A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
“A penny for your thoughts,” Ryan offered seeing the amused look in Rebecca’s eye as she sat casually on the sofa with her legs tucked under her. He’d heard the unmistakable voice of a WWE announcer drifting down the hall and had to check for himself that his girlfriend was actually watching professional wrestling. But there she was, staring hard at the television as bodies rolled on the canvas, and was that delight on her face?
Without turning from the screen, Rebecca responded dryly, “Is that all they’re worth?”
The on-screen commotion had already stolen his attention. Two women, both in sports bras and bikini bottoms, one trim and toned, the other petite but muscular, circled each other as two men flailed about on the canvas, sweat flying from their matted hair with every movement. One guy was a massive bulk of flesh, his belly protruding like a pregnant woman’s despite the best efforts of the tight black singlet he wore. The other guy was a hunk of beefcake, all glistening pecs and abs and obviously proud of his physique as his garment of choice was essentially a blue speedo that hid nothing. But despite their differing body types, they were both in the same position: on their backs rolling around with their hands between their legs with faces red as beets. The women were paying no mind to the men on the mat between them as they pointed and gestured angrily toward each other.
“Huh?” Ryan mumbled, his subconscious prodding him that Rebecca had said something which required a response, as he gawked, transfixed, by what he was watching.
“I said, ‘Is that all they’re worth?’ A penny?” Rebecca’s tone was went from playful sarcasm to irritation at having to repeat herself. But when she turned her head and saw her boyfriend’s wide eyes and gaping mouth she let a small, sympathetic chuckle escape. It was loud enough to break his trance and she took the opportunity to flash him a devilish grin when he looked her way. “Wanna know what happened?”
Ryan fought the urge to look back toward the chaos ensuing on screen even though he was pretty sure it meant missing the two women grapple with each other in their sparse attire. Catfight! his male brain exclaimed, trying its best to distract him again. “Actually, I’m more curious that you’re watching wrestling in the first place,” he said with a dubious shake of his head. “In all the time we’ve been together I’ve never seen you watch this stuff.”
Rebecca shifted in her seat, pulling her knees to her chest underneath the long t-shirt she was wearing, glancing at the tv long enough to see the two men crawl, rather pathetically, under the ropes and slide to the ground as the women tossed each other about the ring. “Guess I’ve been missing out,” she said airily. Ryan’s mouth sagged into a small frown but he said nothing. “Fine,” Rebecca continued, letting some gravity back into her voice, “I was channel surfing when I happened upon this. I was about to move on when that girl in the pink, the more muscular one, got right up in the faces of those two guys who were wrestling. The fat guy pushed her away like she was no more than a gnat. I guess she didn’t like that, so when his attentions turned back to the dude in the speedos, she snuck up behind him, dropped to a knee and then launched an uppercut between his legs. His eyes bulged and he tried to grab onto Mr. Speedo who was having none of it. He just stepped aside and let the fat man fall. It was hilarious.”
Ryan rolled his eyes as Rebecca burst into a fit of giggles all over again. “Hilarious,” he said, dryly.
“Lighten up, Ry,” Rebecca teased, composing herself. “It got better. From off-screen the girl in black came rushing into the ring and immediately went to the fat guy, caressing his head while yelling at the woman in pink. When the woman in pink just flipped her the bird, Miss Black jumped up and walked toward her. That was when Speedo stepped in front of Miss Pink.” Rebecca paused as a wry smile appeared on her face. “Big mistake. Miss Black acted like she was going to reach past Speedo to grab a handful of Miss Pink’s hair but instead, her hand gripped Speedo’s shoulder right as she brought her knee up.”
As she spoke, Ryan noticed the absent-minded way she was tracing circles around her own knee with the tip of her index finger. “Ah,” he said, feigning like it was all making sense now. “So it got better because Miss Black kneed Speedo in the nuts?” He asked, though it was clearly rhetorical, while trying his best to sound world-weary.
“Duh,” Rebecca shot back, ignoring his attempt to make her feel ridiculous. “It’s always good when a guy gets his balls busted. But two? Two guys are always better!”
Now it was Ryan’s turn to ignore Rebecca. “You know that shit’s scripted, right?” He put his hands on his hips, squinting his eyes like he couldn’t believe she didn’t know.
Rebecca looked at him crossly. “So what? Are you trying to ruin my fun?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Besides, that just means they have a damn good scriptwriter.”
