A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
By: SoleMann
When I got back to my house, I was sore and drained. The front of my pants had an obvious wet spot on them, and I could feel the cum running down to my crotch. I striped off my clothes and headed straight to the shower to clean myself off. The warm water of the shower felt good on my aching muscles.
I had planned on doing some work around the house this afternoon, but now that was the last thing on my mind to do. So after I got out of the shower, I opted to just through on a T-shirt and a pair of sweats over my underpants, and headed for the couch. I turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels. Cool, Independence Day is on. As I tried to watch the show, my mind kept going back to this morning’s events, but eventually I drifted off to sleep.
“Wake up sleepy head.”
“Huh? What the?” As I was startled awake, I looked around the room to see where the voice was coming from. There, staring in at me from the living room window was Alexis with a big smile on her face.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said as she giggled, “but we need your help setting some stuff up, so mom asked me to come over and get you.”
“No problem, just let me get changed and I’ll be right over,” I replied.
“No need to change, what your wearing is fine.” Alexis said. “Besides, we don’t want to keep mom waiting. She wants to get our beds put together soon so she can get them ready for tonight.”
“OK, just let me get my shoes and I’ll be right out.” With that, I quickly threw on my shoes and headed out the door.
Alexis met me in my back yard and we headed over to their place. As we got in their driveway there was a GMC Jimmy there.
“Nice truck you guys have,” I said.
“Thanks,” she replied. “Oh crap, it looks like we forgot a box of stuff in the back. Would you mind getting it for me?”
“Your wish is my command,” I jokingly told her.
“Oh really? I’ll have to remember that,” she said with a devilish grin on her face.
She opened the back of the truck and I got the box out. Although it wasn’t too big, it was quite heavy and felt like it was full of books or something. She then got the side door for me and we headed into the house. Once inside she told me to just set the box down over in the corner of the dining room. Just then Jenna headed out of her bedroom. She was still dressed the same as before, only now she had white sox on.
“Great, you’re here,” Jenna said, “I’ve been having a hell of a time trying to figure out how this damn bed frame goes back together.”
“Well, let’s see if we can’t figure it out together.”
“Sounds good, two heads are better than one they always say,” she said, starting to sound a little calmer. “But first can you help me get the dining table together, so we don’t have to eat breakfast on the end table like we did dinner.”
“Whatever you want to tackle first is fine, I’m just the help,” I jokingly replied.
“Well, while you two are doing that, I’ll go back to cleaning the kitchen cabinets and drawers, so there ready to put the dishes away,” Alexis said.
Then Jenna and I started assembling the table. I could see why she needed help. It was one of those old heavy four legged tables and it had taken all three of us to carry just the top in earlier.
As I worked away, I could see Alexis in the kitchen cleaning and putting new shelf-paper in the cabinets. She was now barefoot and I was getting great shots of her cute little feet and shapely behind as she cleaned out the lower shelves.
Unfortunately, the table went together quite quickly and we soon headed to Jenna’s bedroom to get her bed setup. But then again, this wasn’t so bad either, since now I could give all my attention to Jenna and her lovely feet. Since we were now kneeling down to work on the bed frame, I could see a fine outline of her soles through her sox. With her feet close together and soles facing up, I longed to bury my face in them and take in their lovely scent.
As we were just about finished with her bed, we heard Alexis yell from the other room. So we headed to the kitchen to see what was up. Alexis was standing in front of the cabinets sucking her thumb. Seeing Alexis like that, I started to let out a little chuckle, but Jenna told me not to laugh because she probably hurt it.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Jenna said.
“I whacked my thumb on the dumb cabinet door,” Alexis replied.
“Well, run it under some cold water and it’ll feel better.”
“That’s ok, it’s starting to feel better already.”
As Jenna and I headed back to finish the bed, I asked her, “Does she always suck her thumb like that?”
“Yeah, but she thinks it makes it feel better, so I just play along. You think that’s bad, you should see when she stubs her toe,” she said with a grin.
