This story is a work of fiction, totally made this one up!  Let's see how it goes!  This is just a potential first part, so if I get enough people to like the story, I'll keep it going!  As always comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated!!

I was a senior in high school and had already been accepted to the college that I wanted to attend.  In the fall, I'd be headed there to begin the next chapter.  So, being the beacon of maturity that I was, I figured as long as I didn't do anything insane, my path was already paved.  I figured I didn't need to try anymore in high school; I was going to graduate and be in college in no time.

This was bad news for Miss Bailey, the student teacher I had for my advanced algebra class.  Now, algebra was already one of my strongest subjects, but I became intolerable with my newly-discovered laziness.  This week was especially bad, because our main teacher was out, so it was just her against us.  She  young, of course, and wasn't classically beautiful, but there was something about her that turned me on.  It could have been that I was 18 and had hormones running wild; it could have been the miniskirts and high heels that she seemed to favor; or it could have been a combination of both, or something else entirely.  As sexy as I thought she was, I knew I'd never have sex with her (she was a teacher and girls my own age didn't even want to have sex with me), so... let's just say that I was no longer a very nice guy to her.  I'm ashamed to say but I was downright disrespectful sometimes.  It didn't help that it was the last period of the day and sometimes her after-the-bell ramblings would keep me from going home.

One particular day, the bell rang, but she hadn't given us our homework assignment yet.  Since I knew I wasn't going to do it anyway, I stood up and was about to walk out of the classroom when she shouted my name, causing me to look in her direction.  I knew I'd gone too far, but my bravado wouldn't allow me to show fear.  Instead, I just smirked, and my nonchalance must have really angered her because her face turned red.

"Stay behind, you and me have to have a little talk," Miss Bailey said, looking like she was barely maintaining her composure.

"You and I, you mean?" I asked smugly, and a chorus of uncomfortable laughter broke out at my correction of her grammar.  Miss Bailey dismissed the rest of the class, seething; my classmates could not have left the area faster.  The young student teacher went to the door and pulled it closed, and then got right in my face (well, she would have if I wasn't a few inches taller than her).  God, she smells amazing! I thought to myself, and then I took her in visually, as well: she had her jet black hair in a bob, framing the face that featured striking green eyes; a short-sleeved sweater type shirt covering her and showing that, while she wasn't super gifted in the chest, they weren't hidden either; a flirty black miniskirt and black tights that really showed off her long sexy legs, and shiny black pumps with 4" chunky heels and rounded toes.  I didn't have a really long time to enjoy the view, because Miss Bailey started screaming at me.

"You have been the most disrespectful student I have ever met!" she hissed, over-enunciating in her rage.  "I can tell you're a really bright kid, but your attitude is terrible.  It's going to hold you back at the next level!"  Now, when she said that, it really pissed me off... most likely, because she was absolutely right.  Did I want to admit that?  Nope.  Was this now a battle?  Yup.

"I just don't understand why you're saddling us with homework," I started, my voice dripping with indignation.

"Because I want you to practice what you were just taught!" Miss Bailey screamed back, "That's how it works!"

"Not for me, it doesn't," I answered.  "I'm done with this conversation!"  As I attempted to slip by her, she repositioned her stance to block my exit.  She was about to yell at me some more when my ego got the best of me... well, more so.  I shouted at her to move...

...and, I suppose acting instinctively, brought her leg up swiftly, culminating with her knee crashing between my legs into my balls.  I let out a grunt, much more surprised than hurt (but the pain followed very shortly after).  We both stood there, staring at each other in stunned silence.  Miss Bailey was the first to speak.

"Oh my God," she said quickly, "I'm so sorry!  I can't believe I just did that!  I'm so sorry!"  I was too shocked to answer and I just started to leave and, this time, she didn't try to stop me.  She yelled something to me, but, with my mind racing, I didn't really hear her.

When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about Miss Bailey kneeing me in the groin... and was startled by how turned on it made me and how hot it was.  I masturbated several times that night just thinking about it.

I woke up the following morning and was still wildly horny and I had it in my mind that I was going to provoke her into kneeing me again.  I got to school and went through my day with a little more pep in my step, excited to see Miss Bailey again.  However, when algebra class came around and I immediately abandoned the thought.  When she and I made eye contact, her demeanor completely changed; she looked nervous, she was stammering, her hands were shaky, the whole nine yards.  I guess I was like Darth Vader: I was mean and cruel, but I guess there was still good in me.  I didn't make any jokes during her lesson and just sat there, trying to be as attentive as I could be.  At the end of class, I stayed after and approached her and, when she saw me, she physically deflated.  She was wearing a white button down blouse, aa burgund miniskirt, sheer white stockings (or pantyhose, I couldn't tell), and those shiny black pumps, but I could not maintain my arousal with her looking so glum; I felt terrible.

She said, sounding defeated, "I'm really sorry about yesterday.  I was just so angry with you.  And now... my teaching career is over before it even began."  She just spoke like such a beaten woman that I took a step toward her to comfort her.