Ryan’s eyes rolled right up to the ceiling. “Hardly,” he said, the word coming out like a sigh. “That would never happen. Sure, I could buy the fat guy getting blindsided by a cheap shot, but there’s no way Speedo could be that stupid. Even if he was trying to protect Miss Pink, he would have been on red alert when Miss Black came toward them. And after seeing his opponent take it in the pills, it would have been front and center that he might get it there too. He wouldn’t have just stood there with his legs open just waiting to get nailed.”
The cross look in Rebecca’s eyes hardened into a steely glare. “Is that so?” She said in a tone that said it wasn’t as she slipped her legs out from under the t-shirt slash nightgown to stand.
Ryan instinctively backed up a step as his girlfriend tossed her silky, raven hair and faced him. Her over-sized shirt stretched over her large endowment and then hung like a tube with a pair of legs inside. For some reason, his mind flashed to the image of a man in a barrell going over a waterfall. But when she put her hands on her hips, the image disappeared as he took in her full, hourglass shape.
Ignoring her boyfriend’s suddenly lusty look, Rebecca went on the attack. “So you think because a man knows what might be coming, he can protect himself from it?”
Ryan swallowed hard as he registered the situation he’d just put himself in. If he doubled-down on what he’d said earlier, he realized Rebecca would challenge him but if he backed down, he’d be admitting she was right and he was wrong and he’d never hear the end of it. Way to go bud, he scolded himself, you really know how to do yourself a favor – so what are you going to say? Before he could make a decision, Rebecca’s voice cut through his internal monologue.
“Why don’t we have a nice little wrestling match of our own, right now?” She asked in a mocking tone, already dragging the coffee table toward a corner of the living room. She sat down on its hard, wood surface and hooked a leg over her knee. “I know you expect me to go for the balls, so naturally, you can protect yourself, right?”
Ryan’s eyes narrowed at the smug tone of her voice. He didn’t even have to answer her and she was already mocking him. He could feel the irritation growing within him and it threatened to explode when Rebecca flashed him the widest, most innocent of puppy dog eyes. She looked like a little doll sitting there on the edge of the coffee table. It was too much. “Fine. Let’s do it. But just know you can back out now and no one gets hurt.”
Rebecca practically snorted. “Exactly,” she said, rising slowly, crossing her arms under her bosom. “And we wouldn’t want that, now, would we?”
Ryan turned sideways as his girlfriend took a few small but menacing steps toward him. He had no idea what she was going to do but he damn sure wasn’t going to let her kick him the balls. He held out his left hand and kept his right dangling in front of him at waist level.
Rebecca tried to circle in front of him but Ryan refused to expose himself, keeping his body turned from her. She feinted a jab and was caught off guard when he leaned from its path while simultaneously grabbing a fistful of her shirt. He yanked hard and she spun around almost slamming into the wall. When she’d composed herself, the blood boiled in her veins to see him looking at her calmly. Smugly. Intending to bullrush him, she clenched her fists. But before she could an idea struck her. Keeping her eyes leveled on his, she quickly reached behind her and undid the hooks of her bra before pulling it out from her shirt in a trick Ryan still couldn’t figure out. She tossed it aside and then bounced lightly on her feet with her arms in front of her like a boxer. Her heart sank a little when, instead of staring at her boobs bouncing all over the place – which actually was hurting her a little dammit – he kept his eyes dutifully on hers.
As soon as Rebecca’s hands reached behind her, Ryan knew what she was going to do. I’m not that dumb, he thought, clapping himself on the back internally for his smarts. And though it was so very hard to resist the innate male desire to ogle those tantalizing, perfectly formed and big boobs as they danced under her shirt, it was almost as satisfying to see the deflation in his girlfriend’s eyes as he held her gaze. This time, when she came at him he ducked down and hoisted her onto his shoulder, spinning her around before tossing her onto the sofa with a soft whump.
Even as her head bounced off the back cushion of the couch, Rebecca was already fuming. Maybe he was right after all, she thought in a moment of weakness. But when she heard him chuckling – a very condescending sound, like an audible version of someone looking down their nose at you – her back stiffened. She brushed the hair from her eyes and was about to turn when she spied a scrunchie on the end table. Quickly, she grabbed it and pulled her hair into a raven mane.
