A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Helen of Sparta was the most beautiful woman alive. She had deep blue eyes with a silver lining around the black pupil, framed by beautiful eyelashes. Her complexion was flawless, and often fashioned in the shape of a smile. Her hair was a golden brown color, with a texture soft as silk. It framed her face and continued to her collar bones. It stopped there to prevent it from ever obstructing the view of her boobs. She always kept her C cup boobs well supported and squished with the minimal coverage provided by her royal dresses. She loved the way they felt like hands always grabbing her, and she also loved the stares.
Whenever she caught a guy staring, and wanted to check him out she had a technique to give herself a great idea of what he was packing, and how interested he was. First, she would harden him up, if he needed any extra reason. She would lean down, drop something down her dress, accidentally push her boobs into him, or just grab them and talk about them. Once he was rock hard she would proceed to accidentally attack his berries. She did this by initiating a play wrestling/tickling/sparring match with the guy. The purpose was to squeeze punch or knee his berries, and feel his joystick in the process. Based on his reaction she could see how rugged he was, and how interested. She loved it when a man could toughen up, ignore the attack, and ask her if she liked what she felt.
When it was time for her to get married she had a choice of any prince in all of Greece. She was eventually drawn to Mennaleus, because of his character, strong body, and other physical assets. He was large and well built with long brown hair and a very tan complexion from an outdoor life. He wooed her with his promises of the future, and ability to make her happy. It wasn’t long until she chose him, and they were happily married.
Everything would have stayed perfect if Paris had not arrived for the Trojan friendship negotiations. Paris was smaller than Mennaleus, with curlier brown hair, and a smaller nose, all over cuter in an artistic, almost feminine way. While the Kings were handling their affairs, Paris went behind their backs to seduce Helen. She was attracted to his love of humor, music, and entertainment, and overcame his failure of her favorite test. Her maids said he was just what she needed, and he took her away on his ship, when they left the negotiations.
When Paris was on board his ship, and Helen needed to leave his private quarters due to a migrane Aphrodite, the goddess of love and peace appeared before him. She was the same size as the mortals, but gave off a slight glow. She had long blond hair, and bluer eyes than Helen. She kept her D cup melons free and magically supported, choosing a perpetually flowing waist tied cloth as her only clothing.
Paris immediately asked, “How did you get in here?”
“I’m a goddess silly I can disappear, and appear wherever I want”
“Why did you choose here?”
“I need to talk to you Paris. I am in charge of romance, and you just broke a rule. While Mennaleus was busy helping his country, you were free to steal his wife. That’s why I’m here to administer justice. “
“But it was her choice.”
“It was your choice and effort, and no adultery is one sided. Considering that its your hormones, and dick that got you into this, they’re going to be my targets. I will however give you two options. I can vent my anger on your berries all at once, but I can’t guarantee they will survive. Or I can take it out on you with a knee and then a hard squeeze each day, until I tire of punishing you.”
At this point she had finished her slow approach to him. She had crawled onto the bed above him, and was currently weighing his little berries in her hand. Paris looked at the goddess perched over him, with her nipples gently touching him, with each breath. He enjoyed the way she was fondling his balls, and certainly didn’t want to risk the immediate wrath. Finally, he thought daily visitations from the most beautiful goddess, even with the ballbusting would not be a bad deal.
“Please don’t crush them right now! I’ll take the daily knee and squeeze.” Paris shouted. “Good” said Aphrodite, “Its more fun for me this way, I wouldn’t want to break my playthings. Oh, … did I say just how much I enjoy attacking a man’s berries. Sorry Paris, after a while, it becomes less about punishing you, and more about my enjoyment. You’ll be an old man, by the time I see you as no more fun.”
