This is a part of my series. Discussion and episode guide here:

Chapter 3 – Friend interruption

“I slept so well” stretched out Tina in her bed the next morning “This mouth” she put her finger on Isaac’s lips “Worth gold!”

She kissed him, and got out of the bed.

“Time for breakfast” she said.

Isaac also got out of the bed, and stopped with an astounded face. All the pain from the impacts were gone from his balls, but the blue ball effect was on, releasing a different kind of discomfort, in form of mild pressure. It would be exaggerated to call it pain, but it was just a question of time when will it actually hurt. Tina noted his expression with a smile. She reckoned why he made that face, but said nothing. She pointed at the door.

“Let’s go.”

“But I am naked” replied Isaac “And you mom will be out there. I don’t want to, you know,” he hand-quoted “show off.”

Tina took out a boxer short and handed it to him. He took it on just to realize, that it was mesh, and fully transparent. He posed, and looked in Tina’s eyes.

“See? Still fully exposed.” he said.

Tina grabbed a small toss pillow and threw it at him. Isaac caught it.

“Nothing is good enough for you, ha? Hide your manliness with this, prude boy.”

Isaac held the pillow in front of his mesh boxer short. It was just big enough to cover it all.

“Satisfied?” asked Tina “Can we go already?”

Isaac didn’t dare to object more, so followed Tina to the kitchen. He was right, Nicole was already there, preparing breakfast and coffee. She handed plates for Isaac and Tina, and went back to the fridge. Tina caught up.

“Someone looks well pleased” Nicole whispered to her daughter “Did you sleep well together?”

“Somebody ate a second dinner” whispered Tina blushing.

“And he?” asked Nicole extremely quiet.

“Still… hmm… in the blue” Tina answered giggling.

Nicole made a complimenting nod. They sat around the table accompanying Isaac.

“You know” said Nicole after a short time “I will be off soon. The house is yours, the pool is ready, leftovers in the fridge, but if you don’t like it, or not enough, just order. Okay?”

“Clear” replied Tina. Isaac nodded.

After finishing breakfast Nicole said goodbye, and left the couple alone in the house. Tina led Isaac back to her room. She started taking out bondage accessories.

“I would like to try some stuff” she said looking at Isaac with a pleading expression.

“How much did you spend on these?” he asked surprised.

“Most of my childhood savings, why?” she shrugged her shoulders “Seeing you crying for my mercy worth anything for me” she added and kissed him.

She grabbed an equipment, which looked like a modified coathanger. In the middle of the ceiling there was an unused hook. Since the lights in her room had been changed to LED stripes all over the whole area, the hook for a chandelier remained unused.

Tina took out a footstool, and stepped on it to reach the hook. She fixed the coathanger-like frame on it. Two handcuffs were hanging from the sides of the frame. She looked at Isaac and pointed at the handcuffs.

“Hop-hop!” she added.

Isaac raised his hands as high as he could. He did not plan to wait for Tina to force her, as if he had been hit in the balls it would have been harder to reach up.

Tina, still standing on the stool, fixed his wrists in the cuffs.

“Fine” she noted and stepped off the stool “Try it.”

Isaac tried to move his hands, but he couldn’t. As he was trying to pull his hands down, he ended up lifting himself by a few centimeters.

“Marvelous” smiled Tina. She reached into the top of Isaac’s boxer short, and asked “Now how should we do it? Would you prefer keeping this on, naked, or check if I have a sexier wear?”

“We can keep this on” said Isaac “Everything is still visible, but it helps holding everything… in the right place.”

“Good point” acknowledged Tina, and showed him a spreader bar “Because I’m planning to add this, if you can’t keep your legs wide. We cannot change your outfit after.”

“I see.”

She walked around him. Then she let out a satisfied sighs and smiled with passion.

“Now let’s get into something comfortable” she said, and took off her night gown and sleeping panties. She dressed up into a hipster panty, a miniskirt, and a narrow-strapped top. She walked up to Isaac and caressed his face. She slid her hand over his body surface starting from the face through his chest, belly, his side, and stopped on his ass. She grabbed it firmly, then led her hand onto his sack. She wiggled his balls a little, then mildly squeezed them.

