A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Jim was enamored with Vicky from the moment he saw her. The tall, buxom blonde radiated charisma and self-confidence of a type that Jim envied and which drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He had first seen her out of the window of his office when she came for a job interview with some higher-ups. He was immediately obsessed with her.
When, a couple of weeks later, she strode into the office where he worked and was introduced as his new boss, he found himself surprisingly thrilled by the idea of serving under her. He was not a tall man and he found himself looking up to her at work, both figuratively and literally. When he learned from the rumor mill that she was single and currently dating, he found himself hoping for more than just a working relationship, but her manner was so business-like there in the office that the very idea of trying to ask her out seemed like inconceivable folly.
When a couple of months into their working relationship, she had showed up at the gym he attended taking kickboxing classes at the same time as his spin class, she greeted him warmly when she saw him. She looked radiant in her spandex workout outfit and something about her manner seemed so welcoming that the aura of unapproachability which she wore in the office seemed to have entirely evaporated. And as they talked and his eyes ran involuntarily over her figure, lingering especially on all the cleavage uncovered by her clearly insufficient sports bra, the lust and desire he felt for her managed to overcome both his natural cowardice and the butterflies which were turning flips in his stomach, and he did something he would never have expected himself to do: he asked her if she wanted to go get a drink somewhere. And even more unexpectedly, her face beamed in response and she enthusiastically told him she would.
Their impromptu date went very well. Much to his amazement, her outfit she'd changed into after her post-workout shower showed nearly as much cleavage off as her sports bra had. His primary difficulty that evening was to avoid getting lost in simply looking at her. But he somehow managed to not stare, or at least not enough to bother her.
And soon, not wanting to bring up the office and not knowing what else to ask, he found himself asking her how dating was going. A torrent of stories about bossy jerks followed. And when she ended it by expressing her sincere wish for a guy who liked her but let her be in charge and giving his hand a gentle stroke while saying so, he understood her meaning exactly and surprised them both by immediately blurting out "I'm yours to do with as you please." Any embarrassment he felt at this sudden utterance quickly evaporated in the sunlight of the radiant smile with which she responded.
She soon took him back to her place where she told him just how to make out with her, which he did with absolute relish. And although he was disappointed that this included keeping their clothes on, he was more thrilled to have the feeling of being hers and surprisingly aroused to be under her control. When, at the end of the night, she told him in no uncertain terms that he was not allowed to masturbate without her permission, he assented and promised he would not which lead to his first real case of blue balls.
A flurry of dates followed where almost every night after work they would eat together and then make out furiously, usually ending up with him being naked and hard, throbbing and dripping while she, still wearing at least her underwear, would masturbate herself with her hand under her clothes while they kissed. He was allowed only to touch her through her clothing or her underwear and, although he saw plenty of cleavage, never got to see bared those big breasts which had so caught his eye. And as hard as his mind tried to fill in the details of what shape her breasts might have when hanging free and what her nipples might look like, he found that imagination alone was insufficient.
Her being in charge included not just instructions during the date, but also restrictions on what he could do afterwards. She had shared with him her low opinion of men who looked at pornography or played themselves without their partners and her fervent desire that he not be one. So, night after night, he was sent home with both blue balls and strict instructions not to masturbate which he dutifully followed. Quickly he learned to accept the constant ache in his heavy balls as a reminder of being owned by her and serving her well.
After two weeks of this, she asked him to be her boyfriend, which he gladly agreed, and they notified the human resources department of their relationship and all of that. After a little over a month, just when he was reconciling himself to the idea that the cost of being with her might be that he would never ejaculate again, she surprised him by asking him if he would help her fulfill a sexual fantasy, one that she described as her "rapist" fantasy.
As usual, she had complete specifications for his behavior in this scenario. She described it thus: His job would be to wait outside her bathroom completely naked until she had just finished her shower, suddenly spring into her bathroom, pull the towel off of her exposing her naked body, and then once she screamed and ran into the bedroom, he would follow, push her down on the bed, and attempt to force himself on her.
He was not particularly keen on the idea of rape, but this was her fantasy which she was asking him to participate in it, and he did quite like the idea of finally getting to have sex with her. And, at the time, he didn't really appreciate the importance of the words "attempt to" in her description of the scenario. So he assented to assist her in this sexual play without objection.
