A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen
“First,” Katy said through a piece of medical tape she was tearing from the roll with her teeth, “let’s get those fingers taken care of.” As gently as she could she held Billy’s hand by the wrist using her index finger to separate the damaged digits from the healthy ones while with her other hand she deftly taped his wounded fingers together. The boy mewled as she did and Katy’s heart went out to him. His head was turned to one side, almost leaning, like he could somehow pull away from the pain, though sadly for him, his scrunched eyes revealed he could not. “I would recommend going to the doctor to make sure your fingers are set properly,” Katy said as she placed his hand carefully on the chair next to him.
Billy issued a grumbling sigh as his eyebrows pinched together. When he finally spoke, his voice was hoarse and weak. “Okay. But what about?”
Katy watched as his eyes darted briefly toward his lap before staring off over her shoulder. Amazing, she thought. His broken knuckles seem almost irrelevant to him. He’s actually more concerned about his precious jewels. That can’t be good. She favored him with a comforting smile. “Your testicles?” She managed to keep her lips pressed together as his eyes dropped to the ground, but she couldn’t stop her smile from spreading just a tad wider. “I guess we’d better have a look.” As Billy’s gaze met hers for a split second, Katy could see the palpable fear shining in his gray-black eyes. Her smile dissolved into a frown of concern.
“You mean you have to look at them?” Billy asked, looking sicker than he already did.
Katy patted his knee. “I do,” she said softly, realizing his fear was not entirely due to the state of his reproductive organs. “Just close your eyes and try to think of something nice.” When Billy’s head dropped back against the wall, his eyelids coming together, Katy reached for his belt and began unbuckling it.
Though it pained him to move, Billy squirmed in his chair enough so that the nurse could get his pants down. As soon as he felt them slide around his ankles, he involuntarily covered his exposed bits. He did not have the strength to fight when Mrs. Callahan gently pulled his good hand aside. The shame of a grown woman seeing his privates hurt worse than his damaged knuckles but when she took his scrotum in her hands, the shame disappeared in a blaze of agony. It felt like lightning searing his body from the inside out. His mind went white. He may have cried out, but if he did, he couldn’t hear it since he was suddenly transported into another dimension.
At the sound of his yelp, Katy nearly dropped the poor guy’s nuts as her head jerked back. Without thinking, she redoubled her grip to ensure that she didn’t and that’s when Billy slumped forward, knocking them both to the floor. His head hit her chest with the force of a brick dropped from an overpass and all the air rushed from Katy’s lungs as she sprawled onto her back. A second burst of pain hit her as Billy’s body collapsed onto her, his head squashing her breasts like a mammogram. Quickly, she rolled over as Billy’s limp body fell onto its backside. Katy, panting as she pushed herself to her knees, gaped in alarm when she realized Billy was unconscious. She gathered his face in her hands and lightly rocked his head back and forth but he was out cold. Her heart began to race as panic threatened to overwhelm her.
It was only the sight of Billy’s horribly swollen scrotum that kept Katy from losing her wits. Somehow, the way it looked as if it was holding a single massive testicle, provided Katy with an anchor of calm and seemed to reinforce her duty as a nurse. She shuffled back on her knees and leaned over Billy’s groin. Since the boy was unconscious, she probed with more force than had he been awake. His sack was like a spongy mass and it felt completely wrong to Katy. Still, she didn’t panic. Instead, she quickly rose and went to her desk where she immediately dialed for an ambulance.
As she hung up the phone, Katy felt immense relief. Billy’s situation was beyond what she could handle and getting him to a hospital was the right decision. As she waited, Katy notified the principal and other administrators so they wouldn’t be alarmed when the ambulance rolled up, careful not to spill too much detail, the kind that might get a girl in trouble – namely Kelly – and then returned to Billy, pulling up his pants before placing an ice pack on his groin.
While the ambulance didn’t come blazing up to the school, sirens blaring, it was hard to miss for the kids sitting inside rooms with outward facing windows. Its arrival no doubt created a sense of curiosity and several teachers were probably quite unappreciative of the momentary disruption. Thanks to Katy’s alert, Mr. Johnson, the principal, was waiting outside ready to usher in the paramedics quickly and quietly, her heart lightened by the fact that the situation wasn’t life or death.
“In here,” Mrs. Johnson said to the lead EMT as she pushed open the door to Mrs. Callahan’s office. The paramedics slid the gurney past Mrs. Johnson into the room. Before leaving them, Mrs. Johnson craned her neck trying to see past the paramedics as well as Mrs. Callahan who was standing between the curious principal and the prone body on the floor. She couldn’t tell to whom the body belonged, but she could see that it wasn’t moving. Her pulse quickedened in alarm but then she caught the eye of Mrs. Callahan and her worry eased as the nurse’s mouth formed the words ‘It’s okay.’ She would just have to ask about it later, Mrs. Johnson thought, heading back to her own office.
