"Fuck no".

"Woah, what?"

"I know what you're asking.  And no, I'm not going to have sex with you.  I know how it goes, you groomsmen get all horny with some strippers, but you don't get off and then you get so drunk that you forget to masturbate and then you have to rush yourselves out of bed at the crack of noon to make it to the wedding.  And once there, you spend all day ogling my cleavage and think that because I'm a bridesmaid, that means that I'll get all weepy thinking about a wedding and let you into my bed.  Well, I'm not that kind of girl, and I don't do that.  This is not my first wedding and I'm not your sucker.  Just because I was your escort in the wedding party doesn't mean that I'm gonna wind up in your hotel room."

We were about four drinks into the evening, but still, that was awful frank.  She was right about me being horny and about me staring into her cleavage.  It was lush and I just wanted to dive right in.  Plus she had lovely pale skin with dark curly hair and ruby red lipstick.  She looked like a fifties pin-up girl come to life.  "I didn't ask all that."

"No, but you were going to."

"I might have, but I might not have.  Clearly, I won't bother asking now.  But just because we're not going to have sex doesn't mean that we can't have a fun evening.  I look handsome and you look great in that dress.  You must at least think I'm cute, otherwise why hang out with me this long?"

"Yeah, you're cute, but so what?"

"So, we can have a little fun together.  It doesn't have to be sex."

She raised her eyebrow at me.  "You want to know what my idea of fun is?"


"My idea of fun is tying a horny guy to the bed and beating his balls black and blue while I jill myself off.  That's my idea of fun."

"Are you serious?"


I should probably have stopped and thought about what I was saying, but I didn't.  I could blame influence of the alcohol or the cleavage or both together, but whatever the cause, the words just tumbled out of my mouth without me considering what I was saying.  "Then, I'm game."

"Are -you- serious?"

"Yeah."  I said quietly, suddenly feeling uncertain.

"You understand that I'm not kidding around here.  I will beat your balls until you beg for mercy."

"Ball-busting is my biggest fetish."

"Well, what are we waiting for then?  Let's go back to my room."  She stood up from the table, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out of the ballroom and headed for the stairs.  Soon we were at her door and then inside her room.  As soon as the door shut, she spoke up.  "All right," she said, "Pull them out."

"What?"  I was completely unprepared for her request.

"Get out your balls so I can bust them."

"Oh, uh, yeah," I said, felling suddenly awkward.  I unzipped my fly and reached in, pulling my balls through the fly of my boxers and my tuxedo slacks.  It felt very awkward having them just flapping in the wind.

"Nice and loose, okay.  Now, a little test to see if you're serious."  She leaned in and cupped my balls in her hand.  "Put your hands on your head," she instructed and I complied.  "Now, I'm going to squeeze the crap out of your balls.  If you can keep your hands on your head until I stop squeezing, you can stay."

"Okay."  I clasped my fingers together on top of my head and girded myself as much as I could.  Suddenly, she tightened her fingers around my balls and began squeezing forcefully.  At first, although painful, it wasn't too bad, but then as she gripped tighter and tighter, I started to tremble.  Soon, I was gritting my teeth and my instinct was to reach down and stop her.  But I knew I wanted to keep going, so I tensed my fingers together, each hand trying to keep the other one in place so that I could keep my hands on my head.  The pressure got more intense and I could feel my guts starting to wrench.  I wound up clenching even my neck muscles.  And one of my finger muscles started to cramp up from all the tension.  Suddenly, it was over and she let go.  The pain in my balls dissipated, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.  Then I started to worry that maybe if this was just the warm up that I might be getting myself in way over my head.  Still, the squeezing, as hard as it was to take, had left me rock hard.

"Very good.  Now keep your hands on your head for a bit more while I check if this really is your biggest turn-on."  With that, she reached in through my fly and grabbed my dick.  "Oh, yes, you are hard indeed."  She unexpectedly pulled my erection out through my fly, bending and twisting it in the process to get it out.  I winced, but didn't complain.  "If we're going to play together, I think you'd better have a safeword, so your safeword is 'safeword'.  Think you can remember that?"

"Yes, ma'am," I answered.

"Good answer," she replied.  "Now, let's see.  I feel kind of odd topping you while wearing this blue bridesmaid dress.  Aside from the lovely cleavage it shows, it doesn't really flatter my figure at all.  I would never have chosen to wear something with an empire waist on my own.  My underwear is much sexier, but if I'm going to show that to you, I think you'd better earn it, don't you?"

I nodded in agreement.  "Certainly, ma'am."

"I think that you should earn it in terms of kicks to the balls.  How hard a kick can you take?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, have you been kicked really hard before?"

"I've never been kicked before."

"Really?  But you said that ball-busting is your biggest turn-on!  Heck, I just checked it and it's true.  You've never been busted before?"

"It's really only been self-busting until now.  My girlfriends didn't want to get involved.  They said it was weird."

"Well, some people don't know good dirty fun when they see it.  So, I was going to say that it'll cost you five kicks, but since this is your first one, I think instead I'll say that it'll cost you one really hard one.  That way I'll be sure that you'll never forget your first one."