We finished assembling her bed and she decided we should take a little break, so we headed to the living room. While we sat, Jenna told me how the rest of their day went and how they had most of the stuff put away already. She mentioned how the last placed they lived was much smaller than their new house, and was just starting to tell me about all the things she wanted to get now that they had the room, when we heard Alexis calling from the other room.
“I could use a little help in here.”
Jenna looked at me and said, “Well, you said you were just the help, so go give Alexis a hand. Besides, I should go make my bed and I still have a few things to put away.”
With that, she headed back into her bedroom and I headed into the kitchen to see what Alexis needed.
“Here I am, what do you need?” I asked.
“I can’t seem to reach the upper shelves in the cabinets above the counter. I sure WISH I had something to stand on,” she said with a devilish grin on her face. She then pointed to me and pointed to the ground in front of the cabinets saying, “You know the routine.”
I immediately dropped to my knees in front of her and crawled over to where she had pointed, which put the cabinets to my right side. Sure I was still sore from this morning, but I wasn’t going to miss the chance to be close to her feet again. Alexis placed her cleaning supplies up on the counter and then casually stepped up on my back.
Her warm soft soles on my back felt like heaven to me. I could feel every little shift of her weight as she went about cleaning the cabinets. I could also feel my manhood growing in my pants. Just like this morning, every time she needed me to move forward, she reached back behind me and gave me a little kick in the nuts. Only now it was a little more intense, since there was only the thin material of my sweatpants between her precious little feet and my nuts.
We continued on like this until we ended up in the corner. From this point the cabinets went to the left making an L shape. I was as far forward as I could go, but Alexis still seemed to be having trouble reaching the upper corner cabinet.
“I have an idea.” Alexis said, “Backup so I can open the bottom cabinet door, and then you can stick your head inside of it so I can then reach into the corner.”
I backed myself up, so she could open the door. Instead of getting off my back, Alexis balanced on her right foot, so she could use her left foot to open the door. This now put all her weight on just one foot centered between my shoulder blades. The fact that she was leaning forward and moving made me have to double my efforts to keep from falling flat on my face.
Unfortunately, these doors had magnetic latches, and it was difficult for her to get it open using just one foot. The more she leaned to reach the door, the more I could feel the ball of her right foot digging into my spine. Suddenly I heard a “Whap!”
“Damn door!” Alexis yelled out.
“Are you OK?” I replied, as turned my head to look up at her.
“No, I’m not OK. This stupid door just slammed on my big toe.” Then she smiled down at me and said, “Make it feel better,” and extended her left foot to my face.
From what I saw her doing to her thumb earlier, I knew exactly what she wanted me to do. I craned my neck further, so I could reach her foot, and then took her big toe into my mouth. I began lightly sucking on her toe and working my tongue around it. Despite the extra weight and the fact I had to twist my neck in an awkward position to reach her foot, I was in heaven and my manhood grew to full mast. I wanted to suck on her precious toe for all I was worth, but knowing she just hurt it, I tried to be as gentle as I could.
Suddenly I heard laughter from behind us. Jenna had heard all the commotion and came out of her bedroom to see what was up. What a sight we must have been. Alexis was once again standing on my back, only now she had her big toe in my mouth too.
“Aww… how cute, my little girl hurt her toe and you’re making it feel better for her.” Jenna said with a big grin on her face. “Hold on, don’t move, I just got to get a picture of this.”
A picture? Is she kidding? The last thing I need is a picture like that getting around. I stopped sucking on her toe and was about release it from my mouth, when Alexis gave me this “don’t you dare” look. So I just continued sucking on her toe, until Jenna came back and snapped a few shots of us. She even went so far as to get a close up of Alexis’ toe in my mouth, and I’m sure my face was bright red with embarrassment.
“That’s definitely one for the scrap book,” Jenna said as she left us and headed back to her bedroom to finish up in there.
“Well, these cabinets aren’t going clean themselves,” Alexis said, “and my toe is feeling much better now, thank you.”
In spite of the great strain on me from the position I was in, I was very disappointed that I no longer had her precious toe in my mouth. After removing her toe from my mouth, she placed her left foot on my left shoulder. This now put almost all of her weight over just my left arm. I did my best to try and compensate, but this only started to bring back the soreness in my lower back.
