A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The meep meep message notification sounded and Serena slowly opened her eyes. She hadn’t been asleep long, but long enough so that when she peered at her phone, her smoky, gray eyes had trouble focusing. It was one in the morning, pitch black, inside her room and out, and when the phone screen illuminated, Serena felt like she was staring into the sun.
The message was from her best friend, Maria, and contained one word and one image. Busted. Serena, confused by the message, rubbed her eyes as she enlarged the photo. In the foreground was half of Maria’s face, which didn’t look busted up at all, so Serena studied the background. And then her sleepy eyes widened. She was no longer sleepy. She used her thumb and forefinger to make the image as large as possible and then gasped in horror at the shocking revelation.
Dalton, tall, lanky and unmistakable with that curly mop atop his head, was walking hand in hand with some other girl – a tall, statuesque blonde with legs for days coming out from under the short hemline of her dress – and Serena’s mouth fell open at the realization her boyfriend was most likely cheating on her. She threw the phone down in disgust and leaned back against her pillows, rubbing viciously at her eyes like she could erase what she’d seen.
As she scrubbed her eyes and face, Serena’s mind raced, every thought intensifying the sickening feeling growing in her guts. It couldn’t be true. (But it was.) It had to be someone else. (It was Dalton.) Maybe it was his sister. (You’re grasping, girl. You know he doesn’t have a sister.) Serena clamped her hands over her stomach and let out a low moan as her guts cramped. She felt like throwing up.
Flinging the covers from the bed, Serena rose slowly, waiting for the dizziness to pass, and then walked quickly into the bathroom where she vomited what was left of the turkey club wrap she’d eaten for dinner. Her stomach felt better but her heart did not. Like a zombie, Serena pulled herself up and walked over to the sink, loading her toothbrush. As she brushed, Serena stared blankly at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, trying to force a numbness that wouldn’t come. Instead, the ache in her heart only grew.
She loved Dalton. If Maria had caught a previous boyfriend – any single one of them, any! – Serena might have been bummed but not heartsick like she was right now. She didn’t love any of them. But Dalton was different. Gallant and charming. Gentle but strong. Chivalrous yet confident. He had the cheeks of a Greek god and the mouth of a saint, with lips that Serena had hoped to kiss for the rest of her life.
But now? Why, Dalton? Why?!?
Serena wiped her mouth and crawled back into her bed, pulling the covers up tightly. Maybe it was only a nightmare but when she closed her eyes, images of Dalton with that blonde pecked at Serena’s brain. Perhaps it was the effort of repelling such thoughts or maybe it was the exhaustion from spent adrenaline, but whatever the reason, the nightmare was swallowed by blackness as sleep finally took Serena.
When Serena awoke the next morning, she grabbed her phone immediately, metaphorically crossing her fingers that it had all been a dream. But when she opened her phone, there was the message from Maria and Dalton was still holding that other girl’s hand. A fresh wave of sickness washed over Serena, but it wasn’t as strong as before, as if during the night, some sort of steely resolve was budding deep inside her body. She texted Maria a simple message:
Is Dalton cheating on me?
Setting down her phone, Serena forced herself out of bed and into the shower. While she didn’t want to get up and face the day, the need to feel clean – if only in a physical sense – was stronger. As the skin-reddening water cascaded through her hair and down her body, Serena found her emotions matching its hot temperature. Though there was a part of her that held onto the slim hope that Maria would text back that it was nothing and that she’d seen Dalton’s doppelganger and just had to take a pic, Serena knew in her heart that it was Dalton. She held her breath for several seconds and then exhaled, her pulse quickening as she felt the anger rising inside her like leavened bread in the oven. By the time she finished showering and toweling off, the only droplets remaining on her body were the tears spilling down her cheeks. No matter how hard she patted at them, they kept coming.
After donning a pair of soft, well-worn jeans and a baggy sweater, Serena fixed her hair with trembling hands. She looked in the mirror as she pulled out her makeup but then tossed the bag with her mascara, eyeliner, foundation and powder right back into the drawer. With the tears still dribbling, what was the point? Serena sighed and then walked back into her bedroom to make her bed as was her usual morning custom. But now, looking at the disheveled mess of sheets and pillows, the task suddenly felt impossible. She felt heavy and slow and the thought of the simple effort required to make up the bed was just too much. Serena picked up her phone, noted there were no notifications and jammed it in her pocket.
