Rebecca stared into the mailbox feeling her heartbeat quicken with anticipation. The small brown box sat on top of a pile of envelopes, and though rather non-descript, it filled her with happy thoughts – the kind that sent electric tingles down her legs to her feet. She scooped up the mail and raced up the stairs to the apartment, not bothering to wait for the elevator. Inside, she tore open the package and there they were: fourteen little pills guaranteed to instantly replace a depleted supply of male sperm. Skipping over the scientific explanation of how Juice Boost worked, she locked in on the promised results. One pill would ensure a sputum-loaded scrotum in just fifteen minutes when taken immediately following ejaculation.

She clapped her hands together and reclined her head against the sofa, thinking about the possibilities. She’d been toying with the idea of trying to make her boyfriend Ryan cum as she ballbusted him but always dismissed it when she realized he wouldn’t have enough left in the tank to give her the goods afterward. And while kicking his balls was a wonderfully delicious release, it wasn’t quite the same as a good old-fashioned orgasm. Now, it seemed, she could have her cake and eat it, too.


Ryan couldn’t believe his nose when he walked into the apartment, the aroma of simmering meat sauce hitting him full in the olfactory receptors. God, I love that woman, he thought as he sauntered into the kitchen.

“Hey, Bec, whatcha cookin’?” He asked, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and a light squeeze of her ample bosom for good measure.

“Only your favorite,” she said, smiling, as she let a spoonful of meatballs cannonball into the sauce. “Why don’t you grab a beer, take a seat and relax while I serve it up.”

Obliging her, he cracked open a bottle and made his way over to the table.

“What’s this?” He asked, picking up the pills his girlfriend had left in the middle of the table.

“I’ll explain as we eat,” she said with a mischievous tone as she set two steaming plates in front of them.

Seeing the food, Ryan dropped the pills and grabbed his fork. “This looks amazing! I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

She eyed him coyly as he shoveled in a mouthful. “Yes you are, right now anyways. Later, I just might be the luckiest gal in the world.”

Swallowing, Ryan nodded over to the pills. “And I suppose those have something to do with that?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “Yup. We’re going to try something new tonight.”

Ryan arched an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

Rebecca considered carefully for a moment and then decided to come out with it. “I was going to wait until after dinner – I didn’t want to take away from your enjoyment of the food, but I have to tell you.” He nodded for her to continue. “I’m going to make you cum so hard tonight.”

“Um, I think that only enhances the pleasure I’m taking in this fine meal,” he joked.

“Hold your horses,” she cautioned, though she was thinking maybe he should be holding his gonads, “I didn’t say how I was going to make you cum.”

This got his attention. Setting down his fork, Ryan sat back and eyed Rebecca hard as she playfully twirled noodles around her fork.

“No sex, no blow jobs,” she said as her eyes narrowed and a wicked little grin grew, “maybe a little hand action, but – “ She let the noodles slide from her fork, “mostly I’m just going to bust your balls until I knock the cum out of them.” At “knock” she jabbed the fork tines viciously into the middle of a tender meatball.

Ryan’s face turned the color of chalk dust as his mouth gaped horrifically.

“What?” Rebecca cooed, “That doesn’t sound like fun to you?” She giggled, watching him try to work it out in his mind. “I hope I didn’t ruin your appetite, sweetie,” she said, taking a big bite of the tender meat.

When they finished eating – Rebecca already had her dishes cleaned before Ryan took his last bite – she headed off to the bedroom, grabbing the pills pointedly, and told him to meet her there when he felt ready.


By the time Ryan summoned the nerve to join his girlfriend, Rebecca was already laying face down on the bed, idly flipping through a magazine. She was wearing a purple satin bra with matching boy cut panties and a pair of glossy patent leather heels, also purple. As she raised up onto her elbows, his fleeting thought about the message she was sending via her choice of color disappeared, replaced by sheer animal lust at the way her big boobs filled the space between her torso and the top of the bed covers. He could feel his dick stiffen as if in preparation to burrow itself between the tantalizingly massive globes she was clearly flaunting.

Rebecca tossed aside the magazine and tucked a stray lock of raven hair behind her ear. “Looks like someone’s ready,” she teased pointing at the tented front of his slacks. “Let’s see how the big guy’s doing,” she said, sitting up. She reached out, grabbed his belt and pulled him toward her. Slowly, she undid the buckle and slid his zipper down, her eyes never leaving his, appreciating the greed for her they displayed. He kicked off his shoes and she slid his pants and boxers to the floor.