“What happened?”
The paramedic inquiring was a clean shaven young man looking barely older than any of the students. But damn, thought Katy, was he easy on the eyes. Despite her greedy gaze, Katy answered without missing a beat.
“He most likely has a broken knuckle or two along with severe testicular trauma.”
The hot EMT’s head jerked back as he grimaced involuntarily. He quickly collected himself, straightened his features, and dropped to a knee beside the unconscious young man. Stepping around them, the other paramedic dropped to her knee as well. Unlike her cringing partner, her eyes blazed with acute interest after hearing the nurse describe the testicular trauma as severe. As her partner picked up the ice pack, she quickly unzipped his pants. That’s when her jaw nearly hit the floor. She gaped at the ugly mess between the boy’s legs while her partner turned his head in horror.
“How long has he been out?” The female paramedic asked, looking up at Katy.
“About ten or fifteen minutes,” Katy said, glancing at the clock. “Y’all got here fast!”
“Hmmm. Okay. Well, we better get him out of here quickly,” she stated as her partner took hold of the boy’s feet. “Can you grab an arm?” She asked Katy. “I’ll take the other and we can lift him onto the cart.”
Once Billy was secured, the male paramedic wheeled him off to the ambulance. Katy watched him go, sighing as his tight butt disappeared from view.
“Not gonna lie,” the remaining EMT mused. “That looked pretty bad. I’ve never seen testicles looking so…so…mangled. We really do need to get him to the hospital fast.”
Despite her serious tone, Katy sensed the woman’s curiosity lurking behind those serious eyes. Though clearly time was of the essence, Katy figured she still had just enough of it to enlighten the girl. As she grabbed some notes she’d scribbled along with Billy’s contact information, she explained. “Apparently his girlfriend came up behind him and kicked him in the groin. Then, while he was on the ground, she stomped on it. He was covering himself at the time, which explains the broken knuckles. I guess she stomped him again when he yanked his hands away.” Katy couldn’t help but grin when a twinkle appeared in the paramedic’s baby blue eyes.
“Damn,” was all the she could say as she took the papers from Katy, shaking her head in wonder.
As the female paramedic strode out of her office, Katy burst into a fit of laughter. Though Billy’s situation was not funny – far from it – and while she hoped desperately that he would be okay, there was something hilarious to her about how awkward and uncomfortable the drive to the hospital would be for that good-looking EMT. Oh to be a fly on the ambulance window and hear the conversation between those two! Katy got the impression the female wouldn’t be shy about noting to her male partner that their quarry’s testicles were in such a state because they’d been smashed by a high school girl.
By the time the ambulance pulled away, the name Kelly Morton was already legendary. Whispers sprang up like brushfires throughout the classrooms as girls buzzed with electricity, some excited, some shocked and many left awed in wonder. Kelly Morton put a boy in the hospital. She literally crushed his nuts like a nutcracker. And that’s how Miss Morton earned the nickname N.C. For Nut Cracker.
Ironically, Kelly never did anything like that ever again – at least not while she was still in high school – and yet, the boys rarely stood in her presence without a hand lingering at the ready just in case they needed to protect themselves. The knowledge of what she’d done was enough to scare the daylights out of them and keep them in line. Still, the idea that boys felt the need to be wary in her presence, and that they called her N.C., amused Kelly and she would, on occasion, take the opportunity to remind them of what she was capable of with little feints or verbal threats.
As if her self-confidence wasn’t boosted enough, another strange thing happened in the weeks following her ball-smashing adventure. Kelly went from a B cup to DDs. Although it was purely coincidental – one look at her mom and anyone could see she was predestined to have big boobs – it fired up an urban legend among the girls that if you kicked a boy in the balls, your boobs would get bigger. And while it was patently false, it didn’t stop some lesser endowed girls from trying. Even a few boys, overrun with hormonal desires, offered to take a kick in the pills in the hopes their girlfriends’ chests would inflate. It was a ridiculous notion, and no one felt the least pity when the only thing that blew up was their own damn balls, which swelled invariably after the girls’ feet or knees smashed them.
Speaking of swollen scrotums, for those wondering, Billy did require surgery and the doctors were able to save both his sex organs. However, after a long stay at the hospital, his parents filed for a transfer and he never again returned to the scene of his misadventure. And while Kelly Morton’s infamy lives on, Billy’s name has been forgotten and he’s now just the “boy N.C. sent to the hospital”.
You never forget a winner.
I am so glad you're back on it!
Glad you are back! Another great chapter, thanks man!
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