A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The door opened and before Kalin stood the impressive Zania. Towering over him, her arms crossed, she cast an imposing shadow. She wore some form of bronze bracer or bangle on her right arm that didn’t seem to match her black skirt and singlet top. Her black lips curled into a wicked grin as she looked the sentient object of her plans, though his sentience did not really register as a priority.
“Come in,” she beckoned, turning and proceeding into the lab. The other Viridians were all there, excluding Zara. They all looked at him with knowing smiles. They each knew what he was about to endure and delighted in the fact that he did not. Zania turned to him. “Do you know what this is, Kalin?” she asked him, gesturing to her accessory on her right arm.
“A bangle? I’m not sure. It’s a very stylish accessory,” he tried to compliment her. The attempt seemed only to prompt laughter from the Viridians.
As the laughter died down, she slipped the bangle off and held it up between her and Kalin. As he looked up at her, she made eye contact through it. “What do you see, human?”
“Uh…” he started nervously, “just your face?”
She flicked a latch, and rotated each half of the accessory against the other, and Zania’s face within the bracer seemed to rotate with it. He looked at her upside down face with confusion. “Any other ideas?”
“Uh, it rotates images?”
She slipped her hand back into the accessory, her hand coming out the other side of it rotated. She glanced at the hand and rotated it back into its standard orientation. “Oh, it does a lot more than that.” The other Viridians let out a small chuckle, knowing far better than Kalin what was coming.
“Um…” he began nervously, but he was rendered speechless as Zania flicked another latch on the accessory and detached her hand entirely, holding her detached right hand up in her left as if that were normal. She certainly found it entertaining, but it did not provoke any sense of amazement from the Viridians.
“And now that I’ve shown you how a remote displacement bracer works, perhaps I should explain why I have gotten one.”
“You see, we haven’t had a chance to really see what you’re capable while your vulnerability orbs are being squeezed because you’re always being restrained by one of us at the time. We’re already so much stronger than a human, you really can’t go anywhere we don’t want you to during such activities.” She smiled sadistically. “But what if I could squeeze them without holding the rest of you in place?”
Kalin began to back away from Zania nervously. “Ok, that’s-”
“Zolena? Rizana? Would you mind restraining him for a moment?”
No sooner had Zania uttered her request than two of the others had descended on Kalin and pulled his arms back and legs apart. With her left hand, Zania held her right hand up to Kalin’s face, extending the right’s index finger and gentle stroking his cheek. He winced, prompting another round of chuckles.
“Please, Zania-”
She held up her index finger over his lips, shushing him. “Quiet, toy,” she ordered softly. She unzipped his jumpsuit and dangled the hand inside. “Soon the experiment will begin,” she whispered as she lowered the hand inside his clothes, inching ever closer to his most vulnerable area. He looked down in horror as the disembodied hand danced its fingers down his stomach. He struggled ineffectively against the other Viridians restraining him. Finally, the fingers lifted the band of his underwear and were lowered inside. He felt it press against his penis as it blindly sought out its target. “I remember this one,” she said with pouting mockery, “this was the boring one.” He felt it slide further into his underwear and wrap gently yet precisely around his testicles. His breathing hastened as he felt the fingers close around them.
Zania leaned in close to Kalin’s ear. “That’s it, now. I’m never letting go.” She moved back and surveyed Kalin as the panic set in. “Ladies, you can let go. There’s definitely nothing he can do about this now.”
The Viridians let Kalin go. Kalin’s hands instantly darted to his groin, but before they could even get there, Zania’s gripped tightened quickly on Kalin’s testicles. The pain spread throughout his body and he fought desperately to keep from dropping to his knees.
“Don’t touch my hand, Kalin! Do you really think a human has the right to touch a Viridian’s hand without her consent?” He felt the grip tighten further. At that moment, Zara entered, dressed in her more usual black shorts and singlet top. The sight of Kalin struggling to stand forced her to stifle a chuckle.
“The hand’s already in?” she confirmed.
Zania waved her handless right arm at Zara. “Yep. He immediately tried to touch my hand,” she turned her attention to Kalin, “didn’t he?”
“Yes!” He barked, “I’m sorry!” He dropped to his knees and raised his hands up behind his head.