"No, I should be apologizing to you.  I'm usually a good kid... I think... I don't know why I've been such a jerk to you."  I knew why (because I was on my high horse and I could get away with it with a student teacher), but I didn't need to go through all of that.  "But, why is your career over?" I asked.

"As soon as this gets out," Miss Bailey began, "that I assaulted a student, do you think anyone would hire me?"

I flashed her a shy smile, responding "How would it get out if I don't tell?"  Miss Bailey just sighed, thinking I was about to attempt to blackmail her.

"What do you need me to do so you'll maintain your silence?" she asked, sounding defeated all over again.  I had no plans on holding anything over her head... but I was extremely nervous about what I was going to tell her.

"I don't really need anything.  But I have a secret for you," I said, looking down at the floor.  "Maybe you'll keep mine because I'm keeping yours?"

Although I wasn't looking at her, I could feel the fear and tension and defeat melt away from her.  "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious," she said easily.

"Well... umm... when you kneed me down there... I... uh... kinda liked it... a bit."

"What?!" Miss Bailey blurted, clearly believing I was pulling her leg.  Then, she did something unexpected: she laughed.  I want to believe that she was relieved that her career wasn't over and that led to her mirth, but she probably just found the absurdity of what I'd revealed amusing.  Her laughter was contagious, though, and I found myself grinning a little.

"Wow, laugh it up, Miss Bailey," I said, mock-insulted (my feelings were hurt a little, but not too much).

"I'm sorry," she said, getting herself back under control.  "I've kicked a lot of guys in the crotch and I've never had a man tell me he enjoys it."

"I guess there's a first time for everything," I replied.  "Maybe... uh... there could be a second time?"  I said the last words so quietly I wasn't sure she heard me at first.  Miss Bailey then began waving her hand dismissively.

"No, I can't do that to you, especially now because I know you like it."

"Okay, okay, I get it," I answered, a little bummed but I understood.  "Friends?"  I held my hand out for her to shake.

"Friends," Miss Bailey agreed easily, taking my hand.  We released each other's hands and I turned to leave.  As I was reaching out for the doorknob, I heard her heels on the floor, getting louder as if she was moving towards me.  My suspicions were confirmed when, as I turned the knob and pushed the door open, Miss Bailey gripped the doorknob over my hand and pulled the door closed.  I must have had the most perplexed look on my face because she said "Just once, okay?"  With her hand still on mine, she pulled me back into the room a few steps away from the door (which had glass for most of the top half of it) and backed me close to a wall; I suspected I knew what was coming and that she didn't want anyone to see it.  She wove her soft fingers between mine with the hand she still held and gripped a handful of the front of my shirt with the other.

"Here we go," she said quietly, tapping my groin with her knee.  I grunted a little, even though it didn't hurt.  Miss Bailey knew she didn't get me very hard, so she kneed me again, much harder this time.  I yelped like a startled animal, ripping from her grip and sliding down the wall, holding my balls.

"Aww, are you okay?" she asked in genuine concern, but I could hear that she was smiling.  "Do you think you can take one more, or was that enough?"  After a few seconds on the floor, I forced myself to stand back up, and it was all I could do not to pant, I was so aroused.

"I'd love more," I replied, "but I think it would be a really bad idea.  I'm super... horny."  I paused before the word horny because I was trying to think of a better word, but my sexually-turned-on brain couldn't come up with anything less crass.  Luckily, Miss Bailey didn't seem to mind.

"Okay, maybe that will be enough for one day," she laughed.  I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I blurted:

"Thank you, Miss Bailey!  You're the best teacher ever!"  She let her head fall back and she let out a loud but really sweet laugh.  It was the most relaxed I had ever seen her, and it made me happier (and hornier) than I had ever been.  I glanced down and was still in blurt mode.

"I love those shoes on you!  Can you wear them tomorrow and maybe kick me after class?"  She giggled again, putting a hand on my shoulder, gently, but firmly, turning me toward the door.

"No no," she answered, "I think that's enough for battering my students.  And I'm going to wear flats tomorrow so you can focus on what I'm saying in class!"  I started to take her lead and made my way for the door when I heard her say "Thank you for keeping my secret.  I will keep yours, I promise."  I glanced back at Miss Bailey, flashed her a smile, and then left the room with my head swimming.

To be continued...?

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Replies to This Discussion

I like how you respected the ballbust. The knee of the teacher really hurts you and put you in your place.
Im in for a second part

Loved it! 

Maybe in the next part the teacher discovers that she also likes ballbusting and the guy's fantasy starts becoming more of a nightmare?

Amazing story, loved it!

I'm interested to see where this goes. =)

Great story! This definitely needs a part 2 with her kicking him in those epic sounding heels, maybe she shows up the next day and he's expecting her to be in flats like she said, but she's wearing the heels again? 

Wow, thanks everyone! I'll get started on part 2!

This one's super hot! Needs a part 2 ASAP!



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