I’d like to preface this story by saying that this had been, a very stressful day. The whole thing was a disaster. I was awoken that morning by the screaming of my little two-year-old, Tyson. The poor toddler had woken up in the night and tried to jump out of a damn window. Thankfully he didn’t fall, but his ankle getting caught on the sill sure seemed to hurt. And boy does it seem like I’m being fleeced by my babysitter a little more everyday. Being a single mom sucks ass…

Then I went out to find my car wouldn’t start, it just up and died on me overnight. So I had to take a taxi to work, where I found out that I’d been laid off over the weekend! Somehow notifying me about that slipped through the cracks, I had to show up and get shown the door! Shitty AND humiliating, quite the twofer.

I coulda hailed another cab to go back home, but I opted to walk instead because fuck me did I ever need to just take some time to clear my head. My nerves were absolutely shot. So you could understand then, I was a bit on edge, I was a little paranoid.

That’s probably why, as I was walking across the road and suddenly felt someone grab my arm from behind with a shout of “Hey, hold up!” in a burly voice I didn’t recognize, I reacted as severely as I could.

I wasn’t some martial artist but I atleast knew enough self-defense that I felt confident walking around town… that was the first time I ever put it to the test. And I will say, I’m pretty proud of my reflexes, because I lashed out in record time. The first thing I did was send my leg rushing up backwards, just kinda hoping to get lucky. From the sound of the loud, violent, manly groan I wagered that I indeed had.

Whirling around, I got confirmation: the man who grabbed me was bent over with his hands on his knees, a low moan escaping his lips. I was positive that I’d just back kicked him right in the balls! In my head I celebrated for a moment, happy to find that I hadn’t put those high heels on for no damn reason after all. One of them just caught him good!

But he seemed far from subdued in that position, so I rushed in and added a swift knee to his testicles before he could cover himself. Seeing the shock in his eyes was just wonderful, and it was a pretty precise shot… I could vividly feel on his package on my knee for a moment, and I loved how it felt. And the sound of the crunch, ooh that was music to my ears...

He was now cupping his crotch, and croaking, “St-stop, you don’t understand, I-”

“Understand this, numbnuts!” I yelled as loud as I could, whilst pulling out a can of pepper spray from my purse and firing it into his eyes. I think he closed them fast enough to avoid the brunt of it, but it definitely had an effect all the same. His scream was shrill and instant, his hands zipping up to his burning face.

I was already fumbling around in my purse for my next neutralizer as he was howling, “Augh, ffffuck, please, I was just-”

He was cut off by the taser that I’d just shoved into his chest. His body trembled with the sudden jolts, he definitely didn’t see that coming… I’d wager he was in more pain at that point than he’d ever been in his life, and I was loving every minute of it.

Even after I pulled it back, he was clearly still stunned, literally... his body twitched as he just stood there, his legs spread, utterly defenseless. There’s no way following up was necessary at that point but God help me, I just couldn’t resist that opening.

“You picked the wrong day to fuck with me!” I hollered as I took a step back before putting everything I had into that next kick. I mean I just hauled off and blasted the guy’s balls, my shin was like a baseball bat slamming into his groin. I swear to you, I hit him so hard that he lifted a few inches off the ground!

Finally, with that, the poor sap collapsed, regretting ever putting a hand on me. Seeing him go down in a heap was satisfying as all hell, especially after the day I’d had. I was pumping my fists, ripping my hair tie out to let my brown locks flow, giving him all sorts of lip. For the first time that day I was having fun!

That was until some chick came rushing up to spoil it. “Hey, hey, stop! Geeze, what did you do to him?!” she asked.

“I kicked his ass is what I did!” I proudly replied. “You see what happened?!”

“Yes I did, and he just saved you, you dumbass!” she scolded.

“...Say what?”

My eyes followed her finger as she pointed to the ground behind me. I was stunned to see an open manhole that I somehow completely missed. When the guy grabbed me, I was maybe two steps away from just falling straight into the damn thing! How I didn’t notice the insane heat emitting from it earlier, I couldn’t tell you, but as I looked down at how deep it was, I realized what a bullet I’d dodged.

Glancing back and forth between the manhole and the dude who I’d just turned into a blubbering mess, it slowly dawned on me what actually happened.

“...Oh… oh shit, I’m so sorry.” I uttered, far too mortified to speak up. I knelt down next to him and gently nudged him, trying to make sure he was still conscious. Hearing his groan, I explained, “R-Really, I am! I… had no idea, I thought you were just… well, uh… fuck. Fuck, what is UP with today…?!”

“You… tazed him, didn’t you? Did I see that right?” the woman asked, and I grimly nodded. She just winced, “Jesus, we need to get him to a hospital… I’m calling 9-1-1.”

“Al-alright… you do that, I’ll um…” I stuttered, not sure what to do with myself. It’d have been easier to think if not for the car blaring it’s horn at me. “...Oh. I guess I should uh, get him out of the road...”

