it was nice sunny day about 84 degrees outside this boy named devin was outside.hes bout 17 playing catch with a neigbor girl ashley around 16 years . well devin threw the football and ashley wasnt looking the football hit her in the face.ashley started to cry and devin went over there to ask if she was ok and she says no my nose hurts. devin is saying sorry to her but she doesnt want to hear it .devin  finally says ok ashley i give u 5 shots to my nuts if thats makes it even. ashley thinkin aboout it for a minute with and evil grin she says deal.ashley says for my first nut shot i wanna knee u in the they stand by the wall she puts her hands on his shoulders and says look me in  the eyes he looks her in the eyes and as soon as he looks her in the eyes she knees in the balls rly hard smack. she backs away he falls to the ground my balls my balls. she says u got 4 more buddy o pow. devin looks up at her are your seriours u gonna make me go through all of them.ashley says yes i am time for your next one the back kick with my i ashley lines devin behind her and nails devin in the balls with back kick from heck nailing him right in the the left ball hes falls and says im done no more.ashleys hurrys and runs over where devin is and picks up his ankles and spreads them and says say goodbye two these and with here barefoot she slams here barefoot in to his balls three times and on the last one she holds her foot there and grinds here foot and says next time u wont make this stupid deal because i love busting guys in the balls.



sorry if its bad its my first time at a story

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