He leaned in close towards her. They both looked down, eying nothing in particular as they breathed heavily and drank in the moment. He leaned in closer, and she looked up.
“Where do we start?” he opened.
She looked up at him, gazing into him. “You choose first, then I’ll choose second. No saying no,” she replied.
He slid his hands down her sides, slipping his thumbs into the sides of her stretchpants and crouched down, pulling them down and off her impressive legs. He stood back up, and pulled her singlet top over her shoulders, leaving her in a bra and briefs. She smiled. He smiled. She bit her lip.
“Stan, I wanna kick you in the nuts,” she began, “five times.”
His mood somewhat rattled, he furrowed his brow. “You want to what?”
“Five kicks or knees… In the balls… Just want to prove to myself you’re a real man.” She bit her lip again after finishing the last word. He melted. How could he not? He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled.
“And what do you have in mind for after that?”
“Well, my bedroom is literally a metre from where we’re standing. And if I have a real man here before me, that’s where I’d want to take him to rock his world. And if I don’t, you’ll probably get a handjob when I’m through with you.” A devilish grin danced across her face.
Serena did not wait. As he began to nod, she drove her knee up straight into his testicles. Hard. It knocked the wind out of him immediately, and he stumbled back a step, letting go of her waist. She smiled. “Only four more of those to go.”
She took his hands and smiled, raising her leg again, but this time for a kick. Her lower shin connected perfectly with his balls, and she laughed as he dropped to one knee with a grunt. She immediately snapped the same leg out again for another kick. After all, she’d still been holding his hands. How would he block?
This time he let out a yelp and he yanked his hands away from Serena and rolled onto his side, curling up. Serena let out a small sigh of disappointment. She tried to imagine her would be lover standing in the space in front of her, standing those few inches above her. But the illusion was broken when Stan let out another noise, this time a longer wheeze. “Three, Stan? I thought we’d agreed on five.”
He spluttered a bit, managing to form the word “safeword” through further wheezing.
She spread her legs and stood over him. Her legs seeming infinite from Stan's new vantage point. “I didn’t give you a safeword, Stan.”
She turned around and dropped to her knees on top of him, rolling him onto his back as she sat down. His knees came up in her face as he tried fruitlessly to shield himself from her. She pressed his legs apart and onto the ground and quickly slapped his sore groin, his thin pants doing little to protect him.
He pawed helplessly at her back, desperately trying to convince her that he’d had enough. She twisted around to the right, lifted her right ankle and slipped his right ankle underneath, trapping his right arm. She quickly did the same for his left. “Stop annoying me.”
“Please stop,” he wheezed, only to be met from a quick, sharp laugh from Serena.
“No, I don’t really feel like that.” She brought her hand down on his groin again, leading him to let out another, softer whimper. “You know which musical instrument I like playing most? Bongo drums!” She started rhythmically striking his aching testicles with her open hands.
“Cabbage…?” he whimpered helplessly.
“No, that was the safe word for last week when you were in control.” She continued the rhythmical slaps to his groin, each sending wave after wave after wave of intense pain through Stan’s body. “And now it’s time for a little…” she paused speech while continuing the slapping as if she were waiting for Stan to complete the sentence. “Drum solo!” she yelled and doubled the tempo to at least four per second for the next second.
Stan let out a long, faintly whispered “Pleaaaaase.” Beyond this, Stan was completely speechless. Any ability he had to speak had completely left him at this point.
Serena paused and got back up and stood over him. He could not move.
“You having fun?”
She kicked his legs apart and hovered her knee over Stan’s weak spot. He shook his head faintly.
Serena dropped onto her knee, but hit the carpet with a loud thud between Stan’s legs. Stan winced, and Serena laughed uproariously. “You should have seen the look on your face!” She pointed and laughed again. She stood back up. “You can go if you want to, though.” She gestured to the door. Stan could barely move his head far enough to glance at it. She stepped forward over him and lifted her shin over him, running parallel to his torso. She dropped relaxed her knee, and her lower ankle connected with his balls again. He let out a quick gasp.
“I guess that means you’re staying, then?” Before he could respond, paralysis still gripping him completely, she span around and dropped back onto his stomach, and quickly slipped his wrists under her ankles.
“Drum solo!” she shouted again as she started whacking him in the groin over and over and over again. This time, he barely managed to keep count, in the hopes that it would somehow stop him from being completely destroyed by the pain. 5. 10. 20. 50, maybe? Somewhere around 100 or so he began to sob. He couldn’t control it anymore. He was broken. As soon as she heard it, she looked around. She stopped completely. She closed her eyes as a shiver went up her spine. She spasmed slightly forward from a second shiver and drew a long, deep, slow breath.
She slipped her hand into his pocket and found the condom he’d brought along. She shimmied the broken man’s pants down far enough to let slip out the rock hard erection he’d somehow maintained. With both hands, she slid the condom down onto him and then wrapped one hand around his erection as she slipped her other hand between her legs.
She began to move around on him as she tried to coordinate the handjob and touching herself. Stan came quite quickly. She immediately moved her second hand to join her first conducting her own pleasure. “Who’s in control here?” she asked.
Stan let out a slow gasping “Yoouuuuu” between sobs. It was all he could manage.
Serena threw her left hand forward and rocked forward onto it. She scrunched up the carpet in her fist as she came, and rolled off onto the carpet next to him. She let out a huge breath of relaxation as he continued to sob intermittently.
“That was amazing,” she whispered to herself, barely audible over Stan’s sobbing. “I’m glad I’m so amazing in bed.”

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While I'm still working on the next chapter of my main work, I thought I'd share an old story I wrote in 2017.



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