All my bravado left me in a hurry as I grabbed the poor sap’s arm and wrapped it around my shoulder. He was definitely a fair bit bigger than me so it took some doing, but I managed to stand him up. If my heels weren’t so stupidly long I don’t think I’d have been tall enough to support him.

Glancing over to him, I felt like absolute ass seeing him rapidly blink to try and get his vision back. And I could feel his arm still occasionally twitch against me… but apparently he’d regained his senses enough to ask, “Wh-where are we… going…?”

“Just, out of the road. I guess we’ll go into that alley...” I mumbled. “This is gotta be embarrassing as fuck for you, lemme just, get you out of sight...”

I think he followed what I was saying well enough, though he was dragging his feet a bit as we headed into the dark alleyway. I think the building to our left was some restaurant, and thankly it had a side entrance, the outcropping of which went far enough that we were able to hide behind. I leaned him up against the brick wall and took a step back, wincing at the bad shape he was clearly in, his hands going right to his nuts the first chance he got.

“Sorry again. Are you… gonna be okay?” I asked, trying to hide my grimace.

“Uhhhh...” he moaned, just staring at me. His eyes went down to my legs, and I had to imagine he was thinking about how deadly they seemingly were.

“I uh… did a real number on ‘em, as far as I could tell. Shit, I hope I didn’t cause any damage...” I remarked, my teeth clenched as that occured to me. “Uh, do you mind if I… check…?”

From his expression I could tell he wasn’t sure what I was asking. It was pretty inappropriate really but, I just knew if I didn’t find out I’d be wracked with guilt, so I reached down and undid the button to his jeans, brushing his hands away before taking the zipper down.

He was so weak and barely there, so he couldn’t resist much. And his reaction was quite delayed, but he eventually yelled, “W-Wait… don’t!”

“I’m sorry, I know it’s weird, I just need to… oh...” I paused after pulling his jeans down, exposing his boxer shorts.

I had assumed that his jeans were a little big on him and the bulge I saw was just some fold tricking my eyes. But with them down, there was absolutely no mistaking it, this guy had an enormous erection! I mean not even half-mast, this thing was threatening to a tear a hole through his undies!

Looking up into his eyes, I saw that thankfully his sight had returned enough to look at me with some clarity, though now he had a bit of a guilty expression. An eyebrow raised, I hesitantly asked, “Do you… like being kicked in the nuts?”

A meek smile crossed his face, confirming that right away. “Uh… heh, well I… sure don’t like getting electrocuted, I’ll tell you that...”

“Heh… yeah, it’s never fun.” I replied, scratching the back of my head. I was probably blushing just a bit, I certainly didn’t expect to see any wood that day. “God, I really can’t apologize enough… or, thank you enough, really. You seriously saved me back there, and I… I mean you didn’t make this easy on me. How am I supposed to make this up to you AND show my gratitude?”

He laughed weakly, “Sorry about that...”

My eyes kept glancing down to his pecker as I spoke, much as I tried not to. An erection like that seemed like a shitty thing to waste, and… I mean I’ve never fooled around with someone out of guilt OR gratitude, but both?

“...Uh, tell me… how much do you like getting your balls busted?” I asked, a little intrigued. “Like I mean, enough to… finish you, or…?”

He seemed surprised by that question, but quite interested. “Well, I guess it can be… but only if it’s with someone really, really hot.” he replied, staring me up and down, undressing me with his eyes all of a sudden. “Like, say… a stacked brunette with… long powerful legs and a… form-fitting business suit with a reeeeaaally short skirt...”

“Awww, heh…” I laughed, blushing quite openly at that point. “Well, since you asked so nicely~”

I came in close, grabbing him by the shoulders and locking eyes with him, turning to an intense glare. His own eyes widened as he muttered, “Oh, fuck yes.” much to my delight.

Without any more warning than that, I kneed him in the groin again. This one was a bit more tentative than the last, now that I actually cared about his well-being. And man, those boxers offered absolutely no protection, I felt like I got his nuts directly.

He groaned lustfully, but I’d never done this before so I had to ask, “Was that okay? That wasn’t too hard, was it?”

“That was great! H-Harder!” he gasped.

That, I could certainly do. I smirked a bit as I rammed my thigh solidly into his testicles. There was a bit of a thud to that one to go along with his high pitched yelp. Following up quickly, I took a step back and then sent a front kick into his nuts, wincing a bit when I realized the pointed toe of my shoe was digging into his loins on that one.

It was clear from his hiss that the pain was stinging and his legs were wobbly, but he managed to use the wall to keep himself standing, and to keep those legs spread wide for me. That made it pretty clear he wanted to keep going, so instead I asked, “You like kicks, knees… what else?”

“I-I like… ugh, e-everything!” he replied, an eager tone to his voice.

I just smirked and nodded, putting a hand to his chest and pushing him against the wall as I bent over a smidge. I think with all my sudden movements, the first couple of buttons on my undershirt came undone and from that angle, I’m preeetty sure he got a nice look down it. Not that I’m bothered by that…

Anyway, I had fun rearing my fist back, letting him see it coming. He flinched a bit as I sent it rocketing into his crotch, a pretty nice uppercut if I do say so myself. I giggled a bit as I saw his nicely outlined nuts swing backwards from the shot. I enjoyed the sight so much, I went at him with both hands; a right, then a left, than another right in quick succession, using his scrotum as a punching bag.