As she showered, he stripped down and then waited outside her bathroom door, his member already rigid with anticipation of finally getting to see her naked and to have sex with her. When he heard the shower shut off, he waited a minute or so more, hoping to give her time to dry herself some and then wrap herself in a towel as she had wanted. And when he burst into the bathroom, she was indeed wrapped up in a towel. He approached her, trying to look menacing, despite her being four inches taller than he was, and when he was close, grabbed the end of the towel she had tucked in and pulled the whole thing off of her, for the first time getting to see her naked. His cock bobbed as his eyes ran over her full breasts with their large, pointy pink nipples and quickly down to the soft blind triangle of her pubic hair. Before he could have too good of a look, she followed the script and screamed and ran.
When he followed, he found her in the bedroom, standing in front of him, her back to the bed. He pushed her gently and she fell back onto the bed. His turgid cock twitched repeatedly as he climbed up onto the bed, positioning his naked body above hers on all fours. His toes and fingers actually began to tingle a little as all of the blood rushed to his groin, leaving his extremities short, as he visualized plunging his hard cock into her waiting slit and finally being able to get off after an entire month of blue balls.
He was entirely caught unaware when her knee shot up suddenly, smashing his dangling balls with surprising force. He splayed forward in pain, his knees suddenly slipping off the edge of the bed, resulting in his face plunging into her chest where he momentarily enjoyed the sensation of her naked breasts against it until his off-balance position forced him to slide further off the bed.
He managed to find his balance but had to stand up and take a step back in order to do so. She pulled herself up onto the edge of the bed and then stood up, too. Unsure what to do, he took another step back, and was entirely surprised by her response: utilizing all of the speed and strength she had so long practiced in her kickboxing class, she delivered a full force kick right into his exposed testicles, squishing them suddenly and painfully against his pubic bone. He collapsed to the floor with a scream. And she sat back down on the bed and watching him writhe in pain began to masturbate herself intensely.
He was there on the floor, stricken with pain, moaning gently and cupping his balls for about twenty minutes. When he finally managed to pull himself up, she was lying on the bed flushed and sweaty, exhausted from all of her pleasurable efforts. As he stood, he realized to his surprise that, despite the strong lingering pain in his testes, his cock was still standing rigid before him. He suddenly worried that she might want to continue the game or think he was trying to, and he worried that the far worse possibility that the knee and kick which had so incapacitated him were her way of telling him that he'd done something seriously wrong.
But when she heard him climb up of the floor, she looked at him and smiled and told him to come snuggle with her, an instruction he eagerly followed. Once in bed, however, the arousal which came from being hard and naked and pressed up against her sweaty naked body was almost too much for him.
Once snuggled against her, he asked her the question which had been malingering at the back of his mind: whether or not he had done something wrong. She replied enthusiastically in the negative, informing him that he had been absolutely perfect, that it had all gone exactly like she wanted. And she told him how pleased she was and asked if they could do it again some time. As much as his balls hurt, her bright beaming smile and the feel of her naked body against his told him he couldn’t say no to her, so he agreed, which caused her smile to brighten all the more.
They made out for a while and then, for the first time, she invited him to stay over and share her bed, an offer he readily accepted. She kissed him gently for a while and then rolled over and went to sleep. He lay there next to her, his eyes drinking in her naked form in the little light which was available, his cock absolutely rigid and completely neglected. He knew that if he even touched it a little, he would be unable to stop until he had had one of those masturbatory orgasms which he had been so strictly forbidden from. For hours he lay there, unable to sleep for all the arousal he felt still. Even the occasional break to urinate provided little relief. Eventually, the tiredness finally overwhelmed him and he managed to fall into a deep sleep.
He awoke in the morning to the smell of breakfast. She was already up and dressed, but his clothes weren’t in the hallway where he’d taken the off the night before. When he arrived naked in the kitchen to inquire where his clothes were, she smiled to see him naked and told him that she’d put them by the bed where he’d apparently not noticed them. But then she kissed him and gave his naked balls a little caress and told him that she liked him dressed as he was. So he ate breakfast with her naked, even though it felt more awkward to him than erotic, but she seemed to enjoy it.
And after breakfast she thanked him for playing rapist the previous night and told him how much she had loved it and how perfect it was. The warm glow of her praise filled him and imbued him a desire to please her further. So when she said she had another game she wanted to play with him and led him to the bedroom, he followed eagerly. And when she pulled out the fuzzy handcuffs and handcuffed him to the headboard, her clothed body necessarily straddling his naked one in the process due to the angle of approach to the handcuffs, his naked cock was hard and twitching by the time she climbed off of him.
