Part 3

I had a female cousin - Katie. She was of my age and lived not far from ours. That day she came to us to play with me in our garden. There were only two of us - my parents and sister were out in town.

After about an hour of merry romping about Katie said, "Just wait a bit, Gene, I have to go and take a pee." And she went off to the bushes. After she disappeared behind the leafy stems, I discreetly snuck up to the bushes and started peeping her peeing.

Suddenly she noticed me and exclaimed, "Gene!" She got abruptly up to her feet, pulling her panties up and adjusting the skirt.

"Shame on you," she said coming out of the bushes, it's not good peeping such things. You, boys, are lucky - you can go behind any tree and pee there standing straight.”

"You envy boys?” I asked.

"Yeah, you, guys, have wieners."

"But do you know that all boys, and me too, are very weak down there.


"Haven’t you ever kicked a boy between his legs?"

"No." That was true, Katie being rather a shy girl, never had abused any boy's testicles. I suddenly felt a great wish to show her how male genitals are weak, show her how I envy her pussy and for this purpose she had to kick someone's balls immediately and the only pair around were my own nuts. But my pussy envy encouraged me to be ready to bear any excruciating pain in the organs that Mother Nature had made a certain mistake to award me.

"Then, Katie, you must kick somebody in the balls to see how you are lucky not to have them?"

"Well.., but whose?"

"I guess you should kick mine for there no other boy over here."

"Is that going to be painful for you?"

"Extremely painful, nothing can be more hurting than one's balls kicked."

"But why then..."

"Just because I envy you."


"Yeah, I envy you your pussy and don't care much about my balls. You may hurt them. Okay, let's go inside the house not to let anybody see us." Soon we were in my room. I stood opposite Katie my legs wide apart.

"Come on," I urged her, "give me a good kick!"

"No, no, I can't," the girl hesitated.

"Why, it's so easy. Just kick me and you'll never envy me any more.

"No, Gene, I… I…"

"Well, do it half your strength then, you'll see balls are so easy to hurt.

"Gene, Maybe next time..."

"Alright, let me show you how I'm weak there - just give me a flick in the balls." I yanked down my pants down. "Now look at my balls and just flick them."

Katie wavered for a while, stepped up to me, raised her hand just close to my balls and gave a sharp flick to my left ball. The pain suddenly exploded scrotum, I clutched my sac and bent over.

"Ooooh," I groaned.

Katie gave a light giggle, "You're pretending, Gene, it can't be hurting you." The pain indeed didn't last long. Very soon I was straight again, feeling just slight aching in my testicle.

"No, I'm not pretending at all. The pain was awful. But it was only a flick. To make me suffer a lot. You need kick me now."

"Gene, I've no wish to make you suffer. Well. I believe now that boys’ balls are very weak. Please put your pants back on."

"But you haven't seen anything. Alright I'll hurt my balls myself now to make you see how I envy you." I looked about the room, saw a plastic ruler on the table and reached my hand to grasp it.

"Just look here," I exclaimed, placing the ruler next to my groin. Then I pulled down the end that was just beneath my testicles, making a sort of bow of the ruler, and suddenly released that end, letting it flew back right up into my hanging balls. This time the pain was a score times greater. My legs at once softened and I collapsed onto the floor. For a few second I couldn't even breathe then I emitted a moan. My balls in my both hands, I wanted to tell the cousin how they were terribly aching and how I wished they were replaced somehow by a pussy, the same pussy that was behind her legs and that couldn't be so easily abused just with a ruler flick. But I couldn't say anything but groans.

And Katie just cried out, "Idiot!" and ran outside.

I hadn't seen her for about two weeks when she suddenly appeared in our garden with her girlfriend Ira. They both came up to me and Katie said they wanted to talk to me.

"Well, Gene," she started, "do you remember you asked me to kick you in the balls?"

"Sure, I do."

"And I came here to say I want to kick you now, of course if you still wish."

"I'm not sure - you’re not alone now."