Standing, Rebecca began to undo each button of his shirt as she lifted her right knee between his legs, high enough so she could feel his heavy testicles resting on her creamy thigh, but not so high that they would suffer any pain – at least not yet. Ryan buckled involuntarily as her thigh contacted him but quickly straightened, enjoying the light massage she offered. When she undid the final button, she pulled his shirt off and stood back taking in her boyfriend’s physique.

She admired his muscular, chiseled pecs and his flat stomach, but she adored his broad shoulders. They made for such great leverage when she really wanted to drive her knee deep. And then there was his package. Such a long shaft capped by a perfect head that never failed to hit all the right spots inside her. And, of course, his big balls. Almost round, nearly the size of racquet balls, or tennis balls, or even softballs, depending on how hard she’d recently kicked them. Rebecca had a feeling they would be softball-sized tomorrow, a thought that made her quiver with excitement down below.

“So, do you want to hold the girls?” She asked him as she pressed her breasts together. His huge smile told her all she needed to know. She spun a 180, grabbed his hands and pulled them around her boobs, which he squeezed happily. She wiggled her butt against him, feeling his dick rising up the small of her back, letting out a contented sigh.

Rebecca let him play for a few seconds and then unceremoniously kicked her heel back in swift, fluid motion. She felt his grip on her breasts tighten, but the jolt of pain it caused was worth it because it meant she’d scored a direct hit. When his hands let go so he could cup himself, Rebecca seized them and held them to her chest before driving the back of her purple heel once more between his legs. When she felt him buckle, she spun in a flash and launched a front kick that caught him square in mid drop. He cried out and launched forward, immediately curling into the fetal position.

She knelt down beside him and massaged his neck and back, encouraging him to breathe, smiling at his refusal to even look at her. Rebecca tried to reach through his arms but Ryan twisted away. She decided to give him a minute and went to get a glass of water.

When she came back, Ryan was lying on his back, one arm across his forehead and one hand around his nuts. A look of disappointment flashed across her face when she saw his limp penis dangling down his leg. She went over to him and traced a finger lightly along his shaft and to her surprise, he didn’t slap her hand away, though he still refused to look at her.

After a few dozen strokes of her finger, he was rock hard again. She straddled him, letting her breasts cover his face and smiled down at him lovingly when he finally looked up at her. He started to say something but she put a finger to his lips. The she sat up and pulled his hands over her bra. As he played, she reached behind her and began to slowly massage his upper thighs working her hands closer and closer to her intended targets. When he began to rock underneath her she took a testicle in each hand and squeezed lightly. He moaned with pleasure and she squeezed harder. He groaned in pain and she upped the pressure. He cried out and her hands clenched harder. When he screamed, she let go and grabbed his cock with both hands, stroking it gently.

As she stroked him, Ryan smiled at her and gave an almost imperceptible nod. Rebecca’s hands went back to his balls and she began to work them over, kneading them, upping the pressure, easing off again as Ryan moaned and groaned, cooed and cried. She alternately stroked him and squeezed him until she heard him whisper, “I’m going to cum, Bec.”

She slid down him and rubbed the tip of his cock between her breasts, feeling his body quaking with delight. When she saw his brow furrow, she knew he was about to explode. Sitting back, she made her fingers a noose around his scrotum, tightening her grip until it was taut and shiny. Then she drew her fist back and punched his bulging balls, her knuckles thwacking loudly. His body jerked and nearly threw her off him causing her to grab his jewels for support. As she did, Ryan shot his load in three wild spurts, simultaneously crying out in complete agony and utter ecstasy.

Rebecca watched as the cum shot out, amazed as the first eruption splattered against the wall across the room. The second reached the bed while the third oozed out onto his chest and stomach. She climbed off him so he could nurse himself while laughing in utter shock at his distance.

“Wow, Ry, that was impressive!” She said, reaching for the package of pills. He only groaned in response. She leaned over him, handing down two pills and a glass of water. He was holding his penis in one hand and using the other to cradle his screaming testes. Wisely, he let go of his cock and took the pills and then the water, being sure to keep his jewels protected from any further damage.

“I’m going to catch up on a few emails and give those little pills a chance to do their magic. When I come back, we’ll see how things are looking. If you’re lucky, I’ll be ready for a little sex, but if you’re not, well, I might just try kicking the jizz right straight out of your freshly filled balls!”

With that, she bounced out of the room, her wicked laugh echoing down the hall.

(To be continued)



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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for giving tribute to the short distance back heel kick.
Hope someday becca will deliver that kick barefoot or sandals

Nice to see you haven't lost your touch! :)

Hot stuff, keep it up! =D

Awesome Joe, loved it!!! Glad Becca is back :D

Always love a Rebecca story.



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