"Um, okay."  I hoped that I would survive it.

"Okay, legs apart and keep those hands up there."  She kicked her shoes off and then started taking aim, flexing her right leg.

I was just starting to really feel nervous about this when she reared back and rocketed her foot right into my crotch, the top of her stocking-clad foot smashed right into my balls, smacking them forcefully and crushing them for a moment back against the teeth of my zipper.  My world became pain and I collapsed onto the floor, balls throbbing in agony.  My hands were cradling my aching balls as I lay in the fetal position.  I had managed not to scream or cry out and instead was moaning softly.

"Yup, got you good that time!" she said with a chuckle.  As I lay on the hotel room carpet clutching my groin, she walked in a slow circle around me, enjoying seeing me lying there.  After about a minute, she nudged me with her foot.  "Look up," she said.  I looked up at her and she smiled down on me.  "Time for your reward," she said and she turned around and slowly unzipped the zipper on the back of her dress.  As the gap appeared at the back, I could see the thick back of a black bustier rather than the band of a bra.  And as she turned back around, she suddenly dropped her dress completely, letting it pile around her feet.

I gazed up at her, taking her in as best I could from such a low angle.  She had looked great in the dress, but she was right: she looked even better without it.  She was wearing traditional black stockings on her long, lovely legs.  The stockings were hitched to the bottom of her bustier.  In between a pair of black satin panties kept her private parts hidden from my eager eyes.  But I could see her wide round hips and her narrow waist.  She was right that the dress hadn't really shown off how nice her figure was.  From my position on the floor, the only thing I couldn't see was her cleavage, but I could see the underside of the cups of her bustier which were protruding significantly.

Seeing me looking, she asked "do you like my bustier?"

"Yes, you look very sexy in it."

"Thank you.  It was really hard to find a comfortable one in my size.  I could kill the bride for choosing strapless gowns.  But anyway, do you like the color coordinated underwear?  I didn't think I'd be showing it off tonight, but I wore it just in case."

"You look amazing."

"I bet you'd like it even more if I took some it off, though?"

"That would be very sexy."

"Well, let's play a game.  You guess how many different stores I had to go to find a bustier which fit, and we'll take the difference between your answer and the correct one.  Then I'll give you that many knees to the balls.  If you can stay standing for that many knees, I'll take the bustier off.  Sound good?"


"Okay, well, get up then.  You can't lay on my carpet all day."

I struggled to my feet.  Once I was up, I could get a good look at her cleavage again.  It had looked big before, but without the dress, it was obvious that her tits were just huge.  She caught me staring again.  "Don't get a chance to see tits like these every day, huh?" she asked.

"No, ma'am.  Your cleavage is lovely."

"So, what's your guess?"

It took me a moment to recall what she was talking about.  Giving one more look to the bustier, how big her breasts were and how narrow her rib cage, I figured that it must have taken several stores.

"I guess I'll say three."

"Nope.  But not an insulting guess or anything.  Time to take your knees."

"How many?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be able to count them.  I'd prefer that it be a surprise."

I stood, legs apart, waiting for her strike.  She moved in close to me.  She was several inches shorter than I am and as she moved in, bringing her chest tantalizingly close to mine, she looked up into my eyes.  Her green eyes sparkled as she put her hands around the back of my neck, as if she was going to pull me in for a kiss and I could feel the sexual tension rising when suddenly I felt her knee smash my testicles into my groin with enormous force.  I staggered, almost collapsing right there.  I hadn't seen the blow coming at all and I was literally seeing stars from the rush of the pain.  I staggered out of her grasp, stepping sideways and bending at the waist, but did manage to stay on my feet.

She smiled at me, and placed her hand gently under my chin.  She lifted my chin up so that I was looking her in the eyes again.  Then she placed her other hand on the side of my chest and guided me back to an upright position.  She stepped in closer towards me and this time I looked down just in time to see her shapely, stocking-clad thigh rising quickly as her knee plunged into my groin once more.  That one wasn't quite as painful, but it was still enough to make me grunt and bend forward.  She backed a way a step or so to keep me from bending right into her cleavage.  I hoped that I was only off by two and that I would be done and get to see her fantastic titties.

She seemed to confirm my hopes when she reached out and said, "You're doing a very good job," and reached her hands out towards my waist, as if she was going to give me a hug.  Once she got her hands around me, she suddenly pulled me towards her, at the same time swinging her knee up hard, right into my crotch.  She got me really hard, right on the left nut.  I could feel it smash hard against my pubic bone and I was engulfed in pain.  My legs collapsed from under me and before I knew it, I was on the ground moaning in agony.

As I lay there moaning, she looked down at me, grinning.  After I recovered enough to start to look around again and I looked at her, she said to me, "Six.  It was six.  So that was your last knee.  If only you'd stayed up, then I'd be taking off this bustier and showing you my naked boobies right now."  To emphasize the point, she cupped them with her hands and gave them a little squeeze.  "But, oh well, I guess it's just cleavage for you for now."