"You said you envied girls, do you still do?"

"Yeah, I do."

Katie smiled. "My friend Ira says she envies boys the way they can pee. I guess she envies them badly, so you can help her. I want you to stand before us and pee and that's when I kick you right in the balls."

The idea to have my balls abused by two girls suddenly gave me some excitement. The idea to go through enormous pussy envy feelings was unrejectable. But I needed the sort of feeling I had had in the bathhouse, so I said, "I agree, but I'd like to ask you to do something too."

"What?" inquired Katie.

"I'll be peeing before you, so you'll easily see what I have between my legs. But when I fall on the ground I want you both to squat and pee before my eyes."

"Why that, Gene?" the cousin was surprised.

"Just to envy you your pussies."

"Well we agree." Katie turned to her friend, "I think we'd better do all this in those bushes. Gene already was trying once to peep me peeing there." So we entered the bushes, found among them a clear patch spacey enough for our deed. I stood in front of the girls and pulled my pants down.

"Pee," commanded Katie.

I let a squirt of urine out of my penis.

"Take your hand off your wiener," Katie ordered again. I obeyed her.

"Now Ira look at his wiener," Katie addressed her friend, "how it convenient to have it, how it nice to be able to pee standing up right. But look what he has below - two little round things - balls. All wieners go with balls. You and I have no wieners, no balls. We have nothing between the legs. And who is better, who is lucky. Who should envy? Now we'll see. Just look!"

I was still urinating before the girls when all of a sudden Katie's foot flew into my balls, making my penis bounce up and splashing urine on my shirt. I screamed, grasped the scrotum and tumbled over. "Balls, balls,” I was trying to say something else but the pain in testicles didn't allow me to utter any other words. There was one more word but it was stuck in my mind, and the word was PUSSY. And beside the excruciating pain there was one more sharp feeling - ENVY.

"Let’s show him now!" Katie cried out. She quickly raised her skirt, pulled down her panties, squatted down and started urinating just in a meter from me. Ira followed her. When before my eyes there were two urinating pussies, I squeezed my injured balls as hard as I could with jealousy. It added more pain to my male organs but I wanted to squeeze them out, to get rid of them. I was looking at the splits between the girls legs and envied. Just splits and nothing to clutch in painful agony, nothing to wish to squeeze out. Nothing dangling loose. I squeezed my damned balls one more time and gave out a loud roar. The girls stopped peeing, stood up and pulled their panties up.

"So Ira, you see how it nice to have those balls. I guess he'll be lying here for long. Just no power to get up. One kick and no power at all. No doubt he envies you Ira now. He thinks you are lucky not to have those balls. And you are really lucky, and I'm too lucky. Gene, do you envy us?"

I just nodded my head and gave my balls one more squeeze. I looked at the girls' shapely legs, at their skirts that covered their groins, the groins I envied so badly, and then looked at my balls. The girls noticed my eyes' movement, the jealous expression in them and gave out a louder laugh.

Part 4

From my very childhood I've always had the need to express my feelings and thoughts in writing. So very soon I started creating a tale of a boy who had pussy envy. I wrote about his adventures, his getting ballbusted by girls in an old note-book. It was my first writing experience and rather clumsy it was.

Anyway, the notebook was soon discovered by my parents. They read it and decided that I had some mental problem. First they wanted to go to some doctor to examine me but I asked them not to do that for I felt myself absolutely normal and mentally healthy. Next door there lived a girl about twenty-two years old. Her name was Natasha. She was a student studying psychology and my parents decided to tell her about me in hope she would give them some advice. First she took my tale to read and visited us again on the next day. She asked my parents to leave us alone in my room to have a private talk. She was very beautiful and I liked her very much.

"So," she started, "after reading your story I can see you have some kind of pudendum envy; that is you envy women their genitalia or, to be simple, you've got pussy envy. I can understand such a thing. But what surprises me is that you like your testicles being hurt by girls. But as I know it's extremely painful. I always wonder that many men like their genitals being abused by women. I'm very interested in the fact."

