Previous parts: Part 1 

It was about a week later when Danica told me that she was really in the mood to do some kneeing.  She asked me if I would come get naked in bed so that she could knee me.  I asked if she'd be naked too, and she said she would, so I was willing to give it a try.  We went into my bedroom and both stripped our clothes completely off.  I loved seeing her naked body.  She had me lie down on my back on the bed.  She lay beside me leaning over onto me with her knee resting against my thigh.  Her big boobs where pressing against the side of my chest.

Then she insisted that I put my hands up above my head and she held them there with one hand while her other hand stroked my chest.  I was rock hard at this point, her sexy naked body was resting against my naked body and although my mind knew that she was intending to hurt my balls, my dick was entirely unaware of what was to come.  She began to slide her leg up and down along mine, her knee and thigh rubbing against my thigh.  My cock started to twitch and I started to breathe a little quicker.

And then she slid her knee all the way up my thigh hard and fast, smashing right into my big balls and smashing them against my pubic bone.  I yelped in pain and tried to curl up, but she held my hands in place up over my head and wouldn't let me move.  I tried to fight a little but then she got me with another forceful knee right to the nuts and the fight just went right out of me.

Next, she went back to stroking my chest while her knee slid up and down my thigh.  Her hand worked its way down, stroking my stomach and then my pubic hair.  And by that point, I was nicely erect again and starting to enjoy how things were going.  So, of course, that's when she kneed me in the balls again, hard.  I moaned in pain and started trying to curl up, but she pressed her chest against mine from the side and helped hold me in place.

Then she went back to gently stroking my chest.  She leaned in closer and she nibbled gently at my collar bone and neck and her thigh slid up and down against mine.  I turned my head towards her and we began a long, slow kiss which ended suddenly when she smashed her hard kneecap right into my balls.  I gasped for air and tried to curl up and get away.  She giggled as I did and then slid her knee up my thigh forcefully once again, busting my balls with her knee once more.  I writhed from pain, but she kept me pinned to the bed.

She kissed me again, pressing her lips hard against mine.  I was still wracked with pain and uninterested in kissing, but she pushed herself against me.  When I didn't respond, she backed off just a bit and began to rub her big tits on my chest.  I could feel her hard nipples caressing my naked chest and when she tried to kiss me again, I returned it eagerly.  She reached down and took a hold of my cock which was once again hard.  She gave it a couple of gentle strokes.  And then she asked me, "Ready for another?"

"Oh, please, no," I said, plaintively.

"Oh yes," she said, and then suddenly she kneed me hard in the balls once more.  I screamed in response to that one.  My balls were so tender from the assault on them, I couldn't help it.  She covered my mouth with hers, making a strange sort of kiss.  My cock had deflated once more, but she took hold of it in her left hand and slowly began to stroke it gently up and down, masturbating me as she kissed me and pressed her chest to mine.  Soon the feeling of her hand on my cock and her body against mine brought me back to being rock hard.

By this point, I expected it when her knee rammed my balls once again, flattening them against me for just a moment.  But expecting it didn't help me prepare for it.  My intestines knotted up from the pain and for a moment I thought I was going to throw up.  I thrashed around in pain and squeaked out a quiet "please."

I, of course, meant please stop, but she said, "Oh, another one?" and without waiting for an answer, smashed my poor balls with her knee once more.  My stomach was in knots, but she had beaten the fight right out of me.  I jerked once and then lay still, not even thrashing from the pain.  My balls hurt so, so badly.  I couldn't really perceive anything other than agony.

A couple of minutes later, the pain had receded enough that I was at least sensible again.  She was kissing me and rubbing her soft breasts against my firm chest.  When I realized what was happening, I began to kiss her back.  She smiled and pulled back just a little as she once again grabbed my penis and treated it oh so much more nicely than she had just been treating its friends.  She stoked the length of my penis a couple of times and then taking hold of the skin, began to pull it up and down.  As I felt her soft skin against mine and especially her big soft breasts pressed against me and enjoyed her masturbating me, I also began to be able to smell her arousal.  This itself, I found almost intoxicating and my cock rose to the occasion, eager to commence a sex act it was sure was imminent.

Unfortunately, my cock was dead wrong and instead she kneed me in my poor tender balls again.  This time she didn't get me nearly as hard.  I grunted, but stayed hard and kept kissing her.  So she kneed me once more, harder.  I gritted my teeth as the pain washed over me, but before I could respond further, she kneed me a third time, even harder.  This time was just too much.  The pain actually kicked in my adrenaline and I managed to actually bring my hands down and curl myself into a ball, effectively pushing her away, before losing myself in the tide of pain emanating from my throbbing, swollen balls.