A look of horror crossed Paris’s face, before Aphrodite grabbed his hands and kept them pinned past his head with inhuman strength and speed. Fortunately, the knee thundered into his balls with a reasonable mortal force, to avoid damage. Paris was treated to the sight of her boobs bouncing above his face, before the pain hit him. He closed his eyes, and bucked his legs when it hit him, and the bouncing of the boobs replayed in his head. In an attempt to enjoy it more, Aphrodite, pushed her boobs down into his face, and shifted them slightly. After a minute, she released his hands, and grabbed his balls before he could. She then rose to a sitting position over him, with each hand around a berry, and her triceps squishing her boobs magnificently. She gave Paris a long hard squeeze, and they both let out a moan.
She then sat up, and sauntered away from the curled up Paris, with the cloth flowing inadequately over her butt. “That was a good first time for me, and I look forward to tomorrow. Thanks for stealing Helen, which reminds me I need to visit Mennaleus, now that I’m in the mood. “ She turned back to him, leaned down to 90degrees to let her boobs hang, and blew him a kiss before vanishing.
When Aphrodite appeared in Mennaleus’s room the King of Sparta was dressed in full armor, with sword and shield, surrounded by armed wooden dummies, and wood fragments. “You look upset about something” said the goddess. “You of all goddesses should know” replied the king.
“I know Paris took Helen from you, and I know you intend to gather your army to take her back. As the goddess of peace and love, I cannot allow a war to erupt because of love. I’m here to ask that there will be no blood shed in this… action. “
“I’m sorry goddess, but I must have Helen, and I must punish Paris, and I will slay any Trojan who opposes me. So your time would be best spent telling Paris to come out and face the duel like a man.”
“Isn’t there any way I can convince you not to kill for the sake of love?”, asked the goddess, stroking the king’s face, and pushing her boobs into the king, until she pinned him against the wall. The king, unwilling to lie said, “I will not kill anyone I don’t need to, but I must kill Paris.”
With that Aphrodite lifted the lowest, hinged section of his breastplate, and kneed the king in his berries. She kneed him a second time, and then grabbed his berries to squeeze.
“Whenever I wanted to keep Aires, god of war, from starting a war, I would first see if I could talk him out of it with my body. If that didn’t work, I would preemptively attack his balls. That would take the fight right out of him. I’m not letting a war start for the sake of love, no matter how many berries I need to bust. And if I happen to enjoy myself along the way, so be it. Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm.”
With that she released the king, spun away from him, and threw up her right foot in a back kick, while bringing her hands up to squish her boobs. When her foot connected she took a second of kneading her toes in, arching her back, squeezing her boobs, and gasping, before taking a step forward, which allowed the king to slide to the floor. “You do have a nice pair of berries” she said, “far better than Paris, but not quite Aires sized. Awfully tough too.” She sauntered away with the flowing cloth behind her, before once again bending down to say “I appreciate your enthusiasm Mennaleus, but Paris’s punishment is mine to administer. Remember Menny, no bloodshed, just berry attacks.”
For the next month or so Mennaleus prepared his troops, before setting out to Troy after Paris. In the meantime, Paris had been sure to allocate private time for Aphrodite’s visits, to spare himself the humiliation in front of his people, and because she wouldn’t want to let information of the punishment spread. Paris was instructed not to let anyone, including Helen know of the punishment, or the consequences would be severe. Whenever Helen gave Paris a knee, squeeze, or playful kick, she often wondered why he was so much weaker than Mennaleus, or even the average man, but assumed it was his artistic nature.
In preparation of her plans Aphrodite needed to pay a visit to Hades in the underworld. She gave him a love potion that would only work on an undead spirit, and convince it to love him, as payment for the favor she would need. He took the potion and then told her he intended to save the potion for Helen’s death, to have the most beautiful of the mortal’s spirits interested in him. Helen laughed at the idea, imagining the number of hard squeezes the god would get his large testicles into. Taking her laughter as a sign of approval Hades set the potion aside for storage.
