Dave hated to see his girlfriend, Beverly, so sick.  She had puked like crazy that morning and then been in and out of the bathroom every few minutes all afternoon.  She'd been in bed exhausted and queasy most of the day but hadn't been able to nap at all.  Finally, as it got to be evening, her eyes were getting droopy and he thought she might get to sleep and have at least a little relief.

But just as she closed her eyes, someone rang the doorbell.  It was a salesman and who he was able to dismiss easily enough, but the damage was done: the doorbell had woken her up just enough that she wasn't falling asleep any more.

"Who was it?" she asked.

"A salesman."

"Well, damn it.  He woke me up.  Did you kick him in the balls for me?"

"You know I don't do that."

"Well, how am I supposed to get back to sleep?"

"I'm not sure.  I can't offer you any warm milk, you probably wouldn't keep it down," he said, unhappily.

"Could you tell me a story?" she asked using her poor-little-sick-girl voice.

"Sure.  I can tell you a story."

"One with ball busting?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

"Oh, goodie."  She sugared up in the covers and looked at him expectantly.

He thought for a moment or two, balbusting definitely wasn't his fetish, and he wasn't much of a story teller.  But it was her fetish and he wanted to please her and to help her get to sleep.  So he thought a while and as he was thinking about bedtime stories he'd been told when he was younger, an idea of how to transform one into a busting story occurred to him, and he began to tell it to her.  "Once upon a time there were three naked men who lived in a house in the woods. They were called the three bare men since they never wore any clothing.  One day they were making porridge, and they thought it was about ready when the biggest bare man spilled some on his scrotum.  It burned like crap, so he said 'Goddamnit! This porridge is too hot.  It needs to cool and I don't want to be around it.  We should go take a walk!' So off they went, naked nuts a swinging, on a walk through the woods while the porridge cooled."

"I like it so far.  They're not going to kick each other's balls, are they?  I like when girls do it."

"No, they're not going to kick each other.  Also a-walking through the woods was a pretty blond girl named Goldikicks.  Now, Goldkicks was enjoying her walk, but she'd been out partying the night before and all the warm sunshine was making her drowsy.  So when she saw the little house in the woods, she decided that would be the perfect place to take a rest.

"She went up to the door and gave it a knock.  When she knocked, it swung open because the bare men hadn't made sure it was latched properly.  So she stuck her head in and said 'Hello? Anyone there?'

"When no one answered, she headed in and seeing no one, she figured that it was a guest house of some sort that people hiking in the woods could use. So she went and found a bed and lay down to go to sleep."

"Isn't she gonna try the porridge or sit in a chair?"

"She didn't go in the kitchen, so she didn't notice the porridge, and she was really tired and just wanted to lie down.  That's why she went for the bed right away."


"When the three bare men got home, they immediately noticed that the door was open.  Seeing the door open, they searched the house suspecting a burglar.

"They were happy to see that no one had eaten their porridge, but really they shouldn't have been the surprised. I mean, who even eats porridge these days? But they were amazed to find a pretty blond girl in the littlest bare man's bed.  She was wearing yoga pants which showed off her shapely legs and ass and a tight white tank top which had shifted as she slept showing off quite a bit of cleavage.  She had her hair pulled back in a pony tail and was wearing white sneakers with short white socks."

"Hey, that's what I'm wearing.  Well, except for the sneakers."

"Yes, dear," he said with a smile.  "The three bare men thought that she looked amazing. The big one was imagining having her suck his cock.  And the middle one was picturing what it would be like to roll her onto her back and have her missionary style.  And the little one was looking at her ass and he wanted to get her on the edge of the bed and do her doggy style."

"Oh, they're not going to rape her, are they?  I don't like stories about rape."

"Don't worry, they aren't going to rape her.  They were just looking at the pretty girl in the bed and imagining what it would be like to have consensual sex with her, imagining her to maybe be some sort of slut just because she looked sexy and was lying there asleep in their bedroom.  And also maybe because none of them had been with an actual woman in a long time.  And as they all thought about this, their cocks got hard just looking at her and imagining what they'd like to do to her.  The big one went and stood near her face, while he was considering what they should do, when suddenly she woke up.  Seeing these three grinning, naked, erect men hovering over her bed, her first thought was to worry that she was about to get raped."

"So, without so much as a moment's hesitation, she went right into self-defense mode, remembering all the lessons she'd learned from the self-defense class she'd taken.  She knew that she should strike first so that the advantage would be hers.  The big bare man was closest at hand so she grabbed his testicles, twisted them and pulled down.  He screamed a high soprano scream, his tender orbs were squeezed forcefully in her strong grasp."

"Hooray!  Also, that sounds like fun, can I try?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're here by my bed.  If you stood up and took down you pants, I could squeeze your balls."

"Uh, well, I don't really want my balls squeezed."

"I know, but I think it would really help me feel better."

Dave knew that Beverly really liked hurting testicles, but he definitely wasn't into having his balls squeezed or otherwise hurt.  Normally, he didn't even consider letting her play rough with his tender testes.  But since she was sick and looked so pitiful, he decided that this once he would let her to help her feel better and because she was probably weak with her illness and he didn't think she would be able to squeeze all that hard.  But, just in case, he said, "Well, okay, but not too hard."  And then, reluctantly, he stood up and took down his pants and underwear.