“Ooooh,” Ryan chided. “Looks like somebody’s getting serious.” In spite of his taunting, Ryan was a little turned on at the sight of Rebecca wearing a ponytail. She didn’t wear one often, except maybe at the gym, but he really liked the way she looked when she did. There was something about how it bobbed and swayed when she moved that accented her pretty face and womanly figure and made her seem even more feminine.
As if his cocky taunting was a catapult rather than mere words, Rebecca rocketed off the sofa onto her feet. She glared at him momentarily but then flashed him an unexpected and dazzling smile. She saw his eyes widen in surprise and made her move. The smile was the result of a fun little memory that had come to her just in the nick of time – but he wouldn’t know that. He would just think she was trying to be a flirt in another attempt to distract him. Slipping a hand under her long shirt, she wiggled her hips until a pair of panties were magically dangling on the end of her finger.
Ryan watched as Rebecca twirled her panties, confused by the sudden change in the atmosphere. All the rage appeared to be gone from Rebecca’s eyes, replaced by what seemed to be a very sexually-charged, flirting expression. And yet, he detected a glimmer of excitement just beneath the veneer of those bedroom eyes she was now giving him. Perhaps she was conceding the fight and just wanted a little romp instead. Don’t be stupid, he heard himself caution. Does that really sound like Rebecca to you? But then a memory, from way down in the depths of his memory banks, found its way to the surface. It was early in their relationship and Rebecca had been toying with him, playing a little game and making it hard for him to get in her pants. If he could ever catch the panties she tossed at him, or shot like a rubberband, then she would go down on him. It was a sort of foreplay for her but amounted to psychological torture for him, especially because it took him nearly a month to finally snag a pair. She always had that uncanny ability to toss them mere inches from his grasp.
It unsettled him as she watched him recalling the memory with that toothy grin on her face. But it unnerved him more when Rebecca’s eyes drifted over toward the hall, as if she could read his thoughts, subconsciously leading his mind back to their bedroom. His eyebrows arched as he looked at her as if to say, “Is this really happening?” When she put her free hand on her hip, letting her fingers play over its feminine curve and tossed the panties at him, his heart skipped a beat.
As soon as Ryan reached out for the panties, Rebecca moved, deft as a ninja. She let the irritation at his smug, condescending attitude wash through her, like fuel for her body, as she strode forward. It was as if her vexed emotions had undergone some magical transferrence and become tangible, physical energy which boosted her strength. Had she ever felt so powerful and strong? she wondered.
Rebecca found she was grinning below her narrowed, laser-focused eyes as she took a long stride toward him, her nightshirt riding up her creamy thighs, before breaking into that well-practiced motion which required very little concentration for her to perform. Time was already slowing. She noted his eyes, focused on catching her panties and then his legs which were shoulder width apart as he maintained his balance. At the last second, he seemed to register her body in motion and she saw his eyes drift from the panties which were already in his grasp. But it was too late. For him.
She kicked him in the balls as hard as she could – so hard that her teeth clicked together and a sharp stab of pain burst from her foot as it smashed his heavy testicles flat against his pelvis. But Rebecca didn’t mind the brief discomfort at all. She knew a woman could never kick a man’s balls as hard as she truly wants to – but this? – this was close and the small bit of pain was a testament to that.
How did you let her trick you? It was the last thought Ryan had before he felt twin lumps in the back of his throat – his balls – as he came crashing to the ground. He rolled onto his side, his knees drawn into his chest and curled his hands tightly around his precious jewels. The pain was acute. And terrible.
Rebecca looked down at her boyfriend and relished the sight of his handsome face clenched in agony, the desperate way in which he was compelled to clutch his tortured balls, but she especially enjoyed the fact that he was on the ground while she stood over him, calm and unaffected.
“Aw Ry,” she cooed sweetly, “I thought you knew what I was gonna do. Weren’t you ready?” She twirled her dark pony tail around finger looking down at him, trying to mask her giddiness behind doleful eyes. She listened to his woeful groans, interrupted occasionally by a few harsh coughs that made his body shudder and tremble, and reflected on just how hard she really had kicked him. She wondered if she might need to get some ice.
By the time she got back with a bag of frozen vegetables, Ryan was sitting up against the wall, his legs drawn chest-level, but splayed. His arms were crossed at the wrists while his hands cradled his jewels. He looked at her with eyes full of regret but said nothing.
