Special thanks to C C for making this story better than it was!

“Hey Ry – “ Rebecca called out to her boyfriend from the living room. “Can you come here when you get a chance?”

A few moments later, Ryan strolled into the room to see Rebecca, clad only in a bra and panties, hunched over the coffee table staring at the laptop. He took a moment to take in such a lovely view on this fine Saturday morning. Her raven hair was tucked behind her ear and he watched her twirl a pale finger through a few loose strands. She seemed to be really into whatever she was on the screen.

“What’s up, Bec?” He asked as she looked up and motioned him to join her on the sofa, which he did while taking the opportunity to reach over and give her boobs a light squeeze. She slapped his hand away, laughing.

“Read this and let me know what you think. It’s an email from some girl my cousin Bette knows. Apparently she runs some kind of blog.” She turned the screen toward him.

    Hi Rebecca – my name is Candace and I got your name from Bette (she works at Hooters and said you were her cousin). I met her a while ago when I did a blog on what it’s like working as a Hooters girl. Anyway, I ran into her the other day and we got to talking about the blog and somehow we got the idea to do one on kicking guys in the nuts (I think it’s because I’ve gotten a number of strange request on the subject from some of my followers). At first I was kind of put off by it, but Bette seemed quite keen on the idea and said she even knew some girls I could interview. Long story short, I was wondering if you might be available next Friday night for an interview. Bette will be there, and if you know anyone else who might be interested, feel free to bring them along. Let me know.  – Candace

Ryan finished reading the email and looked at Rebecca, who was looking at him with very wide and very innocent eyes. She even batted her eyelashes a few times for effect. He could see the hint of a smirk and knew full well her underlying sinister motive, but how could he say no to those emerald eyes, he thought.  Well, not only that, but how could he say no knowing the onslaught that awaited him if he denied her?

“Sounds right up your alley. You could damn near write a book on the subject. You should go.”

Rebecca leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made Ryan smile until he realized she had also managed to get his testicles in a firm grasp at the same time. He grunted, ever amazed at how hard she could squeeze him, as he felt her tiny hands clutching them ever so tightly.

She whispered in his ear, “Oh, I’m going. But I don’t think I’ll be going alone. Because you’re right,” she cooed, before pulling him, by his own balls, closer to her, “I could write a book, and I know you’d read every last word, wouldn’t you baby?” She accented ‘baby’ by increasing the pressure of her grip so he could barely squeak out his affirmation. Then, as he panted for breath, she drew his hands to her chest and placed them underneath the cups of her bra. “Now, why don’t we go have some fun with these big ol’ funbags of mine?”

When Rebecca emerged from the bedroom Friday night, Ryan tried hard to mask his disappointment. She went for a more conservative look than he had hoped.  She stood before him in a baggy sweater and jeans with a pair of Converse sneakers. He’d hoped she might class it up a little more than that.

“What’s the matter, Ry? You not up for this?” She asked, noting his odd expression.

“I, uh, just thought…” he trailed off, digging his hands in his pockets not sure what to say exactly.

“Thought what?” She demanded.

“I guess I thought maybe you’d rock something a bit more dressy. I’m sure Bette will go full tilt and I know you’re very competitive when it comes to her and I wouldn’t want you to feel unnoticed - like her dowdy little cousin or something,” he mumbled and then noticed her cocked eyebrow and added hastily, “but you know I love you in every outfit!”

“It’s a good thing you added that last part, Mister, because I was about to rock something else, and believe me, you would have noticed,” she said, waggling her foot at him.

Ryan gulped and exhaled slowly, rocking back on his heels looking like a speeder let off with a warning. He gave her a sheepish, aw shucks kind of grin, which made Rebecca smile. But then she went ahead and kicked him in the balls anyway. With his hands in his pockets, it was just too easy to pass up.

He sank to his knees, groaning, and then rolled onto his side while Rebecca just stood there, arms crossed, laughing at him. “Fine. I’ll wear something else. I hope that was worth it,” she said, before heading back to the bedroom.

When she returned, Ryan was leaning against the sofa still cupping himself gingerly, but his face brightened when he saw her. “Oh wow! You look amazing!” He gushed.

She wore a tight white scoop neck tee that plainly showed the outline of a black bra underneath. She matched it with a short, pleated black skirt and strappy white heels. Not quite schoolgirl, but pretty damn fine, he thought, especially the way she was showing just enough cleavage to be a major tease. As he stood there ogling her, he found it hard to believe that this was the same girl who had once gone an entire semester in nothing but baggy sweatshirts and loose jeans.