“This would be a perfect angle to kick him in the orbs,” Rizana pointed out. “It’s a shame there’s a Viridian’s hand in the way.”
“Maybe when we’re done,” Zania nodded. “Or maybe not, Kalin. After all, I did say there would be a challenge in today’s experiment.” The grip loosened, enough that Kalin could regain composure and stand back up. “If you can complete the challenge, you will be rewarded with a few weeks no pain to your vulnerability orbs.” He felt the fingers loosen and fondle his balls as she dangled the possibility of two whole weeks without a Viridian taking advantage of his greatest vulnerability.
“So, what do I have to do?”
Zania gestured to a shelf on one side of the lab with a number of disparately sized and shaped objects. “Over there are a number of objects,” she shifted her gesture to an empty shelf on the other side of the lab, “and over there you will place the items in order based on their mass. The items with the least mass will go on the far left and the items with the most mass on the right.”
“That’s it?” He felt her hand inside his jumpsuit tighten around his nuts, crushing them just enough to send a wave of pain through his body. He hunched over and fought his instinct to clutch his aching groin.
“I’ve consulted our prior research and chosen some pressure values ranging from a gentle 29 to a more assertive 51. Our estimates suggest that we should be able to avoid any kind of lasting damage that way.” She leaned down towards Kalin, her light green hair cascading over her shoulders as her golden eyes bore down on Kalin. “And we don’t want to break our toys, do we?”
“So…” Kalin began nervously. “So, this is 29?”
“What? No, this is, like, 13.” The pain rapidly escalated in intensity and Kalin couldn’t stop himself from doubling over. “This is 29.” The waves of pain continued as Kalin barely managed to fight to hold his arms out to his sides. “And this is 51.”
Zania’s fingers tightened far more intensely around Kalin’s most vulnerable parts, in a grip so tight that it seemed to invalidate every previous thought he had had involving the word ‘crushing’. He instantly dropped to his knees, his hands shooting to cradle his balls. But instead of feeling his own organs through his pants, he felt only Zania’s fist wrapped tightly around him. “Please-” he began to beg.
“Don’t touch her hand, toy!” Zylara chimed in.
Kalin leaned forwards, shifting onto all fours to help keep him from falling and to preoccupy his hands to prevent them from provoking any more of Zania’s wrath. Soon, she loosened her grip to what he suspected must have been the ‘gentle 29’ she’d mentioned and the world came back into focus. As his focus on the ground returned, it was joined by an awareness of giggles from the Viridians echoing around the room. He rolled onto his back to catch his breath, much to the further amusement of the Viridians.
Zara stepped forward from the small crowd. The sight of her brought a smile to Kalin’s weary face.
“Can’t handle Zania, Kalin?” she chuckled, neither of them doubted that he knew just as well she did that the answer was no, and that Kalin could in fact not handle any Viridian, let alone Zania.
Kalin let out a weak chuckle. “I don’t think I’m going to beat this challenge.”
“Zania, could you ease up back to 40? We’re still really early in the experiment.” Something about the second half of that sentence struck Kalin as wavering in Zara’s usually unwavering confidence.
“I only did 51 for a few seconds and then let go after he stopped touching my hand. This is back down at 29 now, probably a bit less if I’m being honest. It’s not my fault he’s so weak, but we can’t redefine the parameters of the experiment in the middle of it if we’re actually planning on submitting the results.”
Zara’s gaze returned to Kalin, this time with a hint of disappointment. “Really?” she asked him.
Kalin began to get up, and Zara helped him to his feet. Kalin tried to relax by focusing on his breathing.
“Ok, well, if you actually want to try for the reward we discussed, the items are over there. Your time starts now.” Zania’s tone seemed to have shifted to one of boredom in the time Zara had helped him up, as though her showing him even the slightest consideration was sucking all the fun out the experiment for her.
Kalin quickly made a start for the first shelf to start eyeing the items. Zania’s grip on his balls remained consistent and it drew his focus away from the items. They were mostly cubes but some of them seemed to have some irregularities on corners or an inconsistent face. He decided to compare two of them more closely, but as he picked up the second, the grip on his testicles tightened substantially. His body convulsed and he dropped the two items and fell to his knees.
