A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Stress Balls are the Best Balls
I did see Marie again the next Saturday night. As SNL was winding down, she came back from the parties, like usual. She was wearing a tight, low-cut black top and a short white pleated skirt and these lovely black strappy heels. Like usual she looked really hot. But she was also sort of stomping into the dorm looking irritated. She happened to glance into the room where we were watching TV and saw me looking at her. She got a weird grin and used one finger to motion me to come to her.
No one else saw it, so I just got up and mumbled a quick excuse about needing to pee. When I got to her, I kind of motioned for her to continue the direction she was going. "Assuming that you want what I think you want, um, not in front of my roommate's friends, okay?"
"Sure," she said. "And, I do want what you think I want. Guys are such assholes, and I think it's time I expressed my frustration physically," she said quietly to make sure that people in the lounge couldn't hear her. We walked just down the hall to the empty study room and she motioned me inside. Once we got inside, she said, more loudly, "Okay, spread 'em!"
I stood against the wall with my hands at my side. She stepped back, gave me a wicked but outright sexy smile and kicked forward, hard and fast. The top of her foot covered only in some thin leather straps smashed right into my nuts. I grunted loudly from the pain, grabbed my crotch, and fell down to my knees. The pain in my balls was intense. I was still grunting softly and breathing heavily even thirty seconds later. Still, I wasn't completely out of it, and I wound up looking up at her with a pained look on my face.
"That's pretty good," she said, "but I think that one more will really do it."
I swallowed hard. I hadn't considered that she might try another. I was still in so much pain. I wasn't sure that I had the willpower to let her kick me again.
"Hands at your sides," she said in a very commanding tone, and to my surprise, I obeyed immediately. I was still on my knees, so she stepped closer. As I looked up at her protruding bust, admiring it from this new angle, she gave me a short but hard kick right between my legs, her toe smashing into my right testicle, distending it painfully. I yelped out loud this time and collapsed completely. As I lay on the floor, clutching my poor injured ball, I heard her heels clicking on the tile floor of the hallway as she headed back to her room.
After laying there for a few minutes, I managed to pull myself up and make my way gingerly back to my room. My poor balls were still so sore. It was extremely sexy. Unfortunately, when I got back to the room, my roommate was already back from watching SNL.
"Hey, where'd you go?" he asked.
"Oh, I just had to talk to this girl about class stuff. It's no big deal."
He accepted my explanation and didn't think anything further of it so far as I could tell. I got under the covers as quickly as possible because thoughts of the evening's events were giving me an erection, and I didn't want to wave it around in front of him. I wound up not masturbating that night because he was there and I felt like going and starting a shower while he was watching (and while I still clearly had a boner) would have been suspicious. Instead I just relived everything over and over in my mind. And the next morning I rubbed one out in the shower.
I saw her again the following Saturday night, but she was walking back with her girl friend and they seemed to be chatting happily. She saw me in the TV room and gave me a quick wave which was nice, but they kept walking and talking together.
But the next Saturday night she was clearly upset again. She was alone and wearing a tight red tube dress which rather than being low cut had a boob window in it. It was pretty amazing actually. I had never seen her wear it before. The dress gave her absolutely heart-stopping cleavage and the tightness of it showed off her figure generally. Plus it was short enough to show quite a lot of leg. And she had red leather, pointy, closed-toe heels on. Despite the heels she basically stomped into the dorm. She went right to the door of the TV room and pointed at me and motioned for me to come with her. The other guys gave me a look which said "Wow!" except my roommate who I think maybe assumed that she was pissed at me because I'd screwed up an assignment.
This time I didn't need to make an excuse since she was right there, so I just got up and followed her. I knew no one was going to ask me "Hey, why'd you follow the hot girl in the tight dress when she motioned for you?" We walked past the study lounge from last time and kept going. Soon we were headed to a different tower, specifically the one she lived in.
"Are we going to your room?" I asked.
"Yes. My roommate is home for the weekend and the way I feel right now, more than one kick will be required."
I swallowed heavily. Given how quickly she had dropped me the past few times, I was worried that my testicles wouldn't be up to the task. I wanted ball-busting fun, not complete testicular destruction. But, then, she did look amazingly hot. Rationally, I should have asked more questions, but in practice I just kept following her.
