Happy Mother's Day - By Caligula (based on characters from Derek Blake)

Happy Mother's Day 

(A continuation of Derek Blake's "Babysitting Nightmare")
by: Caligula
In the months following Josh's discovery that his mother and aunt were both serial castratrixes his life had changed considerably. What began as a simple attempt to get kicked in the balls by his cousin, Alice, had turned into his own near de-balling at the feet of his cousin, aunt and most frighteningly his own mother. He had previously been a normal boy doing normal boy things, occasionally fantasizing about getting his balls busted or worshipping some girls feet, and now he lived in fear that his mother would turn him into a eunuch for real. He had become a pussy whipped bitch, jumping to attention whenever his mother Sandy called for him, or his aunt Laura or cousin Alice, rushing to do their bidding like a spineless jellyfish. Better spineless that ball less he reasoned. 
His mother Sandy, for one, took advantage of her son's new found eagerness to please and often reminded him of his fate if he failed to live up to HER expectations of him as a man. She had pulled a maneuver from her sister and niece's playbook, by looking down at her shoes and tapping them loudly on the ground, and then looking to Josh's crotch and then his eyes. "Remember what I'll do to you Josh...one stomp, two pops!" or "Don't make me call your cousin Alice to come over crush you balls like she did to that pig that night." Josh would cover his groin with his hands and whimper while Sandy just smiled down at him and slammed her foot down on the ground hard. So of course chores got done promptly, grades picked up at school, and he became great at giving his mother footrubs. The only problem with the latter was that with his foot fetish he would get hard when manipulating his mother's soft feet, something that didn't go unnoticed by Sandy. Even though he couldn't help the erections he had come to dread them, as after giving mom her foot massage she would give him a swift kick in the balls to make his dick go soft, and would mock him with her hands covering her own groin and making mocking mewling sounds. All being said, Sandy was quite happy that Josh had found them out because it gave her perfect leverage over her son. "I can't believe you got hard watching us castrate that sex offender. To think, all the ballbusting fun we missed with you over the years."
Josh also babysat for Alice more and more often, and wondered each time if this was the time that she'd finally crush at least one of his balls to mush. He had thought that his mother and aunt must certainly had told her to not totally break his testicles, but how could he be sure? As weak and timid as Josh had become, Alice had blossomed into a confident, yet still immature girl. The last time he had babysat she came eagerly flying down the stairs and ran up to him cheerfully, arms outstretched to embrace her older cousin, and ran right into him lifting her knee as if she were still running and he wasn't even there...ramming her knee right up into his balls. "Hi cuz! We're going to have so much fun tonight!" she went on, ignoring the fact that his eyes had crossed and he was slumping to the ground while wheezing uncontrollably and hoping for the pain to stop. His Aunt Laura just laughed as she slipped on her stilettos and walked out the door, presumably out for the night getting another man to castrate. "Have a ball, kids...in fact have two balls! LOL!"
His mother and aunt brought men home often, and along with his cousin Alice, his three female relatives would disappear into the sound proof room with the drugged man. His mother would often ask if he wanted to come watch as a reminder of what they would to him if he told, but he always shook his head no and swallowed hard, making Sandy giggle as she slammed the door shut. He never saw the men leave so he only assumed his aunt took care of that once they were gone. But it had been months since he babysat or had seen his aunt or cousin. He thought maybe his mother was softening and that maybe his eternal attempts to please her were paying off. He recalled hearing his mother on the phone with Aunt Laura those few months ago and his mom couldn't stop laughing about something she had been told.
Today was Mother's Day, and Josh rushed to wish his mother a happy Mother's Day, knowing failing to do so might result in another babysitting session with that bitch Alice. "Happy Mother's Day, mom," he said meekly. 
His mother didn't look impressed. "You don't sound very happy about it being my special day, Josh. I don't believe you really mean it." She tapped her foot, making Josh grimace and cover his balls.
"Please mom, please! Happy Mother's Day, I mean it, I mean it!" He looked from her slowly rotating foot to her face in panic, knowing she was fully prepared to kick him in the nuts. She just laughed at him.
"Relax, crybaby. I'm in a good mood today and I'm just teasing. But get dressed and ready because we're going over to your aunt's tonight...I'm going to castrate someone as my Mother's Day gift to myself."
