“Do you want another one, or are you ready to get out of here?” Ryan asked over the din pervading the bar.

Rebecca looked at her beer, squinted hard and raised an eyebrow. “I could go for – “

She was interrupted as a chair from a nearby table ricocheted off her foot. “What the fuck?!” She exclaimed, turning to find the source of the disruption along with Ryan.

They quickly pinpointed the offenders. A man, clearly inebriated, swayed uneasily trying to regain his balance after leaping from the chair that hit Rebecca. His cheeks were bright red and he was shaking a hammy fist in a rage. The target of his ire appeared to be a tiny Asian girl who looked to be all of twelve, despite a decent effort to look older through heavy makeup, a very short white dress and a pair of ridiculously high platform heels. Ice cubes rattled in the glass she held as her hand trembled. From her furrowed brow, it didn’t seem to either Rebecca or Ryan that she was shaking from fear.

“Yer just a slutty, no tits tease,” the man slurred, leaning toward her. “I might hafta teach you a little lesson of respect.” A bit of spittle flew from his lips as he emphasized the last word.

Rebecca shot Ryan a sidelong glance and he cocked an eyebrow in answer. She could see him tense up in case he needed to intervene.

“Fuck you asshole!” The force of her tone was shocking and completely incongruous to her small frame. She flung her drink in his face and he staggered back desperately wiping at his eyes in an attempt to stop the alcohol from burning them. The girl took the opportunity to move closer to him. He looked up just in time to see her hand draw back before she slapped him across the face, leaving a small white handprint on his red cheek.

His left hand went immediately to his stinging face while he clawed at her with his right. “I’m gonna kill you, you little bitch,” he roared.

Ryan half rose from his chair, feeling certain that the guy really would make good on his threat.

She stepped back out of his reach and replied with surprising calmness, “I don’t think so. But I might just kill you.”

Ryan froze, completely stunned. He felt Rebecca squeeze his hand and he sensed her excitement in the strength of her grip. When he looked at her, he shocked further by the ear-splitting smile spreading across her face. Her green eyes were bright and large. How could she not be worried about this girl, he wondered. He tensed again as his eyes returned to the sparring sexes, seeing the man take a menacing step toward the unflinching girl who stood her ground with her hands resting confidently on her hips.

Ryan stared in utter disbelief as her dark brown eyes went from hot anger to cool concentration as she measured the big man’s approach. His jaw dropped when she calmly drew back her right leg and kicked the towering man right in his balls, lifting him off the ground.

The man dropped to his knees, eyes bulging, veins popping from his neck as he grabbed for his throbbing nuts. He began coughing and moaning.

“Who’s the bitch now?” The girl said before putting her hand on his forehead and pushing him onto his back, where he continued cradling himself as he rocked from side to side. She crossed her arms and let a small smirk play on her lips.

Chortles and catcalls broke out as the scene caught the attention of nearby patrons. Rebecca could see a pair of bouncers headed their way and decided to add even more fuel to the fire. “Kick him again, sweetie! I don’t think he got your message,” she said with glee. Ryan shot her a reproving look to which she just rolled her eyes.

The girl looked toward them and smiled as Rebecca nodded in the direction of the oncoming bouncers. She glanced over to them and then bent down and grabbed the man’s hands, pulling them from his groin. He feebly tried to get away from her clutches but the pain was still overwhelming, making resistance futile. Using his arms for balance, the girl smirked to Rebecca and then drove her platform heel deep between his legs with a sickening crunch. The man’s body jerked and went slack. She released his hands and his arms fell to the ground like bricks. He was out cold.

As the two male bouncers parted the small group of slack-jawed onlookers, the girl took the opportunity to give them a sweet, innocent smile before they had a chance to connect the dots. Then she turned and strutted away, letting her hips sway with an air of confidence and power as her dress bounced lightly on her pert, round butt.

As the bouncers dragged the unconscious man out of the bar, Rebecca picked up where she’d left off. “On second thought, I think I am ready. All this excitement has me quite riled up. I hope you’re ready.”

“Yeah,” Ryan said, “I’m ready to go.”

“Oh no, not to go,” she cooed, patting his cheek gently. “I hope you’re ready for ME to kick YOU, baby. Really HARD. Right in the BALLS.”

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