A fresh pot of coffee was waiting for her in the kitchen – thank god for timers – and as Serena poured herself a cup she felt a vibration against her thigh and heard the muffled meep meep. Usually the sound of the old Road Runner made her smile, but when it sounded now, she nearly dropped her mug. Anxiety gripped her and she had to set her mug on the counter. Serena didn’t want to check her phone but then heard her own voice, coming in a clipped, no-nonsense tone, say, “Face up to the truth.” So Serena dug out her phone.
I followed him for a while last night and saw him making out with that girl at a club. I hate to say it, but he is.
Serena stared at the broken heart emoji at the end of Maria’s text and felt her own heart shatter. There was no denying it now. It was over between her and Dalton. There are things you can get over and move past but cheating was not one of those things – at least for Serena.
Putting her phone back in her pocket, Serena grabbed the mug of coffee, pausing briefly to let the tremble in her hands still, and then walked into the living room, flipping on the television as she sat down in the over-sized recliner. A silly game show was on and Serena considered changing the channel, but then figured why bother, she wasn’t really watching anyway. Images of Dalton flooded her mind and each fond memory was followed by a sharp stab of rage as Serena realized there would be no more good times for her with Dalton. Serena half watched as a contestant on the game show won some money and then wagered it on a bigger bet. He won that bet and the audience clapped. He took the larger sum and placed it on an all-or-nothing wager, his eyes hopeful. He lost it all. The audience groaned. A bitter smile crept onto Serena’s face as she watched the roller coaster ride. Isn’t that just my life right now, she thought wretchedly.
The daylight was nearly gone by the time Serena pulled herself from the recliner. She needed to eat something but that wasn’t the only reason for Serena to leave the cozy confines of her chair. What may have seemed like a day wasted, idled away in front of the television, was anything but. Over the course of seven hours, Serena had wrestled – and wrestled hard. It wasn’t a physical grappling, but it was every bit as exhausting. With denial in the rear view and anger bubbling in fits and starts, Serena toyed with bargaining like a prize fighter champ against an unworthy opponent, flicking out various conciliatory hopes like feinted jabs. But in the end, her hopes and bargains were no match for the ugly truth. Serena felt suddenly chilled and pulled a blanket up tight while a metaphorical blanket of depression wrapped around her heart. She wallowed in its terrible comfort, occasionally sobbing, but mostly just wincing against the deep, aching hurt that gripped her every so often. And then, there were no more tears to cry. Serena had run dry. She wiped away the crusted residue left behind, realizing life would carry on. It didn’t change how much she ached right now – and it might be a while before the cut healed – but Serena knew she would be okay.
It was this knowledge that freed Serena from the bonds of her recliner and allowed her to attend to her physical needs. It was over a bowl of chicken noodle soup that Serena formulated her strategy to confront Dalton. As she scooped the last carrot and chicken chunk onto her spoon, Serena’s plan was fully formed. She tossed the bowl and spoon into the sink and went to her bedroom, texting Dalton as she went.
Mind if I come over tonight?
Rummaging through her bedroom closet, Serena found herself torn as to how she wanted to look. She wanted to look good, for sure, but not overly sexy. She wanted to wear something that made her appealing to Dalton but not something that screamed “fuck me”. She needed to be classy without being rigid, confident without being smug and oppressive. She wanted him to understand just what he had given up but without rubbing his face in it – she still cared about him after all, even if he’d broken her heart.
Serena flipped past a little black dress and then a gown, followed by a few short skirts before finally striking gold. She pulled the hanger from the rod and held the dress out. It was lavender with thin, silvery lines woven into the fabric. The straps weren’t quite as thin as spaghetti, but still delicate, and Serena remembered that the skirt portion stopped modestly above her knees. A flash of thigh, but nothing tawdry. She took it into the bathroom and slipped it on.
As she appraised herself in the mirror, Serena was pleased to find that the dress hugged her curves without clinging to her body like saran wrap. But she would need a different bra. The cut of the neckline practically begged for cleavage. Her breasts weren’t small by any stretch, but in this dress, any extra lift would be befitting, especially if it pushed them together. Serena smiled. She knew just the right bra for the job. Slipping out of the dress, Serena strode over to her dresser and dug through her underwear drawer.
Much better, she thought to herself as she eyed her reflection once again. Perfectly rounded cleavage – no more than two or three inches exposed – swelled under the fabric of the dress. And the sheer pantyhose she’d added made her legs practically glisten, smooth and silky. Now Serena had only to consider her shoes.
Meep meep. The phone vibrated against the granite counter and Serena picked it up.
Sure babe. ;) How’s 7ish?
