Lindsey discovers a whole new world

Lindsey was still a bit groggy as she toweled herself dry after her shower. It was Monday morning, the morning of her dreaded 8am history class, a three hour snooze-fest that thankfully only occurred once a week. She wrapped her towel around her wavy, dark brown hair and started brushing her teeth. As she scrubbed away her morning breath, she couldn’t help but be impressed by the sight of her own reflection in the mirror. Lookin’ good today Linds... Bet Jacob is missing these right about now! Well I don’t miss him, and I don’t need him anymo- Her morning pep talk was cut short, as someone burst through the bathroom door and ran straight at her. She saw a quickly approaching blur in the corner of her eye and turned towards it, raising her hands and throwing her knee upwards to protect herself. She heard a wet slapping sound, as her knee slammed into something soft and squishy. That sound was followed a split second later by a loud “OOOOFFF!”

“Nick? What the fuck is wrong with you?” shouted Lindsey as she yanked the towel from her head and covered herself as best she could. While she made herself modest, Nick slumped to the floor and clutched himself, letting out a few high pitched squeaks as he tried to eek out an apology. Lindsey brushed her wet hair from her face, “Haven’t you heard of knocking?” She stood over him, hands on her hips, her towel miraculously managing to cover both her ample chest, and her plump ass. As she looked down at him, she realized what she had just done. “Oh! I mean... look I’m sorry I kneed you in the balls, but you scared the shit out of me! It was just a reflex, I didn’t even know who it was! Wait, why are you naked?”

As Nick caught his breath he managed to mutter, “S... Sorry... had to... pee...I didn’t think... anyone was up yet... so I-”

Lindsey cut him off as she noticed his throbbing cock jutting out from between the hands that cradled his balls, “Oh my god are you hard right now? How? I just crushed your balls, and I mean I obviously got em pretty good. Did you like that? You are rock hard, dude!”

“I... uh, no... I...” Nick stammered, trying to think of an excuse. As his whole face turned a dark shade of red he weakly blurted out, “It’s just... it’s just morning wood!”

“Mmm-hmm.” Lindsey was not at all convinced. “Well, sorry about your balls dude, but maybe try knocking next time.” She stepped over him, leaving him in a heap on the bathroom floor, and headed back to her room to get dressed.

Later, Lindsey sat in class listening to the professor drone on and on about things she had learned in high school, when her mind began to wander. Does Nick really like getting hit in the balls? Is that even a thing? How could anyone enjoy that? She minimized her notes and opened up her web browser. She pondered a moment and typed a query into the search bar: ‘men who like getting kicked in balls’. She scrolled through links to various forums, but nothing seemed too promising. Then one particular link caught her eye:

Kicked In the Groin |Videos|Photos|Stories|Forum|Chat|
A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network

Ballbusting? thought Lindsey as her mouse hovered over the link. So it is a thing! Hmm... Stories, Chat... A social network? I gotta check this out.

She clicked the link and was greeted by a friendly looking pink and green page with floral patterns in the corner. She scrolled down through posts, and discovered that she would need to make an account to view anything. So she filled out her profile, explaining what had happened between her and Nick that morning, and how curious she was about his arousal. She browsed through stories and forum posts and was amazed at what she found. Men talking about being kicked by their girlfriends. Women talking about kicking their boyfriends, and even strangers, in all sorts of situations. And they all loved it. There were even many tips on how to bust balls more effectively. Lindsey was intrigued to say the least, and began to chat with some of the members on the site. She encountered many friendly and quite helpful folks. Multiple people encouraged her to approach Nick about his fetish, saying it would most likely make his day, possibly his life! While continuing to chat, she read more stories. She found that she particularly enjoyed the posts by the women of the site, and how they went in to detail about why they loved hurting men’s most delicate parts. Completely enthralled in her discovery, her free hand subconsciously slipped down the front of her yoga pants. She bit her lip as her eyes poured over text, and her fingers inched lower and lower... Oh shit! She yanked her hand out of her pants, remembering where she was. After a quick glance to see if anyone had noticed, she said goodbye to her chat buddies, explaining that she was currently in class and was beginning to experience urges that would be more appropriate for a less public setting. She returned to her notes, but had trouble concentrating for the rest of class.

