Rebecca set her beer down on the table and gave her head a quick nod toward the bar area. “Uh-oh. It looks like some guy is trying to pick up Bette.”

Ryan looked over and saw an athletic, “jockboy” type completely invading Rebecca’s cousin’s personal space. He would’ve been toe-to-toe with her if it wasn’t for a firm pair of GG-sized breasts barely covered by her Hooter’s tank holding him at bay.

“Is it just me, or is Bette pushing her boobs just a little too close to that guy?” Ryan asked.

“I think you’re right,” Rebecca conceded. “But those big girls can’t help but get in the way,” she said with a chuckle.

“Man, it’s bad enough guys drool all over her when she’s working, but she can’t even get away from them on her break.”

“Yeah, but what do you expect from testosterone-driven he-men like him? They just can’t help themselves,” she shook her head in sympathy.

As they watched the guy lay what they assumed were his best lines on Bette, Ryan couldn’t keep himself from tensing up. He’d seen this before and it never ended well…at least not for the guys. He grimaced as he saw Bette give him a sultry smile and press her chest against his and he knew things were headed toward disaster when he heard Rebecca pipe up.

“Oh yeah. You’re gonna want to see this. She pretty much just invited him to get a little hands-y with her.” A devilish smile played at the corner of Rebecca’s ruby lips and her eyes twinkled with excitement. “I wonder what she’s going to do?”

She looked at Ryan to let him know it was not a rhetorical question.

“Um, bust his balls?”

Rebecca rolled her eyes. “I oughta bust your balls for such a dumb answer.”

Ryan suddenly felt her foot graze his inner thigh from under the table and instinctively sat back in his chair.

“Of course she’s going to bust him,” she continued, as if she wasn’t aware of her foot threatening Ryan’s crotch. “I want to know how she’s going to do it. Think she’ll just give him the ol’ grab and squeeze or brush him aside with a quick, hard knee? Ooh, maybe she’ll get dramatic and give him a swift kick! Any guesses?”

Ryan considered it for a second. “She’s going to knee him.”

“You sound pretty sure about that,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Want to make a little bet?”

Taking a big swig of cold beer, Ryan let the sensation of the icy liquid run through him while giving himself a chance to second guess his initial prognostication. As he looked at the guy put his big paw on Bette’s round butt, he decided he should stick with his gut.

“Fine. I’ll bet. What are we betting?”

“How about if you’re right, I’ll give you a bj,” she offered as Ryan nodded enthusiastically. “But, if I’m right, I get to do to you whatever Bette does to this douche.”

Seeing Bette shift her weight to her left leg, Ryan was convinced that she was about to ram her right knee straight into his groin. “Deal,” he said, reaching his hand across the table and shaking Rebecca’s.

“Ha. I think you’re going down,” she taunted.

“I think you’re the one going down.”

As an answer to his sass, Rebecca flicked her toe lightly between Ryan’s legs, making him jump a little in his seat.

“Hey – ,“ he pouted, “you didn’t win anything yet.”

“But I will. And when I do, it won’t be a light tap like that. Looks like we’re about to find out who wins.”

As they both watched intently, Ryan scanned the room and noticed that they were the only two paying any attention to the scene unfolding. At least he won’t have to feel the embarrassment of too many people see him get busted, he thought.

Rebecca saw Ryan’s eyes scan the room. “It’s too bad no one’s really watching. Bette will be disappointed her little ‘show’ is so poorly attended. Plus, a lot of girls would really appreciate what she’s about to do.”

As she spoke, the guy gave Bette’s ass a quick squeeze and that must’ve been Bette’s cue. Without hesitating she pushed the guy away from her and he raised his hands as if to say sorry. Seeing his wide open legs, Bette stepped back and drove a wicked kick right through the wickets. Her orange and white sneakers disappeared into his crotch as her kick crushed his balls.

“Oooh. She nailed him good,” Rebecca said admiringly.

To his credit, the guy didn’t fall down. Instead, he staggered backwards and doubled over, grabbing at his groin. He did, however, let out a loud grunt as the air was forced from his lungs, and that drew the attention of most of the bar.

Bette bounced lightly, apparently ready for more. She looked a little pouty when he didn’t immediately come after her. She let her hands settle on her hips and watched as his face went from pink to beet red. He panted heavily and rocked a little on his feet.

