A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Hey guys, sorry for the huge delay, I planned to post this in late January, but I got caught up in some assignments. When I finally got round to it in early February I got really sick and had to postpone it again. Now that it's complete, here it is, and enjoy! And again, sorry for the perverted and eccentric content!
P.S. If you haven't read the first part, I recommend you to do so before you read this, it will help you with the main characters and clear up some confusion on the storyline. Here's the link:
Charmcaster walked over to Gwen and triumphantly set her foot on her balls. She again thrust her foot in and grinded the defenseless things until she felt satisfied and turned around to gloat. Meanwhile, Gwen got up, largely in pain, and teleported herself back to Kevin’s house. She walked up from the kitchen to his room, painfully protecting her precious orbs from any more damage, when she came to face with Kevin. He noticed the milky liquid all around her groin and wondered what happened to lead her to her current condition. She lightly tapped his balls and pushed him away, and walked into his room, locking the door behind her.
Inside, she went into the bathroom and vomited, again, and nursed her most sensitive regions back to health. Her nuts regenerated and eased her pain an hour later. She put on a fresh set of clothes and walked out. She met Kevin again, and narrated the entire fight to him, and he listened with full interest. After that, she went back home, had her dinner, and went to sleep.
Next morning, 6:00 am, when she always woke up, she got out of bed, walked into the kitchen, made herself a sandwich and guzzled it up. Her mom came into the room and asked her,
“Sweetie, where were you last night? Your father and I were worried sick!”
“Sorry Mom, I was at a friend’s place and there was a party. It went on really long, so I came back really late.”
“Gwen, you really consider me your friend?” Her mom’s voice was starting to sound more evil and young. “How nice of you. But it isn’t going to stop me from torturing you.” Her mom suddenly dropped her skin and the only figure left was Charmcaster. Gwen gawped in fear and wondered about all the wondrously painful feats she was going to face next.
“Before you ask me how I did this and I gloat about my master plan, I’ll tell you myself.” Gwen saw her house collapse around her and saw she was in some sort of.... golf course. “See, my minions and I prepared this course just to torture your little balls, and we are going to have an awful lot of fun watching you going through it. We’ll even give you a percentage mark on how entertaining we thought it was.”
Charmcaster teleported herself and Gwen onto the top of a huge... hairbrush-like structure with huge metal poles jutting out horizontally for the brush’s bristles. “You see these big metal poles? You are supposed to land on them spread-legged and your balls will smash on contact with the metal.” Saying this, Charmcaster pushed Gwen off the edge and Gwen felt the wind slamming into her face, when she suddenly felt a large metallic beam slam right across the middle of the length of the body, right between her breasts and between her legs, forcing the wind out of her lungs and giving a hard contact to her balls. A sharp sensation of pain burst between her legs, and she regretted that she could not protect herself in time. She slid off the side and found herself slammed on the next pole, this time on her back. She slowly got up, her legs hanging down both sides of the pole, and tried to stand up on it. She managed to get both her legs up, and tried to walk across as if she was on a tightrope, then climb down using the heavy fabric knitted on the side of the colossal brush. But unfortunately, she slipped, and found herself again flying, and knocked herself spread legged into another pole. This time she knew her balls were destroyed, since she felt the pain and the milky white liquid spread across her underwear, but they instantly regenerated. She continued to slide off and slam her balls into the next one, then the next, then the next, sort of in a manner like in a pinball machine. Every time she got her nuts crushed they automatically revived. But she once slid off the side but landed on a pole on her head, instantly knocking her out. She only felt a few seconds of pain until her vision went black and her body continued to ram from place to place like a ragdoll.
When she came to, she was lying on a lawn, right next to the hairbrush of hurt, and a few seconds after her vision focused to HD quality she felt the pain in between her legs. She heard footsteps, very quick ones, and got up to a sitting position and looked around to see who it was. She saw no one, so got up and decided to try and explore the ‘golf course’ she was in. As soon as she got to her feet she caught a glance of a short, gnome like figure until it punched her already sore groin and then proceeded to knock her on the back of her head.