When the professor finally dismissed class, Lindsey rushed home, eager to confront Nick with her new knowledge. She found him alone on the living room couch, with no sign of their other two roommates. He looked up at her and immediately began to blush. “Oh, uh, hey Lindsey. Look I’m sorry about this morning. I should have knocked but I really had to pee and I didn’t think anyone else was up yet. And uh, thats also why I was naked...”

Lindsey just smiled at him knowingly. “So Nick, you’re into ballbusting, huh?”

A look of shock and horror spread across his face, which somehow managed to turn an even deeper shade of red. “Wh- no, erm, NO! Look, I told you it was just morning wood!”

“Oh, come on Nick, you weren’t hard when you first came in, trust me I felt it! Don’t be embarrassed. I looked it up and apparently it’s pretty common.”

Nick didn’t know what to do. He did, of course, often fantasize about being kicked in the balls by beautiful women. In fact it was his main fantasy. And Lindsey, standing before him, was in fact a beautiful woman. But he had never admitted his desires to anyone, not even his girlfriends. How could he? People would think he was a freak! But then, Lindsey didn’t seem to be put off by the idea at all. Rather, she almost seemed curious. Standing before him with her arms folded and her head slightly cocked to the side, she tapped her foot impatiently.

He let out a long sigh, “Um... uh, ok Lindsey. It’s true. I’ve always had this fantasy of getting hit in the balls by a woman, but I... I’ve never told anyone before, it’s too embarrassing. And besides I never even knew if I would actually like it, or if I just liked the thought of it!”

“Well, did you like it? It sure seemed like you did! Did you eh, have to chop a little morning wood after I left, Nick?” She couldn’t help but laugh at her little joke.

“What? No! I mean... I liked it yeah, but i didn’t jack off about it or anything!”

Lindsey shot him a skeptical smirk. “So if you liked it, do you want to try it again?”

Nick couldn’t believe his ears, much less his luck. “Wh- You mean... You don’t think its weird?”

“Weird? No. Hilarious? YES! Seriously though, you wanna do this?”

“Well, um, yeah, of course I do...”

“Come on then. Let’s go to your room, we wouldn’t want anyone walking in. God knows how that can happen around here!” They hurried off to his room, both excited, though Nick’s excitement was more of the nervous variety.

They got to his room and stood facing each other, Nick in his ratty old t-shirt, and a pair of gym shorts that weren’t quite loose enough to hide the bulge slowly forming inside them, and Lindsey in her sporty sneakers, yoga pants, and strappy, low-cut black tank top that was her usual morning class attire. Nick was the first to speak up, “So, uh how do you want-”


“Errrrmmmph!” Nick groaned as Lindsey’s foot crashed in between his legs, her sneaker connecting perfectly with his unprepared balls. His gym shorts had failed to provide any form of protection, and even his own cock had betrayed him, rising up just enough to ensure his testicles took the full force of her kick. He collapsed and found himself at her feet holding his manhood for the second time that day.

Lindsey put her hands over her mouth, “Ooooh! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, I’ve been thinking about doing that all day! Are you ok Nick?” He only continued to groan, stuck curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth. Geez I hope I didn’t hurt him to badly, I really want to do that some more... That felt amazing! And he just looks so silly down there! She knelt down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder while he recovered. As her heart rate increased, her other hand made its way back into her yoga pants.

“Oooh, ooooh god...” Nick finally managed to mutter as he caught his breath and regained some strength. He loosened his grip on his balls, causing his once again rock hard dick to flop over noticeably in his gym shorts.

Lindsey bit her lip, “I see you enjoyed that one too, huh Nick?”

“I.. I did, but it hurt so bad!

“How bad? Too bad to handle a few more? I’ll go easy on you this time I promise.”

“I dunno Lindsey, I’m in a lot of pain here. I don’t think I can.”