I continued to lie on the floor, clutching my balls.  As she looked down at me, she said, "You know, I think you have too many clothes on."  She bent down (showing some lovely cleavage) and took ahold of one of my feet.  She removed my shoe and then my sock, casting them aside.  Then she picked up my other foot and repeated the process.  Next she took ahold of the end of each of my pants' legs.  Lifting them up in the air, she gave them a little tug.  "Unbutton your pants," she commanded.  I complied and she pulled them off of me, leaving me in just my boxers, shirt, and cummerbund.  I was still in pain, but had stopped moaning at this point.

She knelt down between my legs and started pulling at my boxers, soon getting them down onto my legs.  Then, standing back up she pulled them all the way off.  Next she took ahold of my feet again, one in each hand, and I wondered what she was doing, until she stepped in closer and put her right foot on my crotch.  As I continued to clutch my pained left testicle in my hands, she began to stroke my penis with her stocking-clad foot.  When she started, I was not completely soft, but I wasn't very hard either.  Within just a few seconds, I had a raging hard-on again.  "Oh good," she said, "you are still interested."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, but without a lot of vigor to my words..

"Well then," she said, "time to move your hands."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, even less enthusiastically.  Slowly, I moved my hands away from my balls.

Once they were safely out of the way, she began to stomp down hard on my balls.  After the first stomp, I jerked in pain, but managed to keep my hands in place.  When the second one came, I tried to close my legs up, but she held them firmly open as her foot came down hard on my balls.  The third stomp made my body spasm and my legs turn to jelly.  And the fourth stomp took all of my breath away, my whole body being overwhelmed by the pain in my balls.  And after the fifth stomp made me feel like my testicle was bursting, I couldn't take it any more and covered my balls with my hands as I began to whimper a little, softly.

"Move you hands," she commanded.  I looked up at her sexy figure with fear in my eyes.  "One more," she said.  "Move your hands."  Slowly I moved my hands away from my balls and lightning fast, her foot came down on them with a smack so hard that my ball pain overwhelmed my whole system.  My body pulled suddenly and involuntarily into the fetal position, wrenching my legs out of her hands and curling me up.  I don't know how long I laid there whimpering but it must have been for at least several minutes.

When I came to my senses, she was sitting on the bed with her hands in her panties, playing with herself.  I looked up at her doing it, amazed, and she just smiled back at me.  After a moment or two, she said, "I think that those hands of yours are getting in the way of my fun.  It seems like it's time for the tying up portion of the evening."

I swallowed hard.

She saw my nervousness.  "Don't worry.  I promise that if you use your safeword, I'll untie you.  I like to be rough with my boys, but only when they want it. I'll push your limits, but I won't break anything.  I promise.  And, after I've got you tied up, I'll take off my bustier."  She gave her cleavage a little extra with her arms to emphasize the point.

Well, my limits were pretty well pushed already, but still, I found it hard to say no, so I found myself saying "Yes, ma'am."

She came over and took me by the hand and led me to the bed.  "Okay, first, you need to take off your shirt."  I removed my bow tie and then my shirt and cummerbund leaving me stark naked.  She pulled the bed clothes back and said, "Lie down on your back.  I'm going to handcuff you."  As I lay down on the bed, she went over to her suitcase and came back with a pair of black-fur-lined handcuffs and a long piece of string of some sort.  She climbed onto the bed and straddled my waist trapping my hard cock under her.  "Give me your hands."  I did as commanded, and she snapped them onto one of my wrists and then the other, locking them with a satisfying click each time.  They were tight enough that I couldn't escape, but not uncomfortably tight.

"Are they too tight?" she asked.

"No, they're okay," I replied.

"Now, don't be macho.  If there's any chance that your circulation in your hands is being cut off, I want to know."

"No, it's definitely fine," I replied.

"Good."  She scooted forwards a little bit and leaned down with the string, basically shoving her cleavage in my face.  As you can imagine, I did not complain.  The hotel had one of those big padded headboards, so she had to reach way down under somewhere to find something to loop the string around.  She wound up smothering me with her cleavage for a couple of seconds to reach the bottom, much to my delight, but she managed to find something and came back up holding both ends of the piece of string.  She threaded one end through a link in the handcuff chain and then tied the two ends together, tightening it down so that my hands were right by the headboard.  After tying them, she pulled the string in a circle some so that the knot moved down under the edge of the mattress where she was sure I couldn't get to it.  "There, all secure, I think.  You're too high up on the bed, though."  My head was very near the headboard and my elbows were each at about a 90 degree angle.  Climbing off the bed, she grabbed me by my feet and pulled me down some.  I slid easily on the linen sheets.  Now my feet were dangling significantly off the end of the bed and my arms were stretched out above my head.  I felt significantly more helpless than I had.

"Okay," she continued still standing by the bed, "That should be good.  Now, I promised that I would take my bustier off after I got you all tied up, but I didn't say right after.  So I think that I should make you earn it, plus, I can figure out whether or not your hands are well secured.  So, let's see what'll work well."  After a brief look around, she continued, "Aha, that'll do nicely."