When she came to again, she was tied up to an iron wall, her arms and legs outstretched and spread, like an ‘X’ shape, and saw that she was in a colorful room with a glass window. She looked out, and saw Charmcaster, with a golf club, all lined up and in position like a pro golfer. Below the window was some sort of pipe with an opening hole about 5 feet away, in perfect alignment with her vulnerable groin. She then felt the sharp sensation of pain in her groin from her previous torture trial, the colossal Hairbrush of Hurt.
[Narrator’s explanation of the pipe]: The pipe was a part of a contraption. When Charmcaster putts the golf ball, it will fly into the large opening for the contraption, then into a tube and a series of channels, pipes, automated machines and timed pistons, and on the last stage, the ball will drop onto a button that activates a piston and then will drop into a chamber. The piston will fire in a five second delay, and will hit the golf ball that is in its chamber. The ball will fly out of its chamber, out of the pipe and will directly ram into the victim’s reproductive system, which is in this case, Gwen’s balls. The process can be repeated as many times as desired, with the same repeated effect. It is essentially an automatic golf ball shooting machine, only with human input, but not as compact.
[Now going back to the scene]:
Gwen saw Charmcaster getting ready for her shot, and saw her club make contact with the white, round object known as a golf ball, similar in size and shape to her own testicles, and saw it fly into the wall separating her and her arch nemesis.
She heard a lot of tinkering and machinery working, and then heard a sound close to the one a gun makes when a bullet is fired, but only quieter. In a split second she saw a white object flying in a trajectory close to her groin, and it landed where she most dreaded it would hit her- her precious balls. As it smashed into her testicles, she heard a crack and felt her balls jiggle around in the sack they were contained in, hitting each other constantly and now turning into overheated energy orbs, jiggling and bulging. The white ball dropped and bounced on the floor, as Gwen held her breath and instantly opened her mouth. Her eyes shifted to the side of her nose, giving her a silly, googly-eyed expression. Her arms wanted to flail out and cup her injury, but sadly they were restrained and so could not do anything. Less than a second later her face went back to normal and she started to cry. Tears trickled down her fair, smooth cheeks and her mouth let out a high pitched wail.
Charmcaster saw the pitiful state her opponent was in but still felt no empathy. She bent down to pick up another ball, and putted that one as well. As she saw it ram into Gwen’s balls she laughed triumphantly. She was exhausted of laughing triumphantly all day, so she set up an automatic machine and set its interval to 5 seconds. She went off with her minions to set up the next stage of her colorful dungeon.
Gwen, meanwhile, was in a period of hell. Objects with the same texture as rounded pebbles were flying into her most sacred place and she could do nothing about it. Eventually she passed out as her nervous system had reached a near-collapsing state.
She woke up an hour later, and she was strapped in the same manner as earlier but in a different room. In front of her were two of the same gnome-like figures she had seen earlier near the hairbrush. They were less than 3 feet tall, with a grey complexion and red, beady eyes. One took a baseball bat and smashed it between her legs. The other did the same. Both took turns, one after the other, aiming for the other testicle. Twenty minutes later, they had become tired with bats and now were using baseballs instead. They sat at the back of the room and bounced it across, as the baseball perfectly reached its target. Gwen could not do anything besides scream in pain, and after both got annoyed of the noise pollution, they took a piece of cloth and tied it around her mouth.
Charmcaster walked in 10 minutes later, and asked the two to tie her down and take her to yet another room. Gwen’s nervous system, however, had collapsed. She brought it back with a spell, and reminded herself after hours of torture, that she could have just avoided all this. It was too late to leave now, and besides, she had another plan. She cast on herself a spell of invincibility, and allowed herself to be carried into the next room.
She was placed down in a large but bare, grey room, in front of Charmcaster, as she stretched out and prepared herself for the fight about to come.
