Cotton swabs of clouds floated lazily in the high blue sky. Flowers were alive with color, their vibrant petals bright with pinks, purples, blues and yellows. A slight breeze tempered the intensity of the sun as it bathed Roxana’s tanned shoulders. Hand in hand with her boyfriend, she smiled at the beauty around her as they strolled, lazy as the passing clouds, through the park. Squirrels chased each other up trees and then down again before scurrying along the tops of wrought iron fences. Bikers, joggers and the occasional skateboarder passed by them and she greeted them with smiles. It was perfect weather, perfect scenery and perfect company. She squeezed Adam’s hand tighter, wondering if she could be any happier.

Adam returned his girlfriend’s squeeze and then swung their arms in a merry arc. She flashed him that dazzling white smile that never failed to raise his heart rate and he gave her a wink. While he enjoyed the charms of the park, it was looking at Roxana that really made him appreciate beauty. He loved that she was toned without looking muscular, like a façade that veiled her true strength. She had gentle curves and her deliberate movements showcased them well. He was also glad she’d chosen the form-fitting v-neck tee she sported. From his high vantage, it provided a nice view of her well-rounded cleavage. And then there was the cut of her denim shorts. Her legs seemed to go on for miles. Taking in every inch of her, he found himself wishing they could pick up the pace and get back to his place where they could engage in something a little more active than a leisurely stroll. With his mind lost in Roxana’s body, Adam nearly fell on his face when she stopped abruptly. He saw her squinting hard in the distance. Then, as quickly as she stopped, she started up again, tugging him along. Whatever she’d seen had certainly affected her, he mused, noticing the subtle shift in her expression. Gone were the peaceful, languid eyes, replaced by…well, he couldn’t tell for sure. She seemed eager and energized, like she’d been shot up with caffeine.

“Hi Becca,” Roxana called out with a wave before Adam could ask her what changed. “You too, Ryan,” she added in a tone that sounded a bit patronizing – or was it playful? –  to Adam’s ears. The couple waved back at them from across the open expanse of grass and Adam heard the girl shout, “Hi Roxana! Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

Was it just me, or did the two women just share more than a casual hello, Adam wondered. He couldn’t be sure of the other girl, but something had flashed in Roxana’s eye, no doubt. “Who were they?” He asked, sounding more than a little put out, as they continued their stroll.

“Oh, just some friends from my old apartment building,” she answered, hoping her voice didn’t reveal the sudden excitement welling up in her at the sight of her old friends. So many memories flooded into her brain, the crazy ups and downs – especially in Ryan’s case – that they’d shared together, and she could feel her adrenaline spiking.

While her voice didn’t betray her feelings, her eyes couldn’t hide the idea brewing in her mind, and Adam wasn’t quite sure he liked what he saw. “How come I’ve never met them before?” He asked, hoping for a little more detail. He nearly lost his balance for the second time as Roxana wheeled around.

“Do you really want to know?” She countered, her eyes searching his.

Feeling a little unsteady under the intensity of her gaze, he swallowed and shrugged, “Sure, I guess.” The dazzling smile was back as if it had never left, and Adam found himself a little disoriented.

“Good,” she said resting her hands on his shoulders, leaning into him.

His eyes closed and Adam wrapped his arms around Roxana, reflexively, returning her perceived hug. But suddenly they flew open, like a curtain being thrown aside, as all the breath in his lungs suddenly whooshed out of him, leaving him gasping, caught completely by surprise by her knee to his balls. For a moment he was frozen, mouth gaping in utter shock. Was it night already? The thought flashed through his mind at the sight of the stars now bursting in his vision. Then, only the pain that hit like a ton of bricks, consumed his entire essence and he dropped hard to his knees.

Thanks to Rebecca, in small part, for her occasional tips and encouragement, but largely to Ryan for his willingness to let her perfect her technique as she eagerly busted his balls time and time again, Roxana knew how it felt to really nail a pair, and she knew instantly that she’d just delivered a devastating blow. She drank in the feeling, sweeter than nectar, which came from completely crushing her boyfriend’s balls.

