Part 1

Several faces peered down at Olav and he squinted hard in an attempt to clear the blurriness from his eyes. A man was reaching out his hand and Olav saw that the man’s eyes looked pained and that there was concern in his grimace. Though his head was reeling and he was having a hard time getting his bearings, Olav took the man’s hand and tried to stand. His legs were rubbery and nearly gave way but he felt another set of hands push against his back steadying him.

“I think I need to sit down,” Olav croaked.

As the two men helped Olav slide down, back against the wall, one asked, “What happened, man?”

Olav raised his head from where it was resting on his knees which were drawn tightly to his hulking frame and looked at the man with dazed and empty eyes. Then he simply let his head fall forward onto his crossed arms. Somehow, despite the enormous pain in his groin, he could feel the heat of shame that crept up his neck and colored his cheeks a raw crimson.

“Seriously, what did happen?”

The sound of the new voice caused Olav to peak his eyes slightly. He felt a jolt of embarrassment when, as his guess was regrettably confirmed, he saw Tamara, the gym receptionist, giving him a stern look over the rims of her glasses. He’d been nursing a crush on the willowy Tamara for almost a year, trying to impress her with his strength and physique, and now here he was helpless as a baby and feeling very feeble, his confidence shot. Olav closed his eyes and groaned softly.

Another female voice piped up. “I don’t know what started it, but some platinum-haired girl just hauled off and kneed him in the nuts. Musta been pretty hard, too, because it caused him to rip the punching back right off its moorings as he collapsed.”

Olav heard Tamara gasp. He felt a spark of hope as he took the gasp for sympathy but his heart sank when he heard Tamara’s sweet feminine chuckle. Then he heard her voice, the words coming slow as the realization dawned on her, “Oh…oh my…so that’s what she meant.”

Tamara placed a hand on his beefy bicep. “Are you gonna be okay?”

Olav grunted and nodded without raising his head from his arms. He couldn’t bear to look at her.

“Okay everyone,” Tamara said, looking around the small crowd, “I think we should give him some space. And perhaps it’s best to stay away from this area until I get the bag situation under control,” she added pointing toward the crushed black column on the ground. As the people filed off, Tamara leaned down to Olav and whispered, “Do you need some ice for your, um, bag situation?”

Reluctantly, Olav lifted one eye to her and then waved her off with a meaty paw, completely missing her joke. He cursed to himself when he saw the amused and patronizing look in her eye and a smile that tried to belay a caring concern but really just betrayed how funny she thought it was.

Tamara left Olav hulking and sulking and made her way to find Bill, the maintenance man.  Several thoughts flashed through her mind. She was a bit pissed that he’d broken the punching bag yet again, creating more work for her, but to be fair, she immediately chided herself, this time it wasn’t really his fault – more of an accident, really. She actually felt a little bad for the guy. Sure, he was a preening peacock and often rubbed other patrons the wrong way, but she’d always surmised that, deep down, he was a good guy. She knew, thanks to doing much of the gym’s bookkeeping, that Olav never failed to donate to any cause the gym supported and that he’d even bought some of the gym equipment on his own dime. And, in spite of the muscles and cocksure attitude, he was easy on the eyes. He had a warm, genuine smile when he wasn’t showing off, er, working out, and he really did have surprisingly soft blue eyes. But, damn, she thought, he looked pretty gray back there. And so weak. Her brain immediately juxtaposed an image of Olav doing a dead lift, the bar bending under the many plates on either end, with the image of him curled up against the wall moaning and breathing heavy. She put a hand to her mouth as a laugh escaped. She knew she shouldn’t laugh but the idea was so startling. She’d always heard that testicles were super sensitive but the fact that just one knee left big bad Olav completely wrecked practically blew her mind. And yet, she felt a thrill to know that it wasn’t some other meathead that had done him in. It was a girl, just like her, much smaller than Olav, with none of the bulging muscles or masculine strength one might deem necessary to best him.

As she entered the maintenance closet a sudden rush of excitement coursed through her. The thought felt forbidden and made Tamara feel dangerous. Could I do that? she wondered to herself. I could! came the resounding reply.

“Bill,” she cried in a voice far too ebullient for the situation, “are you in here? The punching bag is broken again. Needs new moorings. I’ll be at my desk if you have any questions.” She quickly hurried off to ponder this new revelation.