Isaac took a deep breath. Even this mild squeeze felt like a medium force one on his blue balls. Yet he enjoyed it too much to want it to stop. His erection grew a little even further. Tina kissed him. She kissed long, and hard-grabbed his balls a few times during the kiss.

Then she stepped back and said:

“This felt good. Now a little roleplaying game?”

“What kind or roleplay?” asked Isaac.

“Well… Soon I will do nasty, naughty, mean things to you. You have to keep acting humble and kind. Towards me, and in general. Even if I curse you, call you names, you answer me with kindness, respect and joy. Clear so far?”


“If you happen to break your role, I will gag you” she held up a rubber ball on a strap “and punish you until I think, you are humbled enough. Then the game is over. If you can keep your game, and stay humble towards your lady, I might reward you. I mean the reward is sure, but I will decide which base, based upon your performance. Got it?”

Isaac smiled and nodded.

“When I call out ‘this is over, you can act normal’, that marks the end.” added Tina.


Tina walked around him again.

“So… how did a handsome guy like that winded up on this hook?” she asked in a slightly different voice when she was in front of him again.

“A beautiful lady tied me up” Isaac replied “She owns my heart.”

“Hearts are no matter” she said, and spat on his chest “Who owns your balls?”

As she said this she prepared for a kick to his balls. The kick was mild, yet is felt a little more hurtful.

“Who?” she asked, and kicked again. A force of the kick was still light.

“Seems like it’s you, my fair lady.” he answered.

“Can it take them?” she stepped closer and grabbed his sack. She gradually tightened her grip, as Isaac answered.

“If… you…” he took a deep breath “wish.”

“Whatever. They seem weak.” she released the grab and slapped his nuts.

“Oh” he cried out “I am sorry. I have nothing more to offer.”

Tina dropped character.

“That was cool” she said in her normal tone again “Game still on, so act nicely.”

She stretched out, and moved her limbs a little. She stepped close again, and kneed him mildly.

“I see you like it. It is a lot cooler, when you cannot drop or escape” she said with a radiant smile.

“Yes, I like it, I could not deny” he looked down at his bulge “What I like mostly is that I can take more, if I cannot fall”

A notification popped on Tina’s smartphone. She rushed to check it. She looked up at Isaac and said:

“I’ll be right back. The game’s still on, humble boy. Don’t go anywhere!” she winked.

She stormed out of the room. Isaac heard the front door opening. Did she expect a package, he wondered. Soon he heard girls chatting. His heart started racing. As he listened more carefully, he became sure that Tina was talking to multiple different people. A few seconds passed, but he felt those as minutes. Her girlfriend soon opened the door of the room, came in and three other girls followed. They lined up in front of him.

“So, girlies, this is my boyfriend, Isaac, Laura, you already know him.”

Isaac noticed that the girl on the right side was his classmate. She will never view him the same again, for sure. Tina went on.

“I know, you never saw him like that.”

“Nice to meet you Isaac” said the girls at once.

“It’s a pleasure” replied Isaac. He tried to keep a normal voice, hiding his embarrassment. All the girls could see his fully erected dick through his mesh boxer, which hid nothing.

“Isaac, they are my besties. Charlotte, Holly, and you already know Laura.”

Tina turned to the girls again.

“As you see, he cannot shake hands right know. But there are ways to greet him.”

She stood in front of Isaac and held back her right leg. She smiled at him, then swinged her leg square into his nuts. The impact was harder than any of the previous ones this day, yet it was still moderate.

All the girls gasped in shock. The pain was visible on Isaac’s face, but he fought it, and forced a smile in a few seconds.

“Don’t worry, girls, he likes it.” she looked at him.

Isaac took a deep breath.

“Yes, I like it, thank you” he bowed his head.

The girls were astonished.

“It doesn’t mean that is does not hurt” continued Tina “He just likes to be in pain, he enjoys humiliation greatly.”

Isaac nodded. The girls glanced at his still raging boner.

