Deceitful as only herself, the Night came. Althana and her sister Imogen were on the upstair chambers, outside, gazing at the pale moon both embraced by silver beauty. Oh, lady moon, the first witch that ever was... Fainted, covered by mist, maybe cloaked, guiding the dreamers through their dreams, guiding the crows across the deep night. Imogen prayed for the white sphere and felt power growing inside. Poor Imogen, the child ended up having her right breast bitten by fire, burned; but that is a story that can wait, you should simply know Imogen was cryin' for her beautiful nipple, for it was now black.

Althana: Sister, what a night!

Imogen: It's beautiful... The ceremony will be a success

Althana: It will, you don't have a clue what we're going to do today. - she laughs

Imogen: I hope you don't deform my other nipple.

Althana: One is enough, sacrifice is the only source of glory.

Imogen: Gore glory.

Althana: Yum, that's delicious.

Imogen: Did my sacrifice pleased you, sister?

Althana: Deeply. You won't ever forget the wisdom of fire, 'cause it marked your skin.

Imogen: Was that a lesson after all?

Althana: Yes.

Imogen: (after short silence) I learned, my skin is weak.

Althana: It is all you have nonetheless, all. Learn to adore your skin, seek suffering, seek pleasure, seek sin.

Imogen: I wish to be stronger, powerful, goddess-like.

Althana: Gods don't wish... Gods have, are, exist as a whole.

Imogen: What they do then?

Althana: Delight themselves. Delight themselves forever through the forsaken valleys of time.

Imogen: Is that why we should seek delight?

Althana: Delight worths for itself. But yes, it could be a sort of reason, Imogen.

Imogen: I see.

Althana: Sacrifice moists me, I get soaked, hahaha.

Imogen: Death... Who will die tonight? What will happen?

Althana: You're so anxious, sister. Anyway, tonight you will learn some ancient way of torture.

Imogen: Really? Tell, tell! - Imogen asked loudly and hasty, much like a little child

Althana: It is a castration method, a guy loses his cock and balls quickly, and we call it...

Imogen: What, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Althana: Snake feeding.         

Imogen: Snakes eating balls? Christ! - Althana slapped her face loudly

Althana: What hell you said? Christ? Christ? Are you in for being whipped? I'm gonna use a whip on your ass 'till it gets meat red, little fucker!

Imogen: No, no, no, sister, sorry.

Althana: You will watch the whole ceremony on a wooden piece, you will be beaten and punished severely and will learn... Christ despised his own skin, are you a litle sheep? Do you cherish your assumed soul? If you do despise your own flesh, I'll tare it open, got it? Feed it to the wolves, know why? 'Cause they will always appreciate flesh.

Imogen: ...

Althana: Oh, feel like being quiet. So... - Althana quicked kicked the bottom of Imogen's pussy, she screamed in enormous susprise: Fuuuuuck.

Althana: Take again. - Stepped on the crotch like it with a heavy foot, again and again. One time steppin' on sister's hand and making the pussy suffer below. Kick on the face, distracted and unprotected she got one more, screamed, ached bad, it was right on the pussy's mouth. Imogen got sharply hurt, out of breath, out of connection, offline. It was so deep, her cavity being smacked, fully kicked. 

Althana: I'll make you sore, that's the only way to be sorry.

Imogen: What?

Althana: Take! - Althana spitted on Imogen's eyes to distract her again and then JUUUUMP! Jumped on her sister's crotch with all her might. That huuuuurted. Imogen drooled like a little baby after the impact, red, hurting, fucking mad, but impotent.

Imogen: Sor-sor-sorry... I'm, I'm sorry now.

Althana: Good. Now put your ass out of the ground and get ready for the ceremony and...

Imogen: W-w-what?

Althana: And also for my ass whip. You will be looking for your ass pieces after weeks...

(By Miguel Tavares)

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