This is a part of my series. Discussion and episode guide here:

Chapter 6 – Sistroduction

“So, what will you buy me, Honey?” asked Tina a few days later when Isaac was sleeping over again “I might fancy a new one-piece swimsuit, a backless one… or a new babydoll set.”

“I am the one to decide, as I recall” answered Isaac.

“Well, you are in charge, but it is up to discussion. And my point is backed by a firm grab on your sensitive little jewels, and yours is backed up by your inability to speak through your whining and begging” she said with a teasing smile.

They were already preparing for sleeping, so Isaac was already naked, while Tina wore a camisole with boyshort panties. Just to prove her point she grabbed on Isaac’s balls. She started squeezing with slowly increasing pressure. Isaac bared for a few seconds, then the pain was visible all over his face.

“So,” asked Tina, once she was satisfied with her boyfriend’s pain “Care to select one tonight? If we order now, I can most likely wear it when we try the trampling board. You know, this weekend the house is ours. My parents are off for a romantic weekend."

"Did it already arrive?” asked Isaac.

“Yes, today.” nodded Tina “But there is not enough space here to do it comfortably on a first try. We can set it up in the living room on Saturday. And you can scream and beg me as loud as you wish, nobody will hear it but me. And I will take it as encouragement.”

Isaac became excited.

“Fine.” he said “So let’s choose your bitch-wear for the occasion.”

Tina grabbed him again. The pain arrived way faster this time.

“You meant my heartwarming beautiful dress.”

As Isaac opened his mouth, she clutched him even more. He could not speak.

“Oh, Honey” she shook her head. “Let’s try again. I saw you were to say something.”

The act repeated. Isaac took a deep breath.

“I am sorry, goddess!” he jabbered suddenly “Let’s select something you like.”

“I am your goddess, huh?” asked Tina teasingly “Then worship me.”

She still had a grip on his sack. She tightened hard once more then released him. Isaac went on his knees. She drew closer and grabbed his head, and rubbed his face against her panty’s crotch. Then she sat down next to him, and started checking out lingerie webshops.

They agreed on buying a leather set with a bra, a micro skirt, and a thong.

When Isaac arrived Saturday morning, Tina had already set the trampling board in the living room with other useful equipment. The trampling board looked like a footstool and a pillory combined. It was high enough for him to lay under the board, which had two pieces, able to trap the genitals in the locked state. It has small handcuffs on two of its corners.

“Hop-hop, bitch boy!” Tina said to Isaac. She was already wearing the leather set they had chosen a few days before “Why are you still dressed? Eager for additional punishment this soon?” she teased him.

Isaac stripped as soon as he could. He laid himself under the board, and waited. Tina fixed his hands first. He could hardly reach the board with his finger. There was no way he could protect his balls instinctively. Tina carefully closed the moving half of the board and locked it. His ball and penis spread out on the plank, exposed and vulnerable.

“Let’s see” Tina stretched all her limbs “For the next time, I will buy some boots as well. But for now…”

She was interrupted by the front door’s opening sound.

“Not now, not you…” she mumbled, then she called out to the hall “I wasn’t expecting you!”

A voice extremely similar to her answered.

“Lass, in case you forgot, I still live here. I need no official permit to enter this house.”

“Sorry, looks like I grew a bad habit in the past 34 weeks.”

Isaac heard footsteps approaching. Tina continued.

“Honey, meet my somewhat older, evil version.”

Tina had not exaggerated much by calling Maddie her version. They looked surprisingly alike. Both being young adults hid the age difference, and they were like identical twins. Maddie’s movements were more playful and nimbler, and her way of speaking was also different. Yet if Isaac happened to see only images of them, or hear them singing, he was sure that he could not tell them apart.

“Am I the evil version?” asked Maddie with faked offense “None of my boyfriends’ balls were on display, Smurfette.”

“In case you forgot” went on Tina “We were not expecting your arrival. Did you even have boyfriends, by the way?”

Isaac felt a little uncomfortable, yet he did not dare to interrupt. If Maddie was anything like Tina or Nicole, which he felt a high chance for, he would not survive pissing both of them off, while trapped in the trampling board.

“In fact, I had” replied Maddie “I must admit, none of them lasted as long as your love sickness for fictional teenage drama characters.”

Maddie went to the board, crouched to imitate a handshake with Isaac. She grabbed his hand, ignoring the fact that Isaac can only shake it in a two-centimeter range.

“Nice to meet you, Isaac. Finally in person, and in more than desired detail.”

“The pleasure is mine.” replied Isaac.

“I don’t doubt it, I just interrupted some pleasure time” said Maddie standing up. She turned to Tina “So you’re a freak like mom, huh?”

Seemed like she hit a nerve. Tina’s eyes were on flame for a second, but she calmed down.