For the fourteenth time in as many days Tamara got up from her desk to make the final rounds before closing shop and fought the feeling of disappointment. Olav had not been in…again. She’d gotten his membership check, so she knew he was still around, but he certainly wasn’t working out. Part of her wanted to see him to make sure he was okay, but if she was honest with herself, most of her wanted to see him to help make real the little scenario she’d been toying with in her mind. Something awakened in her two weeks ago and she felt very unsure about how to handle it. Maybe seeing the big man would quash it in its tracks. Or maybe…

The sight of a hulking, shadowy form passing outside the window sliced through her train of thought. She looked again and, to her delight, she recognized Olav’s massive frame. Without a pause, she hurried back to the reception desk, just in time to see him walk through the doors, the hood of his sweatshirt drawn tight, hiding his face.

As he came toward her, she thought she detected a trace of a limp but couldn’t be sure due to the halting nature of his usual cocky gait. She smiled warmly at him. “Olav – “

He quickly put a finger to his lips cutting her off in mid-greeting.

Taking the cue, Tamara lowered her voice. “Olav, it’s good to see you. Is everything alright?”

He fumbled with his hands in his pockets and then said softly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Had to take some time off from the weights.”

Tamara nodded. “But you’re ready to get back at it now?”

Olav nodded back.

“Well, the gym’s about to close. You don’t have much time,” Tamara said, pointing toward the clock.

“I know,” he said, looking down at the ground instead. “But maybe you can do me a favor?” He looked up at her softly, hopefully.

“What’s that?” She asked brightly.

“Could you stick around a little later tonight so I can work out without anyone around?”

Tamara stroked her chin, considering. “I suppose so. How long do you need?”

“Just an extra thirty minutes past the usual closing time. I appreciate it,” he said, punching in his code to get in.

“No problem,” she said, reaching for the envelope he held out for her.

“Just a little something,” he said as he walked off toward the weight room.

When she opened the envelope, a check for $500 fell out along with a short note.

Tamara – part of this is for the punching bag and part is for you helping me keep a low profile and letting me work out after hours. – O

She folded the note and tucked into the pocked of her skirt and got up to finish her rounds.


She was back at her desk when Olav made his way out of the showers and into the foyer. “Good workout?” She asked.

“It was good to get back at it,” he said, though Tamara detected a false note in his voice. “And thank you for your discretion,” he added, nodding toward the corner of paper that was poking out of her skirt pocket.

“We thank you for helping out with the punching bag, but you didn’t have to bribe me,” she said, flashing what she hoped was a flirty smile.

Olav gave her a hurt look. “Bribe? It wasn’t a bribe. They’re not paying you to stay late, so I will.”

Tamara shrugged her shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant, but the thrilling fear of what she was about to do made it hard. “Honestly, I don’t mind,” she admitted, the calm in her voice surprising her. “I didn’t have anything going on tonight – or most nights, for that matter,” she added.

“A pretty girl like you?” Olav asked, genuine shock in his voice.

Tamara knew she had him now. “Oh,” she said, putting a coy hand to her mouth. “Is Olav suddenly a charmer?”

Olav only gaped involuntarily as Tamara stepped around the desk. Her legs seemed to rise to the sky even though she barely came up to his chest.

“Nothing to say?” She teased, looking up at him over the black cat-like rims of her glasses.

“No, I, just meant,” he fumbled, tugging at the strings of his hoodie. When he saw Tamara smirking, he scowled. “You knew what I meant!”

“Yes, but back to the not-bribe as we’ll call it,” she said, summoning up every ounce of courage. “I don’t need your money, but perhaps there is one thing I’d like.”

“What’s that?” he said, clearly confused.

Tamara flipped her silky auburn hair and pulled Olav back into the gym. “I want you to be honest with me.”

“Um, ok. About what?” He answered cautiously.

“How did it all go down?” When he feigned ignorance, she scolded him. “Oh, you know.”

“So you’d rather hear the story than make extra cash?” Olav eyed her incredulously.

“Let’s just say that mostly sums it up.” Tamara fired back. “So do tell.”

He shifted his weight from one foot the other thinking of how to begin. “I was using a machine and went to get a drink of water. When I came back some girl was using it. I told her to take a hike, that I was there first. She gave me a bunch of ‘tude, so I thought I’d put a scare into her. I pulled her over to the area with the punching bag and then she kneed me in the groin. Evidently, I collapsed and tore down the punching bag. You know the rest.” Olav shifted again, uncomfortably.

“So do you think you deserved it?” Tamara asked with a teasing smile.

“Hell no,” Olav said, shocked. “I mean, I might have been a little rude, but it was my machine and she was messing with my time. Who does she think she is?”