No one else was on her floor and we went into her suite and then into her room and she closed the door behind me. "Now we can get down to business," she said. "You know, your gender is full of assholes who need to be kicked in the balls. You get to be their surrogate."
I was impressed with her vocabulary, but still worried about how much damage she might be planning to do. "Sure. No permanent damage, though, okay?"
"Oh, of course not. If I really injured you, I wouldn't be able to hurt you any more and that would be no fun. But i'm sure you can take a lot. Your balls have done okay so far. They're not injured, right?"
"No, they're fine. Well, for the moment." That made her smile for just a moment.
"You're a decent one, I can tell. So let me ask you some questions. Do I look hot tonight?"
"You look amazing. Really hot."
"Do I look like a prostitute?"
"Umm, no. I don't think so." This was not really a question I had mentally prepared myself to answer.
"If you were going to proposition me at a frat party, what would you say?"
"Umm, well. I'm not sure I would proposition you at a party, but I guess I'd say something like. 'You look lovely. Would you care to come back to my room and make love with me?'"
"See, yes, that's good. What would you not say?"
"Umm, lots of things. Um… I wouldn't say 'Excuse me miss, but can I put my wee-wee in your hoo-hah?' or 'Would you like to come back to my place bouncy, bouncy?'"
That also made her smile for a moment, but she was clearly invested in being irritated. "Okay, sure, but more importantly, you wouldn't say, 'I'll give you a twenty if you blow me.'" She stepped forwards and using her hands pushed me back against the door to her room. "And the reason you wouldn't say that is because it's a fucking insult. The sort of insult which deserves a knee in the balls!" she said and as she said it, she punctuated the words "knee in the balls" with an actual knee in the balls. She smashed her knee right up into my groin, crushing my balls against my pubic bone. I yelp in pain, my poor nuts having been smashed tremendously, and I even started to crumple, but she pined me against the door with her arms and held me there so that I didn't fall to the ground.
"I mean, not only is he suggesting I'm a whore. He's suggesting I'm a cheap whore. Twenty dollars? If I were anything I'd at least be a high-class escort. I mean, look at this dress. Look at these heels. Look at these tits. They don't say cheap hooker. None of them. It's a stupid insult!" She kneed me right in the nuts again, once more smashing my already tender balls. This time I let out an really loud grunt from the pain and pitched over. My full weight wound up leaning forward onto her and she sort of pushed me to the side rather than catching me. I didn't hit the floor, though, instead she pushed me onto the bed which was closest to the door. I collapsed there atop it, completely wracked with pain.
I was pretty much completely out of it, but she continued her monologue. "I mean, why would you even say that to a girl? Is any girl at a frat party gonna say 'sure thing!' Is this some sort of negging thing where I'm supposed to somehow be flattered that he thinks that I'm sexy like a whore? Are whores sexy? I guess so or they wouldn't have any business, but it's not like anyone ever says 'you're sexy like a whore'. But since it's negging, it would also be a put down so that I feel bad and get needy and want to date him? Or is he just getting off on insulting a pretty girl? Is this his fetish? God, I hope not. … Maybe I really should have kicked him in the balls instead of you. Maybe he wanted me to kick him in the balls. That's not how you get me to kick you in the balls. But then you know that, of course. Asking nicely works much better. Speaking of which, are you ready for another kick?"
"Uh, almost," I said, feeling well enough to talk at that point, but still having my balls feel quite tender and pained. I had had some recovery time while she was talking, but I could still feel a strong ache. I felt turned on by the whole thing, but also after those two knees, my balls felt pretty fragile.
"Aw, come on, you're great at this. I'm sure you can take another kick, no problem," she said with a smile and a little bat of her eyelashes. She not only looked good, she clearly knew how to work it when she wanted to.
"Yeah, okay," I said, pulling myself off the bed with great trepidation. I stood in front of the bed with my legs spread. She swung her leg gently back and forth a little, lining up the kick. As she started to swing it further forward, I flinched.
She chuckled. "Getting kind of tender, huh? Are you not enjoying this any more?"
"No, um, it's still really sexy. It's just being difficult. My body's still trying to protect itself some, you know? It's just a gut reaction."
