A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
When I was in college, I took a film class. My school had more women than men, about 60/40, and the film class was no different. There were a lot of cute girls in it, but there was one in particular who caught my eye. I'm a white guy and have usually dated white girls, but I've never really discriminated by race. I mention this because she was black and had this lovely dark chocolate-colored skin. She wore her hair natural cutting it in a very short fade. Now, usually, I prefer long hair because it feels more feminine, but if a woman has a curvy enough figure, she can wear a shorter, more masculine looking haircut and still seem sexy to me. In fact there's something a little extra sexy about it because it's like she's making a statement that she's so feminine looking that she doesn't need her hair to look feminine. And she was definitely curvy enough to pull that off. She was a tall girl, probably six foot tall, and not what you would call skinny, but her proportions were amazing. She had nice round hips and a very pert butt. Her waist was astonishingly thin and she always wore clothes which tightened around her waist to show it off. But what was truly amazing was her chest. Her breasts were huge. She always wore her bra high on her chest, so her tits always looked enormous but also perky. They looked to be almost as big as her head. And she often showed them off, wearing things which were tight in the chest. She also had long legs which she frequently showed off by wearing short skirts.
I was completely head-over-heels in lust with her. I'd masturbate to my recollections of her from class over and over again. And sometimes I'd extend it into a fantasy. I often imagined getting to stick my face in between her tits or getting to suck on her nipples. And frequently, I'd imagine her kicking me in the balls, which had long been a fetish of mine.
But in real life, I had no idea how to approach her or get to know her. Fortunately, in late September, a little more than a month into the class, fate intervened. The class was broken into groups of six people, assigned by the professor, with the assignment to recreate two minutes of a film of our choice shot-for-shot over the weekend. This, I think, was to give us a little taste of how hard real filmmaking could be. Initially, she wasn't assigned to my group, but she went to the professor and asked if she could switch groups because she was in the same group with her ex-boyfriend who she had just broken up with a month before. So, of course, he approved the switch and she swapped groups with a friend of hers who was in my group. I overheard all of this and was thrilled both to have her in my group and to know that she was single.
Her name, it turns out, was Aisha. Everyone in the group introduced ourselves to each other and swapped numbers so that we could text each other. It was a Friday and the scene was due Monday, so we knew we had to stay in good contact. Still, I was thrilled to have her number. I was the only guy in the group, but none of the other girls in the group were as captivating as Aisha was. There was another one who might've caught by eye if Aisha wasn't there, though. Her name was Sarah and she was pretty hot, really. She was a slender, pale white girl with long straight brown hair. She had a pretty face and a medium-sized, but perky-looking chest. I was much more into Aisha, but I had to admit that Sarah was cute.
They had provided each group with a video camera, but everything else was up to us. After class, the six of us talked out in the hallway trying to figure out what to do.
Sarah said that she had an idea for an easy scene to do. She'd been watching a blaxploitation movie the other night and it had a scene with two people outdoors that she thought would be easy to film, so the group walked over to her apartment near campus to watch it. When we got there, she popped in the DVD and jumped to the right scene. It featured a tall black woman who was clearly the hero of the movie, played by someone who seemed like a Pam Grier wannabe, arguing in a park with her white city councilman boyfriend after she finds out that he's been accepting bribes from slum lords and drug dealers. It winds up with her calling him a honky and then kicked him hard in the balls. The scene fades out with her strutting away and him lying on the ground, holding his balls.
Obviously, Aisha would be playing the woman and I'd have to play the man. Knowing this, when we got to the part with the kick, Aisha immediately said, "looks good. I'm in!" and smiled.
After the scene was over, someone asked, "What about you Alex?"
"Oh sure," I said, trying to conceal how exited I was. "I could do that." I was starting to get hard at that point, from watching the scene and imagining myself in it.
"Well, our cast is good with it. Everyone else good?" Sarah asked. General agreement followed.
Because we were on a tight schedule, we broke into two groups to go ahead and get some work done that evening. Aisha, Sarah, and I headed to the city's largest thrift shop to try to find costumes which would match the film. The other three piled in a car together to go scout parks for the right location.
In the film, the guy was wearing a beige suit and the girl was wearing bell-bottom jeans and a white top which wrapped around, but showed off some of her midriff. We checked the suits and found a couple which were close. The style wasn't quite right, but it was close enough for our purposes. There was no changing room at the thrift store, so I couldn't try them on, but they were only $10 apiece, so we grabbed both, figuring that we can work out which is better later. The bell-bottom jeans were also pretty easy to find. The ones we found which seemed like her size were actually men's jeans, so they were kind of tight in the hips for her, but it seemed like they would work. Finding the top was harder.