Some hours later Josh and his mother arrived at his Aunt Laura's house and quickly went inside. His mother was wearing a tight white blouse and equally tight black skirt that didn't go down much past her thighs, with black stockings and black patent leather pointy toe stilettos. (see photo attached at bottom) His aunt was dressed similarly except she had on bright red stilettos with the toe ending in a metal cap. "Hi sis!" greeted Laura to his mom. The two women hugged warmly and his aunt turned to him, "Hi, Josh. How they hanging?" She tousled his hair playfully and faked a kick at his balls making him wince and cringe, and making her and his mom laugh. "Works every time!" said his mom.
Josh looked around nervously, wondering where Alice was. He didn't have to wonder long as he rounded a corner they were all surprised as a leg topped off in a pink platform pump, the same ones she had first busted Josh with many months prior, came flying up and connected solidly with Josh's crotch. "OOOMPFFFFF!!!"
Josh hung suspended in mid air for a moment as Alice appeared from around the doorway throwing her arms up into the air and striking a pose. "Tada!" Josh met the ground with a thud, moaning and crying "my balls my balls!" After they recovered from their initial shock his mom and aunt broke up into fits of laughter.
"Alice, you scared the hell out of us!" said her mom with a grin.
"Yes, you almost gave me a heart attack," added Josh's mom Sandy, "not to mention you seemed to definitely caught my son off guard." She nudged Josh with her toe. "I hear you've been terrorizing the boys at school even more than before...I've seen quite a few traumatizing injuries come into the hospital as of late."
"I know, I've gotten really good at kicking balls!"
"I get so many calls from the boys' mothers, asking me to thank Alice for putting their son's in their places. They laugh and just ask that she not permanently damage them but that girls will be girls and they remember doing the same when they were growing up."
Laura kicked at her nephew as he lay on the ground sobbing, "Come on Josh, get into the living room and sit down."
Even through the pain Josh knew the lighthearted way in which his aunt addressed him was not a request in any way and he crawled into the living room while trying to ignore the pain in his nuts and hoping he wouldn't get kicked from behind as he made his way on all fours surrounded by his relatives sexy legs and heels. 
Once they were all seated, and Josh couldn't help but stare at his family as they sat there legs crossed kicking their shoes and thinking how sexy they all were, his mom clapped her hands and said, "So tell me again, what happened to Harry?"
Josh looked up quickly at the mention of Harry's name. Harry was Alice's oldest brother, the one she had kicked last Easter. Laura and Alice laughed.
Laura started the story. "Well remember his girlfriend Jane? Well Alice and I were in the kitchen when we heard arguing in the living room. We peeked around the corner to see what the hell was going on and saw her rear back and give him a lethal kick in the crotch."
"But tell her what we heard, mom!" interrupted Alice.
"Well, hahaha! When her show made contact there was a POP."
"Pop pop pop!" chimed in Alice enthusiastically. Sandy covered her mouth with her hand, grinning.
All the women laughed. "So Harry just stood there for a moment with his mouth open looking like a fish, and he got the most pathetic look of sadness on his face, like he knew what just happened," Sandy continued. "So we walked in just as his hands went to cover his balls...er ball, and he went down. He looked over at me and I'm sorry I couldn't help it, but I was smiling at him. LOL!" 
"Jane crushed his left nut!" added Alice with glee. "It was so funny! At first she seemed nervous but then when she saw me and mom smiling she started smiling too, and we al laughed about it. It was awesome! Harry kept saying mommy mommy and my balls my balls! But that's not the best part. Can I tell them the best part?"
"Go ahead Alice," said Aunt Laura.
"Well Jane dumped him and she came over to me and said you remember what I told you about how easy it is to break a boys balls? Well have fun with your brother Harry because he's no longer under my protection. So while her and mom were talking about how Harry was wrong not to remember Jane and his 1 year dating anniversary I snuck up on Harry and kicked him right in his nut! I mean right in his nut as hard as I could with the toe of my Mary Janes and he puked all over."
"Right onto my carpet, I was so pissed!" said Laura. "So I come over to kick Harry myself  in the balls when I see little Alice over here rear back and give him one more kick with her toe..."
"POP!" yelled Alice. All them women were laughing.