Understandably that was a little too much for him to take and with a heavy grunt he went down to his knees. “Awww yes… fffuck yes...” he groaned. I was proud, both to hear that and to see how effective these shots were.

Instinctively he was protecting his balls. So I reached down and grabbed his wrists, and he didn’t fight as I pulled his hands away and over his head as I stood. From this dominant position, I unleashed a snap kick, the pointed toe again thrusting into his package, earning a sharp yelp of pain.

“You want to keep going, right?” I asked. He was frantically nodding his head. “Then get on your feet, big guy!”

I yanked his arms up, helping him stand again. Then I kept them pinned high above his head, coming in real close. We could feel each other’s breath against our faces as I stood there, a leg cocked back. Anticipation whirled in his eyes… and in that moment, I felt a power in me that I never knew I had.

Not wanting to let him down, I went full force with my next knee, smashing my kneecap into his groin and slamming his ass against the brick wall in the process. Before he even finished howling, I repeated this, kneeing the fuck out of his balls twice, thrice, four times… “And one to remember me by!” I yelled, before driving my knee into his nuts as hard as I possibly could a fifth time.

And even after that, I held onto his wrists, not letting him fall. Instead I turned around, glancing back. “This time, I can actually see this land...” I uttered, before shooting another back kick into his crotch. I’m proud to say it hit dead on, my heel went square into his nuts. Satisfied with that, I released his wrists and let him fall back to his ass on the concrete.

When I turned around I saw that he still wasn’t clutching myself, and was looking up at me expectantly. I’m pretty sure he also got quite a nice upskirt from down there… and if not, he sure as hell did when I lifted my leg as high up into the air as I could, bent at the knee. (My balance wasn’t great in those heels, but with my hands against the wall this was easy enough to do!)

I was honestly a little worried about what this one would do to his nuts, but he still looked as excited as ever. So I gave him what he was looking for, stomping down heavily into his groin. His holler was tortured yet rife with lust, and his groans became all the more sexual when I started grinding my heel into his nuts like I was putting out a cigarette.

Whilst my heel was doing this, the front of my boot was pressing against his rigid member. It was quite the contrast, such a hard cock right above such soft nuts… I bore my weight down on his genitals as much as I could, before stepping back and delivering a fierce punt, planting my instep into his crotch.

His scream this time was distinct, and his body spasmed even more than when he got electrocuted. I backed away as I watched him frantically pull his boxers down. I saw his cock for just a moment before it started gushing out semen. He came and he came hard, all over the concrete, howling his pleasure as he did it.

I stood proud, like a painter admiring a masterpiece as my first-ever ballbusting session was a complete success. He was panting as he moaned, “Th-that… was awesome...”

Once more I knelt down and helped him up to his feet, leaning him against the wall. “Heh, gotta say, that was a lot of fun for me… more than I thought it’d be, honestly.” I admitted.

Between gasps, he asked, “Hey, can I… nngh, get your name…?”

My hand slapped to my cheek. “Ohhh my God, I can’t believe we did all this without even exchanging names… hah, what the hell even just happened?”

As silly as it may sound, after all that, I offered the guy a damn handshake. “Um, Donna.” I introduced myself.

He chuckled and shook his head, but accepted my hand. “P-Paul...”

I gave him my brightest smile, before taking a step back and launching one last surprise kick, my shin slamming into his bare nuts and this time I was able to confirm that his feet definitely left the ground from the impact. He crumpled in a heap on the concrete. As I turned to walk away I simply said, “Nice to meet you, Paul~”

As I made my way out of the alley, I realized that with every step I felt a little moisture between my thighs… I’d gotten pretty damn wet from busting his balls. I guess you could say I learned something about myself that day…

Outside, I noticed the sirens of the ambulance that woman said she’d call. They certainly picked a good time to get here. One of the E.M.Ts approached me and asked, “Sorry, we got held up; are you the one that called? We heard there was a man attacked here… mace, and a taser?”

“Yeah, he’s in the alley behind me… treat him real gently.” I explained to them, pointing behind me with a raised thumb, trying to hide my smile. “Some bitch just went wild on his nuts...”


If you enjoyed this story, you can find plenty like it on my Patreon page right here! It's not exclusively ballbusting that I do, but you'll find that it's my personal primary fetish so it's definitely the most prominent. There are about 30 stories up there at the moment, all of them nearly twice the length of this one for the record... another is posted every Thursday, first seen exclusively by those in the $2 tier, but eventually become available to all Patrons, so you'll get a pretty big library for a dollar. Some stories, mostly ones that are double THAT length, are exclusively for those who pay $5. Those are posted every Sunday and that tier has recently been bust-heavy as hell. I was very pensive about advertising this here, but all the digging I did tells me that it's fine, I've even seen other Patreons posted about and nobody seemed to mind, so I'm hoping it's okay! 

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Very nice story Ben, me likey!



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