This story is dedicated to Erica Noelle Wang and Melinda, two of my favorite writers and ball bashers on KITG.  <3


Stacey grinned impishly as she hung up the phone.  Her friend had seen Edward taking another woman into his apartment.  Edward was her boyfriend, and she didn’t mind his philandering.  Not really.  Oh, sometimes she said she did, but she didn’t really want him to stop.  

He never insulted her or truly threatened her primacy in the relationship.  Edward always had flings with women who were beautiful, but less intelligent than her.  He always came back.  It made him seem virile and a worthy boyfriend.  And it provided great opportunities to let her inner bitch come out and play.

They were already planning to meet up for dinner at his apartment.  Stacey was a little vain, and Edward unabashedly loved feminine beauty, so she always dressed up for their dates.  Tonight she wore a simple crop top and a miniskirt so short it would have made her grandmother faint.  Intimidating black boots were a nice contrast, she thought.  Over it all she wore a long black jacket - armor for her walk through the urban jungle of downtown San Francisco.  

Beneath the jacket, her outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination.  Her midriff was bare, a hint of cleavage peeked out, legs went on forever.  She was a dancer.  Delicate, graceful, poised, fit, strong, “perky” (she had ambiguous feelings about the word), lithe like a pixie, and only a little conceited.  

The bare midriff was a power symbol for her, the first step in dominating her boyfriend. She knew Edward, knew what he couldn’t resist.  Knew how to make him stare and drool.  How to make him so dizzy with desire that all his formidable powers of logic melted away at her touch.

Stacey arrived at Edward’s apartment, hugging him as she entered.  “What’s for dinner?” she asked, walking into the kitchen as she unbuttoned her long coat.

“Broiled steak and steamed veg-” Edward paused for a moment, his eyes almost popping out of his head as Stacey removed her jacket.  She gave him a flirty smile, pleased to see a bulge already growing in his pants.  He played it cool and continued.  “Steamed vegetables.  It’s simple, but healthy and pretty tasty.”

“Great!” She put her arms around him and led him to the other room. Stepping back she looked him in the eye.  Her manner, posture, and tone of voice changed abruptly.  

“I hear you had YET ANOTHER fling. Is that true, Edward?

“Ahhhmm, errrr-”  Edward tried to think up something smooth.  He stared at Stacey, standing with her hand on her bare hip.  He was transfixed by her ravishing beauty.  Unable to think.  Getting both apprehensive and turned on by the tone of her voice.  

“You don’t need to make something up, Edward.  Jennifer - you know my friend Jennifer, don’t you? - saw it all.  Saw you taking a bubbly little blonde into your apartment.  Kissing as you opened the door.  She saw it all and told me.  Don’t lie to me, boyfriend.

“Well you see…”  

“What did I tell you about sleeping with floozies, Edward?  What did I tell you?”  She gave a devious smile and awaited his answer.

Edward looked his girlfriend in the eyes.  He wasn’t sure if she was really angry, but she was definitely in a bossy mood.  He took a deep breath, knowing he was really in for it tonight.  “You told me…  to ask your permission.”

“I told you to ALWAYS ask my permission, Edward.  ALWAYS ask.  And did you?”

He answered with a little nervous shake in his voice.  “No, darling…”

“That’s right, you didn’t ask, Edward. I let you play around as much as you want, with only one rule.  And what do you do?  Disobey that one rule!”  She slapped him across the face.  He was surprised, and winced.  But he still couldn’t stop staring at her body.  Stacey smiled seeing the physical desire struggling to escape her boyfriend’s pants.

“You know what this means, don’t you darling?”  She didn’t wait for his answer.  “Drop your trousers and put your hands behind your back.”  Her words were angry but her demeanor was more calm and confident.

“Yes darling.”  Edward didn’t hesitate to drop his pants.  Underneath he wore plain black boxer briefs.  They fit snugly and made his erection obvious.  Edward was a big guy, almost 200lbs, and strong.  He was well hung - not like a porn star, but above average.  And big kiwi-sized balls, as Stacey often enjoyed reminding him.  

Edward’s appearance was gruff, his manner polite but intense and unapologetic.  No one would ever imagine him as a simpering submissive type.  Unless perhaps they had been peeping through Stacey’s bedroom door on choice nights.

Stacey walked up to Edward, pressing her breasts to his chest, and taking hold of his penis through the thin cloth of his shorts.  “You’re excited, aren’t you?”  She stroked him and watched his eyes start to glaze over.  “Why are you excited, Edward?  You’re being punished tonight.  This isn’t going to be fun for you, Edward.  It’s going to hurt.  Do you understand that?”

She pecked him on the lips playfully.  After one more good stroke, she tucked his cock under the waistband of his boxer briefs so just the tip stuck out.  Stepping back, she stood again with her hand on her hip.  Staring at him.  She looked like a model, overtly sexy but severe.  With the resting bitch face she reserved for special occasions like tonight.  

“Y-y-yess, darling…”  Edward said softly.  He enjoyed this kind of play, this kind of relationship, with his girlfriend.  But hot sexy erotic pain is still pain, and he could tell from her voice that tonight he was going to suffer.  

“Spread your legs, hands behind your back.”  Stacey’s tone was no-nonsense, telling not asking.  Her boyfriend complied obediently.  This wasn’t the first time she had punished him, and they both knew it wouldn’t be the last.  

“Now, Edward, tell me again:  What is the ONE rule I give you, my cherished boyfriend, about fucking other women?  The ONE rule, Edward, what is it?”  Her voice was stern and she smiled deviously.