"Do you think that I'm not normal?" I asked. "My parents think so."

"Yeah, they asked me to help you cure from this. But I don't think you are abnormal, I'm just going to find more about you and talk this question over with you just to make you feel at ease with this subject. So, please, do tell me about all the cases you've been hurt down their by girls and what you felt."

So I told her all from the very first time my balls had been hurt by my sister in the bathhouse and up to my experience with Katie and Ira.

"Well," she said after I finished, "that's very interesting. That only proves one more time the fact that vulva envy is not so rare thing as some men suppose. Freud wrote lots about penis envy, but being a male, he was simply silent on this subject - I mean men envying female genitalia?"

"Who's Freud?" I asked, feeling her talk was too clever for me.

"At this very moment it doesn't matter, but what I'd like to ask you again - why do you like the pain within your scrotum?"

"No, I don't like it - I hate it; it's terrible. But I like girls watching me in pain."

"But why?"

"You know I'm a boy and I don't have a pussy like girls. But I think it's great to see a boy with hurt balls when you don't have them between the legs. Girls must feel great at that moment. I wish I could feel the same. When girls laugh at me I just imagine I see myself, holding my aching balls, through their eyes and feel like I'm a girl too and it's me who’s laughing at those weak balls."

"Oh, that's very interesting. It sounds like some sort of transconciousness."


"It's like your mind getting in the female body while your male one is in great pain. Now I'd like to ask you a very private question, but I want it to be only between us and not to be known by your parents. May I ask you such a question?"


"Do you want to experience one more time something like you had with Katie and Ira. I'm very interested on this subject and want take part in something like that. So, do you wish such a thing happened to you again? Just think about it."

"I didn't think for long. "Yeah, I'd like to feel it again."

"Then let's do it this way. Some day when your parents and sister aren't at home you'll invite me and those girls - Katie and Ira, and we’ll have some experiment. Is it okay?"

And so in a week or so I was in my room again in company with Natasha, Katie and Ira.

Natasha started addressing the younger girls. "So girls, has Gene explained you why he needed you here."

"Not yet," replied Ira.

"Then I'll tell you," Natasha went on. "Gene told me how he helped you Ira to cure your penis envy. He told me how he let you abuse his genitals, his male genitals that many men are so proud to possess. And now I want to talk more of male genitals. Gene, I think if you invited us you won't be very shy and you'll get your clothes off. Be so kind as to get naked completely." I obeyed and in no time stood stark naked before the three girls. Natasha walked over to me and took hold of my scrotum.

"See girls, I'm holding him by his testicles, balls we usually call them. Now I'll begin to fondle them gently," and she started doing so. "The male scrotum is filled with an enormous number of nerves and now Gene must feel the most pleasing thing boys can ever feel. Now he's the happiest human on this earth. The balls can give guys the greatest pleasure. We girls have a clitoris inside our pussies for pleasure but the clitoris is not as big as the balls. So it much easier to give pleasure to the balls that hangs between guys’ legs. Does it mean we have to envy men? See his face, how he likes my fondling his little testis…” She really was giving me a very pleasant sensation in my balls. "Look how happy he is. At this moment he hardly envies any of us, we who don't have balls. But let us see something. Ira, just stand close to his side to face me like him." Ira took a position before Natasha just close to me.

"Look!" Natasha released my scrotum and suddenly her hands slapped sharply my and Ira's groins. I doubled over in pain, while Ira remained standing up straight. In a second all the girls burst in laughter, watching me holding my balls and moaning with pain.

