When Bella stepped back out into the pasture, a sense of relief filled her. It was always so awkward for a cow being milked, and she was glad she could now get on with her day.

She found a nice spot and began to graze.

Unfortunately, her peace was not to last long.

"Hey Babe."

Bella sighed. She looked up to see Seymore, the Stockade's bull, headed her way.

"What is it Seymore?" Bella asked, rolling her eyes.

He was nice of course, but he wasn't the smartest guy to walk the Earth, and he never could take the hint that sometimes what one needed was a little peace and quiet.

"I just came to tell you, I overheard the farmers talking, and they are taking me out on a mission tomorrow."

"A mission, really. Sounds fascinating." Ella said, going back to her grazing.

"Yeah," Seymore piped, "They said something about taking me out to find some oysters in the Rocky Mountains."

Bella spit out her mouthful. She looked up at Seymore. "Seriously?"

"Yep," Seymore declared, "Isn't it so exciting?"

Bella hesitated. He seemed so excited for his "mission". She didn't want to break it with him.

But she was hit by an even deeper feeling she didn't realize. Disappointment. She didn't realize it 'til this point, but if she had a calf, she would want it to be with him. As weird and obnoxious as he was, he was sort of sweet.

But before she could tell him, he had already changed the subject.

"Just got done being milked, haven't you?" He asked, trotting around her, looking under her with curiosity.

Bella took that back. He was sweet, but he had no sense of manners!

"Is it awkward being milked?" Seymore went on, "I wouldn't know, they've never done it to me. I sometimes wonder why."

"Oh yes, it's very awkward," Bella declared, trying to put a hint into her voice. "But there is something more awkward than even that."

Seymore looked up, his face filled with curiosity. "There is?"

"You want to know the best place to find oysters in the Rocky Mountains?"

"Oh yes," Seymore declared, "the farmers would appreciate me very much if I could take up such a lead."

"See those mountains over there?" Bella asked, turning Seymore's gaze to the horizon. The Sun was going down, and the sky was filled with pink and purple light.

"Yes," Seymore sighted, staring at the snowcapped mountains in the distance, "it is beautiful."

"See that crest between those two peaks?" Bella asked. She didn't really care what she was talking about, she just needed to keep him distracted while she snuck behind him.

"Which two peaks?" Seymore asked, almost looking back at her.

"The big ones." Bella said, turning his attention back to the mountains.

"I think so. Are they the ones with..."

Bella was now into position, standing right behind him, facing the opposite direction.

She lifted a back leg. Just a gentle kick would grab his attention...

Bella paused.

If she was going to do this, she might as well have fun with it.

So Bella swung her hoof back with all the force she could muster, connecting with Seymore... Well, she decided not to finish that.

"There!" Bella declared.

Seymore howled in pain as he crumbled to the ground, completely leveled, writhing in the dirt. This was so much better than Bella could imagine.

"OW! OW! OWWWWW!" Seymore cried, "What was that for?"

"There, I answered both your questions." Bella replied.

Seymore writhed, trying to ease his injury by putting his body pressure into the ground. It took him a few seconds to process Bella's response.

"Okay, I get it. More awkward than milking." Seymore moaned, "Got it. But I don't get what that has to do with Rocky Mountain..."

Suddenly, his eyes went wide.

"Exactly," Bella said.

Seymore struggled to get to all fours, but he crumbled back down.

"I don't want them to eat me!" Seymore cried, trying to turn his attention from the pain.

"Oh, they're not going to eat all of you," Bella helped, "Just part of you."

Seymore finally managed to regain his hooves, but he still looked highly uncomfortable, still scrunched in on himself.

"Wait," Seymore said, face going red, "You knew all this, and I didn't?" He struggled not to moan, fresh waves of pain racking him every second he stayed on his feet. "Ooh, this hurts so bad. My..." He looked at Bella, not wanting to answer in front of a hot lady.

"Yes, I already know all about it, thank you very much." She turned her head. "Now I'd recommend you make a getaway to those mountains tonight, leave this whole business behind you."

"Really?" Seymore asked. "Alone? Won't you come with me?"

Bella looked at him, heart softening.

"Yes. We'll see the real Rocky Mountains together."

With that, Seymore crumpled back to the ground. "Just give me a moment." He moaned, "It hurts too much to walk."

So, latter that night, after Seymore recovered from his immobilizing injury, Bella and Seymore made their escape. Finding a weak spot in the fence, they slipped through, and made their into the Rocky Mountains.

Years later, it was reported that a herd of wild cattle was living up in the Meadows of the Rocky Mountains. These were the young of Bella and Seymore, who are still living happily together to this day.

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