“I’m not going to make that mistake again,” she said, “so be a dear and open the door for me, will you?”
She’s got to be kidding. It’s taking almost everything I have just to hold her up in her current position. Maybe she’ll at least step back a little, and then I can open the door. But then I felt her tap on my left should with her foot.
“Any time now, we don’t have all night you know,” she said.
So much for any ideas about her cutting me some slack. I should know better by now. I concentrated what was left of my strength on locking my left arm and keeping it straight. I then slowly reached out with my right arm to open the door. It took a lot of effort and I almost lost my balance and fell twice, but eventually I got the door open.
“Good, now get up close and stick your head inside, so I can finish that corner cabinet.”
I slowly crept my way forward, with her still standing on just my left shoulder. Once we got to where she wanted, with my head inside the open cabinet, she repositioned herself to continue her work. This was a great relief to me since her weight was once again more centered. There was an added bonus too. My head was now right above the shelf, so I placed my forehead on it to rest my weary neck muscles.
“Darn, I still can’t quite reach the back off this shelf,” she said. “If I only had a few more inches. Hey, this might just work. Now hold still.”
Suddenly I felt pressure on the lower back of my head and neck. OMG, she wouldn’t, but she did, she stepped right onto the back of my head. She then lifted her heal off my neck and just the ball of her foot was on my head. With only one foot on my head and the other in the air, her whole body weight was now driving my forehead into the shelf. It felt as if my head was going to crack open any seconded now. Every little shift of her weight brought fresh surges of pain to my aching head. I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes.
“OK, that self is done, but I still can’t quite reach the top shelf,” she said, while still perched atop the back of my head. “Let’s try something else.”
She then got off my head and thankfully centered herself on my back. She had me reposition myself so that my right side was around the corner against the row of cabinets still left to do, and my but was now against the ones we just did. But this didn’t help her at all, since she still wasn’t any higher than she was before. At least she’s no longer standing on my head and my legs can hold her weight much easier. Unfortunately, once she realized that this wasn’t helping at all, she moved back to my shoulders. Only this time she was facing my but instead of my head.
“OK, now straighten your legs and lift your but up, so I got something higher to stand on.”
By this time I was too spent, and as hard as I tried, I just couldn’t seem to do it. Alexis must have noticed I was having problems too.
“Here, let me help you,” she said.
She then reached her right foot around my left side and underneath me. Her foot made contact with my manhood and her nudging action brought it back to life. As she brought it back to full mast, I could feel my strength coming back, and I was able to lift my backside up.
Alexis wasted no time and immediately climbed up onto my behind. It was now much harder to hold her up and to keep my balance. Her weight in that position, drove my body forward and my already aching arms fought to keep me from falling on my face. When I was on my knees, it took little effort to support her on my behind. But now my legs were straining to keep her up, since I couldn’t lock my knees straight, like I could my arms, form my new position. I could feel my whole body trembling from the effort to please this teen goddess and keep her up where she wanted to be.
Just as I felt I would collapse, she told me she was all done and I could lower my behind. But she made no effort to move and I was too exhausted to hold out any longer. So my backside came crashing to the ground with her still standing on it. Her added weight slammed my knees into the ground so hard, that I was surprised that Jenna didn’t come running into the room to see what was up.
“Well, the hard parts all done, we’re in the home stretch, don’t quit on me now,” she said.
Alexis just continued on with her work of cleaning the shelves without much of a second thought to what just happened. Before it seemed like a small break to me when she was on my lower back. But now that my knees had just been slammed into the ground, I got no reprieve no matter where she stood on me. In fact her standing on my lower back was now causing almost as much pain as when she stood on my head.
Once we finally reached the end of the cabinets, Alexis took a seat on the counter top. Her right foot was dangling near my face and she had her left foot’s heel propped up on the counter.
All I could do was stare at her lovely foot, in spite of all the punishment it had just put me through, I still longed for it.
