The students came to a halt as they turned the corner and found their path blocked by the police who formed a solid line between the buildings on either side of the street.

The officers stood strong and silent each lost in their private thoughts. Officer Stevenson was just to the left of centre in the front line. His commander had positioned him there to provide maturity and experience for the younger officers. Despite his calm and confident image, Stevenson hated this sort of work most of all. It wasn’t the violence. He didn’t mind that. So long as he was up against villains or just plain thugs. You knew where you were with them. But students were unpredictable.

He watched the leader haranguing the students, telling them that their cause was right and their path lay ahead. Ahead through the forces of repression to reach their ultimate goal of a fairer society. And as she spoke, she paraded up and down. Her firm young body barely concealed in the minimum clothing. Tight leggings moulded to her thighs and cut into the cleft of her ass. The slogans on her t-shirt merely accentuated the bouncing breasts and protruding nipples.

As he watched her, Stevenson felt his balls tighten and his cock twitch. Even in his late 40s, she was having an effect on him that his wife no longer could. Not even on those special nights, those increasingly rare nights, when she dressed up for him. It was difficult to maintain an illusion in the face of her flab, her sagging breasts and ass, and the blemishes on her skin. The firmness of this girl’s tits and ass were on display for the world to see. And under those figure-hugging clothes her skin would be pure and clean and her muscles would ripple under her taught flesh. There would be no illusion about her love-making. She’d be willing and enthusiastic. He wondered what his fellow officers were thinking. Was she having the same effect on them? Were they thinking what he was thinking?

But there was no more time for these thoughts. He forced them from his head, as he realised that the students had formed a line and started to move slowly forward. He watched the girl out of the corner of his eye and hoped he wouldn’t have to tangle with her. Had he imagined it or did he catch her eyeing him, like a bird of prey focusing on her kill?

The officers stood stock still and braced themselves as the students gathered speed in their rush towards them. Just before impact, the line of students veered to the left and the girl crashed into him. Even through his uniform, he felt the warmth and passion of her body. For a moment he was the only person there, all alone on the street, unaware of any of the noise or turmoil around him. Then the pain struck. A sharp pain, enveloping his balls and cutting high and deep into his belly. A pain that deepened with every second. That left him gasping for breath and incapable of thought, his mind just filled with bright flashes. He cried out and fell against her. Against her taut breasts and firm thighs. She pushed him away with her hands and drove her knee again into his groin. Harder this time, and faster too, crushing his balls hard against the bone and holding them there, grinding them slowly. Unknown to him, the officers of the front line were all suffering the same fate. The pride of the local force humiliated by a row of scantily clad girls.

Then just as suddenly as she had appeared she was gone. Laughing loudly as she led her students forward against the second line of police, leaving her father crumpled over his groin to be trampled by the students in the rear.

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Its nice when the good "guys" win ... :P



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