She picked up one of her shoes, a black high-heel, and climbed onto the bed.  Sitting next to me, she circled one of her hands around my scrotum, holding my balls tight and making them bulge clearly out.  And then with the other hand, she held the shoe by the heel end and hit my balls hard with the flat of her shoe.  The pain was more of a mix, some of it just being a very strong smack right on the scrotum itself and the other part was the continuing assault on my already sore testicles, but from the very first smack, I was jerking and writhing from the pain.  She kept hitting them over and over with a steady rhythm.  By the third or fourth hit my hands were involuntarily trying to pull down to cover my balls.  By the fifth hit, my legs were pulling together, but to no avail as she wasn't releasing her grip on my balls.  By the sixth hit, I couldn't take it any more and started thrashing my legs about, my balls burning in unbearable agony.  She gave me one last really hard thwack with the shoe and then let my balls go.  I continued to writhe in pain.

"Well," she said, "I think I'd better tie your legs off, too."  She fetched my pants and shirt from off the floor.  Then she forcefully grabbed my right ankle, pulling it towards the corner of the bed and used my pants to tie it to the leg of the bed.  Then she grabbed my left ankle and used my shirt to tie it to the other leg. "Now don't pull too hard," she warned.  "You wouldn't want to ruin your clothes."

She picked the shoe up again and climbed up onto me.  She straddled my stomach facing towards my crotch.  Again she grabbed my balls with one hand, squeezing them around the base.  I knew what was coming, but I still wasn't prepared for the pain when her shoe impacted my balls.  My balls were still tender very from the previous hits and when the shoe hit, I jerked in response.  The next hit followed soon afterwards and I couldn't help myself, I pulled at the cuffs with my hands and my legs tried to come together to protect myself, but it was no use, I was trussed up well and she had no problem landing the next blow on my unprotected balls.  That hit set me to fresh thrashing, but I still couldn't get anywhere.  The next hit caused me to start making noises.  I don't know quite how to describe the noises, but they were sort of staccato, like short breaths, but pained.  She turned around a gave me a quick "shush".  I tried my best to quiet myself, but when that next hit came, my jerking and noises resumed. 

"Okay," she said, smiling, "I guess I'd better take a little break from that.  I don't want hotel security getting called."  She climbed off of me and then knelt on the bed facing towards me.  "Still, you did good.  I guess I got you pretty well, huh?"

I nodded.

"Well, here's your promised reward."  The bustier she was wearing had a zipper down the front, and she slowly unzipped it.  I watched eagerly as more and more of her cleavage became visible.  Once it was completely unzipped, she unclipped the garters and then cast her bustier aside, revealing her naked breasts.  They were terrific, big and not much sag for their size.  They stood out from her chest, coming to very appealing points with her big, puffy brown nipples.  My cock, which had lost some of its stiffness when I was in the worst pain, was back to full strength and twitching as I imagined myself fondling and sucking on her breasts.  Unfortunately, my hands were still cuffed above me.

Perhaps to emphasize the point, she started to caress her breasts, cupping them in her hands and then playing with her nipples.  "What do you think?" she asked.

"They're magnificent."

She smiled.  "Were they worth the pain?"


She reached down and began to slowly stroke my hard cock.  I was so hard that I felt like I would burst.  She continued to stroke and I could feel an orgasm starting to build.  That's when she stopped stroking and punched me in the balls, hard.  I gasped in pain.

"We're not done yet."  She punched me hard again, scoring a direct hit with her fist landing evenly across both balls.  I bucked from the pain and she smiled.  "I got you pretty good that time, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied.  She gave me another hard punch.  This one got just my left nut, smashing it against my hard cock.  It was so painful, I tried to curl up in a ball, but I just wound up pulling against my bonds.

She giggled, "Be careful.  You don't want to rip your clothes."

Next she went back to stroking my cock.  Just as I started to feel like I was approaching orgasm, she stopped and punched me hard in my right nut this time.  Again, I writhed in pain.  And she began to stroke my cock again.  And once more, when I felt like I was getting somewhere, she stopped and punched my left nut really hard.  She continued like this, stroking and then punching one nut at a time, alternating right and left for about 20 minutes.  By the end of it, my nuts were ever so sore, and I started to beg to be allowed to cum.

"Please," I said, "I need to cum so bad."

"Well," she said, "maybe I can squeeze it out of you."  She sat up and straddled my legs.  The feeling of her stocking against my body as she straddled me was soft and silky and I quivered in delight.  Then she took one ball in each hand, causing her arms to squeeze her breasts together, which was great to watch.  And she began to squeeze my testicles.

It started out mild, but soon I was squirming from the pain.  Then she really turned the pressure up.  She tensed up in order to squeeze really hard.  It resulted in her pushing her chest out, and she just looked amazing, but I couldn't focus on her because the pain very quickly overwhelmed me.  "Uncle," I said, but she didn't stop.  She continued to squeeze harder and harder.  "Please!" I begged.  Still she squeezed.  When she finally let go, my cock was soft and my balls continued to throb in pain after she released them.