"See the difference, girls!" Natasha exclaimed. "All the men call the testicles precious. But they do so not because those dangling organs give them lots of pleasure but because they are so easily get hurt. Gene got his balls hurt for the first time in the bathhouse where he was surrounded by nude women and girls. That helped him at once compare his body disadvantage with the female body and perceive the advantage Nature had endowed women with - girls have no vulnerable balls. That made him envy us. I guess Gene isn't the only guy who possesses so called ‘pussy envy’ but they usually stay very reserved on this topic. They will never talk about it, especially with girls. What I like about Gene is that he doesn't keep his envy in secret. I think the thing that happened to him in the bathhouse helped him a lot to develop his feelings. It was his testicle pain and his sense of sight that enabled him to see nude women that started his pussy envy. Now we'll give one more chance to go deeper in his envy."

She looked at me, "How do you feel, boy, now?" Her slap being not very powerful, the pain had almost died away and I was again standing straight, just holding the balls in my hand.

"I feel better," I said.

"All right then," Natasha smiled. "This time we will use the pain added together with your tactile sensation."

"What's that?" inquired Katie.

"That's his sense of touch," explained Natasha. "In the bathhouse his envy was visible, but this time we are not going get undressed. We'll make his envy palpable. Give me your hand, boy," and she took my right hand.

"Now he’ll feel how it's nice without balls," and she pressed my hand onto her groin. "Don't be shy,” and she gave a laugh. She was in thin, tight cotton pants and I at once felt her warm body.

"Do you feel my groin well?" Natasha asked. I nodded positive. "Then listen, boy. You can imagine it's your groin. The groin you so envy." She pressed my hand harder. "Now there are no balls between your legs and whatever you're going to feel in your balls just don't touch them, they aren't yours, imagine they are of some other boy and let's laugh all together at their weakness. And not to allow you to touch them let me take your other hand," and she grasped me by my left wrist.

"Now Ira, give a light slap to his balls," Natasha commanded, “just like I gave it to your groin. Ira slapped my balls.” The pain made me instinctively to move my both hand towards the balls but Natasha was much stronger than me and my right hand remained on her groin while my left one was trying to get free from her grasp.

"Give him one more slap," Natasha shouted. The second slap was twice as painful. I again tried to grab my balls but all in vain.

"Don't touch them," Natasha was very angry. "Just feel my ball-less groin. Feel it. Try to feel like me. I see those balls. I see how they weak are. I know there is lots of pain inside them; terrible, unbearable pain, and I feel great I've no balls. Ira punch his balls!" The hard punch gave me such a pain that my legs softened and I started kneeling down. Not to let me collapse Natasha knelt down with me.

"Do you feel I've no balls between the legs? Do you feel it?" She was looking straight into my eyes, which were full of tears. I still badly wanted to clutch my searing balls. And still my left hand was wriggling vainly trying to get free and the right one was pressed tight to Natasha groin. But soon I felt I didn't want my hand go off her body. Though the pain in my balls was excruciating, I wanted my hand to stay where it was. I tried to imagine it was my own groin, and that the aching balls between my legs weren't my at all. But the pain was enormous and unbearable. All the girls were laughing loudly watching my suffering face and my helplessly hanging balls.

"Gene, do you feel how it nice to have pussy?" Natasha was going on with her humiliating questions. "Do you feel the fun of watching a boy's weakness? Do you understand how girls can feel great just because we don't have those silly balls? By the way, are they hurting, your balls?"

"Yeah," I gave a painful groan.

"But they aren't your balls," she grinned. "Don't you feel with your hand a ball-less groin? There are no balls between the legs. From where the hell do you feel the pain? Let yourself laugh with us. Ira, just give one more punch to those balls to have us more fun."

That punch made me roar, "Balls, my balls!"

Natasha smirked, her hands tight on mine. "So you love those balls better than my groin. Do you feel it, or your balls made you forget everything." My hand clung tight to her groin and felt such envy as never before.

Through tears and pain I stammered, "I love your groin, I wish I wish I had such. But I have balls, they are aching that much. Girls I really envy you, please do something to my balls. Squeeze them, squeeze them out, let my crotch be as smooth as yours."

"Do as he asks, "Natasha said to Ira. The younger girl at once grasped my balls and gave a terrible squeeze. Natasha tightened her press on my right hand.

