspicions. "Does it have something to do with the coupon book?"
"No, come on. Forget it. I don't want to talk about it." Sarah was still upset from before and now just trying to evade. She headed down the hall and into her room to try to escape the conversation, but Danica followed. I did not follow as I was still lying on the ground cupping my balls with my hands.
I couldn't really hear what they were saying specifically, at that point, because they were far enough away that it was hard to make out, but I could hear the tone and it was still loud and upset. It went on for quite a while.
Finally, Danica came storming out of Sarah's room. Sarah followed sounding very upset and saying "I just wanted you to be happy!" in a teary voice.
Danica replied, just as upset, "I'm not some sort of freak! I didn't need your help!" And she went in her room and slammed her door behind her.
Sarah muttered "Goddamn it" under her breath and headed back to her room, shutting the door behind her. After a bit, I could hear them both crying. I wanted to try to do something to fix it, but my balls were still swollen and in severe pain. I managed to pull myself up enough to crawl and to literally crawl into the bathroom where I propped myself up just enough to be able to pee in the toilet. Then I got back down and crawled to my bed room and into the bed. I pulled the covers up over myself and fell asleep.
It was late at night and quite dark when I got woken up by a gentle rocking at my shoulder and a soft, quiet female voice saying "Wake up, I need to ask you something."
I, of course, replied with "Who? What? Huh?"
I wasn't very inclined to wake up, but I did open my eyes enough to see what was going on. By the pale light from the LEDs on my computer, I could see that the soft female voice belonged to a definitely naked Danica who was kneeling beside my bed. That perked me up a bit. And I managed to squeeze out a more articulate, "Oh, hi Danica. What is it you want?" Secretly, I hoped that she was there for a booty call, but I doubted it, given how she had been crying when I'd fallen asleep. At this point I couldn't see perfectly clearly, but it looked like she was past that point.
"I just," she started. "I just need to know something."
"Sure. What is it?"
"Did you only let me bust you because of the blow-jobs?"
I thought for a moment weighing the possibility of lying to her and wondering if I did lie to try to spare her feelings or tell her what she wanted to hear, what would I say? I couldn't really say "No, I love getting my poor ball squished to mush" because, well, if I said that there would be no end to this.
So I told the truth, "Well, yeah. I wouldn't have agreed to it if Sarah hadn't sweetened the pot like that."
"So, then," she sounded very sad again, "you're not into me at all?"
"What? No, no, no, it's not like that. I think you're great. You're nice and cool and have a really sexy figure. I like you. It's the getting my nuts smashed that I'm not into."
"Is it too weird for you?"
"It's not the weirdness of it, it just, well, it hurts. A lot. I'm not really a what's it called? Sadist? Masochist? I never remember which is which. Getting hurt doesn't turn me on. But, I mean, if someone's gonna get off on beating me up, I'm glad it's you. I like turning you on. And just being with you is a turn on for me. Just not enough of one to overcome getting kicked in the nuts."
She smiled at least a little about that, but then she looked sort of concerned again. "But just getting to have sex with me wasn't enough? You needed blow-jobs from her, too?"
"When we made the deal, I had no idea that you and I were gonna have any sex. I just knew that I was agreeing to let you abuse my nuts. And most of the time that hasn't lead to any sex. So, I mean, I needed to be getting something out of it, too. I mean, if I had asked if I could, I don't know, punch you in the tits a bunch just because I wanted to, would you have agreed to it?"
"Well, no. Do you want to punch me in the tits?"
"No, I'm also not, uh, whichever one I didn't say mean before, either. Sadist? I don't get off on hurting other people. Anyway I want to do nice friendly things to your tits, not mean things."
"I want you to do friendly things to my boobs, too. And to other parts of me."
That was the sort of talk which, when combined with being naked in my room in the middle of the night lead to my cock coming to life. "Like, right now?" I asked, hopefully.
"Well," she said, thinking about it, "you can play with my boobs some right now, but nothing more. Here, scoot over and we can spoon."
I scooted over and she lay down in front of me. I put my arm across her chest and was thrilled to be able to cop a very nice feel on her massive tits. She snuggled her butt back in me, rubbing against my hard cock.
"Now, now, don't get too many ideas," she said. "But I do need to tell you that I'm realizing that I'm getting very possessive of you. I wasn't just upset that you two let me think that this was all your idea, I was also just upset to find out that she'd been giving you blow-jobs at the same time I was busting your balls. I mean, not the exact same time, although that could be kind of sexy. But, like, I really felt like you were mine, not just a boy-toy which I was sharing. So, I need to ask, how serious are you about me? Do you want to, like, be my boyfriend for real or are we just going to finish the coupon book and that's it?"
"I hadn't really thought about it. I was just sort of handed a chance to be your sex toy, and I was enjoying that a lot. I like you, but I just hadn't thought about it. I guess, now that I am thinking about it, I would like to be your boyfriend, well, if it doesn't involve getting my balls crushed as much as all this."
She reached back behind her and gave my balls a tiny little squeeze. They were still so sensitive that I went "eek!"
"They are getting pretty roughed up, aren't they? Okay, well, we can negotiate. How about one session per week of something like BB videos and chill? You seemed to be able to handle that. And then maybe something a little stronger for special occasions like Christmas or my birthday, oh, or Valentine's day."
"I could live with that as long as there's plenty of sex to balance things out."
"I think that could be arranged. But if we're gonna get serious, you're gonna have to take me out on real dates."
"I can do that. When are you free?"
"Hmm," she said, yawning, "let me think."
She was quiet for a couple of minutes and then her breathing started to change and I realized that she'd fallen asleep. Normally, a sexy naked girl in my bed would make it pretty hard to sleep, but having woken me up in the middle of the night, my brain was actually pretty eager to get back to sleep. So I closed my eyes and breathed deeply and before I knew it, it was morning and my bed contained only me.
Next Part: Part 5 - The Conclusion
This story is amazing! I like the way the dynamics worked out! That was honest and beautiful! Is this all based on a true story or something?
Thank you for saying, so, but no, this is not in any way based on a true story. The basic story just stemmed from wanting to write something Christmasy and something where they girl is into BB and the guy is not but where it's still playful and sexy. And then some of the particular wrinkles in this chapter are the result of Bob commenting that he really hoped that Sarah got to bust some balls, too. In general, I tend to not be influenced by anyone's requests because I usually have the story all plotted out by the time I post any of it. But in this particular case, I wound up thinking about how that could happen and then decided that I liked that set of events better than my original plan.
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