“Glad this gets your approval. Your nuts still hurting, or can we go now?” Her tone was thick with sarcasm. She reached out both hands to him to get him moving. He grabbed it and began to stand.  “Yeah, I think I’m about reaaaaAAAAAA!!”.  

She pulled him into her and simultaneously drove her knee between his legs, smashing his still-aching balls all over again. The dead weight of him as his legs turned to jelly nearly knocked her off balance, but she managed to hold him upright. “We don’t have time. Pull yourself together.  Man up. You can nurse your balls in the car.” , She sounded cold and hard, but on the inside she felt warm and fuzzy.  she smiled at the gurgling breaths that involuntarily escaped him, attesting to his agony. Though he panted and sulked, he did man up and make it to the car where Rebecca found herself having to drive as he was in no condition to do much else besides hunch over and groan.

By the time they reached Candace’s apartment where the interview was to be held, Ryan had recovered enough to speak without squeaking. He tried gamely to hide his limp as they walked to the door, but Rebecca could still see the effects of her well placed kick and devastating knee.

Candace met them at the door looking very professional. Ryan was immediately drawn to the endearing dimple that graced her gleaming smile - that and the shimmery red lipstick which really popped against her creamy smooth skin. There was a warmth in her blue eyes that seemed to sparkle as she greeted them. Her long blonde hair curled around her shoulders and fell over the white button down she wore. She wore the blouse tucked into a pinstriped gray skirt, showing off her slim waist while the sheer hosiery gave her toned legs a warm glow. The candy apple red heels were a little over the top, but considering the forthcoming topic, not at all out of place. Secretly, Rebecca could already see them buried deep in a man’s groin and the thought made her smile.

“Come on in,” Candace said gaily. “Bette’s already here and so is Laura.”

“Laura’s here?!” Rebecca couldn’t mask her surprise. “What’s she doing here?”

“Bette invited her as a surprise for you.”

As they turned into the living room, where the video cam was set up, Ryan saw Bette and Laura already sitting on the couch. Bette, of course, looked amazing, all boobs as usual in her low cut sweater that was stretching every last fiber to its breaking point. But it was Laura that grabbed his attention. He hadn’t seen her since the Oriole’s game, though he’d never fully gotten over how she’d busted his balls in front of the entire stadium thanks to that stupid Kiss Cam. All was forgiven now, though, he thought as he took in her sultry, flirty eyes that were giving him a look that told him she remembered the incident quite well. She popped up from her seat and gave Ryan a big hug while he had to keep himself from involuntarily turning to one side to shield his goods. She smelled like heaven.

After the four exchanged hugs and pleasantries, Candace invited them all to sit down with the three girls on the sofa while she and Ryan shared the love seat.

“This is my roommate Leah, she will be filming the interview,” Candace said as she applied some last minute lipstick that made her mouth look like liquid candy. “Here she is now.” Then, turning to Leah, she added, “We’re ready when you are.”

Leah fiddled with the video camera for a minute and then gave Candace a thumbs up.

“Hi boys and girls,” Candace addressed the camera, “it’s me Candace back with another video for you. And this one is straight out of Bizzaro Land. Today I have with me Bette, who I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn works as a waitress at Hooters. For those of you who’ve been with me for a while, you might remember her from my video about what it’s like to work as a Hooters girl.”

As Candace introduced her, Bette sat up nice and tall with just enough arch in her back to give the viewers an eyeful of her weighty endowments and gave a playful wink.

“Next to Bette is her cousin Rebecca who also works as a waitress when she’s not working toward her physical therapy degree - which, once I reveal today’s discussion, you might find a little, um, surprising.”

Rebecca gave the camera a quick wave and flashed a gleaming smile.

“And this is Laura, who was kind enough to make the trek from Inner Harbor,” Candace said, waving her hand toward Laura, who rubbed her hands together and replied, “Happy to be here, Candace!”

“Finally,” Candace said turning to Ryan, “we have one very, very brave soul, here to give us the male perspective on our tawdry topic. It’s Rebecca’s boyfriend, Ryan. I hope you can handle it, big boy,” she finished while giving him a light pat on the thigh as he rolled his eyes in amusement.