“Maybe this will give you some motivation.” She slipped her shirt off over her head, causing her massive breasts to bounce up and down in her bra. “I mean you already saw me naked this morning but this is still nice right?” She leaned forward and jiggled her chest, while pressing her boobs together with her arms.

Nick took in the wondrous view, lost in her deep, inviting cleavage. “I uh, I actually didn’t see anything this morning, I-”

“Oh! Well, maybe you will get a chance to if you let me have a little more fun! Come on just one more kick, you can handle it. And I’ll take my bra off after! Promise!” Lindsey teasingly tugged at her bra straps, jiggling her tits up and down.

Nick desperately wanted to see her topless, and as bad as his balls hurt, he did want to take another kick. As his gaze moved from her bouncing tits, down to her beautiful thick legs, legs that looked like they could kick a lump of coal into a diamond, he knew he couldn’t say no. “Ok, one more. Just give me a minute?”

“Ok, but not too long, Sarah and Colleen will be home from class soon. I don’t want them to hear your screams!” After a few more seconds, Nick pulled himself to his feet, his dick poking out in front of him inside his shorts.

“I’m not gonna lie, I’m impressed!” Lindsey nodded towards Nick’s package. As he followed her gaze down to his pants-tent, he was too late to notice her foot careening towards his crotch yet again. The impact stunned him. His legs wobbled and he began to fall forward. Before he could fall to the ground, Lindsey wrapped her arms around him and held him up. His face smooshed between her soft breasts, and his cock flattened up against her thigh. She let out a quiet moan as Nick’s muffled groans vibrated her tits. She leaned her head forward and whispered in his ear, “Ok, I lied, two more! One for each boob!” She adjusted her leg and rammed her knee into his nuts, while at the same time releasing him from her hold letting him crash to the floor. As he rolled around in pain and made sure his balls were still in tact, Lindsey fulfilled her end of the deal, and relieved herself of her bra. Unfortunately for Nick, he was too overcome by pain to even notice his bare-chested roommate . Still more unfortunate was the sound of the front door opening, which caused Lindsey to hurriedly dress and rush out of the room. She met her other roommates in the living room, leaving Nick to tend to his aching testicles.

“Hey Linds! Did you just come out of Nick’s room?” asked Colleen.

“Oh...uh, I was just checking on him. He’s not feeling well. Stomach bug or something I think.”
“Stomach bug?” Questioned Sarah, “he’s probably hungover! That was one hell of a weekend he had. He’s got another thing coming if he thinks he’s gonna turn this into a party house.”

“Oh lighten up Sarah, It was his first weekend in a new house, of course he is going to celebrate. Besides we have had way bigger parties here.” Colleen reminded her.

“Whatever, I still don’t like the guy. Typical frat boy if you ask me. And let me tell you, if I catch him perving on me, on any of us, I’m gonna kick him in the fucking balls!”

Lindsey managed to stifle a laugh, “Come on he’s not that bad.”

“Yeah at least give him a chance,” Colleen added.

“Hey as long as he acts right and pays rent, we won’t have a problem. I’m just saying he better watch his step.

Meanwhile, Nick decided to shuffle out the back door on his way to class, as to avoid having to explain his funny walk to a certain two roommates that hadn’t happened to kick him in the balls that day.

Later that night, balls still aching, Nick lay in bed stroking himself while replaying the earlier events in his head. In the adjacent bedroom, Lindsey was doing a bit of research. She revisited KITG, and checked out some of the videos she hadn’t been able to watch in class. She continued chatting with people, and got some ideas for the next time she got a chance to be alone with Nick. Oh Nick...He is turning out to be a fine roommate indeed...

Views: 601

Replies to This Discussion

Very hot stuff. I particularly like the way you've written Lindsey. =)

Thanks Chefda, I appreciate the feedback! I started writing the story from Nick's point-of-view, but decided to change it to focus more on Lindsey.

That was the right call, in my view. =)
The "Did you have to chop a little morning wood?" line was fantastic. I've never heard that term before.

Heh, I'm afraid I can't take credit for that one. I'm sure I've heard it before, just not sure where.



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