"You castrated your brother?" giggled Josh's mom. 
"Yep, I crushed his nut and his girlfriend crushed the other one! No babies for big brother Harry!"
Josh finally found his voice and more out of shock than anything else he managed to find the balls to interrupt his sadistic female relations. "Why?" was what came out.
They turned to him and his mother said, "Why not? LOL!"
Josh pressed on, even though he knew he should let it go. "But he didn't do anything! All he did was forget their anniversary and his girlfriend crushed his...crushed his..."
"Crushed his ball?" finished his aunt.
"Yes! And then for no reason Alice crushed his other one! And you're all laughing about it like it's funny, but it's not! You're his mom, don't you even care that Alice did that to her own brother, your son? That she did the worst thing you can do to a guy? Why are you all laughing?!?" Months of being a weakling was finally giving way to the anger he was feeling over his mom and aunt and cousin laughing about castrating their own blood relative. 
"Well, nephew, to answer your first questions no I don't care. I mean they're just balls. You see men get kicked in the balls all the time in comedies and it's hilarious. It's even more hilarious to see it happen in person, and even funnier when you know that you've just taken away some guys balls and that he won't ever be able to have kids, have sex, won't ever be a man again. I don't know, it's just funny!"
"Exactly sis. They're just balls," his mother said with a shrug and a smile. "If you could only see the look on your face when I kick you in the balls after a footrub maybe you'd understand, it's just priceless. That one swift kick to your boy bits makes you cry and make funny noises and roll around in the fetal position. Guys just don't understand."
"But he's your son!" said Josh, once again trying to make them see what they did was wrong.
"Well not anymore, now he's my second daughter." They all laughed, all but Josh of course. 
"HARRY! Come down here and say hello to your aunt Sandy and Josh!" yelled Aunt Laura.
Moments later they heard Harry moving slowly down the stairs. He stood there, head down, too ashamed to make eye contact.
"Well don't be rude, say hello!" said his mom.
"Hi, Aunt Sandy." The bile rose up in Josh's throat, as Harry no longer had the deep voice that he remembered. He spoke in a high falsetto, a result of losing his balls to his girlfriend and sister.
"Hi, Harry," said Sandy and then couldn't help but laugh at her nephew's higher than normal octaves for a boy his age.
"Harry talks all high pitched now cause we popped his balls!" said Alice with obvious pride in her voice.
Harry skulked off, head still down in discomfort and shame. Josh didn't understand why he didn't fight back, why he didn't get angry, why he didn't confront then women that condemned his balls to their fate as peanut butter in his sack. What did he have to lose now? Josh knew he would be furious and he would hurt them. His aunt, almost sensing Josh's unspoken question answered for the group. "No balls, no fight. He's completely docile now. Mommy's perfect little eunuch. Alice mocks him all the time about taking away his balls but without the testosterone being pumped into his system by a set of gonads he doesn't have the will to fight back."
After some small talk about Alice's and Josh's grades at school, work for both of the women, and other mundane topics, Sandy stomped both her heels on the ground causing Josh to jump in his seat, much to the amusement of the women present. "Well should we get to it? I'm ready to crush some balls!" said Sandy.
Then Josh remembered they were here for a castration. Some poor fool his aunt had picked out in a bar was in their special sound proof room waiting to have his balls removed, just like his cousin Harry.
"Calm down sis! LOL! You're more eager than Alice here to bust some balls."
"Come on Josh," said his mom as they all stood up and went to the special room. They all hustled inside and his aunt turned and shut and locked the door. Josh looked around the room, just as he remembered it, and looked for the man that would be strapped to the X-frame. Except there wasn't a man anywhere. He looked around again hoping he was mistaken, while a sinking feeling was developing in the pit of his stomach and his body urged him to run. Suddenly his mother appeared before him, his very own mother, the woman who gave him birth and should protect and love him. And she was smiling and reached out and put her hands on his shoulders and said, "Happy Mother's Day to me." And then she kneed him in the nuts as hard as she could, holding her knee in place while watching Josh's face for his reaction. If Josh had been on the sidelines watching he would have gotten hard at the sight of his mother's sexy stocking clad knee as it pistoned its way into a set of balls, the muscles of her thigh and calves like that of a dancer, beautiful but deadly. Then the pain hit, and Sandy got the reaction she was hoping for. His eyes scrunched up and he started making a high pitched warbling sound, his hands rested on her knee too weak to even try to push it away from his trapped jewels, although his fevered brain thought he was pushing away with all his might. Sandy knew he couldn't appreciate the sexy pose they were now sharing together, mother and son, locked in a tight embrace of pleasure and pain. So or course his aunt Laura snapped a few photos so he could appreciate it later and Sandy could relive this perfect moment during a hot steamy bubble bath.