He was less thrilled when she explained the game she wanted to play with him. She told him she'd been thinking and that two ball kicks wasn't really enough punishment for attempted rape, so now her fantasy had a second part where she ties up the rapist and punishes him appropriately for what he attempted to do. Then she changed into the same workout outfit which had first caused his horniness to overcome his shyness but this time with a small pair of red fingerless boxing gloves of the style used in kickboxing. She looked very sexy, but it dawned on him then what she was planning to do: she was going to go for his balls again, perhaps even harder or more this time. And this realization made him intensely nervous. He began to sweat and his heart raced.
He knew that he could still say no. And he knew that if he did, she would unlock him and scuttle her plans. But he knew also exactly the sort of look she would give him. He had seen the withering look she gave to people at work who had disappointed her or let her down. Thus far, even at work, she had never given him that look. And in their personal life every look she gave him, or at least every look when they weren't playing the rapist game, made him feel like he was doing everything just exactly right.
To his amazement, this most gorgeous and amazing woman seemed to look at him as he perfect boyfriend. And, realizing that, he knew that he was unable to say no, that whatever she asked of him, he must endure. Right then he resolved himself that his testicles would take whatever punishment she was going to dish out, even though the very thought of it scared him. Slowly and deliberately, but nervously, he spread his legs open, exposing his delicate orbs to her fists. She gave him one of those huge broad smiles which he cherished and then climbed onto the bed, kneeling between his legs.
The very first blow sorely tested his resolve. Her fist slammed into his nuts hard and fast creating a huge wave of pain which washed through him. Any ideas he had of holding his legs open quickly vanished as his immediate instinctive response to the awesome pain in his testes was to squeeze his thighs together with all of the force he could muster in an attempt to protect his balls from further harm. He also strained at his cuffs trying to bring his hands down to cover his crotch, but to not the slightest avail. Just squeezing his thigh together didn’t really work to protect his balls, though, as he realized when her second blow struck. His balls had been pushed out above his thighs when he’d squeezed them together, and her fist had no problem finding its targets again. And this time, she hit him quickly with the one-two punch, her other first following quickly behind, smashing his testicles again.
He began to wail in pain and to roll back and forth on the bed, trying to find a way to hide his balls from the onslaught. It was useless, however. Whichever way he turned, she simply adjusted her angle of attack, chasing him around the bed as he rolled, just punching and punching, as he wailed in pain. Some little tiny part in the back of his brain worried that maybe she wouldn’t like it like this, that in her fantasy maybe he had just stood still and taken the punishment stoically.
But, in truth, he needn't have worried. His desperate but fruitless thrashing about served only to further excite her, the thrill of the chase bolstering her arousal. It felt, to her, very much as though she was using what she learned in class, attacking relentlessly and pounding ruthlessly on his steadily reddening balls.
Twenty minutes later when she finally relented, they were both drenched in sweat from their exertion, her from hitting, him from writhing. His scrotum was a bright red with small spots of purple bruises just beginning to show and his testicles perhaps twice the size they had been at the beginning. And he was curled up on his side in as much of a ball as his body could achieve, shaking from the pain. His testes had been made absolutely wretched by the pain which pulsed both there and in his gut, still engulfing his senses.
When she ceased to pummel his testicles he felt a certain level of relief that this torment had ended and also a sense of pride for having endured it. And he felt certain that she must now have completed her revenge. But, to his surprise, she began to explain how, now that she had taking her revenge upon his body, she must also revenge herself upon his mind.
To accomplish this she castigated him about how foolish he had been to attempt to take sexual intercourse from her by force. She told him how much nicer it would have been for him had she been willing. And to illustrate this point she touched and caressed and kissed his body all over: everywhere, that is, except his steadily stiffening penis. The pain in his balls was still quite present, but his immense pleasure in her gentle touch won the day and he was soon quite turgid.
But she was not yet done pressing her point, and to further demonstrate his foolishness she stripped herself naked, at first merely showing off what he could not touch with his hands which were still bound above him. Next though she proceeded to rub parts of her body onto parts of his body, beginning with her slender thighs against his. This, though, did not go quite so well as she had expected, their drying sweat causing their skin to stick to each other rather than slide smoothly. In order to solve this problem she went to her nightstand and pulled from it a small bottle of oil. She applied just a few drops here and there, but rubbing it over herself soon she was slick and glistening. And when she again rubbed herself against him her now well-lubricated bits slid smoothly along his.
She began by lying beside him and sliding her thighs first along his legs and then showing her flexibility, up onto his abdomen and chest. Next she used her pert buttocks to rub on his legs and torso. And she finished off by using her large round breasts to rub every bit of him except his throbbing genitals, even lingering with them against his face for quite some while. He was not in the slightest immune to her charms. Even as his balls still ached, his cock throbbed and twitched desperate for even the slightest touch which, although she often came quite near, she very carefully avoided.