“So Gwendy, how did you like our course? I don’t know about you but I loved it. So far your mark is 70%. Why so low? You haven’t done the final stage yet, that’s why. There were four stages, you have completed 3. You only lost five percent because you fainted during the first stage and we couldn’t measure your expressions and pain factors. Now, to get on with it, we will have a little fight. Of course I will win, but after I do, I’ll let you go and you can walk your lazy-ass crushed balls back home and nurse them to health again. Let’s get started shall we?”
So Charmcaster walked up to Gwen and looked at her sympathetically for a few seconds. Gwen was sitting down, but with her legs folded upwards and slightly separated, her knees at eye level. Charmcaster lingered her foot in the air and stomped it down right into her opponent’s unprotected balls. Gwen felt nothing, due to her invincibility spell, but just to convince her opponent she screamed in pain, gave a pained and hurt expression, and curled up into a ball covering her nuts with her hands. Charmcaster looked up and laughed triumphantly like an evil warlock who had just conquered the whole galaxy.
While Charmcaster was busy laughing triumphantly, Gwen opened up and snapped her right leg into her cunt, and as her opponent bent over and cupped her precious regions, Gwen cast a stun spell, then cast the same spell Charmcaster had cast on her a few days ago to give her a pair of balls, “Neruvus Simmortilus Testiculus!”.
As the effect of her stun spell wore away, Charmcaster fell to the ground and landed in the same position Gwen was in at the start of the duel, legs folded, slightly separated, knees at eye level, and balls unprotected. Gwen now thrust her foot into Charmcaster’s newly spawned testicles. Charmcaster yelped in pain and spit out on the floor.
“Tell me how to get rid of these balls.”
“Not in the name of my chinny-chin chin.”
Saying her taunt, Charmcaster leapt up, pushed Gwen aside, and thrust her fist into Gwen’s stomach. But, unfortunately, her knuckles cracked painfully and she retracted her hand in an instant. Nursing her fingers, she said “But.... how?”
“I see what you did there. I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m glad you are. I only learn dirty tricks from the dirtiest.”
Gwen moved forward and did a straight front kick into her opponent’s balls, then a triple scissor kick to the balls again, then she sent a powerful right jab into her balls, yet again. Gwen felt the two orbs bounce off the surface of her fist, then retreat back into the small sack holding them, and collide into each other again. Both heard a loud crack, and Charmcaster fell to the floor, sobbing loudly. She broke off to spit out a river of blood, and then continued to cry again.
Gwen, now standing triumphantly herself, levitated her opponent and spread out her body on the face of the wall in the same manner she herself was in during the golf ball-machine gun stage, arms spread out, legs spread out, and balls aching. She took off her opponent’s skirt, and lightly held her balls inside the thin underwear with her right hand.
“Tell me how to get rid of them.”
Angered at the refusal, Gwen instantly squeezed the sack she was holding; with such force she felt the solid blobs inside turn into a squishy mush.
“I’m waiting.”
After a short pause, Charmcaster felt the pain and partway between heavy breathing and a cross, googly-eyed expression, she said with a very high pitched voice, “Okay, okay, take my spell book. There should be a relief spell somewhere.”
So Gwen took the small book out of the inside pocket of her helpless opponent’s shirt, searched vigorously for it, and she found it.
“Haramandus Scrutinoromi Testiculus!”
And immediately she felt them vanish from her crotch, and received the familiar feeling of satisfaction from whenever she had defeated an enemy. She thought to leave, but seeing an opportunity, she ran up to Charmcaster and forcefully hammered her right foot into her newly regenerated balls. Charmcaster spat out blood and turned googly-eyed again, trembling to think what would happen of her next.
Gwen, however, seeing her victory, taunted her opponent, left her spell book on the floor, and teleported herself out. She was now again free to live a happy, balls-free life.
Well am i the only person who really enjoyed this story??
yes maybe the female having balls is pretty weird haha. But overall the story is just amazing, even if it does not interest you as a reader. when you rearrange characters, changes names, change it from boyfriend to girlfriend, and put yourself there its absolutely amazing. I really enjoy the regenerating balls thing, wish it were real!!
at least in my personal opinion! keep it up!
Thanks for the upbeat response. Glad you liked it.
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