
Ask and You Shall Receive a Kick in the Groin

Do you know how sometimes there's just one person who stands out to you as being really attractive and they wind up in your fantasies even though you don't really know them?  Well, in my sophomore year of college there was this one girl who I kept seeing in my dorm who I just couldn't get out of my head.  She was tall and strikingly busty.  She had long, straight very dark brown hair and her skin was a little tan, but not really quite olive, but it had a nice even color and looked really smooth.  She had a pretty face, but not too angular.  Also, she had very bright blue eyes and just always seemed to have a little bit of a smile.  She was really hot all around.

That year on Saturday nights, when a lot of people were at frat parties, my roommate and some friends of his had made a habit of watching SNL in the TV lounge of our dorm.  After a couple of weeks, I started to join them, and what I found was that each Saturday, right as SNL was finishing up, I'd see her coming back from a party.  And each time, she'd be wearing something low-cut which really showed off those big round boobs of hers and the deep cleavage between them.  Usually it was a tighter shorter skirt it was paired with, so that wound up showing off her long legs and nice hips, too.  And she was usually wearing some strappy heels which showed off her feet and made her legs and butt look extra amazing.  She just always looked extremely sexy, all around.  And she was there every Saturday night by herself or every once in a while with this one girl friend of hers.  So whatever was going on, she was looking like she was going out looking for guys, but coming back without one.  So I wasn't sure what to make of that.

I didn't stalk her, but I did try to keep tabs on her when I saw her in the dorm, and I eventually figured out that she lived in the same wing I did, but up on the third floor.  My room was in the basement.  Normally when I'd see her around the dorm, she was just wearing some tight jeans and a t-shirt, but you could definitely tell that the t-shirts were fitting pretty tight in the chest area.

Mostly I just fantasized about her: about how nice it would be to get my hands on her big round tits, about how since she was so tall and I was kind of short that if she went for a hug while wearing heels my face could even be squished right into her boobs, and about how it would feel for her to kick me right in the balls.  Yes, I have kind of a big ball-busting fetish.  I honestly can't think of anything sexier than a pretty, busty woman tormenting my balls with her feet, knees, and hands.

And at first, I'd never seen any indication that she would actually want to bust me, but that didn't stop her from doing so in my fantasies.  And then one Saturday night, I had gone back to my room to use the bathroom during SNL and was coming back to the TV lounge when I saw her coming the other way, heading towards the wing of our dorm where we both lived.

And surprisingly, she had a guy with her.  But, I quickly realized that although she seemed pretty sober, he was ridiculously drunk and she was literally supporting him as he attempted to walk.  "Come on, now," she said, urging him along.  "Let's get you in bed."

She was wearing this tight black tube dress which was showing off all her curves and tons of cleavage.  I tried my best not to stare.  He was wearing slacks and a polo shirt.  I heard him say, "I need" in a very slurred voice and then a couple moment later, "I need" again.

"You need to get back to your room and sleep this off," she replied, sounding like she was trying to sound sympathetic, but she was obviously getting pretty irritated with him.  As they shuffled a little closer, I realized that I did actually know the guy.  He lived up on her floor and was in my Differential Equations class.  I had already guessed that she was helping out a drunk friend rather than hooking up, but recognizing him cemented it.

I was considering trying to score some points by offering to help out when, just as they were getting close, he said, "I need your boobs!" in a loud drunken voice and then used his free hand to just suddenly and violently grab her right breast and squeeze it.

She let out a surprised yell and immediately dropped him on the floor.  Well, I should say, she let go, and then he couldn't stand on his own and promptly feel over.  As he did, though, he didn't let go of her, instead winding up with his hand catching onto the neckline of her dress and hanging onto it as his body began to fall to the floor.

As I watched in amazement, he accidentally tore a big diagonal rip in her dress.  Her right boob stayed safely covered, but the fabric covering her left tit was torn completely from the dress, and it bounced free.  I couldn't help but stare and immediately began to feel somewhat sexually aroused, even though I would have preferred a willing flash from her.  Her breast was big and round and her nipple was pinky and puffy with a long nub.  She looked so sexy there with her dress torn, even though I felt bad for her.

And then, once he had landed on the floor, he wound up rolling onto his back, and she stared at him for just a moment and then yelled, "You asshole!  I was helping you out!  This is how you thank me?  Fucking pervert!"  And then she raised her foot up and stomped right on his crotch.  The first stomp seemed like maybe it didn't really get his testicles, because although he jerked just a little from the impact, he didn't react very strongly.  But the second stomp which was even harder definitely got his balls full force.  As he foot landed, crushing his vulnerable nuts, he yelled in pain and curled up in a ball.

"Yeah!" she said.  "That's what you get, you drunk asshole.  You ripped my new dress!  You aren't allowed to just grab my boob and rip my dress!  You know I have a boyfriend!"  My heart sank a little when I heard her say that, but honestly, I was still really turned on from watching her bust his balls.