"Okay, well, why don't you close your eyes? I'll go gentle on you. Just close your eyes. That's right. That way you won't flinch when I try to kick you. Here, I'll count down so you won't be taken totally by surprise. Five, four, three!" Right after she said three, I felt her foot impact my balls with a really solid thwomp, catching both of them full on, smacking them against each other and up into my body. She had not held back in the slightest, and I collapsed again, this time onto the floor, leaning against the side of the bed.
"Wow. You're not being able to take that much tonight."
"Sorry. I think you're hitting harder." I managed to squeak out.
"Probably. I do feel even more acutely irritated than usual. Lucky you."
Well, I sort of felt lucky, in general, but right that moment my balls hurt so bad that I was almost ready to throw in the towel.
"What if I switched to punching? Do you think you could take more punches?"
"Yeah, I think I probably could."
"Okay. Let's do that, then." She helped me up off the floor. "Here, you lie on my bed and I'll sit here beside you and punch your balls."
It hadn't occurred to me that it was her bed in particular that I was sitting on and once I realized that I began to feel a little sexually curious. Like, I'd thought this was just ball-busting but once a girl invites you to her room and invites you to lie on her bed, that's gotta mean something, right? Well, as it turned out, in this case, it meant that she was gonna punch me in the crotch and once we were situated, that's just what she did.
I was sprawled out on her bed and she was sitting roughly facing towards my head with one leg tucked underneath her. She had positioned herself to easily be able to punch with her left hand by itself, but instead, she was leaning over my crotch area, supporting herself with her left arm and she balled up her right hand into a fist and punched me, hard and fast and right in bottom of my dick.
"Ow!" I said, surprised.
"What? You're not supposed to say ow. I must not have hit you hard enough." Before I could explain, she hit me in the dick a second time.
"Ow!" I said, slightly less surprised, but still in an entirely different sort of pain than I had expected. "That's my dick."
"Oh!" she seemed a tiny bit embarrassed, but quickly moved on. "Well, it's hard to see. My hand isn't as big as my foot. Take off your pants so I can see what I'm aiming for."
I undid my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. I did't mind complying. After all when a sexy girl invites you to her bedroom and has you lay on her bed and takes your pants off, it's got to mean something, right? Right? She got up and tugged at my pants cuffs until she had pulled my pants off entirely. And then she sat back down and gave my package a look. I was wearing some cotton spandex boxer briefs as I often do, so my package was actually being hugged really tightly and shown off very distinctly. "Oh yeah," she said, "I just need to punch a little lower down. I forget how much those things dangle."
This time she aimed more exactly and punched me solidly right in my balls. She got them pretty good, but it was not nearly as painful as the knees and kick had been. I let out a moan.
She punched again, harder this time. It got me just in my right ball, and the sudden stronger ball punch left me gasping for breath, cutting my moan short.
"Oh, that's good," she said. "Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, idiot offered me twenty bucks to blow him, as if I'm a cheap hooker." She gave me another solid punch right on my right ball. I could feel my face contorting in pain, but I managed to stay still with my legs open. "Guys are assholes. They all need to get punched in the balls." She punched my balls again, another hard fast punch, this one sort of landing on both of my balls, causing me to grimace a little more, but not to move. "And not just once either. They need to be punched in the balls again and again and again." She punctuated her speech with a punch each time she said "again". These blows came quickly, smashing my left ball solidly and quickly three times. By the third one, I was clenching my teeth. My balls were really beginning to feel tender.
"Maybe if they got punched in the balls more, they wouldn't all be so stupid," and with that she just started punching my aching nuts without any break. She hit the left one and then the right one, just back and forth like that. I honestly lost count, but it must have been at least a dozen total punches. Finally, she managed to overwhelm my poor tender nuts and I curled up into a ball to get away from all the punches.
She chuckled. "Well, it looks like I got you pretty good. I've liked this punching thing. Lots of bang for my buck, so to speak."
I was still curled up in a ball and didn't really answer.
"Okay, well, I'd still like one more kick when you're up to it. But I guess there's not much I can do to speed that along. So I'm going to go ahead and get ready for bed. Let me know what you're feeling better."