“If having sex with another grown-up person, a way we both enjoy, makes me a freak, then yes.”

“So, you enjoy all this?” asked Maddie Isaac. He nodded.

“Would he dare say otherwise?” went on Maddie “By the way, I see I am in the way for now. Better go for a walk, have to greet the friends in the neighborhood, anyway. I should not be back in, let’s say an hour?”

“Make it two” answered Tina with a cold tone.

“Right” Maddie started to head back to the hall. She stopped at the entrance and said: “By the way, I became friends with a miss, who just finished her studies, and soon starts as a urologist. If you happen to be at the other side of the country, and would like to know how far are you in destroying your boy’s fertility, just call me, she might give you a free examination.”

“Thanks, great. See you!” answered Tina sounding uninterested.

“Later!” added Maddie closing the door.

It took Tina some time to get back into the mood.

“Sorry for that” she said. She looked over her still restrained boyfriend.

“No problem.” answered Isaac. He was nervous. Tina could make him cry just squeezing his nuts by her hand, the thought of her intention to try what her whole body’s weight can do gave him a thrill.

Tina was walking around him, teasing him with his hip movements, letting him occasionally glimpse under her skirt. As she walked to the board, he decided to speak.

“Can we agree on a safe word? Just this once.” he asked.

Tina thought for a second.

“Okay, sure. I might be busy balancing, and fail to notice, what am I causing for your poor little nuts. Just this once. What do you fancy?”

“Nothing complicated” answered Isaac “We can use ‘safeword’.”

Tina chuckled.

“Fine, that will do it.” she agreed.

She stepped onto the board excited.

“Well, at first, let’s see how hard is a dick in fact. Can it hold a little girl, without going flat?”

She put the tip of her soles on his penis, while having her weight on her heels. Then she started gradually placing herself on the front, ending up on her tiptoes right on his shaft. The pain was significant for Isaac but it was bearable. He let out a disturbed smile. Tina looked at her feet.

“Not bad” she said amazed “I can dance on your dick. Now check out what your nuts are capable of.”

She jumped off his shaft. The blood circulation suddenly returning after gradually weakening was more discomforting for Isaac, but the feeling went off in no time. He was holding steady agitated for what comes to his testicles.

He started feeling some pressure. It felt good at first, but the pain overwhelmed right away.

“Oh, please” he cried “Please!”

The pressure suddenly stopped.

“Please what?” asked Tina smugly “That was nothing.”

Before he could speak up, the pressing force returned, and he could only let out a hard groan. He thought that the first try was already near his highest feeling capacity for pain, but he was wrong. This time it hurt twice as more at least.

Once he could catch his breath again, he immediately started begging.

“Please, stop!” he panted “I will do anyt… anything. Just stop… for a little bit. Let me…” he did not finish the sentence; he was fighting for air.

“I barely started” answered Tina with badly faked sorrow.

Then she looked in his eyes with a taunting grin.

“I just started adding some weight. How can you feel at full, when you are losing it at warm-up?”

“Please just let me… rest for a few minutes. I beg you.”

Tina crouched. She lightly tapped his balls, which also made him shiver in pain. She stood up, stepped off the board, spreading over Isaac’s body. She took off her thong, threw it onto Isaac’s belly, and slowly walked up, to stand over his face.

“You know a way to save yourself some good minutes. My sweet whiney boy.” she said as she was letting her crotch down on his face.

Isaac, still somewhat shivering from pain, tried his best. Tina was already wetter than ever, and she pleasured on almost every small movement he made. As he was carefully focusing every muscle of his tongue, to reach all over around between her lips, he heard her moaning so loud that it echoed in his ears. He would bet it even echoed through nearby streets.

Tina stood up shaking. She gracelessly reached for her thong, took it on, and sat on the sofa. She was shivering and heavily breathing. Isaac was looking at her with pumped up confidence.

“The game’s on” she said finally “Just… huhh… give me a minute, and your weight test will be on.”

She could calm herself in a good minute. Then she went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, before standing back on the board again.

“Just one hop” she said looking in Isaac’s eyes “Give me one second fully standing on them.”

Isaac gulped.

“It will be good” winked Tina “This is your reward for what you did to me just now.”

She stood on her heels right before his balls, and rapidly stood tiptoe on them. One foot each. Isaac let out a soundless scream. Everything went dark for him for this very long second. All his mind capacity was on one thing, agony. The pain from his testicles radiated up to the top of his head.

He returned to reality with his face covered in cold tears, Tina sitting on his chest.

“It was just one second” she said shaking her head “You almost fainted.”

Even though the pain was up to the extreme, it faded quite well.

“Please” Isaac said “release me. I beg you, mistress”

Tina turned her head around and looked at the trampling board.

