This original story will portray the deeds of a sect of high-society satanist women. The group gore story includes heavy-toned ballbusting as well as castration. It will also contain some background information, curiosities, character development and general narrative divided through parts or episodes.

         Althana, the high-priestess, was already in position at the top of the altar. Wearing a black cloak with golden serpents contorting engraved, she lifted her refined glass filled with fresh blood and drank it, delight tickled her throat as the blood gone downhill. She almost trembled at the metalic taste, always surprised by it's savor, flavor, consistency, thickness; blood tasted like victory. Also, there was none other substance that did better for the skin. Blood makes the skin bloom, glow, simply reborn. 

         Not that Althana or any of the singing ecstatic women surrounding her need to reborn: they were mostly around their thirties, with Althana being only twenty-nine. The singing could be described as a sinister pagan chant, very gutural, throaty, shivering spine sounds. Yet, it excited the clitoris of every single lady as they fell into strange states of mind, free from any moral chains or restraints, above of pity, closer to their inner nature, holdings hands with Satan. Though I feel the need to say: Satan could well be a female. A proud, rebellious, enlightened, angelic female. 

          To the Snowy Den Order concerns, both genders, male and female, were conflicting, non-reconcilable, by nature aggressive towards each other. They were opposite, antagonists. The whole order objective was enslave males and ultimately make the male perish, but that wasn't out of pure hatred, they loved males. For example, many women were fond of playin' with severed cocks, rubbing them, slapping each other with them and sometimes eating their inches for dinner.

          The Order read their preachings from medieval books condemned by the Holy Inquisition, books like (rougly translating): "Harmony in Disharmony" by the italian scholar Pietro Giatonnini, "The Devil shelters on the flesh" or "The Black Bible of Vysir" by eminent satanist Vysir Lato.  Today, exceptionally, there would be no reading. The activity planned was the torture, emasculation, rippin' of cock, balls and dignity of a bunch of slaves, already properly chained and leashed, like dogs.

         Althana looked to her side, there was Imogen, her younger and still virgin sister (virgin by the Order terms means a girl that never castrated a man). Today would be Imogen initiation into the Snowy Den Order, a crucial day into her path, but she couldn't be more calm.

Althana: Beloved sister, today is your day of glory, step aside... - Imogen obeyed - Tabitha, quick, bring me that well-hung slave, now, go!

Tabitha: At once, high-priestess. - the slave didn't wanted to help, refused to stand up and follow, but she unpolitely kneed his nose, breaking it with a harsh sound, his head bumped into the behind wall and back to the ground, dizzy slave. Tabitha grabbed his ballsack rougly, giving him no time to recover, she pushed his balls up almost shutting them back where they came from, compressing. He moaned like a beaten animal, high noises that you wouldn't expect, voice distorted as well as his face, fixed and shocked eyes, he was grunting badly. - Tabitha threw him at the feet of Althana

Althana: Finish him, Imogen. - Imogen removed her cloak and revealed a tiny bird body, wouldn't be for the massive chest, the only meat portion it had.

Imogen: You two, my beloved, hold this slave down, I want him still and calm... Uh, I mean, maybe just still. - Imogen put her right feet into the slave's face: - Now Lick... - Women around were laughing: - Lick, lick

Imogen: Faster, faster. - She stuffed her whole feet into his mouth, down-the-throat it seemed: - Faster, your scumbag, dog, smelly cunt, fuck. - She forced her feet down, down, down, sometimes rubbin' and mashing his lips. Her foot was dirty for she was barefeet for hours playin' in the mud, the slave couldn't stand the black-stained sole of her foot, dirty and smelly. She forced it down angrily 'till she felt his throat, took it out and stepped onto his broken nose, splaterring it to pieces. CRACK! He screamed in utter agony as the bone submitted again, she screamed too, just for the kick. When Imogen put her dirty foot down once more, it was too much for him, he felt a abundant flow shooting, PUuuuuuuuKE! The puke came as a disgusting volcano fallin' on his own face! He was orange now. - Tabitha covered her nose, Imogen screamed: - Scumbag, fucker! Look at my feet! Noooo. - She stepped on his groin, he cried weakly, silenced by pain, his whole face twisted on a grimace, red for the pain, orange for the puke. Step, his body shot up like a bullet, more pain, and he fell again. Crush, crush, crush, she was trampling his ballsack like an angry horse. Again, again, again, he was in unimaginable pain, but couldn't release from the holding women, his energy was down since Tabitha grabbed his balls. Imogen grabbed now and pulled as the balls were bags of thrash, twist, she almost made a knot, so stretched his balls were. The slave's mouth were opened on a big O, which was provoking some spooks from the audience, all the women were doing their own O's, jumping around. Shivering, eyes flushin', mouth-opened, poor man...

Imogen: Nooooow, for the big ending... - And she pulled too much, the balls end up flyin' away from her hands. The slave went out, so were the balls. Imogen tits got stained with blood and ball inner parts, everybody laughed and began dancing.

(By Miguel Tavares)

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Replies to This Discussion

This is remarkable. Im the one with the blasphemy "fetish" here but I kept my own ideas back because i thought it doesnt fit here, and then you come and just do it <3

Last month then, i underwent the attempt to make a story based around the fact that today (21st) is world's demise (we're all dead you knooow) but i was told its too complex. Again i listened to the opinions.

But you simply posted it ! Thanks! I like it! This is just the kind of set and setting that makes me smile. Please go on with the story.

rating: 4 of 5 inverted crosses :D



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