Anticipating Aphrodite’s hinderances, Mennaleus prepared his army the best he could. He brought priestesses from the temple of Aphrodite with the specific instructions of kneeing the soldiers in the balls, and encouraging them to get back up as quick as possible. The king himself practiced this in armor, getting kneed, and rising to destroy a wooden dummy as fast as he could. Most of all though, he expected that Aphrodite would not be able to stop all 5,000 of his men.
When the Spartan army arrived at the shores of Troy they made no delay in marching within sight of the city, and challenging the Trojans. Mennaleus asked if Paris’ lack of courage stemmed from his small balls, or whether he was man enough to fight outside the walls. Ultimately it was the threat of starvation through siege that convinced Paris that the assembled army must fight the Spartans on the field. He therefore marched his army of 5,000 soldiers to meet Mennaleus, while Helen watched from the city walls.
When the two armies were 50 yards apart there was a flash of light, and Aphrodite appeared between the two armies, directly in the center. She commanded both sides to lay down their weapons, since this should be a personal matter not a war. Paris shouted that he would not give up Helen, and Mennaleus still demanded Paris’ death. Both armies charged, figuring that the goddess of peace must disappear to avoid being trapped within the exact middle of 10,000 warring men. To everyone’s surprise Aphrodite stayed right where she was, and both front lines crumpled and fell 20 feet away from each other, before any pikes reached the other side. As the men crumpled and fell over the images of naked women became visible, one before each fallen man, many squishing their boobs in pleasure. They had a strange ghostly blue aura about them and disappeared a second later. While all eyes were on the front lines, and the row of men clutching their balls, 250 wood and water nymphs snuck in and attacked the rear most line of archers, and the flanks of the armies. While they were all topless, the water Nymphs wore long thin, transparent skirts, while the Wood Nymphs preferred vine panties and strategically placed leaves. Their two-foot height was perfect for maneuvering between the legs of the encircled men, and throwing out fists and headbutts, or even relishing a squeeze.
The mysterious women were 250 spirits of the underworld that Hades had freed for the day to help Aphrodite. She had particularly picked the women who had been widowed due to war or mistreated by soldiers, but the love of nailing a guy in the balls for the sheer sexiness of it was the most important qualification. The spirits were able to choose between invisibility and visibility due to their ephemoral nature, which also allowed them to pass directly through non-living matter, like armor, unseen, to line themselves up for the perfect shot or grab. Because the spirits could not exert much force on the natural world the berries were their only effective target, often requiring up to 6 attacks, or prolonged squeezes to drop the soldiers. The nymphs were often there to finish the job, after the spirit had attacked the guy a few times.
Aphrodite started in the exact middle of the armies, and chose to advance to Paris first. As a goddess she had strength and speed superior to that of any mortal. She was therefore able to dodge and maneuver past all the swords, spears, and shields to land her berry assaults. Fortunately, once it came time to hit or squeeze the berries, she always used an appropriate amount of force that a mortal man could handle. After she caught up to the progression of the spirits, she approached her first man. Moving as if he stood still, she ducked under his spear and popped up directly in front of him. She brought both hands up along her stomach, meeting between her boobs, before throwing her arms to the side to open up his spear and shield, and then in to his shoulders. She kept this position, with her right knee cocked back, long enough for him to realize. Once she saw the look on his face, she threw her knee up, and removed his helmet. She had enough time to push her boobs up, and wait for his face to instinctively land in them. Although it was less than a second, she was able to enjoy his face pressing deeper into her cleavage, until she stepped back, brushing his lips across her skin. She loved spreading peace in this way, and proceeded to save the lives, of all men that stood before her and Paris.