Her eyes lit up when she saw his dangling testicles.  She reached out and encircled his testicles with her right hand with a smile.  She gave them a quick, fairly gentle squeeze.  "Okay, continue."

He resumed.  "The middle one just had time to say 'What are you doing?' before she rolled out of bed, still holding the large one's testicles and lashed out with her foot, catching the middle one square in the balls.  He cried out, 'Oh god!' and collapsed to the ground. Those shapely legs had a kick like a mule and his poor gonads were in complete agony."

"Ooh, I love a good kick!" she said and gave his balls a slightly harder squeeze.

He had to catch his breath before he continued.  "She finally released the balls of the large bare man and he collapsed to his knees, holding his balls, only feeling just a little better now that the pressure was over. As she advanced on the little one, he said, 'Please! We aren't gonna do anything to you!'

"She stalked towards him.  'Damn right you aren't!' she replied.

"As she advanced he realized that he had backed himself into a corner. He tried to make a break past her, but she grabbed him by the shoulders, pinning him against the wall.  Her knee rammed his nuts hard and fast. He let out an 'oof' and started to pitch forward, but she held him fast.  She kneed his nuts again.  And then, taking her time, she kneed them one more time, extra hard. He shrieked in pain and managed to wriggle his way free.  He feel on the ground, holding his balls."

"Knees are good, too," his girlfriend said.  "Hm, let's see, that was three."  She gave him three hard squeezes in quick succession.  His knees bent a little and he had trouble maintaining his composure.  But once she released the pressure, he was able to continue.

"By this point, the biggest bare man had risen to his feet. 'Get out of our house, lady!' he commanded, starting to advance on her.  She was taken a little aback by this.  It hadn't occurred to her that this might be their house.  And she paused for a moment wondering briefly if she'd done something wrong. He was still quite close to her, and he tried to grab her by her upper arms to push her from the bedroom and manhandle her towards the door of the house.

"But he was still a little unsteady, and she moved suddenly trying to dodge when she saw him making a grab.  And so instead of his hands grabbing both of her arms, he grabbed her right arm but her left breast.  This removed any hesitation she had, and she kicked upwards, hard and fast, her shin smashing his testicles right against his pubic bone.  He howled in pain and, releasing his grip, fell to the floor rolling around and around."

"Oh, good!  I like kicks, too!" She gave him a really quick squeeze.

"Yes, dear, I know," he said, wincing a little from the pain.  Then he continued the story, "Goldikicks figured that she should get out of there, but on her way out of the room, she gave one last stomp to testicles of the medium-sized bare man who was still down on the floor.  He renewed his yowling and kicked his feet against the floor in pain. She walked out of the room and left their house."

"Aw, is that all the ball busting?"

"I'm afraid so.  After that, she walked quickly home, and once she felt safe back in her own apartment she felt proud and empowered by how easily she had overwhelmed those three naked men all by herself.  And as her heart raced with the memory, she realized how excited it had made her and she wondered eagerly when she might next get to use her self-defense training."

"I'm wondering when she'll get to do it, too."

"Back at the house, the bare men were icing their balls and eating their porridge.

'Goddamn do my balls hurt,' the middle one said. 'They're probably gonna be bruised.'

"'Yeah,' said the big one. 'But at least we had a cute girl over for once.'

"'It would be okay with me if she came over again,' said the little one, 'as long as she promises not to make our nuts into porridge.'  The End."

She smiled.  "That was a nice story, thanks.  And now I'm feeling tired, but as thanks in about a minute from now, I'm going to give you a special reward.  I'll give you at that point exactly what you want most in the world."

"Um, okay?" he said, confused.

He looked down at her and she smiled up at him.  He wasn't sure what she was up to when, suddenly her hand which was gently grasping his testicles suddenly clamped down hard, squeezing his testicles far more tightly than before.  He writhed in pain.  "Please, …  let … go," he barely managed to say.  She just smiled and held on, squeezing even tighter.

Finally, when he thought he couldn't take any more, she asked him a question, "What do you want most in the world right now?"

He didn't say anything out loud — he couldn't really — but inside his head the answer was abundantly clear, for her to release his balls.  She smiled at him some more and as if she could see the thoughts in his head, she did let go just as suddenly as she started.

"See," she said, "just like I said I would, I gave you exactly what you wanted most in the world.  I think that's good payment for telling me a sexy story.  And now," she continued, with a big stretch, "I think I'm ready to go to sleep."  Then she curled up in a ball, and he walked away very slowly, unsure if he should feel lucky or unlucky to have a girl like her.

Views: 302

Replies to This Discussion

Love the ending wish I had a gf to take care of. Would love to tell her this story. Are here any other fairy tails you'e working on?

There was one previously, here: http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/group/bb-storytellers/forum/topics...  And right now I'm working slowly on Beauty Busts the Beast.  It may be a while before it's done, though.

ooh sounds like they could be great
"Grapes as sore as time..."



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