Tamara’s smile widened as she watched the big guy get worked up all over again. She decided to plunge the dagger. “Evidently someone who can kick your ass.” Her whole face lit up as Olav’s jaw dropped. Before he could gather himself, she asked, “And how does that make big bad Olav feel?”

Just when she thought his head might pop, he took a deep breath and the angry red ebbed from his cheeks. “I was pissed,” he admitted looking her dead in the eye. “I wanted to punch her pretty little face right through a wall.”

Tamara shuddered at the thought of those big fists he was currently clenching tightly at his sides smashing into that poor girl’s face. But then she quickly remembered that he wouldn’t be able to if she did her little magic trick again. “So if you saw her in here again, would you go after her?” Tamara pressed.

Olav’s expression transformed so quickly it made Tamara feel disoriented for a moment. He looked at his wits’ end. “That’s the damnable thing about it,” he said quietly. “Everything inside of me says to knock her ass out. Everything except one little voice of doubt. What if she kicks you again? It just keeps haunting me.”

“She might,” Tamara chimed in unhelpfully.

“Exactly,” Olav agreed, surprising her. “It took ten days for my testicles to look normal again. I haven’t been able to lift in two weeks. And you want to know the worst of it?”

Tamara inclined her head and looked at him intently, truly concerned.

“I think it ruined my desire to lift. I mean, what’s the point? Clearly it doesn’t really matter how big or strong I get,” he muttered. “The whole time in there, I was just going through the motions.”

“Wow, that’s really surprising to hear,” Tamara said, stroking his arm. “Does this mean you’re quitting the gym?”

He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” A sudden look of exasperation came over him. “Tamara, my head has been spinning for the last two weeks. I feel like my whole world has been rocked.“ He grabbed her shoulders desperately and peered into her eyes with forlorn misery. “I don’t know what to do. One minute I’m mad as hell and the next minute I feel strangely – “ He broke off and threw his hands in the air as Tamara reeled from his sudden emotional nakedness. He looked back at her, shaking his head. “I can’t explain it. I’m sorry.” He smoothed the sleeves of her blouse by way of apology and she put her small hands on his as he did.

Olav stepped back and smiled a sad uncertain smile. “I don’t know what just came over me. I’m sorry venting on you like this. I hope – “ He stopped short when Tamara flashed a radiant smile at him. He felt a sudden blanket of comfort drape him at the sight of her bright eyes which seemed to shine so kindly and spoke to the depths of her sympathies.  She understands, he thought. His own smile brightened in return.

Without a word, she simply stepped back and kicked him dead in the groin. As her foot connected, all the nervous energy and thrilling fear pent up inside erupted and then poured forth as she smashed his balls completely.

All her senses went into overdrive and time seemed to slow around her. She saw Olav’s eyes go wide with surprise. She saw the look of betrayal flood them just before the burning agony surfaced revealing his terrible, horrible pain. His hulking frame crumbled to its knees before her as his massive hands clutched desperately between his legs. He seemed to hover there with his head hanging, struggling to find his breath. She watched, her own breath bated, until, to her sheer delight, he pitched forward with his head landing inches from her dainty little feet, unconscious.

As she stood over him, smiling her happy, slightly haughty, kind yet somehow cruel smile, it was like a door to another world had been opened. The moment her foot hit home she was thunderstruck by the appalling idea that she had never done this before.  Why not?! She scolded herself even in her amazement. It so fully scratched an itch that had never been satisfied before, she realized, but then, for shame, all the opportunities she’d missed. She shook her head, but her heart gladdened at her next thought: now she did know and now she would capitalize.

She looked at Olav and she knew what he could not articulate. He couldn’t admit it to himself just yet, but he would, and she would be there for him, ready to give his balls a nice, big kick.

Views: 557

Replies to This Discussion

I know I've said this before but I'll say it again, your stories are the best thing on this whole site!

Loving the follow up story by the way, gives me hope there might be a vlog pt 2 :D 

OH YEAH! I totally started a Vlog sequel and then got distracted by life. I will revisit as soon as I can. Thx for the reminder...and for reading!

I would love to see the Vlog sequel.

Wonderful sequel. Your writing skill is different level altogether. Olav has become the pet of Tamara. Will you continue on this story thread?

Thanks for the kind words. I'd love to continue the narrative but I get so few chances to dig in, so I don't want to promise something I can't follow through on. But I will try.

Jesus.  Good story.  Well done.



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