Candace crossed her legs slowly and leaned toward the camera. “So today we’re going to discuss a bit of a taboo subject. Though the reasons may vary, whether it’s self defense, revenge, or apparently just the pure hilarity of it, we’re going to talk about kicking guys in the nuts. And I think you’ll find we’ve put together a well-practiced panel of absolute ball breakers today.” She gave a chuckle as the girls tittered, and then Leah followed her gaze with the camera as she looked at Ryan, feigning surprise. “Oh, that’s right, we have a special guest with us. Don’t look so squirmy there Ry, we’re only talking…or so you hope!” Instinctively, Ryan’s hand went to his groin, covering his genitals, which only made the girls laugh harder.

“I’ll start with Laura,” Candace continued. “Have you ever had the occasion to give a guy a nice swift kick between the legs?”

“What girl hasn’t?” Laura said brightly and Ryan could have sworn her teasing glare was aimed directly at him. “The first time I did it I was a senior in high school. I was at a party and this guy was getting really handsy with me, really trying to force himself on me. Instinctively, I grabbed his shoulders and rammed my knee really hard in his groin. He fell down and started moaning while I got the fuck out of there. I don’t know what ever happened to him as he didn’t go to my school, but I’ll never forget what I learned that night about how to keep a guy off you.” Laura looked directly into the camera, “To all you girls watching out there, don’t ever feel bad about hitting a guy in the balls if he’s making unwanted advances. You have to protect yourself!”

“Amen, sister!” Bette chimed in, miming applause.

Sensing a natural segue, Candace turned to Bette. “You seem to agree quite strongly, Bette. I would think with your job, you probably find yourself in some, shall we say, less than desirable situations.”

Bette’s head bobbed affirmatively, and Ryan noticed it wasn’t just her head bouncing. He snuck a peek over toward Leah and noticed the camera was pointing well below Bette’s neckline. He smiled to himself at the idea that Bette’s deep cleavage wasn’t just irresistible to the male species.

“Oh, I’ve seen just about everything at my job. The later it gets, the drunker guys get, the more brazen they seem to behave. Some of the girls really hate that part of the job, but me? I love it! There’s nothing better than the look on a drunk guy’s face when you let him think he’s gonna cop a feel when really you’re just going to rack his nuts. The look of surprise that turns into agony when you really get him is priceless. Our bouncers must hate me since they have to drag out the ones that pass out.”

“Pass out?!” Candace interjected her eyes wide.

“Definitely! And it probably happens more than you would think. I like to think it’s from the pain erupting from their testicles, but it’s probably a combination of alcohol and pure shock.”

Candace shook her head in disbelief. “That’s incredible. And you don’t feel bad?”

“Nope,” Bette said flashing the camera a toothy grin, “but they sure do!”

Looking into the camera, Candace could only shake her head in amusement before turning her gaze on Rebecca. “So, Rebecca, what’s your take on all of this?”

“Well, Candace, before I answer, I’d like to ask you a question.” Rebecca motioned for the camera to follow as her hand swept down her sexy attire. “I wasn’t going to wear this  Particular get up tonight, but Ryan seemed disappointed with my original choice. What do you think it cost Ryan for me to wear this instead?”

Candace looked at her for a moment before giving her best guess. “I don’t know, washing the dishes for a week?”

Rebecca stared at the host blankly and then shook her head. “Girl, you haven’t been paying attention.”

Then, as if a light went on, Candace’s jaw went slack.

“Now you’ve got it!” Rebecca said with a wink. “He got off lucky this time. I only kicked him once.”

“What?!” came Ryan’s incredulous voice from off-camera. Leah swung the lens over to the love seat, catching the poor boy looking like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar. His face was beet red as he realized he’d just made a big gaffe.

Candace looked at him. “Is this not true?” Leah just left the camera on him for the eternity it took for him to reply.

Embarrassed, he finally blurted out “She...she kneed me too...” while looking over at her.

Leah panned back to Rebecca who just smiled. “Oh honey, the knee was just because I felt like it.  It wasn’t for the outfit” Then like a pro, she turned and looked directly into the camera. “You see ladies, and any guys brave enough to be watching, you don’t need a reason to do it. If you get the urge to make ‘em hurt, just step back and punt ‘em right into his throat.” As she addressed the viewers, she swung her leg up sharply and pounded a fist into the palm of her hand with a loud thwack. “Trust me, you’ll feel AH-MA-ZING. Watching him crumple into a heap at your feet, groaning in agony,” she gave a small shiver of pleasure, “all because you smashed his jewels flat like pancakes.”