"Well," she said, "No luck that time.  I thought that for a moment there, you were going to use your safeword."

In truth, in all the pain, I had forgotten that I had a safeword, but I didn't want to admit that to her.  "That was pretty rough," I admitted.

"Well," she said, "maybe you'll like this better."  She leaned forward onto her hands and knees.  Her big breasts dangled under her, her nipples just resting on my stomach.  And then she began to crawl forward, brushing me with her nipples as she crawled up me.  Eventually, she got up to where her breasts were dangling against my face.  She began to shake them back and forth just a little.  "Would you like to suck my nipples?" she asked.

I nodded.  She brought her right nipple over near my lips.  I leaned my head forward to try to grasp it in my lips, but she pulled it just out of reach.  I strained at my bonds, trying to get my lips closer, but no luck.  I collapsed back into the bed.  Once I did, she swung her other nipple down near my lips.  "Maybe you'll have better luck with this one."  Again, as I reached up to suck it, she pulled it away.  This time she giggled a little as I strained.  After I gave up, she offered me the right one again and when I got close, pulled it away.

She continued like this for what felt like forever, but was probably just five minutes or so.  I found that being teased like that made me far more excited than I expected and my hard cock twitched eagerly, begging for attention.

Finally, much to my delight, she let me catch her left nipple in my lips.  I sucked on it eagerly and she leaned in, pressing the soft flesh of her breast against my face.  I felt like I was getting lost in the luxury of her soft and generous bosom, which is probably why I was completely unprepared when she kneed me in the balls.  Her knee smashed my balls hard and I gasped for air, turning my head sideways and releasing her nipple from my mouth.

Once I was done inhaling and had calmed just a little, she swung her other nipple into my open mouth, and despite the pain in my balls, I found myself instinctively sucking on it.  I got just a few moments of happy suckling before she kneed me again.  Once more, I could not hold on, and I let her nipple go.  My balls were wracked with pain, but as I watched her gently shaking her breasts just out of reach, I knew I could go on.

I reached up for a nipple again, and she teased me for a moment with her right breast, and then she lowered the nipple close enough that I could reach it.  When I sucked it into my mouth, she didn't just lean in, she pressed it forcefully against my face, as if she were trying to smother me with it.  When the inevitable knee smashed against my poor, tender balls, I tried to turn my head away, but she kept the pressure on and wouldn't let me.  When her knee smashed them yet again, I howled in pain but my cries where muffled by her breast.  But when she struck them hard and fast with the knee one more time, it was too much for my tender balls and despite my restraints, I bucked forcefully with the pain and wound up bucking her entirely off me.  She landed on her side on the bed beside me.  No longer smothered by her magnificent tit, I gasped for air.  She giggled beside me.

"I guess I got you pretty good, huh?  I've never had a guy do that before."

My only reply was a soft moan.  Still, wracked with pain though I was, that was the sexiest thing which had ever happened to me, and my cock was ramrod straight and pulsing.

She looked at my cock with an appraising eye.  "Well," she said, "you've been a really good victim.  I don't usually do this, but I think I'm going to go back on what I originally said.  I will have sex with you, if you'd like.  Would you like to put you cock into me?"

For that, I had no problem finding words, "Oh, fuck yes!" I replied immediately.

"Okay, do you have a condom?"

"Yeah, there's one in my wallet."

When she got off the bed, she took a moment to remove her stockings which were starting to slip a little now that they weren't attached any more.  I watched eagerly as she revealed the smooth skin of her legs.  Then, after a little looking around, she found my wallet on the floor where it had slipped out of the pants when she'd picked them up.  She easily found the condom.  Climbing back on the bed, she tore the wrapper off the condom with the intention of then putting it on me and discovered that the latex had fused together turn it into an unusable mess.

"Um, how old is this condom?" she asked.

"A year or so, I guess," I answered, sheepishly.

"This isn't going to work.  Do you have another?"

"No," I admitted.  "Sorry."

"Well, no orgasm for you, then.  Maybe that'll teach you to store your condoms properly and not sit on them for a year."  She sounded a little annoyed.  "But I still need to get off."  She climbed back off the bed and went searching through her bag.  After a moment, she came back with a dildo.  She slowly stripped her panties off.  She had a small amount of well-trimmed public hair and a pink snatch that I wanted to fuck so bad.

She climbed up on top of me, settling in so that initially her pussy lips rested on the shaft of my twitching hard cock.  She rubbed on it just a little, leaving me trembling, and then she leaned back and inserted the dildo.  Slowly, she worked it in and out.  I was so turned on watching her as she slowly did herself with the dildo.

"Tell me how much you want to fuck me right now," she said quietly, in between strokes.

"Oh, God.  I want to fuck you so badly.  You are so hot!"

"Beg me to fuck you."

"Please, please, let me fuck you.  I need to put my hard cock deep inside you.  Please!"

