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Diary of Rob Harker –Senior year Undergraduate Fall semester School for Field Studies Research program
After landing in the Guatemala City Airport I was picked up, and driven to the school for Field Studies. There I met with Professor Reinhardt, who welcomed me, went to the field studies supply depot to select my personal gear, and helped me load it into the truck. We ate a quick lunch, and set out for the Biotopo del Quetzal national park. I was assigned, along with a second year PhD. student to monitor a Quetzal nest, check the weather station every week, and locate other nests. Reinhardt asked me a slew of questions, to which I responded that I had always loved camping, cooking, hunting, and would be quite happy in a research field station for the semester. Although we were in a cloud forest, when we arrived, I knew immediately, that I would be spending all of my time in shorts and a tee shirt, the only jacket I may use was for rain. When we arrived I was introduced to Terry, the student in charge of the project. She was tall and athletic, with C cup boobs. Her hair was light brown, her eyes blue, and that smile just melted me. I couldn’t wait to spend a semester alone with her, and knew I would do whatever it took to make her fall in love. I barely paid attention when Dr. Reinhardt said that there would be bi-weekly food drop offs from the locals, and that if we needed him he would be just a phone call and 5 hours away, if the roads weren’t muddy.
The cabin we shared was small, but efficiently packed. There were two beds near each other in the southeastern corner, a shower curtain in the southwest. On the other, north side there was a brick stove with a kneeling pad nearby, and a sink and refrigerator to its right. Both the shower and the sink had reserviors above, to be filled with water, and sterilization tablets. Along the east wall there was a table with two chairs to eat at, and the west wall had a small desk, where our laptops could be set up. Finally, the door was on the west wall, and an equipment shed was located nearby. And our 2 solar panels lead to a battery, inverter with a total of 5 outlets. 1 for the refrigerator, 1 for lights 2 for laptops, and 1 ‘bonus’.
Today Terry hiked with me to the nest we’d be observing, the weather station, and the highest peak of the park. Where she taught me nothing, how to take weather measurements, and our search plan for locating nests respectively. We talked the whole while about our pasts, where I learned she was from Maryland, studied ecology, specializing in ornithology, and was currently enrolled in University of Texas. Things were coming together nicely, hiking all day, talking , her in shorts, and a tanktop.
Once we reached the top of the highest peak she said she was getting hot, and poured water over her face, and let in run down to her chest. I was incredibly lucky that she wasn’t wearing a bra that day, and her yellow tank top gave me a wonderful view. She then sat down facing me to talk about various hikes and mountains she’d been to for a few minutes. There were several parts where she compared climbs, ending in a view like this, where she’d stare out at the park’s peaks for a few seconds, and I stared at hers.
Shortly afterwards, once she had shown me the map, and our plan, we headed for the cabin. As we were going down the hill, and took a shortcut between the trails, we had to wade our way through the brush. I was paying attention to her walking ahead of me, when a short sapling that she had held down came flinging back up. I had a second to shift my view from her to see the sapling, and realize where it was going to hit. I let out a slight groan as it connected with both balls, and my semi hard joystick. She immediately turned around to the sight of me holding myself. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to nail you in the nuts like that. Do you need a minute?” From her hint of a smile I could tell she thought it was funny. The sight of her turned around was awfully pleasant, and it didn’t hurt that bad, so I thought accidents do happen might as well see them as funny. I told her it was just a surprise sac tap. Lets just keep moving. Can’t say I didn’t feel it, and use my hand to comfort myself with the sight of her in front for the rest of the hike home though.
Oh my God, she just did the sexiest/cutest thing I ever saw. Last night as we were falling asleep I was up later than her. I saw her roll over in her sleep towards me. She was wearing a loose low cut shirt, and a thin sheet. She had this old worn teddy bear nestled right between her boobs. The way she had hugged him had propped them up beautifully. On top of that the teddy bear was facing her, ear deep in her cleavage. With her fast asleep I was able to stare at that sight for at least 10 minutes before drifting to sleep that night.
That does it. I will archive my research findings and everything else I learn in the lab notebook. My personal journal is just for Terry.
Things have been going very well in terms of views. Its like she is blissfully unaware of how sexy she’s being and how much she’s turning me on. From the perpetual low cut shirts to the morning stretches to the way she throws her head back to laugh, so I can watch her boobs bounce without her noticing.
