Petir gulped as he stood at the door, awaiting his step sister Sarah. A few weeks ago, she had kicked him in the testicles so hard the trauma required medical attention, prior to her attending a martial art's lesson held by a literal ball breaking police woman, named Rachel. The doctor had already told him that his eggs were particularly vulnerable after the injury she caused, not to mention rendered less effective.

Ever since then, she had developed many new ways to make him hurt. The day after his trip to the doctor, she kneed him lightly while he was distracted. This particular jab, although light, was shockingly painful due.

A week later, she punched him in the eggs while he was using his phone and standing in front of her, making him throw up. She was relentless, as she ran up to him and kicked him the following day. He spent a long time on the floor, choking and gasping for air in tears. While it had only been a moderate hit, it's accuracy had him contemplating whether or not he was still a man at all. Even after the swelling had subsided, his testicles still hurt whenever he touched them, and a constant dull ache that worsened tremendously every time she hit him followed him.

As such, he had difficulty walking, due to the sharp pains that stabbed through him each time he exerted his legs.

It was also a cause for worry for his girlfriend, as she worried for his fertility each time she handled his intimate parts, due to his gonads being in constant pain from Sarah's attacks. No matter how she tried, she would be unable to get him to cum, and he was feeling less and less attracted to her. A visit to the urologist revealed that his testosterone levels were dipping from the constant swift kicks Sarah had been giving him, although it was only temporary and should recover if he had some time to recover.

After three weeks of surprise testicle kicks from Sarah, she had made him a proposition. If he would attend her mostly female class once, she would stop kicking him, and he would finally be able to heal his fertility. Erica had attempted to dissuade him from doing so, but his pride overcame the pain in his groin, and he agreed to it. 

And there he was. In front of him was a crowd of women, aged eighteen to thirty. Rachel stepped forward, and introduced herself. He felt nervous, as he recalled tales of her practically castrating a guy in his school, Andrew, with her bare knee, in a successful attempt at subduing him. 

He got paired up with a skinny girl, who had smiled at him politely before they began their drills. He had not been paying attention, and as she had instructed him, he grabbed at her neck, to which she quickly pulled his upper body forward, as she drove her toes straight into his scrotum. She giggled, as he gagged, and she stepped back and gasped, realizing the soft landing that greeted her foot. She had been expecting him to be wearing a cup, and being a most compassionate girl, she felt sorry for the pain he was about to experience. 

Rachel stopped everyone and ran over to check on him, now clutching his most important organs, his eyes as if they were about to pop out. It had been a direct hit, sending waves of testicular agony up from his groin to his abdomen, as his stomach muscles convulsed. She sat by him, and laid him flat on his back. With one hand slowly circling his stomach, she slid another one into his shorts and rolled each of his nuts in between her cold fingers. The previous kicks from Sarah at home had hurt like hell, but Vanessa's foot had pin pointed the force from her kick directly into his left testicle, and it had gone numb very briefly.

"Don't worry, you didn't break anything", she said with a nod, to the obviously shocked girl who had nailed him. "Petir, you might want to wear a cup from no onwards. It would not be too good for you to get kicked again. You were lucky your balls survived this. Vanessa here kicks hard", as Vanessa smiled and nodded proudly.

Petir had no choice but to sit out the rest of the class, as Sarah came over several times to taunt him, much to Erica's annoyance. 

"Petir, you've got to show her who's the boss today", she urged him. "Don't let her threaten you like this, you are a man", as he looked up to her red-faced, still nursing himself.

After some time, Vanessa came up to him to apologize. 

"I'm sorry I kicked you in your nuts so hard! I do know how boys are so sensitive down there!"

"Ah.. I'm fine.. just.."

"Are you feeling better? It would be horrible if I you lost your manhood because of me", she giggled.

He was quite embarrassed by all of it, getting his boy parts kicked by a younger girl, and having her apologize to him in front of his girlfriend, while he sat with a ice pack between his legs wincing.

"I'll be okay, I just need a minute to catch my breath", he murmured, unsure of his own words, as Vanessa nodded with a big smile. 

"Again, I am so sorry for hurting you in that area! Hope I did not damage you permanently!"

Vanessa's kick was hurting more than he expected, even though was a very lithe and thin girl. Part of it was due to her bony foot, which he felt was excruciating just to look at. He was still feeling nauseous, and his right testicle was still throbbing. Erica had not noticed the cold sweat on his face, as well as his apparent paleness, and he was beginning to seriously worry for his reproductive capabilities, when Sarah came over to challenge him.