“Kalin, you may only touch one item at a time. I will continue to grip you at about 45 until you put the two items back on the shelf.” Just as she finished the instruction, his hands reached his groin and brushed Zania’s hand again. Her grip tightened even more. “I don’t want to touch your hand!” She barked. A chorus of Viridian laughter seemed to follow the words.
Kalin rolled onto his back, placing his arms by his sides to feel for the blocks. He couldn’t see them properly as his eyes began to tear up. He located one and then the other. He forced himself to breathe, but his body clearly didn’t want to. He struggled to his feet and placed the two items back on the shelf. Zania finally loosened her grip and Kalin let out a huge sigh of relief as he leaned against the wall.
Zania leaned down towards Kalin. “Awww, do they hurt?” She asked mockingly. “Do they hurt?” The second time she almost seemed to be playing dumb. Pretending it was a legitimate question about a genuine mystery and not about his most vulnerable area she’d actively been crushing for several minutes now.
Kalin examined the items without taking them off the shelf and selected the one he would move first. If he had ascertained correctly, it was the smallest of all the objects. He picked it up and carried it over to the other shelf, placing it on the far left.
As he turned around, he noticed that Zania’s grip on his balls had tightened slightly. It must have been another parameter of the experiment she had neglected to explain. Kalin did see the experimental value in it, testing cognitive abilities in increasing levels of stress made sense, even if it would be too unethical for a scientist to do at an Earth institution.
Kalin returned to the first shelf and picked up one of the medium sized blocks, but was surprised to notice that it was quite a bit lighter than the first one. Kalin quickly remembered that the rule was to arrange them by mass, and not size. This one must’ve been hollow, making it lower in mass than the first one. He grabbed it and rushed over to the second shelf to place the block. With his other hand, he grabbed the second block to move it and realised with horror what he had done. Before he could slam the two blocks down again, Zania’s grip had once again tightened substantially around his testicles, and the jolt of pain had caused him to knock both of the blocks off the shelf to the floor.
The pain was intense, though not much more intense than when he had dropped the first two blocks. However, the cumulative nature of the pain and the amplified sensitivity he’d developed as the grip had continued had lead him to be completely overwhelmed by this squeeze. He struggled to breathe as he dropped to his knees and forced himself to keep his arms by his side. “Zania! Please!”
But there were few ears deafer than a Viridian’s where begging for mercy was concerned. Of course, there wasn’t no reaction, his begging did provoke more laughter from his captors. Zania instead looked down at him, her black lips beginning to curl into a sadistic grin, “I do like seeing you on your knees, toy. It’s where you belong, after all.”
He looked up at Zara, tears in his eyes, and with the last of his breath begged, “please, make her stop.”
Zara simply let out a sigh and looked to Zania. “Harder, Zania.”
The grip tightened again and Kalin quickly found himself on his side in the foetal position. “Why?” he wheezed.
“He thinks I’m going to void an experiment for him. We need to relieve him of that notion.”
“I’m sorry, Zara!” he cried between gasps. “I’m sorry, please forgive me!”
“He sounds genuine,” Zania chuckled, her grip unyielding.
“I think so too, I think you can just go back to the blocks on the floor level,” Zara replied. With that the grip loosened slightly, but not enough that he could regain composure. He pushed himself to climb back onto all fours, but the task proved Herculean with Zania’s hand in his pants crushing the life out of him.
He located one of the blocks and tried to stand up, but his body proved too weak to make it to the shelf and he collapsed again. Zania’s hand continued to crush him as he fought to keep his hands away from hers.
After several minutes, he muttered a breathless “I give up!” For a second, he’d worried that nobody had heard him.
Zara descended and whispered gently in his ear. “You’re actually out of time now.” And with that, Zania’s hand released him.
Zara reached into his clothes and pulled out Zania’s hand, returning it to her. She connected it to the other half of the bracer and slipped the bracer off her wrist, leaving her whole arm once again intact.
Kalin wheezed a disappointed sigh. “I failed.”
Zara lay down on the floor and slipped an arm under Kalin’s head, pulling him into a gentle embrace. “But you attempted the experiment, and we got the data we wanted,” she said softly. She pulled him in closer, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “good toy.
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