When my consciousness floated up from the well of pain to the awareness of the outside world again, I found that I was still curled up, but now she was spooning around the outside of me.  She was cooing softly in my ear, telling me that I would be okay and that my balls were big and tough (although they still felt fragile and tender to me).  Her big breasts were squished firmly against my back and her hand was rubbing my chest.  I could still smell the gentle scent of her arousal in the room.

My own arousal was beginning to stir again when she whispered to me, "please fuck me.  I need your hard cock in me.  Please."  Well, that did it.  I was hard again a short moment later.  Noticing my arousal, she said, "Ooh".  And then after thinking for a moment she asked, "Shall I get you a condom?"

"Yes, please," I replied.  "They're in the top drawer."

She climbed out of bed and found the box of condoms in my top drawer.  She took one out of the box and then ripped it out of its wrapper.  She stood beside the bed and leaned forward, her big breasts dangling beneath her as she took ahold of my cock in one hand and used the other to roll the condom down onto it.  I admired her lovely figure and couldn't wait to get inside her.

"Here," she said, directing me, "roll over on your back.  I want to ride you."

I did as I was told and she climbed on top of me.  Her moist labia came to rest against the shaft of my hard cock.  She rubbed herself back and forth against it, sitting upright, for a minute or so.  I was so hard, by that point, as I felt her rub against me and watched her lovely torso.  She had such smooth skin with a narrow waist and big protruding breasts.  I was so eager to get inside.

Finally, she relented and leaned forward and then slid back onto my erection.  She was so wet that I slide right in, but her tight pussy squeezed my big cock as she rocked back and forth, sliding it in and out.  My cock was so hard and eager at that point and her pussy felt like it was milking the cum right out of me.

"Oh, God," I said.  "I don't think I can hold out very long."

"Don't worry," she said.  I thought she meant that I was allowed to cum, but instead, she shifted her position slightly and reached back with one hand and grabbed my balls.  She began a gentle squeeze.  "This should help keep control."

As she fucked me, she could feel when my cock was getting extra hard and she would increase the pressure on my balls.  She was surprisingly good at that, neither pressing too hard and ruining my erection nor pressing too soft and letting me cum.  As she rode me like that, my balls squeezed in her hand, she quickly reached orgasm.  Watching her get off turned me on tremendously, but when the orgasm came over her she also clamped down harder on my balls, pretty well counter-acting things.  After another several minutes of riding me, she reached a second orgasm.  I almost came during that one, despite her tight grip on my sore testes.

After the second one, she said, "okay, I guess you're allowed to cum, too," with a sly but satisfied smile.  I expected that she would release her grip on my balls and simply let me orgasm.  Instead, her grip actually tightened a little and she leaned back sternly while my cock was still inside her.  It would up pushing my cock very forcefully right against her G-spot area.  As she began to ride me, this time moving up and down to slide my cock in and out, the sensation on the head of my cock was so strong it was amazing.  Even with the condom on and the squeezing, I felt my orgasm building.  But I was rubbing against her just as much as she was rubbing against me and in just a moment or two, she began to moan very loudly as well.  Suddenly, she began to orgasm, and clamped down extra hard on my balls.

Even with that grip, the strong sensation of my cock head against her pussy walls and the amazing sight of her thrashing in orgasm as her big breasts jiggled crazily as she slid up and down my cock was enough to put me over the edge.  The intensity of both the pleasurable and painful sensations was way more than I'd ever had before.  It was by far the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced.

She released my agonized balls and climbed off me.  She snuggled up against me very contented and I was so overwhelmed that I basically just passed out. 

When I came too, she had left and had left behind coupons for ten knees, one squeeze, and one stomp.  I didn't remember a stomp.  When I asked her about it the next day, she said that she'd accidentally done eleven knees, but only had ten coupons for knees, so she added one for a stomp and hoped that would be okay.  I told her it would.  She also told me that although she'd had fun and that I'd been great, she wasn't sure that she was gonna want to sleep with me again because it could make the rooming situation awkward.

I said I understood.  And then, without warning, she kicked me right in the balls.  My balls were still swollen and bruised from the day before and the pain was so intense that I went to the floor right away.  I curled up in a ball and just moaned for a while.  She smiled and walked away, as I lay there in pain.

A couple of days later, I cashed in another blowjob coupon and got another very nice striptease followed by another amazing long, slow sucking.  Sarah commented on how bruised my poor balls looked and was very, very gentle with them which I appreciated.

Next: Part 3

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