“The rule is..  I should... ask your perm-”  Edward hadn’t finished the word when Stacey’s boot made contact with his testicles.  The boots were black leather, knee high, with a 4” heel and a broad square toe.  

Years ago an ex-boyfriend had bought the boots as a gift, to make up for cheating.  She had kicked his nuts in the store when she was trying them on.  Thenceforth they were her ball busting boots, as she freely admitted to her boyfriends.  Three men before Edward had been humbled by Stacey wearing these boots, and now it was time to discipline her current boyfriend.  

The boots were classy enough to wear to work, and she often did.  But even the obsequious cubile workers at her company seemed to instinctively recognize the true purpose of those boots.  Sometimes the men (unconsciously?) crossed their legs when talking to her.  When she wore them she felt powerful and sexy, like a goddess or a princess.  

Stacey’s kick smashed into Edward’s family jewels, and he dropped like a rock.  It wasn’t a particularly hard punt.  If she had booted him in the butt that hard he would have been barely phased.  But applied to her boyfriend’s big tender plums, even that light kick was overpowering.  

Edward gasped as he fell.  It was like all his manliness and strength had been knocked out of him with a single blow.  He knew it was coming, but there’s no real way to prepare oneself.  He curled up holding himself, groaning and writhing.  

“You should ALWAYS ask my permission, Edward.  What did you miss?  ALWAYS.  Always, do you understand that, boyfriend?”  She was overtly bitchy.  Not because he really deserved it, but because she could.  “Stand up!  Right now.”

Her boyfriend crawled to her feet.  Grasping her for support, he pulled himself up to his knees, holding himself against her legs.  Fucking amazing legs, he thought to himself despite the deep ache in his manhood, absolutely perfect.  He kissed and caressed her legs, and looked up with wide eyes, still too weak to stand.  

“Get up NOW, Edward. It doesn’t hurt THAT much.  Take it like a man.”  She gave him a superior, knowing smirk.  Still holding to her for support, he got back to his feet.

“Now Eddie, what is the one rule?”  She asked sweetly.  She brushed her hand against his engorged cock - just a tease.

“I should ALWAYS ask your permission if I want to sleep with another woman” came his prompt, very eager reply.  He was shaking with apprehension as he said it.

“Good boy!”  Stacey said with a bedroom smile.  And she dropped to her knees.  WIthout a word she pulled down his shorts and put his still hard cock in her mouth.  Worked on it, worked on it good.  

Stacey was an enthusiastic cock sucker.  She genuinely loved it.  Love pleasing men, loved how feminine it made her feel, loved the power and control it gave her over the men in her life - she loved everything about it.  Edward’s eyes widened and he moaned in pleasure.  She slurped his shaft, tongued his head.  And grabbed his balls in one hand.

Grabbed them, and squeezed.  Hard.  Nothing gradual, no slow work up.  She really clamped down on his testicles.  Who knew such a small delicate hand could squeeze so hard!  Edward’s posture went stiff and his moans of pleasure turned to a pained yelp.  

She kept sucking his cock for a few more seconds as she squeezed him.  Then she took his cock out of her mouth, tucked it back in his waistband, and returned to her feet.  All the time squeezing without let up.

Edward was nearly in tears, begging profusely for Stacey to release her grip.  She did, and grinned from ear to ear.  “How’s that feel, boyfriend?”  He was too too weak to answer, and just stared at her tight little body.  Marvelling that such a small feminine woman could be doing *this* to him.  

“Now honey, you’re going to tell me about this floozie you fucked.  You better answer my questions honestly.  Now you know I’m a little bitch, don’t you?  I’m going to hurt you, baby, even if you answer honestly.  But if you lie, you’ll regret being born a man.”  

With that she smacked his face, and before he knew what was happening she had punched him in the balls too.  He found himself doubled over and hugging her tight just to stay standing.  “Now look me in the eyes,” she said as Edward regained his composure.  

“Was this girl you fucked pretty?  Was she prettier than me?”  Stacey looked at her boyfriend with a glare that would make any man apprehensive.  She wrapped her left hand around the base of his sack, pulling the balls out tightly.  

Her boyfriend was exposed.  Vulnerable.  Just how she liked her men to be when having a “relationship conversation”.  

“She was pretty,” Edward answered with trepidation.  “But not as pretty as you are, Stacey.”

Bam!  Her little fist made contact with her boyfriend’s plums.  They really were plum sized, and Stacey loved how they felt in her hand.  “Just pretty?”  She knew he was being honest about his feelings, but she felt like asserting herself.  A second slap to Edward’s balls emphasized her point.

“Very pretty in fact,” he answered.  His voice was already getting higher.  

“She was hot, but you are *fucking gorgeous*.  You know you’re a goddess.  You can see how my cock is saluting you - I can’t even control that.  That’s just because you’re so beautiful darling.”  He looked into her eyes, and she could tell he meant every word.  

Bam!  Her little fist, again.  This time harder.  Bam, bam, bam - three more times.  Edward gasped for breath and slumped against her shoulder.  His face had that shocked expression of a man who’s lost all control of a situation.  

“Good answer, Ed.”  She giggled, and BAM.  Another three punches in the nuts.  Her boyfriend was whimpering on her shoulder.  

She gently pushed him upright, never relinquishing her grip on his balls.  The impish smile returned to her lips as she said, “Next question…”


I'd be honored if Erica or Melinda would continue the story.  :)  Other ball busting ladies also feel free to suggest or write what happens next.

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wish i could have  relationship conversations



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