Serena shook her head, her eyes a mixture of repugnance and pity. How could he knowingly cheat and be so casual? It was pathetic and so immature, she thought.
Sounds good. See you then.
A slight hope rose in Serena’s heart as she set the phone down. Maybe it was better if he was clueless and had no shame. Dalton would certainly be neither clueless nor shameless after this evening, she thought, smiling as she crouched to survey her collection of shoes.
The dress she’d chosen required heels for sure, but Serena knew she didn’t want anything too high or too strappy. A good two-inch heel would be ideal and maybe something patent leather. Tough material would probably be best for what she had in mind. On the second row, Serena found them. The heels were closer to three inches but the color was perfect – a brooding dark silver. She also liked how the toe was rounded with a slight upward curve. As she slipped them on, Serena smiled. They made her feet look so…dainty.
Dusk was on the verge on night as Serena walked to her car. She pulled the black cardigan tighter against the cool, evening air. By the time Serena reached Dalton’s apartment, the moon was full and bright, the sky as dark as her sweater. She turned off the ignition and took several deep, calming breaths. Was she really ready for this?
Serena studied her gray eyes in the rear view mirror. The eyeliner she’d chosen enhanced their natural smokiness, which always made them seem sultry and inviting. But behind that hint of invitation, Serena was reassured to find a resolve as steely as the gray of her irises. Quickly, she applied some touch up on her lipstick and then stepped out of the car, her pulse beginning to race.
“Come on up, babe.”
Dalton’s voice sounded calm and unaffected through the speaker box as Serena pressed the buzzer to his unit. The lock clicked open and she walked in, taking the two flights of stairs to his apartment slowly, prepping herself for seeing Dalton face to face. Would her resolve crumble or would the sight of him just set her off? Be cool, she told herself as she knocked on his door.
“Serena!” Dalton exclaimed, opening the door, a broad grin on his chiseled face. He looked at her for a moment, brushing a thick curl of hair from his forehead. “Wow. You look… Amazing!” The eager, hungry look in his eyes verified the honesty of his compliment.
“Thank you,” Serena said, demurely while trying to tamp down the emotional tsunami roiling inside her at the sight of him. He looked as good as ever, but to Serena, his friendly, charming demeanor sounded smarmy in her ears with the knowledge of his cheating behavior. She hated the way it sounded. It wasn’t the Dalton she loved and her heart longed with regret that she would never again experience the delight of being charmed by him.
“Don’t just stand there, come on in,” Dalton said as Serena just stood in the doorway.
“Oh, sorry,” Serena mumbled, taking a step into the apartment. She bristled briefly as Dalton wrapped his arms around her in a hug, but then forced herself to nestle into it. “I missed you last night.” She’d expected to sound false with how uneasy she felt in his arms, but the words came out ringing true. Serena had missed him – that was true.
“I missed you, too, babe,” Dalton said, kissing the top of Serena’s head.
Serena held his hug a moment longer, her head reeling. He sounded so genuine, but I know he’s lying, she thought. Her heart flip-flopped and she pulled away from his embrace. Like pulling off a band-aid, she told herself as she gazed up into his eyes.
“Did you?” Serena tried to sound coy in a playful way as she slid the cardigan off and dropped it onto the armrest of the sofa.
“What do you mean?” Dalton asked, sounding suddenly uneasy.
“Oh,” Serena replied, realizing she must not have sounded as playful as she hoped. “It’s nothing,” she lied, trying to play it off.
Dalton took Serena’s small hands in his. “No, it’s not. I can tell,” he said, looking down into Serena’s eyes with concern.
God, he looked so hot when he acted sensitive, Serena thought and she had to look down at her shoes to keep her self-control. When she looked back up at him, there was strength in her eyes. “You’re right, it’s not nothing. You cheated on me.”
Dalton’s mouth gaped for a moment but then he closed it into a thin, steely grimace. “What are you talking about?” He sounded miffed.
“Don’t try to lie. I know it for a fact,” Serena said evenly, realizing his vexation only further proved his guilt. It was a defensive move on his part, she understood.
“Babe, I… I…,” Dalton croaked, putting his hands on his head. When he saw the calm resolve in Serena’s eyes as she leveled her gaze on him, he shook his head, letting go of all the excuses that were flashing through his brain. “I did… I am.. Oh, I’m so sorry.” His eyes filled with regret as he admitted his guilt.
