Hey! This is a story of mine I posted on dA yesterday. It includes foot-fetish besides ball busting.
The protagonists are Dave and his girlfriend Kayla, 24 and 26 respectively.
Planning to make a series with them. Hope you enjoy! Feedback greatly appreciated!
Kayla looked gorgeous napping on the sofa. Her angelic pale face seemed so innocent framed by her soft golden hair and her lithe yet toned body looked really fragile and vulnerable. Looking at her sleeping like that made me want to protect her and make her happy more than anything else in my life.
But my gaze could also not ignore the beauty of her fair bare feet. Slightly sweaty from the summer heat and the long hours of working, they looked deliciously cute.
I often wondered how she would react if she knew how much I admired her feet. Let alone if she knew about my ballbusting fetish.
I had come to visit my girlfriend Kayla after a long day at the beach. It was a pity that she worked for almost all summer, and I spent most nights at her place, helping with the housework and relaxing together, bringing a few packs of beer like tonight etc...
It was not rare, however, to find her sleeping like that after a particularly tiring day. All curled up on the sofa, lightly dressed and a single fan cooling her down. (I had keys to her place if you are wondering how I entered.)
Usually she would wake up soon after but this time she remained soundly asleep so after tidying up the living room a bit trying to be as quiet as possible and then I made myself comfortable on a nearby couch, readying a novel and drinking a beer.
When the bottle ended I decided to grab another from the fridge. So I got up and made my way to her kitchen passing by the sofa.
Suddenly Kayla jumped up half awake, half asleep, and looked at me startled.
"Hi Lo..." I did not manage to finish my sentence. Her foot struck out hitting me in the groin as she screamed. Immediately felt the familiar dull ache of a ball pain spreading from my twin orbs to the pit of my stomach. It was not an accurate hit so it was not excruciating but it had caught my completely off guard and it made me double over
"Dave?" She gasped as I smiled back at her
"Hey Love!"I said through gritted teeth. "Any particular reason you are trying to make me an eunuch?" I joked as I felt my cock growing erect, and my brain going wild with excitement. Even if it was a light hit I had been ballbusted by Kayla! I had dreamed about this happening for so long albeit a bit differently. Then I was hit with the dread of her realizing I was turned on by her striking and hurting my privates. Would she consider me a freak? I remained doubled over even though the pain had subsided quite fast, in order to conceal my erect dick. "Oh Dave I am so sorry! I am just jumpy today! You see a girl at work got attacked by a guy trying to rape her yesterday and..."
"Woah woah! Slow down! Relax it's okay! I brought beer, was going to get one just now. Want me to bring you one too?" I suggested hoping to get myself out of the room, for long enough to kill my erection.
"Oh I will go! I mean I just... You are hurt because of me!"
"I am fine!" I said standing up and turning around in one motion "You didn't get me that bad, and you have been on your feet all day while I was relaxing by the beach! Lay back, unwind and let me pamper you!" I insisted "Not up for debate!" I added looking back and smiling at her reassuringly.
"Well if you insist!" She said complying with my request "Might have you give me a foot massage later if you are so inclined to pamper me! I mean I was on my feet all day as you said!"
What the hell was this? What was happening today? First she racks me on the nuts and now even as a joke suggests I massage her feet? Am I dreaming? Is the universe playing jokes on me? My mind was going crazy but all I responded was with a dry "Haha... yeah I don't know about that. We'll see..."
Once in the kitchen I grabbed two beers from the refrigerator and squeezed my quads for a few seconds, cutting the blood circulation to my throbbing dick till it decided to calm down. ( Really works)
Turning back in the living room I handed her the beer and laid back on the other side of the sofa, waiting for her to tell me about her day
"Oh Paulaner! You know it's my favorite, thanks!" She exclaimed and patted my arm with her foot.
"Ooh sorry! Shouldn't have done that!" She exclaimed retracting it swiftly "They are all drenched in sweat from working all day in this heat. They are disgusting... Sorry"
Meanwhile my brain was having its third instance of blue-screen in the last five minutes, with notification and error messages popping all around the place and the task manager not responding.
"No it's fine! They are not disgusting they are cute!" I blurted out in my confusion, and immediately mentally kicked myself.
"I mean they are yours and you are not disgusting. You are cute I could never find a part of you disgusting!" I tried to correct my mistake.
"Thanks! You are so sweet! Though you are just saying that, otherwise you wouldn't have sounded so appalled by the foot massage I suggested before. I understand though! Wouldn't want to get anywhere near them myself" She insisted
"Anyway tell my about your day" I hurried to change the topic, for I could feel my dick starting to harden again, and it would keep at it if we kept talking about her feet.
So she explained to me how a girl from her place ( Her family owns a few stores and she runs one of them) was attacked by some scumbag trying to rape her. And how she barely managed to fend him off by striking him in the groin. Even that was not enough, but it bought her enough time for some passerbies to hear their cries and to arrive at the scene causing the would be rapist to flee.
Practicing martial arts for many years I felt the need to expand on the topic even though it was equally risky with the previous one. I explained to her that most likely her coworker did not get her would-be rapist well.
"The groin-strike is advertised as a very powerful self defense tool against male opponents, and though it is certainly useful you have to execute properly to take an assailant down. Otherwise you might just hurt him a bit and make him angrier. Like your kick right now it was not very accurate, with the force you put behind it, it could have floored me. It is not that hard to get a groin strike right of course but if you have never practiced one it is also easy to miss. Moreover a groin strike is probably not the sole self defense move one should know."
"I see!" She said hanging from my lips "Can you show me how to do it then? And help me practice it?"
"What?" The beer almost came out of my nose.
"You know! Show me a few self defense moves especially the groin strike!"
"Uhm I mean I am not a certificated instructor. Maybe it would be best to go to a self defense program or dojo."
"Yeah but I don't have enough time for that and you know it! Plus I ain't looking to get certified myself so I have no need for an official instructor."
"They still have more experience than me at teaching self defense"
"Sure but you know how to handle yourself. You did fend some muggers back a few years ago."
It was true. A story I used to say with a lot of pride, always describing how afraid I was and yet how I still acted and acted properly.
" Plus you are already over here almost every night. When I have the energy you could teach me and we could practice. I will feel more at ease with you than anyone else!"
"You don't want me to get mugged or worse..."
"Of... of course not!" What she was saying was making sense. It was true that she did not have time to attend a class with fixed schedules and commuting included.
I knew quite a lot about self defense, though I was not sure how good I was at teaching it.
Most importantly I wanted her to be safe more than anything. If she got hurt because I was simply afraid of exposing a stupid fetish I could not forgive myself.
"Yeah you are right baby. I will teach you! You are already on a good start aiming for the groin after all!" I joked