“Just a minor swelling, almost no bruise” she conveyed “You can do a few more, I bet.”

Isaac shook his head.

“No” he said in sorrow “I can’t, I’m sorry. Safeword.”

He let out a shameful sigh. Tina nodded.

“Fine” she agreed “But that just means no more pain to your sensitive parts.”

She raised her hand, and delivered a forceful bitch-slap.

“Bad boy!” she added.

Then she got up, released Isaac’s genitals and his hands from the restraints.

As they were bringing everything back to Tina’s room, and they got dressed in regular clothes, Tina said.

“This was good, by the way.”

Isaac nodded.

“Yes, we can do this some time again, just not too often, until I…”

“Become less of a whiny bitch?” Tina finished his sentence.

“Not how I would phrase, but yes” he nodded.

Tina drew him closer and kissed him for long.

Isaac woke up late night, for some returning pain. Then he realized that he was too thirsty to return to sleep. Tina was snoozing next to him. He carefully got out of bed. Tina forced him to sleep naked, but she had agreed on that he didn’t need to wander around naked, if he want to grab a late-night snack or glass of water. So, she had prepared a ruffle hipster panty of hers for him on the nightstand.

He tried it on. It barely fit, and made him look ridiculous, but he thought that’s still better than going out undressed, and did not expect anything less humiliating from Tina on her home field.

As he was heading to the kitchen, he heard a noisy thud from Maddie’s room. As he listened, he heard something, that seemed as an extremely quiet call for help. He went up to the door and put his ear on it. He believed that it was definitely a quiet cry for help, so he opened the door, but was not prepared for what he immediately saw.

Maddie was totally naked, halfway slid off her bed. Her neck and her lower arms were tangled in some kind of band, which was also slowly choking her, and preventing her from falling off the bed totally, while her legs were a little apart, but she could not move any of them to support her, leading her to be only held back by ribbon which was slowly choking her.

After a second of shock, Isaac jumped closer and held her up to allow her catching a breath. Maddie gestured towards the band, as Isaac figured out, she wanted to be released. He helped her onto the bed, and started looking for knots. He released all of them, and started untangling Maddie. As soon as her neck became free, she said: “Thank you.” and took a deep breath.

Isaac finished removing the band from all her body parts.

“Care to explain?” he asked.

“Please help there as well” she gestured towards her groin.

As Isaac checked out what could she mean, he understood the reason of her strange leg movements and lacking the ability to hold up on them. Two plastic testicles were hanging between Maddie’s legs, which most likely belonged to a fully inserted dildo.

“Can you please pull out?” she asked “My hands are still numb, and it started to hurt.”

At first Isaac jumped to the door and closed it.

“It would be easy to misread this” he said “Let me check.”

He grabbed the two plastic balls, and carefully started pulling out. He tried to keep it as slow as it can, trying to read Maddie’s face to see if he should stop. Her face was altering between pain, pleasure and relief. This went on for a surprisingly long time. When Isaac finished, he realized why it had taken so long.

“This…” he said disturbed, looking at what he had just pulled out.

“I know” replied Maddie with a red face “Huge.”

Awkward silence filled the room for a few seconds. Maddie got a nightrobe on. Isaac kept looking at her questioningly.

“See” she started “Okay. I am a freak as well. Even a fucking wa-ay bigger one than my sister ever could be. See, I like choking. Choking my partner, get choked, I was just trying to choke myself, when I slid and almost died. You actually saved my life, as it seems. Thank you, my fair knight.”

Isaac looked a little confused.

“You know right, that I am your sister’s boyfriend, I am not your fair knight.”

“More like his boy bitch, but fair, noted.” she took the enormous dildo to her wardrobe, and closed it “And this… is an even bigger issue. I exploited myself to depths that no existing man could reach. So, I either go full platonic, and keep masturbating with toys, or totally give up on relationships. And keep choking myself until one day nobody will be there to intervene in an accident.”

“I am sorry.” Isaac sympathized.

“Don’t be.”

“I feel you.”

“No need, thank you. Feel your balls, until she fatally ruptures them.”

Isaac was astonished.

“I helped you, maybe even saved your life. I would be happier if I haven’t discovered your kinks, but here we go. It would have been nice, to let someone sympathize with you… you know, everyone struggles. Maybe not with sex, or not due to kinks, but everybody has her (or his) own little dark side. You can live with it, you can hide it, but can never deny it.”

He went out of the room. He drank a glass of water, rushed back to their room and cuddled up to Tina. She felt his movement and became half aware.

“What is it darling?” she asked.

“Nothing, goddess, nothing. I was just out for water. Hold on tight.”

He felt her thigh sliding up slowly between his, and finally holding against his still somewhat swollen balls. He fell asleep with a satisfied smile.

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