"Nope," she said quietly, smiling, and with that I could see her starting to come.  As the orgasm came over her, she thrashed violently, shaking and losing control of her muscles.  I loved seeing her so overcome and also watching her big tits as they shook.  I had been so hard for so long, I could feel the muscles in my groin starting to hint to me that they'd be developing cramps soon.

After she came down from her orgasm, she said, "Okay, time to take a break and get ready for bed.  No touching me or masturbating while you're untied."

Then she untied my legs and released me from the handcuffs.  She also leaned over me to untie the handcuffs from the bed and then put them on the nightstand as she got up.  She found her toiletries and headed into the bathroom.  She closed the door and then I could hear her peeing.  It made me realized how badly I needed to pee, but my cock was still hard and pointing up.  Once she had flushed the toilet and washed her hands, she opened the door.

"Do you need to pee, too?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know how I can manage to point my cock at the toilet."

"It's okay, just pee in the shower."

She went and started the shower for me.  Hearing the water running made me feel the need even more acutely.  Once it was warm, I got in.  I had to sort of stand at the back and relax as much as I could, and then suddenly, I could feel the urine flowing through my still hard cock.  I had never peed with a rock-solid hard-on that I could recall, so the experience of seeing and feeling the urine squirting up like that was new to me.  By the end of it, I was not quite as hard.  My cock was starting to dip just a little, but then, as I got out, I could see that she was still topless and was brushing her teeth vigorously.  And as she did, her nipples shook slightly back and forth and soon my cock was straight up again.

The hotel had provided a complementary toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss in each bathroom for travelers who might have forgotten theirs.  She handed the one from her room to me, and I brushed my teeth, too.  I'd never brushed my teeth naked with a hard-on before and I found that my cock waggled back and forth much more vigorously than her breasts had.  She gave it an admiring stare, and it started twitching in response.  When we finished up with the flossing, she grabbed me by the balls and pulled me back over to the bed.

Letting go, she said, "Okay, lie down on your side.  Face me."  I did as I was commanded, lying on my right side with my head resting on a pillow, and she picked up the handcuffs from the nightstand.  "Okay, now put your hands behind your back."  It was a little bit of an awkward thing to do while on my side, but I did it.  She climbed over me and affixed the handcuffs.  "Is this too tight?" she asked again.

"No, it's fine," I answered, truthfully.

"Okay, let's spoon," she said.  She climbed behind me and I couldn't see what she was doing, but soon could feel that she was lying down behind me.  My fingers suddenly felt something hairy and I realized that they were touching her pubic hair.  I pulled them back, suddenly, feeling like I had accidentally touched her somewhere I hadn't been allowed to, especially since I'd hardly been allowed to touch her at all.  "No," she said, "It's okay.  I want you to touch me.  If you do a really exceptionally good job at it, I might even rescind your punishment and let you come tonight, but it would really have to be exceptional."

I let me fingers relax and find her public mound again and I began to let them explore.  I felt her breasts pressing against my back as she leaned against me.  A moment later, her hand grabbed my cock.  She gave it a slow stroke, and I let out a soft moan.  She played with my cock very, very gently and slowly.  My fingers found her pussy lips and gently parted them.  She felt so very moist, even that far from her vagina and I began to probe for her clitoris.  When I found it, I massaged it in slow, soft motions, gradually trying to apply some force without being rough.  Meanwhile, her soft strokes to my cock were pushing me closer and closer to the edge and soon I started breathing heavy.  Just as I was nearing the point of no return, she let my cock go, leaving it bobbing in the air.

I grunted in frustration and she giggled softly.  Then, after letting it bob there for a moment she grabbed my testicles.  After fiddling with them for a moment to get her grip just right, she began to squeeze them against each other.  I gasped in pain.  Even though the idea of her squeezing my balls was a huge turn-on, the reality of it was painful enough to take the edge off of my arousal.  I could feel my cock just starting to soften a bit when she released my balls and instead began to lightly stroke the skin of my cock with her fingertips.

She whispered to me, "you should start again," and I realized that when she had squeezed my balls, I'd stopped moving, and I hadn't gone back to massaging her clitoris.  So, I began stroking it again, this time trying to press a little more firmly while still being gentle.  And it worked, I could feel her starting to breathe more shallowly.  The sound of her getting more turned on turned me on, too, and even with the extremely light physical stimulation, I could feel myself heading back in the direction of an orgasm again, even if it was still a ways off.  As her breathing started to get more ragged, though, she stopped stroking my cock and instead grabbed my balls once more.

This time, she kneaded them roughly in her hand.  This felt amazing, at times quite pleasurable, but at others, suddenly painful, but mostly it hovered in the uncomfortable range.  It was very sexy having her abuse my balls in this more gentle way.  I managed to keep my composure enough that I continued to massage her clit and after a couple of minutes, she started to cum.  When she did, her hand clamped down on my balls in a tight squeeze.  I gasped in response, but kept rubbing.