Along her way she saw spirits laugh at getting stabbed, step through the blade, and grab the man’s balls through his shield and armor, saying, “You only made it worse on yourself.”. She also saw a spirit dance in front of two men, grabbing her boobs, swaying her hips, and spinning, until a water Nymph came close. The spirit then spun, back-kicked one of the men as hard as she could, and reached down to squeeze him. Immediately following the back-kick the Nymph stepped forward from behind the other man, and swung both fists together into his nuts, and then proceeded to squeeze him, saying, “I hope you enjoyed the show”. Aphrodite was surrounded by knees, kicks, headbutts, squeezes, elbows, and punches all delivered by topless women directly to the soldiers’ berries. She continuosly heard things like, “That felt good”, “Aren’t you jealous”, “That looks like it hurt”, “I just love a handful of berries”, and “How’s my knee feel?”, as the spirits and Nymphs joyfully attacked the men.
When Helen reached Paris, he was surrounded by his honor guard. She asked if he would come out willingly, and he didn’t. So she quickly sack tapped each of his guards, to slow them down, but keep them upright and aware. She then advanced to the center, and picked Paris up in a fireman’s carry. Only one man attempted to stop her as she walked out with her hands occupied, and he was dropped with a single kick. She withdrew behind the spirits and found some 6 Nymphs playing with several men, who had their pants pulled down. She ordered the Nymphs to restrain him, but to leave his berries alone. She saw their disappointment and said that you can get him hard, and attack him if he stands up at any point. She left him with the Nymphs saying “Be careful, there is much in store for this prince.”
After doing this, Aphrodite proceeded to the capture King Mannaleus. Fortunately for her, the Spartans proved to be made of sterner stuff, tolerating more attacks than the Trojans. Some of them even seemed to be milking the chance for some views and favors, figuring that it was certainly better than most of their other battles. Appropriately, the Nymphs and spirits went wild, and enjoyed themselves even more, knowing that the best way to keep the Spartans standing was to keep their joysticks up. As Aphrodite treaded through their ranks she heard things like, “You’re not giving up? Are you?” , “I’ll massage them for a little while”, “That joystick’s impressive”, “I know your enjoying the sight of my boobs while I knee you”, and “Lets keep this going, I’ll hit you softer, more often, and you’ll stay hard for me.”
When she finally reached Mennaleus’s honor guard, they had formed a close ring around the king, with the outer row kneeling, to protect the balls of the inner row, who surrounded their King. The goddess said, “Mennaleus, If you emerge from your guard peacefully I will simply walk you to the center of the battle field, where you will compete directly with Paris for Helen’s hand and she will choose between the two of you. You can cause him to suffer greatly for his infidelity, in addition to the daily punishment I give him. If you stay behind your guards, you will only cause them pain, while postponing your competition with Paris.” What Aphrodite kept secret was the nature of the competition and Paris’s punishment, as well as the fact that the honor guard were doomed to have their packages attacked. The only difference being that Aphrodite would do it too quickly to be properly seen and appreciated, while the spirits and Nymphs would make it worth the Spartan’s pain, and enjoy doing so. Without knowing the full extent of her statement the King ordered his honor guard to release him, saving himself, and all of them from Aphrodite’s plan to shove the head of the bottom row, into the top rows balls, and then kick the kneeling men in the berries, faster than the mortals could react.
When he reached Aphrodite, she hoisted Mennaleus in a fireman’s carry, and jogged to the middle of the field, where she had Paris brought. Mennaleus enjoyed the sight of her bouncing boobs during the ride, and even grew hard at the 3 kicks that the goddess administered on her way through, even though they landed squarely on the berries of his soldiers. When he was placed at the center of the field, and Paris had been hoisted by 6 Nymphs, with one standing above his stomach giving orders, Mennaleus knew he made the right choice.
There at the middle of the field, surrounded by 10,000 men groaning and holding their 20,000 aching berries stood Helen. She looked exhausted from being as horny as she was, especially since she knew that all the aching balls were due to her and her lovely boobs, that she was busy massaging. Both Mennaleus and Paris knew how much she enjoyed attacking a man’s package, and how jealous the sight of 10,000 busted men must make her. It was no surprise then, when Aphrodite said that Helen would test both men equally by kneeing, kicking, palming, and squeezing their balls equally to her pleasure until one man surrendered, and the other spent the rest of his life happily with her, with special attention paid to his berries for the rest of his life.