At long last Josh slid off his mother's still horizontal knee and landed with a crash to the floor while the pain receptors in his brain fired off random electric pulses that his balls kept sending without end. He vaguely heard his aunt and cousin laughing at him and had a close up view of his mother's black stiletto inches from his face. Normally he would be hard being this close to his mother's foot, but now he only felt fear. Her foot was capable of causing terrible pain and irreversible damage, and he started to cry thinking about the fate of his balls. Surely it would be like last time, she would grant his gonads a reprieve at the last moment. He had been well behaved, hadn't he?
"Mommy...why?" he squeaked out.
"They always call for their mommy," laughed his aunt. 
"It must be instinctive, to beg for your mommy when your balls are busted. Even when it's mommy that's just racked them. LOL!" replied his mom. "Why, Josh? Why not? LOL! You brought this on yourself, your little dick getting hard every time you rubbed my feet. Do you know how many times I thought of taking your little boy bit and snapping it in half while it was hard? Then when your cousin castrated her brother I talked to Aunt Laura and we decided what was best was to take away your lumps."
"We're going to castrate you just like I did to my brother! LOL! You're going to have to go to school with a high pitched voice and all the girls will know you don't have balls! LOL!" squealed Alice.
Josh leaned forward and kissed his mother shoe over and over. "Please mom, don't take my balls! Please don't crush my balls!" Kiss kiss kiss. "I promise it will never happen again."
"Stop being a baby about it, Josh," said his mom," stand up like a man while you still ARE a man. It's JUST your balls!" 
"But you can't! They're my balls! I need them!" 
Sandy pouted at her son in sympathy, as did Aunt Laura and Alice. Josh saw what looked like genuine concern and pity in her eyes and hope began to spring in his heart so he went on. "Mom, my balls. I need my balls."
"I know baby," she cooed in return.
"They make me a man. They make it so I can have kids and sex." Sandy nodded her head in agreement, her lips still pouting. "They will make me big and strong. They make me a man. Please, mommy, please, I want to be a man. Please don't crush my balls, mommy." Josh was weeping openly, trying everything he could think of to reach his mother's heart.
Sandy for her part seemed really touched by her son's pleas for his manhood, as did Alice and Laura. And then her motherly expression was gone and Josh saw hope fade as she rolled her eyes and looked disgusted. "Really? Mommy I want to be a man? A real man doesn't beg for his balls, son." And then she kicked Josh right in the balls with her instep, dropping him like a sack of potatoes as she broke into laughter with her sister and niece.
"I want to have kids," mocked Alice.
"I want to have sex," added Aunt Laura.
"Please don't crush my balls, mommy!" laughed Sandy. "Get him on the rack and let's have some fun. After all, it's Mother's Day!"
With the fight taken out of him by his mother's foot, Josh was easily hauled and strapped in place on the rack after taking his clothes off. 
And now his torture started in earnest. His mother walked up to him first. "Since I gave you birth, it's only right i should go first tonight." And then she kicked him square in the balls with the toe of her shoe causing him to retch. "That looked like it hurt! LOL!"
"My turn!" yelled Alice. She skipped up to her cousin and casually punted him in the nuts with the toe of her pink platform, causing him to dry heave yet again.
"I guess it's auntie's turn to scramble those eggs." And then his own aunt kicked him in the gonads with the metal cap of her shoe making Josh's voice rise a few octaves. "I think I knocked something loose there!"
"I never knew my son had such a lovely voice! Let's see if I can give him some singing lessons." CRUNCH! Another kick, and his voice DID go higher pitched.