Leah zoomed out far enough to capture the three girls together, nodding their heads in agreement, delight radiating from their smiles.

“Damn, Becca,” Bette chortled, “sounds like you might have the urge to scramble some eggs right now!”

Rebecca looked over to Ryan and tried to stare a hole through him.  He appeared to squirm a little and she was relishing his reaction.  She then turned to Candace with a sly smile. “What do you say, Candace, show always beats tell, shall we add a demonstration section to this interview?”

Candace shot her camerawoman a can-you-believe-this glance and was completely shocked when Leah returned her look of amazement with a thumbs-up and a wide grin.

“See, Candace,” Rebecca said gleefully, “Leah’s down for some action.”

Candace, shaking her head in disbelief, looked at Ryan who seemed to be doing his best to disappear into the cushions of the love seat. “Are you up for this?”

Completely ignoring her question to Ryan, Rebecca came over, yanked him to his feet, shoved him up against the wall, and then kicked his legs apart before he could respond. Her hands were on his shoulders.  Her left foot was already planted forward and her right leg was coiled back ready to strike.  “Is this spot okay?” She asked Leah, who nodded enthusiastically in response.  

“Wait a second Rebecca, he hasn’t agreed to this yet,” Candace tried to interject.  Rebecca turned to Ryan and eyed him fiercely, “I DARE you to say ‘no’ right now.”  Her tone actually scared Ryan a little. “I uh…know...” he paused.  She misinterpreted his ‘know’ for ‘no’ and was so surprised at his audacity that it gave her pause. After a brief moment, she resolved to splatter those eggs for his defiance “...uh...I know that that would be a terrible idea.  I’m in, let’s get it over with”.  Rebecca burst into laughter.  She looked at him and smiled for a good moment.  Without warning, she launched her knee upwards, but despite her quickness, her mannerisms were something Ryan was getting somewhat used to.  He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not, but her movement appeared in slow motion to him.  As her knee propelled towards the target, Ryan closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst.  The blow never came.

“You know what, Bette?” Rebecca began, usurping Candace’s role as host, “Your intuition was spot on.  I do want to crack his eggs right now.  But I’m feeling generous.  I think I’ll let you and Laura start us off, as I’ve already had some fun today. I’ll spread the joy, Ryan will spread his legs, and you two can provide us with a delicious spread - scrambled eggs, of course!”

Bette didn’t have to be asked twice.  She immediately hopped up from the sofa, her big breasts bouncing everywhere. She bent over at the waist, her short skirt barely covering her ample ass, and reached her hand down to the tips of her electric blue heels, as she pretended to loosen up.

Ryan got a full view of her lustrous cleavage, but it wasn’t enough to distract him from his fears. “Go easy, will you, Bette,” he pleaded. “They’re still pretty sore from earlier.”

She flashed him a smile that would melt a glacier. “Aww, you poor guy. Knowing Becca, I’m sure they are. Don’t worry, I won’t go all out”

Relief flooded onto Ryan’s face as he managed a feeble smile of his own.

Bette looked toward the camera. “We good?”

From off-camera came Candace’s voice. “I think so. Let’s see what you got, Bette.”

Leah zoomed in as Bette lifted her foot just under the bulge between Ryan’s legs. She gave his package a light tap and winked into the lens. “First things first. Gotta line up your target.” She put her foot down and stepped back. “Once that’s done, there’s only one thing left to do.”

She stepped forward with her left foot as her right leg arced back high, then she swung it forward in a blur. The top of her bright blue heel connected with both testicles, smashing them with a loud ‘whump’.

An involuntary, guttural moan escaped Ryan almost instantly as pain radiated through his guts and up his spine from the force of her kick. He dropped to his knees, cradling himself, and tried valiantly to keep from falling over. But the pain was too intense and he let himself fall into the fetal position at Bette’s feet.

As Ryan groaned on the floor, Leah panned over and caught Candace wearing a look that was all at once shocked, horrified and yet somehow giddy. Her eyebrows were furrowed over sympathetic eyes, but there was definitely the hint of a smile behind the hand covering her mouth.  She was unsure how she felt about the events that had just transpired.  She was worried for this guy.  She felt bad for him.  But somewhere deep down, it was actually... maybe... a little funny?

