Part 1

I live in Russia, where we have a nice tradition to go to the public baths once a week, no matter whether you have a bath at home or not. At childhood my mom always took me and my younger sister to the women baths. there I first saw a pussy and loved it. I knew I had something different between legs and didn't like it. Sometimes dad took me to the men’s baths and there I didn't like at all the sight of men genitals, specially their dangling balls. I always asked Mom to take me with her, I felt like I was a girl.

But once I realized that I was a male. Playing with my sister in the baths she accidentally happened to slap my nude balls with her hand. The pain was so sharp I grabbed my balls and fell on the wet floor. All the little girls in the bath gathered around me and started giggling. Most of them didn't understand what had happened, they never seen ballbusted boy before. Their moms told them about men’s balls and how sensitive they were. The girls giggled even more. Clutching my aching balls I was looking at the nude women and girls and envied them not having those balls between their legs, I envied them their pussies and wanted to be a girl. Since then I started terribly envying girls their body.

Soon mom said that my weenie and balls are growing bigger and I must stop going to the women’s baths. She said I could scare little girls with my privates. It was terrible. My genitals were not only vulnerable and helpless; they looked awful and could scare a girl. I couldn't imagine a girl's pussy was able to scare anyone. One more point for envy. And I would never see so many nude women any more and I was just doomed to see those funny low-hanging scrotums in the men’s baths. I remembered the feeling that was within me when nude women laughed at me clutching my aching balls. I wanted to feel it again; I wanted my balls busted and girls laughing at my pain. And I persuaded mom to take me to the women’s baths for the last time....

Part 2

Once I was playing with my younger sister and her two girlfriends in the garden. One of my sister’s friends was of her own age and the other was as old as I. My sister said she would show us some acrobatic trick. I was standing just behind her when she suddenly bent over and swung her heel just square back into my groin. I don't know even now whether she did it on purpose to show her girlfriends my weakest point or it was done accidentally. Though I asked her many times after that day, she never told me and smiled cunningly.

But at that moment it didn't mater at all. Definitely or accidentally my balls were smashed and the pain was so burning that I fell on the ground, holding my throbbing, little testicles with both my hands. The girls at once surrounded me and started laughing heartily. As you know, by that moment I had really envied girls their not having balls and this new pain, this great suffering and the girl's laughing was just multiplying my pussy envy.

"Oh, what happened?" the sister's younger friend, Toma, asked.

"I just kicked his balls."

"Balls?" Toma was surprised.

"Yeah, I already hit them once in the bathhouse. He was naked and the same was lying on the floor holding his poor, poor ballsies. It was so funny; Mom says all boys are weak in their balls."

"That's true," the elder girl, Lene, said. "No boy can withstand a hit to the balls, no matter how strong he is."

"Oh, that's great," exclaimed Toma. "So we can beat up any boy. Have you kicked some guy in the balls, Lene?"

"Yeah, I did it a couple of times. It was such a fun. But boys are always trying to protect their precious balls, so we have to train a bit to be ready always hit them down there. We can do some training right now!"

"Great!" My sister exclaimed, "let's do it now."

While I was still lying on the ground in agony and pain, Lene managed to fetch somewhere two tennis balls. She put them in a sock and tucked it behind her belt (she was in a pair of jeans) so that the faked testicles were hanging loose behind her legs.

"Now you should try and hit me in the ‘balls’, Lene told to her girlfriends and a playful fight started. For a while Lene managed to avoid her groin from the girls' feet, knees and hands, though the tennis balls were dangling between her legs in a funny way. But it didn't take my sister long to drive her small fist right into the ‘sock scrotum’. Lene clutched her ‘nuts’ and screamed at the top of her voice, "Oh my balls, my balls!" and fell down next to me. Pretending to be in a great pain she cried, "Oh my balls, my poor balls, they hurt that awful! Girls, you can't imagine how great the pain is. You'll never know what it feels to have the balls hit."

But it were my testicles that were in real pain and Lene's pretending just made me more jealous of her not having balls.

"Girls, oh girls," she went preaching, her hands between her legs, "please help me girls! You're so lucky not to have balls. Tell me what should I do?"

“Just tear them off, yeah, tear your balls off," both the girls cried.

"You're right - I'll tear them off," she pulled the sock with the balls away from her groin and threw it aside.

"Wow, I fell no more pain!" She jumped up to her feet. "Away with the balls!"

"Gene, maybe you'd better also tear off your balls?" my sister asked me, giggling.

"He'll die without his balls," it was the voice of my friend Mike who happened to appear in the garden at that moment. He was Toma's elder brother.