And at the end of the class, it came down to Sarah sparring against Petir, after giving in to Erica's advice. He was wearing a cup this time, and he took her on directly. She slid through his attacks and landed several sex life killing kicks and knees to him, but although he was wearing a cup, the impact was enough to have him walking slightly bow legged, his abdomen aching naggingly. 

"That's enough, this cup is affecting my movement. Let's do this fair, no more shots to the balls!"

Sarah agreed, and they began once more. Petir threw a punch at her chest, and to his surprise, he felt much weaker and slower than he should have, a side effect of getting nailed in the nuts earlier by Vanessa. It still hit her, by surprise. In retaliation, she threw a kick straight up in between his legs. His eyes widened, as everyone pointed at what she was doing, and she remembered the new rule he had set, and pulled it back. She felt him mentally breath a sigh of relief, as he took advantage of her distraction to punch her in the stomach. 

"Get her good!", yelled his girlfriend from the side.

This went on for awhile, as she did her best to fight him off, but he had grown much stronger from when he was a kid, and had the advantage. The final moments of it went down with him grabbing her by the wrists, and forcing her to the ground. Her face was red, all her strength put into resisting him, but she could not do anything.

She looked around, and saw Erica smiling to her, as she imagined what she would do to take that evil smirk off her face, before she turned and her eyes landed upon Petir's crotch, as she saw the outlines of his large, oval, slightly swollen, low hanging testicles dangling freely between his thighs.

"Now I'm really gonna make your testicles ache! Say good bye to your sperm factories!", she yelled. "What?", he replied, confused for a second.

She imagined a pair of eggs cracking, the yolks spilling out, as she looked him in the eyes one last time, struggling to fight him off for a brief few seconds, before she mustered all her strength, and swiftly brought her knee up and raised it up as hard as she could between his thighs, with a loud squelch. It had hit even harder than she had expected, and even she was slightly shocked for several seconds, before she acted like she had meant to do it. His eyes crossed immediately, as he let go of her hands and put them over his broken reproductive organs, immediately dropping to his knees and rolling over, cross eyed. The girls in the crowd all gasped, as he let out a soundless scream and began shivering. 

The kicks she had given him before hurt like hell, and the one Vanessa had given him was truly agonizing as well, but the one he had just received had brought pain to a whole new level. He felt as if he had dipped his left testicle into a cup of ice cold water, and he suspected that he had wet himself.

She walked away from the whimpering, puking mess that she had rendered him with her bare knee. Sweat trickled down her chest, as she leaned over, exposing her cleavage to him as she gave him a cruel smile, before turning to face Rachel. 

"You are disqualified!", yelled Rachel, rushing to his aid, as she claimed it was a reflex. She walked in front of Erica, to taunt her as well. "Looks like somebody isn't getting any tonight", she jeered, as she went to grab her bag and left, as Erica ran to his side, tears pouring down her face in fear for what she might have done to his manhood.

At that moment, Rachel was by his side, trying to assess the damage. 

The next day..

He woke up in a hospital gown, Erica by his side, holding his hand. 

"W-what happened? I had this really bad dream..", he mumbled, as he moved, but was stopped immediately by a sharp nerve pain from his scrotum.

"Petir.. the kick she gave you.."

"What kick? Oh you mean that wasn't a nightmare.."

"She kicked you so, so hard.."

Assuming the worst, he carefully felt for his manhood. It hurt to the touch, but he found two oval organs between his legs, much to his relief. 

"so hard.. that the doctors could not put the left one back together. They inserted a prosthetic testicle in place of it, so you still are a whole man.."

It was obvious she had made a wrong choice of words, as tears begin to well up in his eyes.

At the moment, Sarah walked into the room, her hands crossed as she looked at him, a pained look hidden in her eyes. Thoughts of her life changing kick flooded his mind, as he slowly lost consciousness again.

To be continued.. 

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Replies to This Discussion

Cool story Erica "landed several manhood breaking, nut crunching, sex life killing kicks and knees to him" nice imagery with that line as well :)

Very cool, you're descriptive in your stories.  Love it

This is an excellent story and smoking hot as well..can't wait for the next one. Great job

What an awsome characters, great description too! Hope youll do more



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