For the next 30 minutes his female relatives took turns kicking and kneeing his balls. Josh was only half conscious by the end when his mother came up to him and slapped him lightly across the face gently a few times. "Wakey wakey Joshy." Josh only mumbled incoherently. "I know what will get his attention," smiled Sandy. She slipped off her shoe, which by now was quite smelly with her sweat, and held it over her son's nose. After several deep breaths his body started to respond and his dick to grow. Maybe it was his mother's shoe, maybe it was just time, but he eventually came fully aware and then his panic began to rise again and his dick to wilt, and struggled futilely against his bonds.
"Ha! Did you see his little dick get hard from smelling your shoe?" laughed Alice.
"Your boy sure does love feet!" said Aunt Laura.
"Boys are so easy to control. Their balls do all the thinking." said Sandy in disgust as she returned her shoe to her foot. 
"Please don't do this!" Josh scrambled for the words that would stop his mother, aunt and cousin from scrambling his balls. Instead Alice kicked him in the balls one more time and then they released him from the rack. 
"Let's get my nephew in the device." They placed him on the table and just like last time his mother squished his balls through the hole in the metal plate that hung above his body and like a bad rerun, she once again took her place over son.
"You're my mother, please mom don't castrate me! If you do, you...you...you won't have any more balls to kick! Alice, you won't be able to kick my balls anymore! You like that right? Kicking my balls? The funny faces I make? The squealing? Auntie, who will babysit for you? I won't be any good to you without my balls! Mom...I'm your son...please don't do this." Josh was weeping like a baby and there was nothing but silence in the room as the women contemplated what he was saying.
"Pffft! Yeah, RIGHT!!!!" laughed Alice. Then Sandy and Laura broke down into fits of laughter as well. 
"We have my other son Mark for all that, Josh." said his Aunt Laura referring to her middle child that Alice had almost half castrated last Christmas.
"I tell you what, Josh," said his mom, "if you can show me you're a real man and that YOU are the one in control, not your balls, then you can keep them."
Sandy then pulled her stocking clad foot out of her shoe and started to rub her son's shaft with the ball of her foot. She didn't say anything, just rubbed softly back and forth. Josh's balls started to betray him as his prick hardened under his mother's foot, the same foot that would shortly take his balls if he couldn't keep from cumming. 
Sandy worked her son's dick like an expert, and saw his look of terror soften and his eyes glaze over with his impending orgasm. Josh knew he was lost, knew his first orgasm as the hands (or feet) of a woman would be his last. And as the panic and fear started to come back he realized his arousal was dwindling. His fear at losing his balls made his dick start to shrink and finally go limp despite his mother's gentle tugging and the exquisite feel of the stocking.
Shocked, Sandy returned her foot to her shoe. Laura whistled. "Wow! I thought for sure he was going to bust a nut!"
"Bust a nut! Bust a nut! Let's bust his nuts!" clapped Alice.
Josh whimpered and looked from Alice to his mother, who was smiling evilly. "But...but you said if I could control myself you'd let me keep them. I didn't cum...I didn't cum."
"Well then that's a shame because you won't ever have another opportunity to cum again," said Sandy in a cold matter-of-fact tone.
"But I'm a virgin," he said hoarsely.
"Then it's an even bigger shame that you didn't orgasm under my foot. Awww, too bad, son."
Sandy raised her foot high over her son's ballsack. "Just like last time, twenty bucks I can pop them both with one stomp?"
"You're on!" said Laura.
"I didn't cum...I didn't cum..." Josh just kept repeating weakly.
"Happy Mother's Day to me!" And with that Sandy slammed her foot down and Josh screamed like a wounded animal. And then just like before nothing. No pain, no rupture.  All he heard was the soft chuckles of his family and when he looked down his mother's foot was resting next to his balls but he still had two balls. Two round lumps of his symbol as a man, intact and safe. He started to breathe again and relax and he looked up into his mother's eyes and he held his breath again. His mother slowly lifted her foot again and his bottom lip started to quiver.
"Sorry, son...not this time. Bye bye balls." And this time the sole of her shoe didn't miss.
Josh let loose a silent scream, almost like it would be a sin to ruin this moment for his family. Sandy ground the mush that was previously her son's gonads as she twisted her foot back and forth like she was putting out a cigarette butt, when in reality she was putting out her son's manhood. The last thing Josh saw as he blacked out was the satisfied smile on his mother's face.

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