When the aftershocks of her orgasm finished, she released my balls.  "That was great," she purred, and she took hold of my cock.  She grasped it more firmly and started jacking her hand up and down my shaft.  She was perhaps a little too rough with it given the lack of lubrication, but I didn't care, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to cumin.  Just as I was about to get there, she stopped, letting my cock bob free again.  "But not extraordinary," she said.  "You'l have to wait until morning.  But, you can have a reward.  Let's roll you over."

She helped me roll over which was a little painful for the part where the handcuffs were under me.  And then she helped me scoot over so that I was roughly where I started, but now facing towards her.  She was lying on her side and her breasts were atop one another, creating a very appealing cleavage.  She scooted up a little (which was great to watch, too), grabbed me by the head, and pulled my face into her cleavage.  "Good boy," she said.

I nuzzled against her big soft tits.  I couldn't see anything at that point, but I could feel the soft flesh of her tits against my face and that was enough to keep my cock rock hard.  After some time, perhaps a couple of minutes, she said, "Okay, that's good.  Time for bed."

She climbed out of bed for a moment to get the end of the sheet and pull it back up.  She pulled it about halfway over me and then got back in bed.  She lay on her side facing me and pulled the covers up to about her waist.  Her chest was still completely exposed, and I was having trouble not just staring at her tits.  She moved towards me just a bit and pulled the covers further up me.

"Is that good?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's fine," I replied.  Honestly, I was still feeling so hot that I wasn't sure I even needed covers.

"I couldn't help but notice what a nice shade of purple your cock is at this point.  Is blue-balls setting in?"

I hadn't stopped to notice it, but it was.  I could feel the ache in my balls just beginning.

"Just a little," I answered.

"Oh, just a little?  Then I guess I'd better play with you some more."  She reached over and gave me a couple of strokes and then let go again.  "Are you balls feeling heavy?"

"Very heavy," I answered.  She reached over and gave me a couple more strokes.  My cock twitched and pulsed every time she touched it, but I was still very far away from cumming.

"I hear it gets very painful."

"It can."

"I like it when you're in pain, you know.  It turns me on ever so much."  She gave my cock a couple more strokes and then cupped my balls in her hand.  "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Oh, please, yes!" I said, sounding as desperate as I was feeling.

"Too bad.  You had your chance.  And, you know, I really was serious.  I wasn't joking around with you.  I really would have let you slide your hard cock into my pussy and work it in and out of me until you ejaculated.  But my pussy is off limits to you now."  She gave my cock a couple more strokes.  I was starting to leak pre-cum.  "Would you like to put it in my butt?"

I'd never even considered that and my eyes widened.  "That would be great!"

"You'd really like to put your cock in my ass?"

"Oh, yes!"

"That's too bad because I'm definitely not into that at all," she said smiling, as my hopes deflated.  "Would you like me to suck on your cock?"

I knew this time that she was probably just teasing me and was going to tell me that she wasn't going to do it, but I still couldn't help myself.  "Oh, please," I said.  "That would be amazing."

Much to my surprise, she got up on all fours and repositioned herself.  Slowly, she lowered her head down to where my cock was.  She gave it a little lick as it pulsed in response, and then she took it into her mouth.  Suddenly, she gave it a strong suck right on the head and I felt a wave of pleasure.  And then, a couple of seconds later, she stopped.  I groaned.  "Please," I begged.

She lowered her mouth over my cock again and used her tongue to swirl around the head of my cock bringing me right to the edge of orgasm, and then she pulled away and lay back down in the position she had been before.  My hard cock twitched in the open air.  I groaned again.

"Okay," she said.  "Enough with the groaning.  Would you like me to stroke your hard cock until you ejaculate in big hot spurts?"

"Oh, yes, please!"

"Okay, I'll do it."


"Yep.  I'm gonna squeeze it and stroke it with my hand, working you're desperate to cum and then letting you explode in pleasure.  I promise that I will definitely do that to you," she paused for effect, "in the morning.  I will give you an amazing hand-job in the morning. Have a good night."  She reached over and turned the lights off.  "Oh, and if you wake me up by humping the bed, I will be so pissed that you don't even want to know what I will do to you, but I promise it would not be at all sexy for you.  Sweet dreams!"

I heard her moving around, but it wasn't until my eyes adjusted to the near-darkness of the room that I could see that she was lying on her side, facing me with the sheet pulled up only to her waist.  I was on my side facing her, unable to do very much movement at all.  I could still see the curve of her body, and the shape of her tits lying on the covers.  Now that all of her physical attention was removed, my blue balls became sharper and more pronounced.  Initially, I had felt an ache, but now it was a sharp pain in both balls.

They felt tight and heavy and my cock felt full even though it was no longer hard.  I could feel cramping in the muscles at the base of my penis, and still I felt so, so horny.  With my hands cuffed behind me and having been specifically warned off humping the bed, I could not think of any way to relieve my growing frustration.  Well, that's not true.  I couldn't help but imagine humping her.  Not having sex, just rubbing my cock against her thighs or boobs until I came.  But I felt certain that that would merit an even worse punishment than humping the bed.