Although we had another accident recently during our field work. As we were hiking along a trail discussing our project she suddenly jumped back and shouted “Snake!” She landed just in front of me, her butt rubbing along my left leg, her right fist continuing with backward momentum completed its arc right on my berries. It came from underneath, trapping them against my body. I instinctively leaned forward. Nudging my head onto her shoulder, my left cheek touched her right, and I glanced down at her boobs before my knees grew weak and I went down. I still can’t tell if for sure, but I think I felt her fist open up, and feel my package as I slid. As I sunk to my knees and then my side, I recalled that I’d be landing on the ground with a possibly deadly snake, and that it had better slither away from me.
As it turned out, it must have slithered away, since Terry had turned around and crouched over me. She put a hand on my side and told me how sorry she was. From the way she was leaning over, I had an excellent view, and I already had my hands on my package from the hard hit. So despite the pain, I did give myself a few surreptitious pumps of the dick while looking at her. After a minute I jokingly told her, “Since we were on a trail, I thought I was safe from swinging saplings. Guess I always need to worry about snakes. “
“Yeah, … about that.” She scooted to the side, and I saw a sizable straight stick in the trail, partially covered by leaves. “I guess I overreacted” she said with a guilty look and laugh. “Just a bit” I moaned and laughed. Feeling unfortunate and amused at the same time.
So we have this agreement called mosquito. She started it. While I was logging our observation data into the laptop, and she was packing our gear for the weather station, she saw a mosquito on my shoulder. She snuck up to me. Slapped my shoulder hard and then shouted “Mosquito!”. She showed me her hand, and there were insect remains, so its fair game to slap the other and explain later. I definitely got a couple on her arms, and thighs on our hikes. Every once in a while though it got away and I got an annoyed look.
Fast forward to the weather station. It’s a lovely place where I need to climb the ladder, open the panel, and sort through several screens to tell her average temperature, windspeed, humidity and all that. The lovely part comes from the way I’m perched 5 feet above her and look down her shirt to speak, or while she’s filling out her notepad. After a good session of this, when I was back on the ground, she handed me the notepad and told me to look through the numbers. As I was busy reading, I felt a quick slap to my package followed by the shout “Mosquito!”.
I put a hand to my balls, and didn’t see a mosquito flying away. “Show me your hand” She showed an empty hand and lied “it got away”
“You couldn’t have let it go?! It obviously couldn’t bite me through my shorts.”
“And let it land on me for you to slap it? No way. Besides you’ve been getting me way more”
“Still those were your arms and legs, these were my balls, how’d you feel if I slapped one on your boobs?”
“You better not” she said and stuck out her tongue. And walked past me toward the cabin.
Since I was still feeling play angry I slapped her thigh as she passed and shouted “Mosquito!”
She paused for a moment, then continued walking saying, “You better hope I don’t run into another snake on our way back” with a mischevious little laugh.
OK, this girl really makes accidents happen. While we were getting breakfast together she asked me to get the tomatoes from the fridge, while she kneeled over the stove. I was standing off to her side about to extend the container to her, enjoying my vantage point over her chest for a second. Suddenly, her hand shot out from the eggs she was cooking. Of course it landed backhand first in my berries, before she stuck her finger in her mouth. I couldn’t help but lean forward a bit, and she then took the container from my hands. She pretended to just notice what she had done, and said oops and giggled quietly. While I just turned and got out of range.
Did I mention the ground blind? It’s the awesome little camouflaged tent we set up on an incline next to the nest we’re observing. The idea is to lay down inside on your back, and look up through the mesh port hole to observe the nest. The part I love is that we need to both squeeze into the narrow tent , while she slowly mentors me in field observation of our elusive subject. Laying there touching side to side, with an occasional peak downwards creates a little tent inception. My favorite part was watching her crawl into the tent after me, her boobs hanging straight down, and her hands just brushing the side of my legs and arms.
The operation of our shower is very simple. There is a tank without a top that we dump water and sterilization tablets into. When you’re inside, stepping on the pedal allows the water to fall through the sprinkler, and flow out the pipe away from the cabin. You simply pull over a chair and fill it ahead of time. This morning while I was preparing our breakfast, Terry was in the shower, and the water stopped. I could have swore I heard a faint moan as the trickling stopped.
