Rebecca led Ryan into his apartment after a very slow (and quite painful for Ryan) walk home. She immediately went to the freezer and dug out an ice pack for Ryan to place on his aching balls. After witnessing him take two devastating kicks, she figured they had to be at least twice their normal size.

Handing him the ice pack, she told him to go lay down on the bed with it placed between his legs. She really wanted to see just how big they’d become, but he’d already experienced enough humiliation for now. Getting wracked by a pretty girl in front of your girlfriend couldn’t be good for the ego.

He did as she said, but couldn’t help let out a soft moan at the coldness against his burning sac. Rebecca smiled at this before pulling a blanket over him and giving him a tender kiss on his brow. Then she went to watch some TV while he recovered.

As she flipped idly through the channels she kept replaying the alley scene in her mind. Watching that girl take down two men with some well-placed kicks and knees had really turned her on and the more she let it linger, the more aroused she got. And then an idea came to her.

Practically skipping over to the closet where Ryan let her keep some clothes, she dug in a pile until she found it – a frilly white skirt very similar to the one worn by Cherie the ballbuster. She had to stifle a laugh as she thought about how freaked Ryan would be if he came out and saw her in the same outfit as Cherie. But she knew it would also turn him on.

While he hadn’t come out and said so, Rebecca was starting to notice Ryan getting aroused whenever she inflicted some pain to his boys or even when they watched movies where a guy took a swift kick from girl. He’d come a long way from their first date when she’d surprised him with a knee to his groin. He certainly wasn’t very happy at the time, but he had definitely come to terms with her point of view, if not completely embraced it.

Her plan almost went awry when she realized she didn’t own a pink tank top, but she then she found a lavender tank that would do nicely. She pulled it on and checked herself in the mirror. Only one final piece. Stilleto heels. Again, she didn’t own any pink heels, but fortunately she had recently worn a metallic gray pair which fit well with the lavender top.

As she was about to check on Ryan, she made one final wardrobe decision. Reaching behind her, she quickly undid the clasp of her bra and wriggled out of it. She pulled the tank tight and caressed her nipples for several seconds until they pushed hard against the fabric. The combination of her large breasts and hard nipples stretched the tank, and she knew Ryan would love it. And like her tits in the tank, her excitement was hard to contain.

Quietly, she made her way to his doorway and peeked in. Ryan was on his back, eyes closed with his hands holding the icepack to his groin.

“You awake?” She called.

“Mmm hmm,” he murmured.

“Think you can get up for awhile?”

His eyes gradually opened, he looked her way. “What for?”

“I’m getting lonely out here. Thought maybe you’d want to talk about things.” She prodded.

“I guess I could. This icepack isn’t very cold anymore and I’m not feeling as bad. Give me minute and I’ll be out.”

Rebecca smiled at him. “Great. I’ll just freshen up then,” she said, before adding, “Oh – and don’t bother with clothes. I kinda want to see how your boys are doing.”

And with that, her head disappeared.

Ryan sat up slowly, considering her request for him to eschew clothing. Just how lonely was she, he wondered. His mind immediately drifted to some possible happy endings to this evening, and he was buoyed by the fact that only a small, aching throb remained.

Gingerly, he stripped out of his boxers and t-shirt and made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went to sit down at the table. Hovering over the chair, he realized he was in danger of sitting on himself. His balls were a tad larger than they had been only a few hours ago.

He cupped them lightly in his hand, easing himself onto the chair before setting his testicles gently between his legs. He then pushed the length of his penis against his left leg and took a good look at the damage. He was a little nervous about the deep purple coloration and the sheer size of the swelling.

As he was inspecting, Rebecca came into the room and he nearly jumped off the chair. His eyes went large in a way that said, “What the fuck?!” He suddenly forgot all about the swelling and bruising. Rebecca looked smoking hot in her lavender tank and white skirt. And those heels, he thought. They made her legs look a mile long. And then his mind caught up with his eyes. Was she wearing the same outfit as that girl in the alley?

Rebecca took in his gaze and followed his expressions to their logical conclusion. When she saw that he’d figured out her ruse, she smiled sinfully.

“Guess who I am,” she cooed.

“So not cool,” he answered. But when she leaned over and exposed the fullness of her breasts, he couldn’t help himself from smiling.

“Yep, I’m Cherie!”

“But, why?” He asked in a skeptical tone.

“I don’t know. I just thought it would be fun to see your reaction…and maybe get you talking.” As she answered, her eyes went to his balls and now it her turn to gape.

“Holy shit!” She exclaimed, breaking sharply from her train of thought. “You’re in way worse shape than I expected. Those things look like over-sized plums. Are they still hurting?”

“Yeah, they’re a little big. And, yes, they still hurt a bit. But it’s not too bad. I’m not sure the ice did its job, though.”

“Well, if it did, I can’t imagine how big they’d be.” Rebecca couldn’t stop her expression from falling.

“Um, you look a little disappointed by that,” he responded shifting a little uncomfortably in the chair. “What’s up?”

“It’s just that…well…I never made you swell up like that. Maybe I’m a little jealous of Cherie.”