“Everyone’s watching now,” said Ryan, pointing to all the staring faces. “Too bad they missed it,” he added with some sarcasm.

“Oh, I don’t think they missed everything,” Rebecca fired back, redirecting Ryan’s gaze back to Bette.

She was right. At that moment, Bette sidled up closer to the guy and grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look at her. “That was for being the asshole you are, but this is for squeezing my ass.”

With that she took hold of his shoulders, straightening him up, and then drove her knee squarely into his balls, this time dropping him to the floor.

“Did his eyes just go crossed?” Rebecca exclaimed.

“I don’t know about that, but I’m pretty sure his eggs just got scrambled.” Despite his natural sympathy for his fellow man, he couldn’t stop himself from cracking a joke.

“That probably hurt so bad he didn’t even get to enjoy sliding down Bette’s big boobies before he hit the floor,” Rebecca added.

They both watched the big guy lying on the floor, curled up in the fetal position between the legs of the barstools. From where they sat, they couldn’t hear his feeble whimpers or see the tears rolling down his cheeks.

But they could hear the cheers and applause from other women as Bette made a beeline for their table.

“Damn, Bette,” Rebecca greeted her, rising from her chair. “That was nicely done.” The two girls embraced while Ryan wished he was in the middle of all that sweater meat.

“Hey Ryan,” Bette smiled. “I bet you’re glad you’re not that guy.”

Ryan gulped and nodded and then the three watched as two tiny waitresses pulled the big guy to his feet.  He sagged heavily in their skinny arms, still unable to let go of his injured groin. A cook came out from the kitchen and helped the two girls walk him to the front door.

A couple of girls, seated next to a pair of blushing boys, mocked him as he passed.

“If you thought you had big enough balls to pick up a Hooter’s waitress, I guess you were wrong,” chortled one.

“I bet they’re pretty big now, though,” added the other, holding her hands low between her legs.

Then looking at their male companions, the brunette said, “Bet that makes you a little nervous about what a girl can do to you.”

They just stared wide-eyed while the blonde finished the thought. “Any misbehaving from you boys tonight and we might just give your balls a nice, hard kick.” She flicked her leg out for emphasis.

The girls broke into a fit of giggles as the guys shook their heads and fumbled with their beers.

“God I love it when my work is appreciated,” Bette said, as her tablemates felt the excitement pouring off of her.

“It is electrifying when you get to bust some schmoe’s balls in public. That’s for damn sure,” Rebecca agreed.

“You two are sick puppies,” and raising his eyebrow, added, “That’s for. Damn. Sure.”

The two girls shared a laugh but then Bette caught sight of the clock.

“Sorry, but I’ve got to get back at it. You gonna be here for a while?”

Ryan shot Rebecca a questioning look.

“We’ll probably be gone before you get off work,” answered Rebecca. “But, it might be in your best interest to drop by my apartment later. Seems Ryan, here, lost a little wager.”

“That so?”

“Yep. He guessed you were going to knee that a-hole, but you led with a kick, so now he has to take a kick from me.”

“Nice,” Bette smiled. “But you know I dropped him with a knee, right?”

“Oh, I know. But first things first. Come by about nine and bear witness. I’d say you’ve earned a show.”

Bette agreed and practically glided back to the bar.

“That girl is walking on air! What’s wrong?” Rebecca noticed a grave expression clouding Ryan’s face. “You mad that I invited Bette over?”

“No, I mean, a little, but what about the bet? She kneed him just like I said she would. I’d say that makes it a wash.”

“Well, she kicked him first.”

“C’mon. That’s not fair,” he protested.

“Don’t be a baby. I’m not into blowing little bitches.”

“Fine.” Ryan leaned across the table, “You lost just as much as I did. And you’re going to pay up by sucking my – “

Rebecca cut him off, grabbing his chin. “Okay tough guy. That’s more like it. You got yourself a bj.”

Ryan leaned back, put his hands behind his head, and grinned. “A-a-ll right.”

“Don’t get too happy. I’m going to kick your balls into your throat first. In fact, why don’t you give ‘em a little pat to help you remember what it feels like not to be aching. You’re going to be walking funny for a long time after I’m finished. Hell, maybe I’ll let Bette a chance to make your balls hurt, too.”

With that, Rebecca leaned back and let a smug smile play across her ruby lips.


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Always love these, can't wait for the next part


Excellent writing - super hot  :)



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