At this point, he was curled up in a ball on his side on the floor.  But she stepped back and then gave him a kick from behind, managing to get her toes just in between his thighs and hit his balls hard one more time.  He jerked and then started throwing up right there on the tile.

"That's right, you asshole!  That's what you get!"  At that point she was still broadly annoyed and she happened to look up and see me there watching the whole thing.  "What?" she said.  "Do you want some too?"

Now, of course, I should have said something like "No.  Are you okay, is there any way I can help?"  But maybe it was the erection I had grown taking control or maybe just my own foolhardiness, but instead the words which came out of my mouth were "Yes, please!"

She looked at me surprised for just a moment and then took a step forward, her tit still bouncing freely, and then swung her foot forward hard and fast, her toes curled in her shoe, until the top of her foot smashed into my unprotected balls.  My balls felt like they just imploded into being nothing more than little spheres of pain.  My knees buckled and I fell first to my knees on the floor and then over on my side, curling into a ball.  I had been kicked in the balls a couple of times before, but this was far harder than either of those times and I was less prepared.

I heard the click of her heels on the tile floor as she strode on presumably back to her room, leaving the two of us wallowing on the floor in pain.  I lay there for about five minutes before finally feeling up to getting back to my feet.  I walked very slowly, nursing my sore balls.  When I got back to my room, not wanting to have to clean up, I hopped in the shower and masturbated heroically.  As I stoked my cock up and down, the strong soreness in my balls was an active reminder of the kick she had just given me.  And as I remembered over and over her kicking my balls while her lovely, massive left breast jiggled freely, I soon sprayed a huge load of cum out into the shower.

When my roommate came back from watching SNL with his friends, I was already in bed.  But by the time I was drifting off the sleep, I was already getting horny from my memories again.  For the next couple of weeks, I honestly thought about almost nothing else when I masturbated.  I didn't happen to see her around during that time until a couple of weeks after the kick, I was alone in the laundry room sorting my clothes into lights and darks before washing when she walked in.

She was wearing jeans and a very tight sweater.  The sweater hugged her large breasts well, but it also clearly didn't fit quite right because it also came up a little at the front, revealing just a little bit of her belly only in the very front.  But then, people often wear something slightly ill fitting come laundry day.  Seeing her, I said, "Oh, hi."

She looked at me for a moment and then it clicked.  "Oh," she said.  "It's you.  Umm, hi."  And then she went over and started loading her washing into the washing machine.  I noticed that her load had a lot of underwear, but I was still a little surprised when she pulled her arms into her sweater and fiddled with things and then pulled her bra out and added it to the load.  "You know," she said, turning to me after that.  "I usually feel embarrassed about doing that in front of a guy, but I guess you've seen more than that anyway."

"Hey," I said, "I'm sorry about that.  I wasn't trying to peep."

"Oh, I know.  It wasn't your fault.  You don't really have anything to apologize for.  It's me who should be sorry.  I shouldn't have kicked you in the balls."

"No, it's okay.  I was kind of staring."

"Well, sure, but I mean, who wouldn't?  And it wasn't fair of me to get upset.  I mean, I asked you if you wanted to touch my tits, too, and you said 'yes, please', but then I mean, a lot of guys like my tits.  There's nothing wrong with that.  They're nice big tits.  Guys like that.  It's not like you just grabbed them.  If I'm going to ask you if you want to cop a feel, your response just means you were being honest, not that you wanted to take advantage of me, too."

"Oh, well, that wasn't actually what I thought you meant.  I thought you meant did I want to get a kick in the groin, too.  I thought it was more like in an action movie where the hero beats up some bad guy and is like 'do you want some, too?'"

"Oh, okay.  Well, that's differ- wait, you thought I was asking if you wanted a kick in the groin and you said, 'yes, please'?"

I turned a little red.  "Uh, yeah."  I managed to stammer out.  "And then you gave me one."

"Why would you want a kick in the groin?  It obviously hurt a lot."

"Well, um," I said, beginning to turn a pretty bright shade of red.  "I, well, I mean, it's.  Uh, I mean, there's uh, there's just something about a women smashing a guy's balls which is, like, kinda hot."

She stopped and just look at me for a moment.  "So, you, like, get off on it?"

I was so embarrassed, I think I turned a sort of cherry soda shade of red.  I'd never talked with anyone else about my fetish before, especially not a pretty girl.  And I finally managed to say, "uh, yeah," very sheepishly.

She chuckled.  "That sounds like a pretty painful fetish for you.  So does that mean that any time I feel like kicking some balls, I can just find you and smash yours?"

"Well, yeah.  I mean, if you want to bust some balls you can always bust mine.  I mean, just give me a little warning but then totally."

"Really?  You're serious?"

"Yeah.  You're like the hottest girl in the dorm.  It would be amazing if you kick my balls again."