Where Candace seemed to still be somewhat conflicted, Leah was embracing it fully.  She had never expected to enjoy this moment so much.  Sure, Candace had mentioned the topic to her before the meeting and she remembered thinking it seemed like a funny subject, maybe she was even looking forward to it.  But this - this level of enjoyment caught her completely off guard.  The confidence and sassiness Rebecca displayed.  The graceful yet violent athleticism Bette had displayed.  And most of all, Ryan...the way it affected him.  The way he rocked back and forth to try to dissipate the pain.  The way he clutched his balls as if he were afraid they’d crumble were he to let go.  And there was something else, she thought. And then she heard it, literally, in subtle mewling noises he was emitting with every labored breath. He was in agony and she was loving every second of it.

She collected herself and went to refocus the camera.  By now, Bette was standing over Ryan, her hands set defiantly on the swell of her hips, looking down on him. Without taking her eyes from him, she said snarkily, “You know Ryan, I was going to go all out, but I decided to keep my promise after all.  9 out of 10 is still holding back right?  See how nice I am?” She looked over to Leah and addressed the camera. “And that, ladies, is how it’s done. Line ‘em up, kick ‘em hard, watch ‘em fall. But most importantly, kick ‘em hard.” Bette tried to give her best tough gal stare, but in the end, she couldn’t stop herself from breaking into hysterics.

As Bette and the other girls laughed, Candace chuckled along gamely, trying to regain some composure. She knelt down beside Ryan and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, whispering, “That looked pretty rough. Do you want to call it a wrap?” Her eyes widened, shocked yet again by what she saw in his eyes as he looked at her. Though red, and rimmed with tears, there was a look of determination behind the more immediate agony displayed. She couldn’t believe he might actually being willing to press on.

“Don’t call it a wrap,” Ryan growled through gritted teeth. Candace shot him a look fraught with distress and concern. Unable to stomach her pitying gaze, he mustered up some macho vibrato. “What? You think one kick is all it takes to put me down? I’m not about to give Bette the pleasure of thinking she could knock the fight out of me without going full force.”

Candace could only shake her head. “Well, if you say so, I guess we’ll give Laura a go. Do you need a sec?”

At this, Ryan reached out his hand. “Help me up. I think I can be ready now.” He wobbled for a moment as Candace pulled him to his feet, but then steadied himself.

Seeing the girls standing there, arms folded beneath their breasts, watching Ryan gather himself, Candace took the opportunity to set up the next demonstration. “Well, that was certainly a shock to my system,” she began, feeling a little uncomfortable, “but maybe all of you out there might ready for more. I think my guests of the female persuasion sure are,” she said, waving her hand toward the line of anxious women as they nodded furtively. “I guess Laura is next?”

Laura beamed into the camera, as Leah panned over to her, and clapped happily. “You bet I am!” She exclaimed as she walked to Ryan.

Candace shrugged her shoulders, stepping out of the way. “Don’t hurt him too bad.” Though she was sincere in her sentiment, the other girls broke into another fit of giggles.

Ryan flinched a little when Laura’s hand shot to his groin and his knees almost buckled in relief when she merely traced a line from below his belt, up his torso, before resting it lightly under his chin, forcing him to look directly into her pretty eyes. “If you think the Kiss Cam was bad, you might want to run now.” With every word, her smile turned more and more sinister until it was a veritable sneer. Still, Ryan held her gaze, unblinking. “Oooh,” Laura cooed, “you’re a real tough guy, aren’t you. Well, I hope you’re ready.”

Before Ryan could nod that he was, Laura grabbed him by his shoulders and drove her knee into his crotch. The force of her exertion caused a small, feminine grunt to escape from her and a low, masculine howl to erupt from him. He bucked but didn’t fall, and then hunched over with his hands on his knees, head hanging.

As Laura watched him struggle not to go to his knees, she thought the poor guy didn’t stand a chance, especially since, from his position, he’d never see it coming. Like it was second nature, she stepped back and then launched a perfect strike. Her small foot caught him squarely and she could feel the soft, dangling orbs flatten. The way his head flew back, it was like she’d kicked his balls right through the back of his head. Laura felt that sharp, familiar twinge running from her toes up her leg and she knew she’d kicked him good and hard. When he slumped backward onto the loveseat and moaned “Oh God” as he cradled his swelling testicles, she couldn’t stop herself from running her own hand softly along the inside of her thigh. What was that thing they used to say in science class?  “For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction”?  Judging by the look on Ryan’s face and the feelings that were building between her legs, this was perhaps a practical application of that principle, although probably not quite how Bill Nye might have seen it.  