“Rob, could you get me some more water?” “As you wish” I replied, as nonchalantly as I could, hoping she’d get the joke. I pulled the chair over, filled the bucket. The resevior was wide, and she’d be directly under it, so I set the chair up just to the side, to try and get an angled view of her. When I stepped up, I nearly dropped the bucket. She was standing entirely off to the side of the resevoir, my side of the resevior. She was looking up at me, so her hair obscured her backside, and she had her hands covering her boobs. Scratch that, if she wanted she could have put them over her breasts, but instead she was cupping them, pushing them together and covering her nipples.
“Thanks” she said seductively “I could rinse you off quickly with the bucket” I offered trying to prolong this conversation, and time up here. “That’s ok, I’m not soapy anymore.” She said with a smile. She glanced down, and saw my boner poking the shower curtain, and laughed softly and deeply, and gave herself a little squeeze.
While we were eating breakfast she went as far as dropping a blueberry off her spoon. It fell right into her cleavage. I saw her as she leaned down pulled her shirt down with her left, and grabbed it with her right. She looked me in the eyes as she ate it. There was a moment of silence before she leaned forward, providing me with another view, and pushed off the table with her arms. She sprang up beautifully, saying, “There’s science to be done”
I was still hard, with my joystick tucked up, when we had finished washing the bowls. We were walking to our beds for our boots, but then she suddenly threw up her hand like she had forgotten something, while spinning on her right heel. Her spin ended with her left knee solidly connecting with my exposed nuts. She quickly, dropped her knee, and held me in a loose hug, to say “I’m sorry” with a guilty face.
“No you’re not.” I jokingly grumbled, holding my balls.
“You’re right” she said, and brought my hands up towards her boobs, while leaning in for a kiss. Just as I started a soft squeeze and our lips touched her right knee thundered into my berries hard. She then expertly spun, and flung me onto my own bed. I lay there on my back, calves off the bed, hands on my groin, while she sat down, leaned over and tied her boots, facing me, providing an excellent view.
“Can’t say I don’t make it up to you though” she said as she sauntered out of the cabin. I heard her moans, just outside the door, as I got up, and tied my boots to start the day.
The typical day now starts with a milkjug, or fist to my sleeping nuts, accompanied by the instructions, “make lunch sleepyhead.”, and her morning back arch stretch. I then prepare our lunch, while Terry takes her shower. If she gets a little enthusiastic, I can hear her over the sound of the water. She then changes into her clothes, while I silently relieve tension in the shower watching her through the eye level tear, which she pretends not to notice. She then prepares our breakfast, when I change. When we eat breakfast across from each other she’s always leaning forward, pushing her boobs into the table, pulling down on her shirt, from the waist, or otherwise teasing me with her cleavage. While at the same time keeping her right foot between my thighs to knead my nuts all breakfast. After we had cleaned up, when we reached the beds, she would turn just like the first time for the knee, followed by the hand grab, and almost kiss (once in a while she’ll lick my face as a surprise), and another harder knee. One day I had pushed in and gotten a legitimate squeeze of her boobs. She then showed me a legitimate knee. I settle for the faint contact now. She then tosses me on my bed, and shows off her boobs, while she slowly ties her boots. She then gets up, leans directly over me, boobs inches above my face. Grabs a fistful of my berries and squeezes till she sighs, smothering my face in her boobs. She then saunters to the door way, squeezes her boobs, and stands on her tiptoes, before telling me “take your time” seductively and stepping outside. I do take a little time for myself, and it doesn’t take long at that point. I just noticed that for some reason she always hits harder on Mondays.
Most of the days we spend in the blind. The blind is not quite as lovely as it used to be. I still get to see her bent over as she crawls in, but it isn’t just that little exciting contact on my thigh and arm anymore. Now she crawls in, and her left hand lands on my package, pulls my balls to the bottom of the sack, and she pins them flat to the thank-god-its-padded ground, as she puts her weight on them. She then gives them a good long squeeze, before planting her hand on the center of my chest. Followed by the knee that thunders into my already very tender nuts. At this point I can see the satisfaction on her face. She then goes limp, and lands on top of me, and lays there for two calm breaths, and rolls onto her back on her side. To top it all off, we need to be quiet, so she’ll harshly whisper, “Don’t scare the birds, or it’ll be worse later” if I have the gall to make any audible response to her “entry”.