“You see” went on Tina “Do you want to try it?”

“Yes” replied Charlotte immediately.

“Go on, Charli” said Tina, and showed her where to stand.

Charlotte stood where Tina had stood before. She looked Isaac in the eyes, prepared for a second, and launched a solid kick. It was a little less powerful than Tina’s last one, but Isaac’s balls were still sore from that hit, making him feel this one extremely. He lost breath for a few seconds, then he somewhat recovered. He tried to keep his straight position, but his body already wanted to curl. Being tied up was the only reason he could still stand almost straight. He slowly raised back up his head, and calmed his venting.

As his head got back up, he saw that Holly was already standing where Tina and Charlotte had stood before. Holly turned to Tina.

“You know, I do martial arts. I’m thinking of…”

“If you make him cry, I will buy you an ice-cream” Tina said while Isaac gulped “But I don’t want to end up in a hospital, instead of the swimming pool.”

“I got you” nodded Holly with a smile.

Holly inhaled deeply, so did Isaac. She took aim for a few seconds, slight moved all joints of her right leg, which she already held back, and went for it.

All air escaped his lungs, all his muscles went numb. His balls felt like blazing coal, his eyes went all wet. If his hand were not tied up, he would have fallen on the floor right away. The only reassuring thing was his hard penis still racing against the mesh in which it was trapped. He felt nothing but pain for ages, which turned out to be just several seconds in reality. Once he got to his senses, he started sobbing lightly.

“Are you okay, darling?” Tina asked, stepping closer.

Isaac collected air for seconds to answer her.

“Yes, thank you” he answered. He wanted to look at her, but he could not open his tearing eyes.

Tina turned to Holly.

“It was a good one, I owe you your ice-cream. But let me check how is he, in fact.”

She pulled down Isaac’s mesh boxer, down to his knees, and examined his exposed balls.

“Okay, a little swelling, a little bruise, but still can take a few” she determined.

She stood back up, leaving Isaac with the pulled-down boxer, and turned to the girls.


“You know” answered Laura “It’s all sexy and fun, but I am not into doing the kick”

“That’s fine” replied Tina “If you don’t want to, don’t need to.”

“But can I…” started Laura.


“Can I… spank his ass?” Laura finally let out her question.

“For sure” answered Tina joyfully, and took out a wooden paddle. She handed it to Laura “Go for it.”

Laura stood behind Isaac, and hit his bottom with the paddle three times. Even it was painful, it was a relief for him, as his balls were finally resting.

As Laura finished, he spoke up.

“Thank you” he told quietly and slowly “Thank you all for the greetings. I am happy to meet the best friends of my beloved.”

“The pleasure is ours” said Holly giggling “Believe me.”

Tina turned to the girls again.

“Did you prepare what we agreed on?” she asked.

“Yes” answered all the girls right away.

“Please go, and get prepared, then.”

The girls left the room, and Tina closed the door. She walked up to Isaac and started speaking.

“Okay, this is over, you can act normal. Now the game is over, but your balls are nearing your limits, so better not curse me for all this. At least not until you are still tied up”

She prepared the footstool, stood up, and reached for the handcuffs. Isaac did not say a word. She went on.

“You know, mom hates to fill the pool, if not used fully. Wasting so much water is costly. So, I invited my best friends for today. The ones I wanted to introduce you to at the first place.”

She released the handcuffs. Isaac immediately fell on his bottom, and sat on the floor. He was still breathing heavily.

“Honey, are you okay? Say something” she crawled to him, and hugged him by the shoulders.

“I don’t know” replied Isaac “Involving Laura and the kick by Holly was a little too much.”

“What’s wrong with Laura? She is my friend.”

“She is my classmate. This will make thing awkward from now on.”

“Maybe… A lot of our classmates saw each other or some other naked, or in even worse situations. Things go on.”

Isaac sighed.

“Are you mad at me?” asked his girlfriend.

“A little bit” he replied.

“Maybe you will forgive me a little, when you find out the rule, I set for using the swimming pool. And your reward is awaiting.”

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