I tried to look away from her lovely figure, but my eyes were drawn back to it.  I tried to clear my mind and tell myself it was time for sleep, but every time I managed to clear my mind, visions of everything she'd just done to me came floating back in.  I could just see myself tied up helpless while she smacked my balls with her shoe or see her squeezing my balls while I had my hands on my head or see her smothering me with her breasts while she kneed my nuts until I couldn't take it any more.  This was all real and had just happened to me and knowing that made my ache all the worse.

I could see the clock from where I was, so I know that an hour later, I was still awake and still horny and still imagining what I would like to do to her.  But some time after that I managed to finally drift off.

When I awoke, the room was bright and there was a lovely naked girl holding onto my extremely tender balls.  It took me a moment to realize where I was and what had happened.  But quickly, I remembered everything that had gone on the night before between me and this lovely sadistic bridesmaid.

She gave my balls a little squeeze.  "Come on sleepy head!"  I moaned in pain.

"Please," I said.  "They're so tender from the blue balls."

"That little squeeze was too much for you?  Oh, this should be fun."  She smiled evilly and began using my balls to try to pull me up out of bed.

I gasped and the yelped and then followed her hand as quickly as I could.  My balls still felt heavy and now they were increasingly tender, too.  When we got into the bathroom, she turned the water on and then she suddenly slapped me in the balls.  That slap wouldn't have phased me the night before, but my balls were so blue that it floored me.  I collapsed with a moan.

"That is amazing," she said.  "I've never busted someone with blue balls that bad before.  If that little tap does that to you, I have to try a real kick."

"Oh, no, please," I pleaded.

She ignored my pleas and took me by the hand.  "One quick one while the water warms up.  And then, you can play with my tits while I give you a hand job," she said in a tone of voice which made clear how much she thought I would enjoy that, and I suspected that she was right.  She lead me back out to the carpeted part.  "Okay, spread you legs."

I didn't comply.

"Come on, now, one last kick."

Reluctantly, I made myself do it.  I slowly spread apart my feet and then my knees.  Looking down, I could see how purple my cock and balls still appeared.  I was starting to get nervous when without any further warning, she gave me another full force kick in the balls.  I can't really describe it except to say that it was the most painful thing I'd ever felt and that I don't really remember anything afterwards for the next several minutes.  When I was aware of my surroundings again, I was still lying on the carpet next to the bathroom and my balls still hurt like a motherfucker.  I could hear her showering inside.  I let out a low moan.

"Come join me, silly.  Don't just lie there moaning.  These tits aren't going to play with themselves.  And I'm not going to give you a handie if you stay out there.  I don't want to make a mess on the carpet, come make one in the shower where it's easy to clean."

Swayed by her arguments and the promise of finally getting to cum, I slowly lowered myself and my tender nuts off the floor.  I managed to stagger my way over towards the shower and find my way in.  I still hadn't straightened up all the way, so she greeted me with "Are you a hunchback now?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so," I replied.

"That's too bad," she said.  "With you hunched over like that, I don't have anyone to soap up my boobs."

"I bet I could handle that for you, ma'am," I said.  Still moving slowly, I reached down and found the soap and then approached her.

She turned her back to me and then raised her arms over her head.  "There you go," she said.  I understood what she wanted and started to soap her breasts from behind.  Her breasts were so big and soft and rubbing them with soap, having them slip between my fingers, that felt amazing.  My dick was already starting to stiffen up when she began rubbing her butt into my crotch area.  I worried for a moment that she would jostle my poor blue balls, but her butt mostly came in contact with my purple penis, which was soon hard and twitching, desperately wanting more attention.  She reached behind her back with her hand and began to tug on it.

I kept rubbing her boobs, especially playing with her nipples as she tugged on my cock.  Her hand had put some soap on my cock and this was serving as lube, but each tug on my cock was slow and forceful, only moving me just a little towards orgasm.  But over time, all those slow tugs started to build and I got closer and closer until I was teetering right on the brink of coming.  And with one more tug, she sent me over.  I came so forcefully that my first blast of spunk actually splattered across the top of her shoulder, but as she kept tugging, more and more nearly clear cum came out of me.  I had been so full inside that I just kept coming and coming.

When I finally exhausted my supply, she stopped jerking, and I could feel that my blue balls had finally been relieved.  I washed her back off and then we both finished washing ourselves in the shower.  When we got out of the shower, I saw the clock and realized that check out time was imminent and that I had to run if I was going to get my stuff out of my room before they locked it.  So I dressed quickly and arranged to meet her in the lobby after we checked out.

I got to my room, packed my suitcase as quickly as I could and went down to check out.  She was several people ahead of me in line, and once she was checked out, she came and talked to me in line.  We exchanged numbers and she gave me a hug.  With all the other people around, we didn't want to say anything explicit, but I promised her that if I were ever in her city, I would definitely come visit her.

She gave me a wink and then a peck on the cheek and she was gone.  I haven't seen her again yet, but that was only a couple of months ago.  I still get a huge boner every time I even think of her, so I'm sure I can invent a reason to be in her town some time soon.  I just hope my balls can take it.

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