“I kicked ‘em pretty hard, didn’t I?” She asked brightly, clearly more enamored by what she’d done than the condition she’d left him in, as she idly held out the frozen bag. “But I guess you deserved it. After all, you said there was no way I could get you if you knew what was coming. It was a pretty stupid thing to say and now I suppose you’ve learned the truth. And if you haven’t, your balls sure have,” she added, smirking.
A brief flash of fury came into Ryan’s eyes at his girlfriend’s cruel taunting but then he let his head fall back against the wall, taking the bag of veggies, like a concession, as he issued a long sigh. “It was a dirty trick,” he muttered in a cracked voice. “You made it seem like you were more interested in taking things to bedroom than finishing the fight. You knew I’d remember that old game we used to play!” A jolt of pain ran up from his groin into his abdomen as his voice intensified and he grimaced, dropping the bag.
“Well,” Rebecca started, putting a finger to her chin while pretending to consider things. “I wouldn’t say that I knew, but I was sure hoping.” She laughed briskly. “And of course, I was right. You did. Guess you should’ve been more guarded buddy boy.”
He was about to mutter ‘fuck off’ but then thought better of it, instead choosing to reiterate his earlier complaint. “But it was still a cheap and dirty ruse.”
Again Rebecca laughed. “Maybe. Maybe not. But regardless, I still kicked you in the very place you were trying so hard to protect. That’s gotta hurt. I mean obviously your balls,” she was back to cooing, “but your poor ego, too. I can’t imagine how deflating it must be to know that even though you were trying your best to keep the ol’ beanbag safe, you couldn’t.”
“Uncalled for!” He protested but then fell silent, giving it some thought. “Dammit, Bec,” he said eventually, “why do you have to be so…right?” When she laughed again, it was a happy laugh, and Ryan could feel the tension drain from the room. Though he wasn’t sure if he was ready to move, he reached out for the hands Rebecca was offering.
When she had his hands firmly in her grasp, but before she pulled him to his feet, she looked at him gravely. “How do you know I’m not just going to pull you up right into my knee?” The look of terror in his eyes brought a smile to her face. “Don’t worry, Ry, I’m not going to do that.”
With a grateful smile, Ryan rocked forward and let Rebecca pull him to his feet. He could smell the lavender scented shampoo she used as his face neared hers and inhaled deeply, or at least as deep as he could at the moment. Suddenly, his breath caught as he felt something firm between his legs. His eyes widened, realizing what it was, and he stammered, “But, but – “ But there was no explosion of pain.
Rebecca put her arms around his neck and gazed deeply into his eyes, leaving her knee pressed lightly into his groin, enjoying the way his bruised balls felt against her skin. When he returned her gaze, she spoke intently, “I told you I wasn’t going to do anything. I just wanted to show you that I could – that your balls are never safe.” She gave them a light bounce on her thigh before drawing back from him.
The sight of Rebecca drawing back made Ryan close his legs instinctively, bracing himself, and he only dared to breathe when a gleeful smile appeared on her face. “You do learn!” She exclaimed.
Ryan watched, still half-frozen in terror, as Rebecca, instead of blasting his nuts up his throat, sauntered over to the couch to grab the remote. She flicked off the television and then looked at him like he was an idiot.
“Are you coming or not?” She asked, letting a small dose of impatience creep into her tone. When he just stood blinking in disbelief, she elaborated. “I don’t know about you, but kicking your balls that hard really got me in the mood. Plus, you’ve been a really good sport. Don’t you think you deserve some fun?” She slipped out of the long nightshirt and stood completely bare before him.
Slowly, taking in the sight of Rebecca’s voluptuous body, Ryan began to breathe again. He could feel a stirring down below and trailed his hand to his groin. He felt his cock thicken in his hand, enjoying the pleasant sensation, but even more than that, he was tickled to find that it overpowered the ache in his balls.
Seeing her boyfriend heft the weight of his dick made Rebecca eager to get started. Smiling her most seductive grin, she cupped her breasts and squeezed them together so that they sat high, firm and full. “Looks like my big tits are just dying to surround that thick dick of yours,” she purred. When he just gaped at her, she added as she turned toward the bedroom, “And I bet your cock is aching for some relief, too.”
As Ryan watched his girlfriend’s naked ass sashaying down the hallway, he realized, yet again, she was right.
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