Four priestess of Aphrodite, walked around from behind Helen, and stood behind the King and Prince. They were “dressed” in the likeness of the goddess with a belt, and a transparent cloth triangle in front, and in the back, that hung loosely and unconnected. For some reason all four women also had D cup boobs, and a love of ball busting, just like their leader. Each of them grabbed an arm of the men, and whispered, things like “Go on and struggle, I haven’t had a go at a plump pair of berries today”, while pressing the man’s elbow deep into her naked boobs.
As they prepared for the contest, the surrounding soldiers, Nymphs, and spirits settled into positions where they could watch. The most preferred position of the Nymphs was laying on their stomach, squishing their boobs into one soldier’s berries, while their legs playfully bent at the knees softly kicking another man’s package with a disconcerned casual rhythm. Many of the spirits preferred to crawl along the potential battlefield with their hands and knees landing on nuts as often, and erotically as possible. As for the soldiers, they found that they could accept this surrender, and hardly thought of the weapons and shields on the ground. They laid down on the field, sometimes overlapping each other, with every man’s pants and armor removed for the woman’s enjoyment. They realized that with every man thoroughly busted, and the war avoided the spirits and Nymphs were only just hitting and squeezing their balls for their own enjoyment, as a means of “keeping the peace”. It was more gentle than the initial attack, and the men made the best of the situation, many considering it very good to be surrounded by topless interested females. To top it all off, Aphrodite even raised the earth for the arena of the competition, giving the whole field a better view of the action.
Helen started the competition by removing the armor, and clothing of the men, with the help of Aphrodite and her priestesses. Despite the vast number of squished boobs, wet fingers, and stroked dicks, all the women made sure to keep the men’s berries untouched to ensure a fair competition. Mennaleus was proud to see that he was bigger than Paris in every way, and enjoyed the unsettled look that Paris got when he realized this. Although Mennaleus knew he was tougher than Paris, he wondered if his larger balls housed more nerves to detect the pain of the trial. Finally, Aphrodite addressed Mennaleus saying, “I know its unfair that Helen hurts both of you equally even though Paris kidnapped Helen and you came to retrieve her, but I insist on a fair competition between you and Paris, to take the place of the duel you wanted, without the risk of death. I will know if she eases up on you, so she must play according to my rules.” Mennaleus simply stated, “Even if my swordsmanship plays no bearing I’m still a tougher warrior than he is, and better man as a whole.”
Helen then rolled down the upper folds of her dress, so it went from barely covering her boobs to supporting them, and knelt between the two men, reaching up and squeezing Paris with her right hand, and Mennaleus with her left. She looked at both of their sacs, knowing she held their manhood in her firm grasp, she then looked up to their joy sticks, and finally faces as they watched her squeeze and purr with enjoyment.
When she slowly stood up, running her boobs along their thighs, stomachs, and chests, she shifted to stand in front of Mennaleus. She said “You know I love you, as she grabbed his neck.”. Even he half expected the kiss instead of the hard knee that buried itself between his berries. She then pushed her boobs into him firmly and kissed him, while she rolled her thigh around his nuts. When she took a step back, she gave him a final little knee, before sidestepping and letting her boobs drag along his muscled chest.
When she stood before Paris she held him by his curly hair, and said “Your turn pretty boy”. She went further with the ploy, and puckered her lips placing them a quarter of an inch away, expecting them to touch after she kneed him. Paris instead lunged forward, and stated kissing her prematurely. Helen’s instinctive reaction, without even thinking of it was a HARD knee to the balls that would have floored him if he weren’t being held. She stepped back and gave him a kick, with the instep of her foot hitting both of Paris’s nuts.
