A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
I originally wrote this as a flashback to set up the backstory for the characters Christina and Paul from the story Paying my Ex #1. After posting it as PME#2 I decided I wanted to continue writing about their early relationship, so I decided to make it into its own series, as trying to switch back and forth between the two timelines within one series was becoming confusing to write.
Christina Toys with the Virgin
Christina scanned the room and her eyes settled on a young man sitting alone at the bar. He was nervously picking at the label on his beer, while he tried to muster up the courage to talk to a girl, any girl. Hmm, just my type, thought Christina as she made her way across the room. Young, cute, obviously desperate, probably a virgin... I’m going to crush him.
Paul heard the click-clack of her black ankle boots grow nearer behind him. He felt a hand on his left shoulder, and a whisper in his right ear. “Hey sexy.” Paul turned to face her. Holy... She was wearing a black, lowcut tank top that was struggling to contain her breasts. As his eyes drifted downwards, he noticed her long muscular legs, topped by a skirt that barely covered her ass. Shit, don’t be a creep! thought Paul, as he raised his eyes to meet hers. She smiled, ignoring his blatant gawking. Her green eyes were warm and cheerful, while her pronounced cheekbones and sharp jawline gave a hint of toughness. He guessed she was at least six or seven years older than him.
“I’m Christina, what are you drinking?”
A bit taken by surprise, Paul struggled to remember his name and had to glance down to see what he was drinking. “I, um, I’m Yeunglin- I mean... uh, My names Paul, I’m just having a Yeungling.”
Christina chuckled to herself at his nervousness. Perfect... However, she pretended not to notice. She wanted to build him up before she destroyed his world. “Lager? For a young stud like you? That won’t do.” She called across the counter, “Hey Rach! Get this man a bourbon, Wild Turkey 101, a double! My tab!”
“Sure thing sweetness!” She shot Christina a knowing look. Rachel was familiar with her work.
Paul was flabbergasted, but tried to act like this was routine for him. Come on dude, don’t blow it. Just be cool, or at least fucking normal for once! He smiled at her, “Wow did you just read my mind. I like to knock back a few cold ones before I start hittin’ the hard stuff.” Rachel overheard this as she arrived with his drink and had to choke down a laugh, knowing Paul had never ordered so much as a mixed drink, let alone straight liquor. She glanced at Christina and saw she was also doing her best not to laugh.
Paul managed to make it through the drink without gagging too much. Christina ignored his obvious struggling and continued to stroke his ego. The next two drinks went down a bit easier.
After three drinks, Christina paid both of their tabs, since he only had two beers on his. Paul was grateful she was done ordering, as he thought he might puke if he drank anymore. “So, mine or yours,” quipped Christina.
“Uh, I, wha-” replied Paul.
“Let’s make it mine, I’ll call a cab. Got a condom? Nevermind I’ve got some at home.”
Paul felt like a king. A somewhat bewildered king, but a king nonetheless. This is it! I’m finally getting laid! And I didn’t even have to try? Maybe working out is paying off. Alright man! Things are gonna be different now!
And things were to be different indeed, though not quite as poor Paul imagined. As soon as they walked through her door, Christina became a different person.
“Alright dude, so you’re a virgin right?” she snapped.
“What?” Paul was once more left dumbfounded. “No way lady! I’ve had plenty of-”
“Oh shut up. You can drop the act now Paul. The only reason I talked to you tonight is I could tell you were a virgin. Have you even seen a woman naked?”
Paul couldn’t respond. What is happening? Why is she being so mean out of nowhere?
“Well do you want to? Do you want me to get naked for you? Do you wanna fuck me Paul? Do it then big man! Rip my clothes off and bend me over this table!” She knocked a few dishes off the kitchen table, shattering them and sending silverware clattering off the wall.
Paul was frozen. He just looked at her. He desperately wanted her but he was petrified.
“Thats’s what I thought,” Christina smirked. “Well, you aren’t getting lucky tonight Paul. That is unless you happen to share a very particular fetish of mine.”
“Wh- What you mea-” he was cut off.
“I’m going to kick you in the balls, Paul. And you are going to let me.”
“What! No way! Are you crazy?”
“Possibly, but thats irrelevant. Here is how this is gonna work. If you want to fuck me you have to earn it. I like kicking men in the balls. You want to lose your virginity. We can help each other out here Paul! Don’t you want to fuck me?” she bit her lip and pouted as she look Paul dead in the eyes.
He was mesmerized. God she is soo hot... I want her so bad. I might never get another chance with a woman like this... Wait... No this is crazy!! Paul snapped out of it, “You what? You like to kick men in the balls?”
“Yes, Paul. Come on don’t be judgmental. It’s just the way God made me,” she laughed innocently. “Well it’s up to you. Leave if you want. But think about it Paul. Do you really think you will ever get another chance with a woman like me? Hell, with any woman? Come on I won’t hurt you too bad. What happened to that tough guy back at the bar?” She smiled at him mockingly.