It was clear to her that he wasn’t so quick to register, as the shock of her unexpected and unwarranted bust – but, really, she mused, weren’t they all warranted? –swam across his face. But then, like Ryan’s had so many times before, Adam’s face twisted up horribly and Roxana knew the pain had hit home. A little part of her felt bad, especially when a pleading, helpless look flashed momentarily into his eyes, but in the end, the ecstasy of busting a man’s balls was too powerful to be denied by a small pang of sympathy.

As he curled up, not unlike a defenseless caterpillar, rocking gently at her feet clutching his screaming testicles, Roxana reflected on how unlucky boys were to be born so. Imagine the indignity – though she really couldn’t – of knowing you have all those muscles, all that testosterone, and yet, ever being at the mercy of the supposed weaker sex? At a given moment any woman could send a man to the ground, reducing him to little more than a quivering heap of pain, as Roxana herself had just done to her boyfriend, by exercising her natural right to smash his balls. She shook her head in disbelief as she considered the truth: despite this inherent weakness, males still strutted around, leaving themselves wide open and vulnerable, to learn or, in many cases, re-learn this wonderful lesson.

The sight of Adam’s terrible grimace as he vainly attempted to deal with the pain caused Roxana’s lips to curl upwards as they parted. Her smile contained satisfaction and joy, to be sure, but also an element of benevolence, the kind of emotion teachers must feel when knowledge has been imparted and understood, and Roxana knew her lesson had been received, loud and clear.

Overhead a bird circled idly in the sky, looking down on all the poor creatures stuck on the earth, held there by the chains of gravity, and Roxana wondered if that bird, in its own way, celebrated the unbridled freedom bestowed upon it. As she stood tall, a picture of tranquil repose, over her moaning boyfriend, Roxana grinned. She wasn’t as free as the bird, but at least her ability to move about the earth wasn’t dictated by the condition of her sex organs.

A jogger passed by, pushing a three-wheeled stroller, and gave the couple a wide birth. At the sight of her gaping stare, Roxana flashed the stunned woman a smug grin. The jogger just shook her head and pressed on. A teenager, coming from the other direction stopped and, brushing away the long, dark locks hanging over his face, looked wide-eyed at Adam as he lay there at Roxana’s feet.  Turning to the blonde goddess, as he imagined her in his juvenile mind, he asked with genuine empathy, “He okay?”

Roxana shrugged. “Not really,” she admitted, and then, the power rush still in full effect, she added brazenly, “His nuts are hurting.”

The kid, who clearly missed Roxana’s insinuation that her boyfriend’s nuts hurt because of her, uttered a low sigh as he tapped thoughtfully on the skateboard he’d been riding, and said, “Dude, that sucks. I racked myself doing a rail grind last week and it was terrible. I thought I was gonna puke. I feel for ya, man.” And then he was off as quickly as he’d appeared.

As she watched the kid skate away, Roxana heard a voice behind her. “Awww, did somebody take a knee to his balls?” She was about to say, “You betcha!” as she spun toward the voice, but when she realized who’d spoken, she beamed and then, arching an eyebrow, asked, “How did you know it was a knee?”

Rebecca, her green eyes sparkling in the sunlight, tucked a loose strand of raven hair behind her elfin ears and laughed. “When I saw that look you flashed us, feminine instincts told me you were up to something, so Ry and I decided to linger over by those trees for a bit to see what might happen. You didn’t disappoint,” Rebecca gushed, offering her palm up as Roxana happily slapped a high five.

The three of them stood there watching Adam, who was now lying on his back with his eyes still closed. How cognizant he was of the world around him, they couldn’t be sure. But his jaw remained clenched and the grimace etched on his face was in no way diminishing. Rebecca, always happy to see a man laid out, jewels aching, put an arm around her boyfriend, and said wistfully, “Well, take it in Ry. I’ve seen that face a hundred, if not a thousand times. In case you don’t recognize it, it’s the same one you make every single time I kick your balls.”