"But he seems like dying from the pain in his balls," Lene pointed at me.

"No one can live without balls," declared Mike.

"But we all live without balls," my sister said.

"You're silly girls without balls," Mike grinned. "My dad says that it's balls that give us men all strength and power, and all women are just silly pussies and you always envy us guys our balls. I'm proud of my balls."

"I think your friend envy us girls at the moment." Lene waved her hand at me, who was still on the ground, holding my aching genitals.

"Do you, Gene?" Mike came closer to me. "Aren't you proud of your balls?"

"How I could be proud of them now," I moaned, "if it's because of them I can't get up."

"So you wanna tell you really envy those stupid pussies?" Mike looked at me scornfully. "Do you envy them?"

"Yes, I do," I pressed this confession out of me.

"If so, you're an idiot. Mike turned to the girls. "Now I'll show them what it means to have balls," and he edged on the girls. Mike was always a bully boy, I didn't know for certain what he was going to do to the girls but obviously it was not an intent to chat friendly. But Lene, who had just a few minutes ago learnt the girls to be quick to get to the boy's vital point, didn't give Mike any chance to escape her grip on his balls.

She squeezed his nuts hard and he screamed in a high-pitched tone, "Balls, my balls! Please let them go!"

"Where's your strength and power, Mike?" Lene laughed and gave his balls a harder squeeze.

"Oh nooo!" he screeched and knelt down. "It hurts, please let me go!"

"Okay," she unclenched her hand, but the very next moment her feet flew right into Mike's crotch. He grabbed his groin with both his hands and collapsed on the ground. This time there was no screaming, it was obvious that Mike couldn't breathe.

"Girls, let's get his pants off!" Lene commanded. Mike had no strength at all to resist to the joyful trio and in the blink of an eye his pants were down on his knees and his balls again within Lene's grasp.

Mike seemed to regain his breath and pleaded again. "Just leave my balls please!"

"So you're proud of these two things between your legs, ain't you? Now we'll see how bad it to be a girl without balls," and she squeezed his testicles with all her might.

"Ooooooh!" Mike uttered a shrill sound.

"Do you love your balls?" Lene inquired.

"Yeah, I love them!" Mike was helplessly trying to get rid of the girl's grasp on his aching balls. "Just leave me alone!"

"I will leave your balls only if you say that you hated them," Lene smirked.

"No, no I can't say..."

Lene gave even harder squeeze to his scrotum. "Say it!"

"Well, well - I hate my balls, please let me go."

"If you hate them, no use pampering them," she released her hold and loudly slapped his balls with her palm. Mike cupped his balls and turned over, his face down, to protect his groin from any further torture. There were heard his sobs muffled with the grass.

Lene got up and all the girls started laughing. At that moment I felt some strange feeling within me. I loved seeing a boys balls being hurt and humiliated by girls. Even my own balls were not much aching as before. I never thought that looking at a male suffering from testicle pain, the sight of a girls laughing at him could give me such pleasure. I had shared my pussy envy feelings with other boys, I even told about it to may father, but they all always laughed at me, making a fool of me. Sometimes I felt that all the men and boys on the earth are proud of their balls except me. I was the only one with pussy envy within me. And now I was delighted to see a boy who was so proud of his balls helplessly holding them and feeling an excruciating pain in them. And the girls were laughing at him.

That night in the dream I saw myself lying again on the wet floor in the bathhouse, holding clutching my aching testicles and being surrounded by a crowd of naked women and girls, laughing at me. Somehow I liked that feeling. Somehow I wanted to be there again, to see a row of nude pussies and hold my balls, the only balls in the house, the balls that made me so helpless in the eyes of those nude females. Then I dreamed there appeared naked Mike, some girl kicked his balls and he was down on the floor and I could laugh at him with all the women, feeling like them about the testicle's weakness. I laughed at him and no girl paid attention to the fact that I had balls like Mike. That night my pussy envy got somewhat a different attitude and I think it was my first sexual fantasies.

But before that night I happened to witness one more pair of balls kicked. It was hilarious.

Soon in the garden there walked in Mike and Toma's father, he saw his son prostrated on the ground and asked us all what happened to him.

"Nothing," Toma said and ran up to her dad. "Lene just taught us some interesting thing."

"What thing?" He squatted down before Toma trying to hug her.

"About balls, how they weak are…" and all of a sudden she kicked her dad between legs. It was so funny to see - a little girl just made a big man screech, tumble down on the ground. So they lay close to each other - son and dad, holding their precious balls, seeing the laughing girls standing over them.

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Ah, I always appreciate the classics



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