“Wait. You want to make my testes swell this big?”

“No, it’s not the swelling. It’s just that I kind of correlate the size of the swelling to the amount of pain incurred. I’m more jealous that I’ve never caused you this much pain.”

Ryan’s eyebrows raised involuntarily as the horror of her statement hit home. He knew she enjoyed watching him twisting, writhing and groaning, but the fact that she might’ve been going easy on him all this time made him a bit, well, fearful. The pain Cherie inflicted was so acute and intense and the thought of Rebecca doing it to him all over again…I’m fucked, he thought.

Speaking cautiously, he probed, “So you like to see me hurt like that?”

“Oh baby, I thought we’d been over this. You know I like to put you in pain.”

“Yeah, I knew that. I just didn’t know you wanted to debilitate me.”

“Well, I don’t want to break your balls, just push them as far as they’ll go and still be able to recover. It’s the recovery that really drives home the point. It gives you time to reflect on a girl’s power and your weakness.”

“You’re sick.” And yet he couldn’t suppress a grin. “I’m really going to have to be more careful around you.”

“And yet here you are. Buck naked and completely exposed. Maybe I should just plant this stiletto right in the middle of that swollen ball bag.” She raised her right foot and let it hang over his crotch.

Ryan immediately covered himself with both hands (as both were now required to cover them completely). “Please don’t.”

Rebecca giggled and lowered her foot slowly. Ryan sucked in a breath and exhaled only when it reached the floor.

“Actually,” she said, breaking into a smile, “I thought I’d try to put you in a little ecstasy. You know, to counter the pain.”

“Really.” He said, his face brightening. “And just how did you plan on doing that?”

By way of answer, Rebecca leaned forward letting her breasts hang in front of Ryan’s face and ran her hand up his thigh. He trembled a little when she got close to his groin, but she felt him relax when she stopped on his cock. Well, most of him relaxed. His penis firmed up in her grasp as his hands cupped her boobs. She spread his legs with her knees and continued her handy-work.

Slowly she went down on her own knees and purred for Ryan to remove her tank top. He complied eagerly, tossing it onto the floor.

“So,” she said, “Will you let me touch your boys? I promise I won’t hurt them.”

“Mmm,” was all he managed to say.

She gently cradled him, amazed all over again at their size, and situated them comfortably on the seat, letting his cock rise into the air. Then she wrapped it between her breasts and began gliding up and down.

Ryan moaned happily, leaning back and gripping the sides of the chair.

She felt his hardness grow as she squeezed him with her boobs, listening for his telltale breathing as he neared climax. She could tell it was coming. As she lifted breasts up and down, she began pushing them farther down, bouncing them harder and harder off his balls. Ryan began squirming and panting as twangs of pain shot through him. Rebecca could practically feel the pain and pleasure at war inside him. His happy moans turned to pained groans and back to happy moans again. Damn, she thought, I might climax myself. She looked up at Ryan’s face and saw tears rolling down from his shut eyes and she grinned wickedly to see he was still smiling through the pain.

Suddenly Ryan cried out in a mix of exhilaration and agony. Rebecca responded by grabbing his cock and aiming it toward her chest. He came, and she caught the huge spurts full on her breasts. She was shocked by the vast amount sprung from his cock.

“Oh. My. God.” Ryan’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head as he spoke. Never in his life had he felt this good. “That was fucking amazing.”

Rebecca again cradled his balls, “Well that was quite the load. I think your boys might be a closer to normal size after that!”

He looked at her and smiled, noting her cum-covered chest. She followed his eyes and together they watched as it trailed into her deep cleavage and down onto her erect nipples. She even laughed out loud as a bead of it dripped off one onto the floor.

“Oops.” He said, also laughing.

“So it was good?” She asked, obviously knowing the answer.

“Oh yeah. The best. And that bit where you started slamming your boobs against my balls…it hurt, but yet it felt so good.”

Rebecca noticed a little color rising up his neck as he copped to enjoying the pain part. “Ha! So you like a little pain in your balls, don’t you?”

“I guess I do,” he said sheepishly. “But just a little, I think.”

“So you like a little and I like a lot. Guess we’ll have fun finding a happy medium.”

She reached out and pulled Ryan off the chair and hugged him against her, letting him share in his gooey outburst. He kissed her deep before pulling away.

“I guess we’d better get in the shower,” he said, wiping his chest.

“Yep,” she said, still thinking about the wetness between her legs. She could use a long, hot shower to take care of that…and she knew just how to get it.

“Me first!” She exclaimed as she drove her knee into his balls.

She got them square (they were pretty hard to miss), and Ryan crumbled against her. She staggered at his dead weight but managed to gain her balance. She let him slide to the ground, where he lay motionless.

Her wetness came back with a vengeance as she realized he was unconscious. Make ‘em happy and then make ‘em hurt, a girl can do whatever she wants, she thought. Take that, Cherie, she whispered. Even you couldn’t knock him out with one swift, excruciatingly painful knee to his balls. She was going to take her time enjoying this shower.


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