At this, Roxana burst out laughing. “Spoken like a real veteran,” she said, and wiping tears from her eyes, added, “Can’t be a coincidence that you look just like that when I kick them, too!”

Ryan scratched his chin. “God, do I look that pathetic?”

Rebecca piped up, “Sure do!” Noticing the despondent look on his face, she quickly added, “But that’s a good thing. It’s sexy to see you like that.”

When Roxana nodded in agreement, Ryan looked at them both dubiously.

“The expression of pain on your face doesn’t make you look any less of the big, strong guy you are,” Rebecca explained. “It just reveals that no matter how big or strong you are, you’re not big enough or strong enough to overcome a girl – even if it’s just one single kick. And it’s damn sexy for a woman when she sees the results.” As if to emphasize the imbalance, Rebecca flipped her hair and folded her arms under her heavy bosom, which made her already big boobs appear even larger, and flashed her boyfriend a coy smile.

Ryan put his hands up in mild protest. “First, I could protect myself if I wanted to, and second, it takes more than one ki – “

Before he could finish his sentence, he was surprised to find himself on the ground next to Adam, grabbing at his crotch and trying not to lose control of his bodily functions.

Shaking her head piteously, Rebecca lectured her boyfriend, “See. One kick. And now you are wearing the same expression as him.” She pointed toward Adam, still on his back, though she knew it was pointless. Ryan was incapable of paying her any attention.  “Am I right?” She asked, her question rhetorical.

“How stupid can you be, Ry?” Roxana asked, also rhetorically. Looking at her friend she added, “He kinda deserves to have his balls left hurting after that.” And then she broke out in a fit of giggles.

As the two women stood, arms crossed, with the debilitated men at their feet, Rebecca sighed happily. “Months go by, we don’t see each other and then we do and, BAM, it’s just like old times.”

Roxana laughed. “BAM is right. As in BAM. Right to the balls!”

Now Rebecca laughed. She glanced down at their boyfriends and then offered, “Looks like we might have some time on our hands. Want to go over there and catch up a little?”

The female pair of the foursome strolled freely over toward the small picnic shelter across the open field, chattering away, leaving the males to labor with their pain.

“So, this Adam, you like him?” Rebecca asked as they sat down.

“I do, but,” Roxana looked down at her hands as she tapped her fingertips. “I fear I may have just ruined the relationship.”

Rebecca waved her friend’s concerns away with a flick of her delicate wrist. “Pfft. If you break up because of one little knee in the balls, well…” Her thoughts broke off as she twirled a finger through her dark and glossy hair. “I was going to say he just isn’t a real man, then, and you could do better. But when I see you look over there with that longing stare, I think you really do like him. Tell you what, if he wants to end things, convince him to talk to Ryan and me before he does. I promise you we can get him back on track.”

Roxana brightened. “Oh! That would be awesome! If anyone can convince Adam that getting busted is no big deal, it would be Ryan. And you’re always so good at explaining why men need women to crush their balls regularly.” She took Rebecca’s hand. “I would be forever grateful.”

Rebecca blushed at the high praise. “Girls gotta stick together and, anyway, I can see that you’re happy.”

“Earlier, taking in all the natural beauty of the park on this glorious day, with Adam’s hand in mine, I didn’t think I could be any happier, that the day couldn’t get any better,” Roxana said, letting her head loll back as she sighed dreamily. When she finally looked back at Rebecca, her blue eyes were radiant. “But I was wrong. Seeing Adam curled up, cupping his balls in agony, after I introduced them to my knee – quite forcibly I might add,” she smirked as Rebecca gave an approving chuckle, “I discovered the truth. The day could get better and I am definitely happier!”

“It makes me happy just hearing that! And don’t you worry, Rox,” Rebecca promised, “We’ll make sure you can have your eggs and crack them, too.”

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damm good story

Oh how I've missed Becca! :) Glad you're still hanging around here Joe!



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