"Just feel there, nothing to squeeze between my legs, unlike yours!" But I only screamed with the pain while Ira was keeping on squeezing my nuts. The sensation that went to my brain through my right hand made me more and more mad. I badly wanted to have such a groin. And suddenly I had an erection, the first erection in my life. My small penis cocked out just over Ira's squeezing hand.

"Look girls," Natasha exclaimed. "He’s got an erection… or so called boner! I guess the first one in his life. Let's set him free and just see if his instincts made him masturbate, or we may say wank, or jerk off.”

Ira released my balls and Natasha let my hands be free. I and Natasha were still down on the knees facing each other. My hand immediately clutched my balls and the other my hard penis. The great tension in my erected organ made my hand at once moving to and fro along my wiener but the great envy I felt at that moment made the other hand forget about my hurt balls and I again pressed it against Natasha's groin. Madly jerking off with the left hand, I harder and harder clung my hand to her groin. I'd never masturbated before, but I felt that there must be some culmination (I didn't know at the moment the word orgasm); the culmination that was going to gave me some relief. I just hoped that at the moment of this relief, this salvation my penis and testicles just fell off my body and I'll get the same groin as my right hand was greedily stuck to.

The blessing climax reached (I didn't had sperm yet), my penis softened and went downwards but it never fell off onto the floor and my balls were still hanging where they possessed. The pain in them, after the masturbating sensation was gone, again prevailed. I grabbed my nuts with both my hand and at last collapsed onto the floor.

Natasha got up to her feet and said to the giggling younger girls, "Now let me explain the things you witnessed and tell me about my erection theory. I'm very grateful to Gene for this experiment. I've always supposed that most men have subconscious pussy envy, though they are not always aware of it. You saw Gene got a boner after his balls were abused in the sight of us, I mean females. Men get erections mostly when they see a nude woman. Why so? They just see her groin and mentally (consciously or subliminally) compare it with their own. And this comparison makes men envy women and the envy makes their attention be fixed on their own genitals and it makes the blood rush to their groin area, which makes their penis larger and erected. Many men get the best erection when they are kicked in the testicles by girls. Why? Because at the moment the comparison between their and the girls groin is always invidious, that is they perceive the girls superiority. And at this moment of greatest envy they got the hardest and toughest boners."

While Natasha was talking all those clever things I lay on the floor my both hands between my legs. The pain seemed never going to go away from my balls. I hardly understood everything Natasha was saying but one thing she undoubtedly was right - that was my envy. I so envied all those three at that moment. And I badly wanted them to tease me more about my having balls. And Natasha seemed to have read my thoughts.

"I guess the guy needs some cheering, some teasing," she said. "Katie, you've been out of work today. Just add some more envy to him."

"Well," Katie knelt before me and started teasing me. "Oh, Gene, you've hurt your precious, little balls. So you see it's better with no balls, like me," and she slapped her own groin clad in tight jeans. "Do you wanna feel it like you did Natasha's?"

I nodded.

"But then let me hold your little balls."

I obediently took my hands off my balls. Her hand gently enclosed around my nuts. I at once placed my hand on her groin.

Katie gave a very slight squeeze to my balls. "Are they still hurting?” she asked me.

"Sure," I moaned. Nevertheless I liked the feeling of having my aching balls within her hand. My hand touching her groin again was sending envious impulses to my brain and I wanted her to do something terrible to my balls. I wanted that the girl felt real great about having her groin that I so envied, envied from the very first time my balls were hurt by my nude sister.

"So, which do you like better," Katie asked. "Your precious balls or my pussy?”

"You know I like your pussy. I wish I had it too."

"But if you wish to have it like me, then why bear those silly things between your legs?" All of a sudden she squeezed my balls hard and pulled them with all her might towards my knees. The pain was so killing and shocking, while somewhere above me that I felt I was passing out, while somewhere above me the three voices were ringing with laughter.

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