Jessica sees wade walking towards her


wade then walks up to Jessica quickly and right before he gets up to Jessica to hug her she shoots her foot up inbetween his legs as hard and as high as she can. Its feels as if he was just lifted up off of his feet miles high, when its only just inches. She drives him up into the air so instantly, the only way he can react is to just drop to the floor after being lifted off balance ever so quickly, however when he tries to fall to the floor he cant. Jessica’s sexy strong legs, keeps her foot firmly in place, making it completely impossible for wade to drop to the floor. He is overcome with pain because in reality all 145lbs of him is resting on his testicles. In actuality he is literally being lifted up onto his toes, just by Jessica’s foot.

“so wade” Jessica smiles “how do my converses feel?” she askes

“not as good as your socks, but i do love your legwarmers” wade smirks but then frowns since he is in such extreme pain. Jessica then releases the pressure from under wades now sore testicles and right before he can fall she when shoots her knee up into his balls and holds it while she wraps her arms around wade while digging her nails into him in a tight but painful hug.

As she grinds her knee into wade “I told you I wanted to hug you wade” Jessica then smiles

“yeh I didn't doubt that, I just wasn't expecting your foot to greet my balls so intensely” says wade

“ha ha” Jessica laughs “Blame it on Lacy boo, it was her idea, oooo and she wants to kick you too” Jessica grins and lightens up the pressure

“well….” Jessica then dives her knee back into wades testicles and lifts him up on to his toes

“well what?” Jessica questions

“well I guess she can kick me” says wade

“yayy” Jessica says in excitement

she then removes her knee from wades balls and pulls him into a tighter hug and then kisses him on the neck softly and whispers in his ear “since I couldn't make you cum ur pants with my kick im gonna make you cum on my feet when we study” Jessica then meows softly and pushes wade away from her and yells “now Lacy !!!”

Lacy then shoots her foot up into wades balls as hard as she can and as high as she can but not as high as Jessica. Lacy is sporting cute black ballet style flats with cute pink bows on the toes of her flats. When she kicks, she has her shoe placed perfectly to when her foot makes contact with wades testicles, her cute pink bow makes gets slammed directly into his balls. As soon as her foot makes contact wade shoots up into the air and falls to the floor and her shoe comes flying off a few feet behind wade. Anthony, one of wades friends rushes to his rescue but as soon as he gets close, Lacy shoots her barefoot into Anthony’s balls and drops him to the floor with absolute precision.

“ooops, im sorry Anthony” Lacy then smiles and then finds her shoe which she slips back on

“wade, dear” says Jessica


“you are coming over and Anthony is coming with you right?”

“yes Jessica” says wade

“and Anthony dear, you are going to help Lacy with her kicks while I make wade cu….i mean helps me study, right?”

“uh huh” says Anthony

 “okie” says Jessica with excitement, Jessica then slides her shoe inbetween wades legs just brushing his thigh and his testicles ever so softly. Jessica and Lacy then walk away feeling like they have accomplished their goal for today. They then look to each other and smile knowing that there is more fun to come.


end of part 2

Views: 788

Replies to This Discussion

Wicked awesome story...I LOVE it!!  Especially towards the end ;)

I can't wait for part 3!

:] part 3 is going to be fun to write



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