I wasn't really paying a lot of attention to the world outside of my aching nuts, but my brain did manage to remember her words for later. She left the room and when she came back, I was still in pain, but more aware of the outside world. She didn't have any make-up on any more and her face was damp, so I assumed that she'd been to the bathroom and wiped her make-up off. Then she got out what I assumed to be her bed clothes, a short t-shirt and a pair of jersey shorts with an elastic waist-band which I didn't find that surprising. And then I also wasn't surprised when she took off her pantyhose from under her dress. But what I did find surprising was when she went ahead and pulled her dress over her head. She still had panties on, but her uncovered breasts bounced free with what I thought was a very sexy jiggle. Any thoughts of nursing my balls pretty much disappeared as I stared at her naked chest.
It was nice to be able to get a good long look. Her breasts were really substantial: large, firm, and round with pink puffy nipples. I couldn't help imaging myself sucking on them. Between my sore balls and the visual stimulation she was accidentally providing, my cock had suddenly gotten rock hard.
Next, she put her shorts on first and I watched as her chest swayed and jiggled throughout that process. Right as she finished getting them on, she looked over at me and saw me looking at her. "Oh, you're feeling better."
"Uh, yeah," I said nervoulsy, not wanting to acknowledge that I was staring at her naked chest.
She smiled. "It's okay that you looked. It's not like you haven't seen them before." Of course, I actually hadn't seen both of them before as I'd only seen one that first time and seeing them before didn't mean I didn't want to see them again and again.
"Sorry. You're just really nicely built. It's hard not to look."
"Aw, don't worry about it. As long as you let me have your balls to take out my frustrations on, it's okay if you let your eyes wander where they will now and again. Speaking of which, time to stand up."
"Uh, okay, why?" I didn't want her to know how hard I had gotten.
"So, I can bust your balls, silly," she said with a playful tone. And then with a sharper edge she continued "Come on. I need one more kick before bed and I don't want to wait all night."
Reluctantly, I stood up. My erection jutted obviously in my boxer briefs as I stood up, legs spread. She looked at it and chuckled. "You really are having fun. Well, let's see what I can do about taking care of that for you."
For a moment I thought that maybe she was talking about a hand job or blow job or something else of that nature. But then, of course, she kicked me in the balls. As her foot came forward, there was this moment when my brain was focussed on the lovely bounce that her naked breasts made as a result of the kicking motion she was doing. But milliseconds later, all the fun thoughts were crushed under a glacier of testicle pain. This was perhaps the hardest kick yet. It was a clean punt with the top of her foot just utterly smashing both balls. I was completely overwhelmed with pain and once the main part of the pain hit, I dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes letting out a little weird sound as I fell.
I'm not sure how long I lay there, but it was definitely a while longer than I expected. Probably it was only two or three minutes, but when I became more aware of my surroundings again, she had already put her pajama top on and was in bed using her phone to text someone. I let out a groan and pulled myself to my feet.
"Oh, good," she said. "I'm all ready to go to bed. Let me show you out." She lead me out to the little foyer for her suite. "Oh, hey," she said, "I really appreciate you doing this. I have a special surprise for you to say thanks. Close your eyes so I can give it to you."
Of course I closed my eyes and then I felt her moving close to me. For some reason I imagined it would be another boob flash or maybe a boob grope or maybe just a kiss. You've all probably already guessed what it was. That's right, it was another knee to the balls. Her kneecap smashed right into my testicles catching them very squarely and making them feel as though they were about to explode. My legs went all jelly-like and I collapsed once more, this time on the carpeted floor of the suite's foyer.
I heard a giggle and she shut and locked her room door behind her. I lay there on the short shag carpet feeling silly for thinking that it would be anything else, but also still feeling immensely turned on by all the ball-busting this sexy woman had been doing to me. Slowly it dawned on me that if I lay here too long, one of her suitemates might see me if they were coming or going. And since I knew nothing about her suitemates, I figured I should just hightail it out of there before anyone saw me.
So I limped back down the stairs to my floor and to my room. My roommate was already in bed and asleep. So I went ahead and jumped in the shower and had myself a very, very nice wank thinking about my balls being busted by this sexy girl in the tight red dress and later in just the shorts she wears to bed. It was all so amazingly sexy and I reached an amazing orgasm in no time, my hard cock was squirting semen what felt like everywhere.
Fortunately, the shower spray cleaned things up effectively without me having to scrub anything off by hand and I was able to go right to bed. For the next several mornings, memories of different parts of that evening provided the fodder for my daily shower masturbation.
Heyyyyyy there, great story! :-)
Can't wait to read more.
Another great one.
It's always fun to think about those college what if scenarios.
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