And then she climbed astride his chest facing towards him and, leaning forward, slowly slid backwards, inching her pussy closer and closer to his aching, twitching erect penis. Mere fractions of an inch from penetration, she stopped. He could feel the warmth of her sex and smell its wetness and as his cock throbbed and twitched, it would sometimes just brush the tiniest bit of her wispy blond pubic hair, driving him mad with lust. But she slid no further, staying out of reach, talking to him, taunting him, wiggling her hips just a little without moving closer, and rubbing her big breasts against his face.
Finally, when she tired of this particular tease, she instead slid forwards, sitting up upon his chest and began to masturbate just in front of him where he could watch her fingers spread and stroke her pussy. And once she began, she did not stop, soon having a shuddering, intense orgasm which was followed quickly by another and then another. He thought then that she might be done, but she continued, more orgasms coming in waves.
When she finally did finish, she slid off of him and cuddled up next to him. And then, her warm, naked body against his, she told him he was perfect, that he’d played his part just right, that she loved hearing the noises he made when she was busting his balls and how hard and eager his cock was when she teased him. And he asked if she could uncuff him. This she did gladly. But when he asked if maybe he could masturbate, too, his hard cock still twitching as they cuddled, she smiled very sweetly and told him she just wasn’t ready for that and that she knew that he could hold out and how very much she would appreciate it if he did.
They spent most of the afternoon snuggling in bed together, naked, his eyes still marveling in every little detail of her lovely form and his hard cock still twitching as his balls got bluer and bluer. She invited him to shower with her this time, an invitation which he eagerly accepted, even knowing that it would only prolong his frustration. And when that very pleasant and titillating time of nudity and water and suds was complete, she dressed for an evening out, slipping on high heels and a fancy but very short and low-cut red dress, doing her hair and make-up while he watched. And then, she instructed him to get dressed in the clothes from the day before and they went to his apartment where he dressed himself nicely as well.
Then they went out for a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant where she had already made a reservation and followed this with going out dancing at a nice club where the bouncer at the door gave him a little bit of an eye, but let the couple in without complaint. He tried to ignore the heaviness of his aching blue balls as he danced, difficult though that was. And she seemed to dance in a manner which was designed to tease him further, very flirtatious, but always focussed on him in particular. Sometimes closing in, sometimes teasing back away, always touching him and staring into his eyes. The jealous stares of some of the other guys in the club made him feel amazing. And when he left the club with her on his arm, he felt like the luckiest man there.
When they got back to her place once more and canoodled with mad passion, touching and kissing and dry humping and stipping off clothing, until the energy of it felt almost frenzied, she asked him something which surprised him: if he would please eat her out. He knew, instinctively, as much as he hoped otherwise, that she was asking this of him with no intention of returning the favor or even letting him stroke himself to orgasm while he worked her to one, and even still he did not hesitate for a moment, resigning himself to bluer balls and agreeing to her request, which he fulfilled eagerly and with vim once she climbed atop his face. When she had had not just one, but four, she rolled off of him, snuggled up, and promptly fell asleep, leaving him to lie there, cock and balls both throbbing as he mustered all of his willpower to follow her instructions and not touch himself. And for hours he lay there with her naked body snuggled against his, unable to sleep as his mind and heart and cock would not calm down and relax in this situation. It was several hours later, just before the dawn, when the exhaustion finally overwhelmed his sheer horniess.
When he awoke in the early afternoon, she brought him breakfast in bed, praising him and looking at him as though he were a conquering champion. Even this attention was enough to rouse his member again, spurred on, admittedly, by how luscious she looked, her inviting figure only moderately concealed by the silken gown she wore. This, she ignored, but heaped on him praise and admiration for how well he was doing at everything she wished him to do.
And so, when he went home that evening, after spending a very pleasant afternoon, his soaring heart managed to outweigh his heavy, aching balls. As difficult as it was, he managed to obey her instructions and continue to religiously avoid any self pleasure for the rest of the week.
The next weekend went surprisingly like the previous one, beginning once more with a chance to play the “rapist” fantasy and then the next morning with the rapist’s punishment, which ended again with her diddling herself while he nursed his aching balls and watched jealously. Then they had an evening of fine food and enticing dancing, ending with her again climbing atop his face until she was well satisfied and never even acknowledging the idea that she might consider returning the favor. And Sunday was once more a day of praise and kindness to him, sending him home flying like a kite.