"Okay.  How about right now?"

She caught me a little off guard.  I just said, "Umm … Uh … yeah."

"Ah, not so eager after all."

"No, no, I am.  I really am.  I promise.  Totally.  Take your best shot."

"Okay, open your legs a little."

I repositioned myself so that I was facing her with my legs spread apart.  She put down her laundry and she stepped up towards me.  Without any further warning, she swung her leg forwards right between my legs, hard and fast.  I closed my eyes as I saw it coming, anticipating the impact.  But the impact never came.  I opened my eyes and looked down.  Her leg was hovering there between mine, but she had stopped short.  I looked at her and she gave me a smile.

"Just checking to see if you were for real or if you were gonna flinch.  Get ready: this one's for real."  She swung her leg back again and once more, brought her foot up, bending at the knee some as the kick came forward.  And this time her foot smashed into my balls, hard and fast.  The pain was immense and I swayed a little and then collapsed to the floor holding my aching nuts.  I spent several minutes lying on the floor.  I think I was moaning in pain, but I'm not sure.  When I got my wits back, she had already started her laundry and left.

I struggled to my feet, finished sorting my laundry and started both loads and then limped back to my dorm room.  I was really tempted to jerk off, but I couldn't help but think that maybe if I came back when my laundry was done in the washing machine that hers would be too and that she would be there and that maybe she would kick me again.  And if she did, the last thing I wanted was to have just jerked off.  So I resisted the temptation to do so and instead, just spent the next forty minutes sitting in my room, watching the clock and avoiding thinking sexy thoughts too much.

When the time was up, I went back to the laundry room.  My loads were done and her load of clothes was also finished, but she wasn't there yet.  I moved my clothes into the dryer as slowly as I could.  Transporting them one piece of clothing at a time.  I would pick up one sock out of the washing machine and walk it over to the dryer and then repeat the process so that I could spend as much time in the laundry room as possible without making it obvious that I was just waiting for her.

When I was most of the way through, I heard someone else enter the laundry room.  I turned, eagerly, but it wasn't her.  It was just some guy with a hamper full of dirty clothes.  I had a worry that he was still going to be there when she would get there and that then she wouldn't kick my balls because someone else was watching, but he was actually gone pretty quickly.  He just dumped everything in the machine, swiped his card, turned it on and left.

Just after I finished moving the very last piece of clothing into the dryer and was in the process of turning it on, she returned.  I noticed more clearly this time how much she was jiggling in her sweater as she walked (a product of having taken off her bra earlier).  I could already feel myself getting excited.

She chuckled when she saw me.  "So, it looks like you survived that one.  Are you here hoping for another?"

"Um, well, yeah.  You know, if you want to.  No pressure."

"Heh.  Sure.  What's your name anyway?"

"I'm Kenny.  What's your name?"

"Marie.  Huh.  Kicking Kenny's … clams?  I guess.  I'm not sure of a good K word for testicles."

"Marie mashed my man-bits."

"Heh.  There you go.  Kicking Kenny's Kid-makers, maybe?"  She moved her laundry to the dryer (all in one big pile, not one piece at a time) and started it.  I spread my legs a little in anticipation.

Instead of just giving me a solid kick right off, though, instead she stepped in closer.  I had my back to the dryer and she stepped right up to me.  She looked me dead in the eye as she moved closer and closer.  Soon her chest was almost touching mine and then she leaned her head forward as if she was coming in to kiss me, but instead once she got a couple of inches away, she stopped.  Seductively she whispered, "Do you know what I think you really want?"

I was so nervous.  I knew that she had a boyfriend or at least that was her latest status as I understood it, but the idea of kissing her and touching her and maybe being her boyfriend was making me absolutely giddy.  Between the aftereffects of that first kick and the nervousness from contemplating the kick, my stomach was doing flips and even my palms were sweating.  "What?" I asked, breathlessly.

And then she answer my question, both in words and action.  As she said "A knee" she brought her thigh sharply upwards so that her knee smashed hard right into my groin crushing my poor gonads flat against my public bone.  I let out a wail and collapsed as my balls felt like they would explode.  As I collapsed, my gut wrenched and I thought for a moment that I would vomit, but everything stayed down.  As I lost awareness of the world outside my poor pulverized balls, I heard her say, "You're fun!" as she left.

Some great amount of time later, I managed to pull myself up off of the tile and retreat back to my dorm room where I pressed my poor flattened nuts into another session of absolutely epic masturbation.  It occurred to me later that I could have tried to be there when the dryers finished, but at the time, I was too turned on and too much in lingering pain to even really think about it.  I didn't see her again that afternoon, which was probably a good thing for the health of my nuts because my nuts didn't really feel quite right for a couple of days (which was a huge turn-on).

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Very, very hot stuff. =)

I can't wait for part 2!

Amazing Story.



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