Once in the blind we take turns, stop watching which parent is in the nest at what time, if they bring food, interactions with other birds etc. While the other records the comments of the observer, and keeps some good whispered company. While Terry’s observing I lay parallel to her, looking up for the most part, but staring at her, while I’m recording on the clipboard. When she’s recording, she scooches down about 6 inches. While this gives me a better view down her shirt, it also gives her a comfortable grip on my balls, which she kneads for the entire 15 minute shift. And when she does catch me staring at her she’ll calmly whisper, “Eyes on the birds Rob, not the Hooters.” And give me a harder squeeze more because she wants to, than to enforce the point, which I often forget.
Other days we spend hiking the park, looking for other Quetzal nests to study. Since it’s an endangered, skittish species we don’t have much luck. It probably doesn’t help that our hiking is populated with occasional branch whips to the balls, sudden back kicks to the berries, back jump hammer fists to the nuts, and sudden turn knees to the groin. I should add that it also includes the wet tanktop, the ponytail tie and untie, fists into lowerback stretch, and my personal favorite the hands on knees breath catching.
We go back to cabin, and do a couple hours of data entry, journaling, reading or talking till dinner, I call this the variable domain of our day. Dinner was split as we changed into pajamas. Loose thin pants for me, and panties, loose low cut shirt, and pants similar to mine for Terry. We ate dinner like we ate breakfast, but she wasn’t consistent with the kneading, thankfully. Once we cleaned up, she’d slowly pad toward me in front of my bed. She’d hug me tightly, and squish herself into me, saying “Good night Wesley. Most likely knee you in the morning. Sometimes she’d blow into my ear of lick my check, before looking me in the eyes, and kneeing me. She’d then push me onto my bed, I’d scooch up if necessary, and while I was laying there holding myself she’d reach over me, smother her boobs in my face, give my nuts a quick squeeze, and then grab my sheet and tuck me in. She’d then grab her teddy bear, and curl into bed facing me, with the bear nestled in her cleavage. There was a 50/50 of the bear being ear deep in her chest, or staring out at me, from between her boobs. That was the first topic of our sexual, snarky banter. It would carry on until she rolled away from me and would only reply goodnight. I guess that she also pleasured herself if she woke up in the middle of the night, and found me asleep. It was a weird arrangement to say the least, but it worked.
Today I hiked 6 feet behind her all day in the beginning. She said, “Stay close you might get lost” twice, but I wasn’t buying it. Towards the end of the day, She turned and ran straight at me. She shouted “Killer Bees” before jumping at me. She perfectly landed the HARD knee to my balls, while tackling me to the trail. She then got up, and ran away behind me shouting “Run for your lives!”.
I knew full well there were no killer bees. They were on the list with Snake! and Mosquito! I appreciated this for two reasons; first I was going to need a few minutes to get up let alone run for my life, and secondly, I missed the obvious excuses for the berry attacks. When I got up, I knew I needed to find Terry, since she had the map and was far more familiar with this park. Fortunately, I knew the direction she went, and saw and heard no more movement that way, which meant she must be hiding. As I waded through the under brush separating and scanning, I started looking up for climbable trees. I was looking up when she struck from below. She spun around from the opposite side of the large tree to my right. I was able to hear the rustle and look down, before her fist came up into my berries. I groaned and fell to the rainforest floor.
Her following speech will probably send shivers down my spine for years to come. “You know Rob, I really wish you would cooperate with me, it’ll be better that way. Emanuel who drops off our food, won’t take any complaints about me in your Spanish seriously, and Dr. Reinhardt has known me as a good dependable student for the past two years. I’d just have to tell him you’ve got cabin fever from the field station and want a way out. Besides, I control your grades for an entire semester. Dr. Reinhardt just signs on whatever I give you. So the best thing you can do for yourself” She brought her shirt down, then squished her boobs up beautifully, “Is to make me happy.” She did it again. “As the Colombians say. ‘I’ll get what I want through silver or lead’” With that she nudged my hands, and I removed them. She then gas pedaled my nuts slowly increasing the pressure as she leaned forward to ask “understood?” “yes” “good” She then dropped on me, which knocked my wind out, and kissed me hard, grabbing my head and everything. I couldn’t help but think this is a strange first kiss, and this girl is crazy.
We walked wordlessly home. I received two back kicks. I thought to myself “This isn’t so much alone with a beautiful girl in a tropical paradise, as it is her having me isolated in a remote cabin, caught by the balls : right where she wants me.