When she backed up, she realized that she was in a competition, and must now inflict the same damage to Mennaleus. She walked up to him, and immediately palm heeled his balls, and then started to squeeze. All the while pushing her boobs into him, and rolling them in circles. When she guessed they were nearly even, she turned to Aphrodite, who said, “Almost there, but I’ll call it even, because Paris was out of line.” Even then Helen could not resist turning around, and squishing her butt into Mennaleus’s hard joystick, before taking the step forward and giving him a little back kick. As she did so, she held her boobs and gasped, there was something about the back kick that she really enjoyed, perhaps it was the sensitivity of the bottom of her bare foot.
She then proceeded to Paris, and decided to give them both an easy volley to prolong the game. She lay on her back in front of him, then held her thighs straight up, and gave him flutter kicks, hitting him with her instep. The hits were light, and would have been pleasant for Paris had he not been kneed and kicked hard. As it was they didn’t add to the pain too much, but he got to see her boobs bounce with each kick, which increased his motivation to win. Realizing this Helen doubled the strength of her kicks. When Paris looked rather weak, she rolled on the ground to lay before Mennaleus, and kicked till Aphrodite called them even.
She then stood up slowly in front of Mennaleus, even grabbing his butt for support, which caused her to boob hump his package when she used the grip to pull herself up. When she stood in front of him, she asked, “Do you want to motor boat me?” (motor boats had not been invented yet, but they both somehow knew what they were talking about) “Yes”
“Do you love me?”
“Tell me how much”
And with that Helen grabbed Mennaleus’s head, and buried it in her cleavage, and used her arms to hold it there, and her boobs around him, while Mennaleus shook. Meanwhile, she proceeded to knee him 5 times in a row, while gasping, before Mennaleus whispered “this much” into her boobs, completing one of their erotic rituals. Although Helen couldn’t hear what it was, she felt the vibration, and stopped, without Aphrodite even hearing the signal. Mennaleus knew he was near his limits, but trusted that Paris would not be able to handle the barrage.
When Helen, stepped to give the same knees to Paris, Aphrodite said stop. She began to saunter over to Paris. Paris then realized that he had to deal with Aphrodite’s knee and squeeze right now, and then 5 of Helen’s. And if he somehow managed to withstand all of that, his reward would be daily visits from Aphrodite in addition to a wife who loved to attack his berries. Despite the sheer sexiness of it, it terrified him. As Aphrodite reached him he said, “I forfeit the competition, I do not want Helen as my wife!”
“Very well” said Aphrodite, grabbing his neck for a powerful knee. “This isn’t part of the competition, this is your daily punishment for seducing Helen. I can’t think of a better time for it.”
With that she gave him a HARD knee that staggered her priestesses behind the prince. She then stepped in close, and grabbed the prince by the berries, and squeezed to her hearts content.
“Its not fair” he protested in a pained voice
“Neither were you” she replied calmly
She continued to squeeze until Paris could think of nothing to say, and only groaned. The priestesses then released him, so he could curl up on the ground, and hold his package quietly. Aphrodite nearly shouted, “I just love… justice! ” in a strained voice.
Mennaleus then asked, “Did you…?”
“No I didn’t damage them, I put an enchantment on them so that I can’t. His punishment is daily visits, where I knee him and squeeze once, and I wouldn’t want to hurt my playthings.”
She then turned to Helen, and said,” I know what you want to do with your husband, so go ahead and do it up here. Me and my priestesses will head down to the field, for one more round of attacks on all these soldiers. And then we’ll indulge in quite a bit of payback. The mutualistic kind.
With that the spirits, Nyphs, priestesses, and Aphrodite herself all proceeded to knee, kick, squeeze, punch, headbutt, and otherwise squish the berries of all the soldiers. The soldiers had been watching the show for a while now, and had nearly recovered from the initial attack. This allowed the second to be identical to the first in severity. Upon Aphrodite’s signal of enough, the 504 spirits, nymphs, and priestesses formed into groups of 2 or 3, and proceeded to give each of the 10,000 men the best orgasm of their lives. Aphrodite worked alone in her celebration of “peace’s perfect victory in the love based war”.
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