Jasmine’s Fun Night Out
Jasmine stared daggers at the two men running away from her as she walked down the middle of the road. As she reached her hands behind her head and tied her hair back, a car came towards her, but she kept walking straight forwards, making the car move around her, the driver and passenger agog at her beauty.
She had long blonde hair, eyes dark with eyeshadow, cheeks pink with blusher, and lips shiny with lip gloss, but the main features that the travellers were enraptured by were her gravity-defying tits. Her black top had a very open chest, and her breasts were bouncing around like nothing they’d ever seen, free as they were from the constraints of a bra.
If the travellers’ eyes had gotten down any further than her cleavage, they’d have noticed that Jasmine was wearing tight white jeans and black high heels. But they hadn’t. They drove past, mouths agape, before speeding away after the look that she shot at them. Turning her attention back to her soon-to-be victims, Jasmine strode confidently onwards, choosing to break into a brilliant smile to put them at ease.
“C’mon guys, I was just joking! I’m not really mad.”
The closest guy to her was the first one to take the bait. Maybe he was easily ensnared because he was in closer proximity to her. Maybe it was because he wasn’t as smart as his friend. Maybe it’d been longer since he’d blown his load. Jasmine smiled inwardly. Well, he won’t be doing *that* for a while.
She moved over onto the pavement, to avoid encountering any more cars, before crossing the short distance to the first guy and slid her hands up his chest, onto his shoulders, and then up his neck to his face. She wanted both of these blokes to suffer, so she couldn’t afford to scare off the more cautious one, she’d need to lure him in.
“And I know just the thing. Well, things”, Jasmine thought.
With that thought, Jasmine gently pulled the first bloke’s face down into her cleavage, letting him get lost in there before moving her hands to his hands and moving them from his sides onto her ass. She looked up to check on the second bloke to see if his resistance had crumbled yet. It had. If not when she placed his mate’s face into her tits, then definitely when he noticed that he was getting to feel up her toned ass. He started walking over, eyes wide, mouth open, practically drooling.
Jasmine waited until he was a couple of strides away from her before striking. First, she moved Guy One’s hands from her ass to her tits, then she placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled back her right knee before smashing it right into his groin, and pushing him to the ground, out of her way. Ignoring the yelling from the crumpled heap that was a man a few seconds ago, Jasmine swiftly strode over to Guy 2 and used her striding momentum to ram her hand into his groin, grabbing whatever she could. She then pulled down sharply, bringing him into a hunched position, so that she could whisper into his ear.
“If you grab my ass *again*, I will cut them off. *Both* of you. And if you tell *anyone* about this, I’ll cut your cocks off. *Understand*?”
Sobbing like a child, Guy 2 nodded hurriedly.
“Good. Now run along like good little boys, before I change that.”
Jasmine gave Guy 2 a final eye-watering squeeze for emphasis, before letting go of his junk, letting him sink slowly to the floor. She then looked down at herself to see if the scuffle had caused a wardrobe malfunction. Miraculously, no. When she noticed Guy 2 looking up at her with hunger in his eyes, she grabbed her tits with both hands and rolled them around and made a provocative face to tease him, before pulling out her phone and taking a photo of each of them in their private world of pain to laugh at later.
Her fun over, Jasmine strode off down the road towards the taxi rank, blowing a kiss to each of the men as a thank you for an unforgettable night.