Dalton’s admission stabbed Serena like a knife in the heart, but she pushed aside the pain and looked up at him, her eyes heavy with sorrow. “I’m sure you are,” she said, neither reassurance nor condemnation detectable in her voice. “I am, too.” She pulled her hands away from his and placed them on his cheeks. She could feel the tension in his jaw attesting to his anxiety. “I want you to feel this,” she said sincerely as she leaned up and kissed him slowly on the lips. As she kissed him, Serena let all her emotions come through in the singular form of pure passion. She kissed him hard and deep, savoring the pleasure of how his mouth fit so perfectly with hers. Almost reluctantly, Serena broke it off and looked into Dalton’s eyes. She smiled to herself at the surprise and confusion in his eyes, like he couldn’t believe his luck but that he felt like the other shoe might drop at any moment. Serena let her arms fall to his broad shoulders, feeling the taut muscles under her fingertips. He was so strong, she thought, her heart breaking a little at knowing she wouldn’t be touching his toned body ever again. Why did you have to cheat? Serena groaned to herself, her grip on his shoulders tightening.
She kneed him in the groin as hard as she could, pushing down on his shoulders as she drove her knee up, trying her very best to smash his balls flat. Serena felt Dalton’s hands grip her waist tightly for a brief second before they flew to his groin and she watched his body cave in on itself, his head flying back. When his head rebounded, Serena could see him looking at her. His gaze was unseeing, his eyes pinched, fully consumed by the pain he was feeling. Serena felt a pang of heartbreak, wishing she wasn’t forced to make him hurt so much. She sighed, shaking her head, knowing it needed to be done. He would feel that long after the taste of her kiss had left his lips.
Dalton groaned as the acute pain shot through his body, leaving him weak and wobbly. He pressed his hands tightly between his legs, writhing awkwardly on his feet. “Oh god, my balls,” he moaned hoarsely. After a few seconds, the blinding pain subsided and his vision returned. He looked up at Serena miserably. He was about to ask why, but thought better of it. He knew why. His head drooped, but only for a moment. The sensation of Serena’s delicate fingers under his chin alarmed him, but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. It was taking all of his strength – what was left of it – to remain on his feet.
Serena gently raised Dalton’s face, forcing him to meet her eye. She looked at him with soft, caring eyes. “That had to hurt,” she said simply, no malice or sympathy in her tone. “There, there. Just breathe. Yes, that’s good. Slower now,” Serena said, directing him.
After a dozen or so breaths, Dalton felt strong enough to stand upright again. He put one hand against the wall for additional support, but let the other linger between his legs. “Fuck,” he muttered, looking the very picture of regret.
As he composed himself, Serena leaned into him, pressing her breasts firmly against his torso. She wrapped her arms around his back and then let her hands slide down to his butt. “I’m really going to miss your tight little ass,” she chuckled, cupping it with a squeeze. Then she pushed him back against the wall, gently, taking a hold of his hands and moving them to her breasts. “Mmm…,” she purred, “Don’t they feel good?”
Dalton’s head reeled. What the hell was going on, he wondered. First she kisses me, then she knees me in the balls. Now she’s grabbing my ass and making me fondle her boobs. He had to admit, they felt amazing in his hands. Still, he was understandably anxious and it kept him from fully enjoying the sensation. Well, that, and the ache in his groin. “They do,” he answered cautiously, causing Serena to giggle.
Serena let him fondle her a beat longer, enjoying the feel of his big hands massaging the soft, sensitive tissue of her breasts. Again the thought poked at her: why did you have to cheat? This feels so good and now I’ll never feel your strong hands on me ever again. Slowly, almost begrudgingly, Serena removed his hands and stepped back from him. She found Dalton looking at her with a mix of desire and exasperation. “I really love the feel of your hands on my body, Dalton,” she said, looking at him with mild sorrow in her eyes. “Don’t you?”
Dalton nodded, looking like he wanted to touch her again.
“But you just had to cheat, didn’t you?” The sorrow was gone now, hurt rising in her wounded eyes. She took another step back as Dalton let the utter regret over his poor decision show in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Serena,” he said, his tone pleading for her forgiveness, his hands trembling with the desire to touch her body.
“I know,” Serena replied gently. She looked at him dolefully. “That’s the worst part. I know you’re sorry.” A spark of hope kindled in Dalton’s eye and Serena shook her head. “But I can’t abide cheating. I love… no… I loved you too much.” It hurt to say out loud. It hurt her soul and it broke her aching heart. Dalton held out his hands, palms turned up, like he wished he could do something for her and she flashed him a sickly, wounded smile. Then she stepped back and kicked him in the balls, lifting him briefly off the floor. And this time, Dalton went down in a heap. As he rolled around on the ground, clutching his balls, Serena smiled. “That was for robbing me of the pleasure of your body,” she said, the heartache plain in her voice. “Your strong body… Well, at least it used to be.”