Fuck this! Paul thought. This is INSANE! I can’t let her kick me in the balls! But... she’s right. I’ll never land a woman like her again. Damn. I think I might be drunk enough to do this...
“Alr... Ok. Alright. So if I let you kick me in the balls, I get to fuck you?”
“Yes Paul. It’s pretty simple, try not to overthink it dear.”
“Fuck. Ok. Let’s do this then...” Paul couldn’t believe it.
“Get naked,” commanded Christina. “Quickly!”
“Aren’t you going to?”
“Not yet, I need to make sure you go through with this first.”
Paul thought for a second. Fuck it. Why not. I’m so trashed maybe I won’t feel much. He stripped. He stood naked in front of her, avoiding eye contact.
Christina looked him over. He really is a cutie though. Nice ass for a dude. Oh, not much between the legs though... “I see you’re a grower, Paul!”
Paul glanced down. His dick was soft from liquor and shrunken from fear. He looked up and blushed. He began to stammer something about, “Uh it’s cold in here...” but Christina cut him off.
“Nevermind, I’m not concerned with that now anyway.” Without warning, she launched her right foot into Paul’s most delicate parts. The hard, pointy tip of her boot stabbed dead into the center of his left ball, and crushed it against his body. Sharp pain exploded from Paul’s nut and shot up into his liquor filled stomach. He collapsed into the fetal position. Without missing a beat, Christina pounced on him.
“Oh, you think you’re safe down there?” she laughed. She rolled him onto his back, violently yanked his hands from his crotch, and sat on his stomach. She grabbed the base of his sack with her left hand, squeezing his balls tightly against the skin. She began slapping his trapped nuts with her right hand, lightly at first, but gradually increasing pressure.
“Please! Stop!” cried Paul as he desperately tried to reach her hand and pry it off his balls. It was no use. He was helpless.
As Christina continued to slap away at his balls, Paul noticed a warm wetness on his stomach and realized she wasn’t wearing panties. What Christina noticed, was that Paul’s cock had gotten hard.
“Oh my Paul, you did grow! Although, not very much... poor guy. Wait, do you like this!? Why are you hard?”
“No! It hurts SO BAD! Please stop! PLEASE!”
She slammed her fist into his balls a few times and said, “Well, ok, I guess that’s enough for your first night.” She rose up off of him, and he caught a quick glimpse of her beautiful pussy, the first he had seen outside of a computer screen. Even through all the pain he was desperate for her. He decided it had been worth it. But then he heard Christina say firmly, “Pull yourself up and get dressed. I’ll call you one more cab, but after tonight you pay your own way.”
“Wait!” cried Paul, “I still get to fuck you though!”
“Oh, no silly, I didn’t say you would get to fuck me tonight! You really think all it would take is one kick and some slapping? You’ve still got some work to do boy!” A wide smile spread across her face.
Paul was devastated, “What? You Bitch!” Paul regretted this outburst immediately. Christina leaned over and grabbed him by the balls. She squeezed hard and pulled upwards at the same time. Paul arched his back trying to keep her from ripping his balls off. “Oh my god no! Please! My balls, Christina please!” She squeezed harder and looked him in the eyes.
“Now Paul, that wasn’t a very nice thing to say to a lady! Do I need to teach you some manners tonight?” She began to twist his balls.
“Aaaahhhh no no no please don’t! Please, I’m so sorry Christina, I’ll do anything!”
“Anything huh?”
“Yes I swear, please you’re going to break my balls!” At this point Paul was in a strange crab walk position, desperately trying to keep his balls attached to his body.
“Ok then, when I let go, I want you to stand up, spread your legs, and let me kick your balls again.” She squeezed even harder, which Paul hadn’t thought possible. He would have agreed to anything.
“Ok ok, yes, please just let go!” Paul was in tears.
Christina kept her end of the bargain and released his tortured nuts. Paul clutched at himself and cried. “Hurry up! Do I need to make it two kicks?” snapped Christina.
“No, no please I’m getting up I swear!” Paul picked himself up as quickly as he could. He obediently spread his legs and held his arms at his sides. He looked at Christina with pleading eyes. Her cruel smile told him he wasn’t getting off the hook.
As her boot found its way in between his legs for the second time that night, Paul’s world went dark. He collapsed, out cold. Oooh God yes... thought Christina. I got him goood! She went to get some water to splash on his face, but he was already coming too when she arrived.
“Have you learned your lesson Paul? You weren’t in too bad of shape before you decided to mouth off, and now look at you. Trust me, things will be much easier for you if you just do what I say and keep your mouth in check. Now get dressed and get out. I’ll still call you a cab just to show there are no hard feelings. You have my number. I hope to hear from you. Next time won’t be as bad if you behave yourself. Good-bye Paul,” she left the room...
Thanks Chefda! I'm working on continuing the story, but I'm still not sure if I want to expand on the backstory anymore or not...
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