Candace stood wide-eyed, her jaw gaping, staring at the injured male on her loveseat. She couldn’t recall ever seeing a human face so contorted in such terrific agony. His breaths came in short, shallow bursts and with every few, he issued these awful whimpers, not unlike a wounded animal. She wanted to do something but her feet felt rooted to the floor.

Leah, on the other hand, paid no attention to Ryan, but instead zoomed the lense on Laura - specifically her hand as it slowly traced her thigh before lingering a moment between her legs. Even though Leah had a preference for men, the hint of sexuality in this discreet little movement of Laura brought out a twinge of carnal desire in her own female parts. In fact, to Leah it was the perfect moment, one that really captured the erotic nature of a woman’s power over a man.

When Rebecca put her arm around Candace, Leah snapped out of her reverie and zoomed out, giving the home viewers a full look at the aftermath. Bette sat on the couch, her silky legs crossed, bobbing her foot while Laura stood back, a radiant smile beaming across her face, as she watched Rebecca and Candace tend to her busted up victim. Rebecca stood next to Candace admiring how much pain her boyfriend appeared to be in while the host continued to wear her stunned expression. Ryan still rasped and whimpered, his hands glued to his crotch.

Somehow, Candace managed to get her brain in gear and turned to the camera. “I am utterly speechless,” she began, waving her hand toward Ryan. “I think this is where we call it a wrap. Be sure to leave me a comment, although I have to say, I fear what you might say.” Before she could sign off, she saw Leah give her a funny little look as she appeared to whisper ‘follow up.’ It took Candace a second but then she realized what her camerawoman was trying to say. “If there’s enough positive feedback, maybe I can do a follow-up video - a Q and A if you will. I think the ladies here would be more than willing. Until next time, thanks for watching. Hugs, Candace.”

As Leah let the camera drop, Candace let herself fall into the sofa unable to break out of the surreal feeling washing over her. She looked at the three girls amazed by how happiness radiated from them like refracted light and she was struck by the fact that, in an instant, they could transform into vicious femme fatales, willing and able to dish out the worst kind of pain. So beautiful, so powerful, so demur, but so cruel. It was enough to make her head spin.

After Leah stowed her video camera, she practically bounded over to Ryan where the girls stood in a half circle around him. “Oh. My. Gawd,” she cried in a sing-song voice. “That was the best thing ever! I mean...I always thought it was hilarious when a guy got his nuts racked, but this…” she trailed off, trying to find the right word, “this was ELECTRIC!”

Rebecca gave her a big grin and held up an open palm. As Leah high-fived her, she said giddily, “You’re damn right it was electric.” Seeing the admiration in Leah’s eyes, a thought popped into Rebecca’s mind. “Wait. Have you never kicked a guy in the balls before?” She asked.

“No,” Leah replied shaking her head. “I never have...” she trailed off, her tone was a little somber.  Her mind was obviously elsewhere.

”Sooo…” Rebecca quickly nodded her head towards Ryan who was still a pile of mush on the floor.  “would you like to?”

“Really??  Yes!!! Err...I mean...is it ok?” came Leah’s excited response.

“Hell yes it’s okay! In fact, I think it’s a must!” Rebecca smiled sharply. “However, probably not right now. It doesn’t look like my man has anything left in him.” Her smile dissolved as if to say, “What are you gonna do?”

Leah’s face fell, but only for a moment. “Maybe we can do a follow up vid,” she said brightly. “Only this time I get to participate in the fun.”

Laughing, Rebecca draped her arm around the girl’s shoulders. “Judging by the look on Candace’s face, convincing her to do another vlog on the subject might be more than the poor girl can handle.” Before Leah could respond, Rebecca pulled her in close and whispered, “But how about you swing by either tomorrow or Sunday and we’ll see what we can manage.”  Leah glanced over at the heap of agony that was still oblivious to the world around him.  “Oh, don’t worry about him.He has a lot of ‘practice’ with this sort of thing. He can take a lot more than you’d expect.  ”

Leah clapped her hands and Rebecca could feel the nervous excitement emanating from her body. “That would be awesome! Let me get your number,” she cried, turning to retrieve her phone.

As Rebecca watched Leah bound out of the room, she could only put a hand to her mouth to stifle a chuckle when she heard the girl singing to herself, “I’m gonna kick a guy in the nuts, oh yes, I get to crush his nuts...I get to kick a boy in the balls, oh yeah, I get to smash his balls!”

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Great story, thank you! =D



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