This became their regular pattern. Every week, working together and occasional evening dates for supper or drinks, and then a weekend just like that first one, varying only in the timing and small details. After about a month of this, during the snuggling following the revenge on the rapist, she asked him about his blue balls, and as he described to her how aching and heavy they were, she expressed sympathy, stroking his shoulder with one hand, but the other hand was, instead, used to masturbate herself. And thus he learned that she was not, in fact, indifferent to his suffering, but actively turned on by it. And this became a new component, she would ask him every weekend: first after they made out following the rapist game, then as they snuggled following the revenge, next just before the night’s facesitting, and lastly during their Sunday afternoon snuggle time, to describe in the finest detail how frustrated and horny he was, how blue his balls were, how much they ached, and how desperately he wished to ejaculate for her. She was eager to hear every detail of how this was making him feel and he was glad to be able to talk about it, even if it granted no relief to the suffering itself. This change actually made it easier for him to hold out and resist the temptation, knowing that his sacrifice was exciting her.
After three months, she surprised him one weekend by telling him, as they were snuggling after playing rapist, the true story of her rape that had occurred when she was a teenager. It was very much like their game, but with a different ending. And perhaps that’s why she wished so much to play it: to change the ending. He was sympathetic and appreciative that she had confided in him.
Somewhere around the four month mark he surprised her and himself by ejaculating in the middle of the testicle beating part of the revenge on the rapist. The ejaculation was sudden, but not forceful, just dribbling out while he made sort of a groaning sound, partially just because it wasn’t very pleasurable and that made it frustrating. He was worried as it happened that she might be angry, but she merely laughed at it, especially when it was clear how little pleasure he had derived.
After six months she finally let him have a real orgasm as a special present for his birthday, although not until late on a Sunday after she had been blue-balling him all weekend. She gave him a choice of cumming by means of her hands, mouth, or tits. This was the most difficult choice he had ever faced, so eager was he for any of them, but eventually, he chose her tits, unable to resist their allure and never having before experienced a tit wank. It was intense, but brief, resulting in huge long shots of his cum being coaxed out of his throbbing cock in no time at all.
During the seventh month, he felt worried at one point because when they were out at a dance club, he returned from the bathroom to see across the room a much bigger, stronger man aggressively making sexual advances on Vicky. She was watching this man intently as he gestured. Even without the ability to hear the words across the club, Jim knew what the man was doing. And when the man grabbed Vicky by the arm and began to drag her to the dance floor, Jim had visions of being cuckolded, which for him was a nightmare rather than a fantasy, that old idea that what women really wanted was a strong man who would take them instead of a weak one who would let her abuse him coming to the fore in his mind.
But once the man managed to drag her about one step in that direction, her foot lashed out and caught him hard and fast and square right in the testicles. He let loose a painful howl that Jim could hear it even over the music and collapsed to the ground holding his aching gonads. As Jim approached Vicky, he couldn’t help but think that his balls were now way tougher than that guy’s. And when Vicky saw Jim, she ran to him, clearly upset by the incident. He comforted her and they left, and he never worried again about whether any bigger, stronger, more aggressive man would steal away her affections.
And after a year, he bought a ring and prepared to ask her to marry him, only to be surprised when she asked him first. He gladly accepted and showed her the engagement ring he had purchased. She smiled and told him she loved it. They had a nice wedding and a happy marriage following very much the pattern of the weekends, but once they moved in together, the schedule of events varied much more since they were in bed together every night. The oral sex became much more common as did times when they just made out for a while and then she masturbated while he watched. The game of punish the rapist also started to sometimes happen two or even three times a week even though the rapist game itself was still only a Friday night occurrence. His balls wound up sorer and bluer than ever.
Aside from the very rare unexpected ejaculation during a ball beating, she allowed him two orgasms per year. One for his birthday and one more as a Christmas gift, although not usually on Christmas itself, each time giving him the same choice of hands, mouth, or tits, all of which he tried different times. Only when they decided to have kids was he finally allowed into her pussy, and only to impregnate her. He knew of many other couples who had spent months or years trying, but in his case, he ejaculated inside her once, and then her period did not come, and there was no need for a second time until they were ready to have a second child.
In total, he came inside her four times during their marriage, her having two successful pregnancies, then a miscarriage, and then another successful pregnancy. Their two daughters and one son were lovely children. Having children made scheduling their sexy times together more difficult, but did not dampen either of their enthusiasm for playing together. After the third child, there was neither tubal ligation nor a vasectomy, just a firm statement that he would never again enter her pussy which he accepted despite how heavenly it had felt to be inside her for those few brief seconds each time.
And for all their days, she beat his balls and left him horny and he worshipped her, and they lived happily ever after.
It's always a pleasure to read a new story from you! Excellent as always!
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