Dalton fought for breath as he listened to Serena soft voice. As if the excruciating pain in his testicles wasn’t enough, Serena’s words cut through his heart like a sword, even despite the subtle jab. The realization of how much he’d hurt her gradually dawned on him as the physical pain slowly diminished. She really, truly loved him and desired him, he realized. And now he’d thrown it all away. He cursed under his breath, his heart now hurting as much as Serena’s. Pulling himself to his knees, Dalton reached out for her and, to his relief, she stepped forward and let him rest his head against her thighs.
Serena tousled the mop of hair atop his head, now slightly damp from his reactions to the agonizing pain, and felt Dalton’s rasping breaths against her thighs. “It hurts so much, doesn’t it?” She felt Dalton’s head nodding against her legs and smiled sadly. “I know my heart hurts more than it ever has.”
Though the pain in his groin was awful, it was far more unsettling and discomfiting to hear Serena admit this. And it was all his fault. Hell, his heart was now hurting, maybe just as bad as hers, and again he cursed himself. Only he was to blame. “Serena… I’m sorry,” he groaned pitifully into her thighs. “I never meant to hurt you.”
Serena’s hands stopped moving through Dalton’s hair, locking in place at the back of his head. She pulled his head tight against her legs as she considered what he’d just said. It was comforting to know that he wasn’t trying to intentionally hurt her, but it was infuriating to know he’d been so careless and inconsiderate. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. It was such a selfish thing to do. Serena could feel her blood starting to boil. Love was looking out for the other person, like she had always done with Dalton. But he was only looking out for himself. Suddenly, she let go of his head and stepped back. “But you did!”
Dalton’s body crumbled at the unexpected loss of support and he caught himself with his hands just before his face could crash into the floor. He stayed on his hands and knees for a moment trying to gather his strength. Finally, he pushed himself back onto his knees. The effort sent a burst of pain radiating out from his groin and he grabbed himself. He looked up at Serena, feeling chastised and ashamed. “I know,” he groaned, his eyes filling with regret once again. “I’m sorry,” he offered in a pleading tone.
Serena could practically feel her nostril flaring at yet another meaningless apology. She was breathing rapidly now, her anger in full bloom. “Enough with your ‘sorrys’,” she snapped and slapped Dalton hard across the face. His head snapped to the side and he gripped his cheek, looking at Serena with wounded eyes. “That was for all the apologies that can never undo what you’ve done,” Serena said, trying to sound matter-of-fact, but failing, as the emotional distress she felt seeped in. As she looked at Dalton holding his smarting cheek, a tinge of red began to surround her field of vision as the full weight of what Dalton’s cheating meant hit her like a cannonball straight to the heart. He’d ruined their relationship and broke her heart. It would be a long time before she could trust anyone again – if ever. It was so unfair. Her heart was scarred for life, and what did he get in exchange? A kick or two in the balls and a slap in the face? It hardly felt like justice. Serena could feel tiny beads of sweat popping out near her temples and the slow burning as the color ran up her neck. She was angry now, almost shaking because of it.
Dalton’s eyes widened as he watched the transformation on Serena’s face. The wounded expression tightened and her eyes had narrowed under her wrathful glare. He felt suddenly vulnerable and tried to find away to protect himself but found he was frozen to the spot. He tried pleading with his eyes.
Ignoring the entreating look Dalton flashed her, Serena cried out in a fervent whisper. “This what happens to guys who cheat!” Then she kicked him in the balls as hard as possible, putting all her fury and rage into it. When Dalton buckled, gurgling unpleasantly as he pitched over on his side, some of the rage inside Serena subsided. When his fingers curled tightly around his aching jewels and he pounded the floor with his fist, the rest of her fury dissipated. In fact, Serena even smiled. It wouldn’t heal her heart, but it sure felt good to kick his balls so hard and make them hurt.
Serena watched him writhe in agony for a minute, allowing herself to enjoy his torment. Sensing he wasn’t getting up for a good, long while, Serena plucked her cardigan from off the sofa and slipped it on. “I’ll never forget you, Dalton,” she said, blowing him a kiss. “And I doubt you’ll ever forget me.”
Serena turned, feeling lighter than she had since receiving Maria’s late night text, and strolled out of the apartment, leaving Dalton to nurse his bruised and swollen cheater’s balls all alone.
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