“We’re done, you can get up now,” she said, as she tapped me in the face with her precious little foot.
It took a lot of effort on my part, but eventually I got up onto my knees, and sat back onto my heels. My knees were just too sore at this point to even attempt to stand up. But this wasn’t such a bad position to be in, I could now see Alexis in all her glory and her left foot was now at my eye level. I just sat there and took in all her beauty, from her pretty blue eyes, down her fine shapely figure and lovely legs, to her two perfect little feet. This girl was truly a teen goddess.
She started to swing her right leg a little and every time she brought it forward, she would make contact with my manhood. This teasing like action was driving me crazy and I was soon at full mast again. Alexis seemed to notice this too.
“It’s good to see that I didn’t wear you out to much,” she said with a devilish grin on her face.
She then took her right foot and started to trace the outline of my cock with her toes. I let out a little gasp and her smile got even bigger.
“If you get all the way up on just your knees, I can reach better to thank you properly for all your help.”
This girl now had me going so good, that despite the great pain it caused to my knees, and the fact that her mom was just in the other room, I was up on them in a heartbeat. This not only brought her right foot closer to me, but her left foot was now inches from my face. She started to gently manipulate my manhood with the ball of her foot. She then reach her foot up to my pant line and pulled my sweats down, leaving me there kneeling before her with just my under shorts on. Then she started to slowly run her soft little foot up and down the length of my throbbing shaft.
With her right foot, she was slowly driving me into a frenzy and I began to lose voluntary control of my actions. With her left foot so close to my face, I once again found myself sucking on her big toe. Maybe it was just paranoia from Jenna catching me sucking Alexis’ toe earlier, but I felt like I was being watched. But I was so caught up in the moment that I just let that feeling go and concentrated on the matter at hand.
I slowly began to work my way down her toes. Taking each toe in one at a time and swirling my tongue around it. Alexis let out a long deep breath, and I knew she liked the attention I was giving her foot. I looked up at her to see her beautiful blue eyes beaming back down at me. I then opened my mouth as wide as I could and took her perfect little foot into my mouth up to her arch. I then worked my tongue between each of her toes and around the ball of her foot.
Alexis in the meantime was skillfully using her right foot to keep me on the edge of an orgasm. The longer she kept me from cumming, the more I longed for her. The whole neighborhood could be watching us now, and I wouldn’t have even cared at this point. My whole world only revolved around Alexis and her two lovely little feet.
My breathing started to get really heavy and my mind was all a buzz. Between what I went through this evening and what she was doing to me now, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I climaxed. Alexis sensed this too, and she suddenly grabbed the back of my head and rammed her left foot as deep into my mouth as she could. I could feel her toes at the back of my throat and it was getting difficult to breathe.
She then started working over my throbbing cock like there was no tomorrow. OMG, the things this girl was doing to me was more than I could ever have dreamed of. And just as I was on the verge of cumming, she suddenly wiggled her toes in my mouth and tickled the back of my throat with them. That was all she wrote, and for the second time today, I climaxed at the feet of this teen goddess.
Alexis continued pumping me with her right foot, until I was totally spent. I just slumped forward, with her left foot still deep in my mouth, too drained from the day’s events to move a muscle. I looked up at her to see her bright smiling face looking back down at me. How could someone so sweet and innocent looking as Alexis, have such a devilishly playful side to her? But who am I to question a teen goddess like her, I should just be thankful that she chose me to play with.
“Um, looks like I kind of made you mess yourself up a little,” Alexis said with a grin, as she removed her foot from my mouth. “We’ve still got a lot of things to get done. I think you better quickly dart into the bathroom and clean yourself off, before mom comes out to see what’s taking us so long.”
Well, I wasn’t quite in the condition to dart off, so I just crawled off as best I could to the nearby bathroom. And as I got close to the doorway Alexis said to me.
“You’d better take those under shorts off too. They’re way too soaked to wear and the wetness will show through your sweats.”
She was right too. It sure was a good thing she pulled my sweats down, and just my underpants got soaked. Of course this now meant I’d have to go commando the rest of the night.
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