On that walk back on the 17th, I also decided to have a discussion like two rational people about our relationship. I then quickly decided to do it in a few days, when she wouldn’t be as angry, and I wasn’t as scared. Well, 3 turned into 5, but I got around to it last night.
While she was nestling that bear (facing her that night) she squeezed him by pushing her boobs together and said, “Nothing like the feeling of face in your boobs.” “Wouldn’t know. Although there’s also nothing like the feeling of boobs in your face.” “I know” “Look I was trying to be serious. I know your turning me on, and I’m turning you on, and I can hear you in the shower and outside the door. And I like our little game, but I was wondering if we could, you know, maybe have our orgasms together, the way two normal people usually do?”
“Don’t worry Rob, you’re cute and I like you. Those days’ll come soon enough.”
She laughed softly as she rolled over.
Those days haven’t come yet, and It’s been 4 nights expecting. The attacks have gotten harder, she has acted sexier, and that pre bed hug has kept getting longer and more intimate. During it I keep thinking tonight’s the night, even longer. The worst part is that I’ve been saving up in the sperm bank for this for four days now, trying to make the first time impressive.
It happened on the 26th, a couple of hours after my entry. It felt amazing, but man is that girl rough. Of course her idea of a good time is crawling over me, so that I massage her boobs, as she knees me repeatedly till she orgasms. I’m convinced the majority of the pleasure comes from the kneeing. As for me she provides a hand/ blow job while providing gorgeous views, and some fun boob access before hand. It hurt quite a bit, but what a night. If we do this every other day or so this is going to be a fun, painful, interesting long semester ahead.
We did it again last night. I was still sore from the night before, and the day of kneading in the blind didn’t help at all. I should have suspected something like this in bed.
Why did I have to ask?! I should have seen this coming. These days took forever to come, and then came far too soon. Not “soon enough”. My sac is perpetually red, sensitive, and larger.
She doesn’t stop, during the kneeing, or in terms of a night off. I once saw this Futurama episode where Fry and Zap Branigan were going to be killed by large Amazon Women by being sexed to death (Snu-Snu). I laughed as their faces alternated horror and smiling at the idea. Now that’s me, and I hate myself for laughing at it.
Its horrifying. She just used the word snu-snu last night, an hour after I wrote about it. The worst part is I know that there was no way she could have read this journal. It was a completely accurate guess. And just like that Idiocracy show: “Oww my Balls”. I just had the worst thought. I’m out here alone with her. Six hours from a Hospital “if the roads aren’t muddy” which at this point in the season they are. If she does anything permanent there will be no repair.
This is messed up on multiple levels. Last night while on top of me and kneeing, she told me how much she enjoys causing permanent damage. Just after that I saw her knee go so far back I saw her foot past her shoulders. I saw that smile, facing what must have been my horrified face, as she held my hands down. And then it happened. She said “Happy Halloween!” followed by evil giggling
“WHAT?! This was your idea of a joke?” “Yep” “You’ve threatened me, emotionally traumatized me, and brutally busted my balls for the past five days in the name of a Happy Halloween joke?” “Yep” “Do you have any idea, notion, or perception of how sadistic, cruel, or terrifying that is?” “Mayb… Nope”
“Remember back to the first day you told me I wasn’t sorry. I said I wasn’t, but I’d make it up to you. I’ve just played an awful cruel long game with you, but there’s half a semester ahead where this will be everything you want it to be… plus some berry juicing ;) “
After her little speech, she proceeded to suck half the pain out of my balls, which astonished me. She then continued to take the panties off, and ride me beautifully. I was at this point too shaken up, and mainly just confused to be a proper partner, but she enjoyed herself, and it felt amazing.
Terry’s kept her word. Things with her have been great ever since Halloween. Great views, great nightly activity, and she still gets her kicks in. Well knees and squeezes rather, but it is certainly in a totally worth it kind of way. She even throws in poor excuses sometimes. It’s a shame I won’t be here for Christmas, I’d expect her to celebrate that very well. All in all, Terry’s fun, but she’s certainly has a loose screw or a sociopathic nature to say the least.
Finished on my favorite holiday, Halloween 2012
Inspired by Bram Stoker’s Dracula
The beginning part about Johnathan Harker. I didn't care for the middle third of the book because of its slow pace, but the last part is awesome.
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