None of the one's on hangers was right, but there was also a big pile of women's tops and we started digging through it. In the process, Aisha found a leather bustier and pulled it out. "Hmm," she said, "I wonder if this would fit." She held it up to her torso.
It looked likely that it would go around, but I wasn't sure that the cups could really fit her generous chest. I felt tempted to say so, but that felt too forward. "It's only $4," I said, instead.
"Good point," she said, and added it to our basket.
We never really found the perfect top for her, but we found one that Sarah thought that she could alter to be close enough. Next, Sarah asked if I had a cup. I admitted that I didn't, and she said we needed to go buy me one. So we stopped at a sporting goods store and headed back to their athletic supporter and cup section. They had hard plastic, soft plastic, and metal ones.
"Huh," I said, "I wonder which type we should get."
"Well," Sarah said, "it looks like the soft cups aren't really meant to protect against hard blows to the groin, but the metal ones might be overkill. Those are kind of expensive, too."
Aisha chimed in saying, "Yeah, it looks like I need to kick him pretty hard for the scene to look right. The soft cup may not be able to handle it. But I wouldn't want to hurt my foot on the metal one. Hard plastic is definitely the way to go. I wouldn't want his balls to get too badly smashed."
I hoped that neither of them noticed that I was getting a hard-on from the conversation as we grabbed an adult-sized hard cup and headed to the register. After we paid, we drove back to Sarah's place. On the way, I texted someone from the location team. They said that they'd found some good places and were heading home. So, once we got to Sarah's we split up planning to gather again the next morning.
Aisha and I both headed back to our respective dorms. In practice, this meant that we were walking together for the first little bit. We walked quietly at first and then
"Have you ever acted before?" she asked me.
"Nope, but it shouldn't be too bad. At least I have a pretty costar."
"It's not like it's a love scene, though. Your pretty costar's gonna yell at you and kick you in the balls."
"Sure, but that's kind of hot, too, just in a very different way."
She smiled, and then we were at the split in our paths. "See you tomorrow morning," she said.
"Yup," I said, not sure what else to say, and we went our separate ways.
The next morning, everyone gathered at Sarah's apartment again. We looked through location pictures that that team had taken and made a decision about which park to use. It looked similar to the one in the scene and the team said that it didn't have a lot of people in it, which should do well for our purposes.
Then we went to work on the costuming. It was just a one-bedroom apartment, so they moved me to the bedroom and Aisha stayed in the living room, so that we could have some privacy. Sarah and Joanna were the ones with sewing experience. So Sarah was in charge of my outfit with Elizabeth helping out. Joanna and Madison did Aisha's tailoring. The first thing they did was to give me the cup and tell me to change into it so that any fitting of the suit would take it into account. They gave me the plastic package with the cup and the jock that had come with it and then left the room to let me change. With some tugging, I managed to get the package open. Next I stripped my bottom half naked, and then I put on the jock and slipped the cup in place. I found the idea that I was wearing a cup because I was going to get kicked in the balls very exciting, so soon I could feel my cock expanding inside the cup. I have big balls to start with, so once my cock started to swell, I could feel the cup pushing away and started to wonder if it was going to protect me well. Fortunately, the jock strap was pretty tight on me, probably a little small, really, and so the cup couldn't move too far. I pulled my regular briefs on over it.
Then I tried on the pants. They were definitely a little tight over the cup and a touch long in the legs, but otherwise not bad. I still had on the white button-up shirt that I had worn to go with the suit. I put the jacket on over it. It was definitely tight in the shoulders, enough that it clearly showed, and it was way too long in the sleeves. Then I called the girls back in to see about the fit. They gave it a look over and immediately started pulling on things to see how much space they had. They had me take off the pants and the jacket and started work on altering them. They told me not to put my clothes back on because they'd need to do more checking. So I was sitting on the bed in my underwear and shirt when Aisha cracked the door open a little and called in a question.
"Everyone decentish?" she asked.
"Well, I'm wearing a shirt and my underwear. I don't mind you coming in if you're okay with that," I responded.
"We're probably about even, then," she said as she opened the door. She was wearing the jeans we had picked out on bottom, but on top was just her bra. And what a bra it was. It was a silver color with a little shine to it which contrasted nicely against her dark skin. It has a thick band and thick straps with a lot of stitching on both. Clearly this was a bra made for supporting hefty breasts, not just covering up. The cups were enormous, covering her massive breasts entirely and not showing any cleavage. So big that Sarah stopped what she was doing to stare for a moment or two. It didn't hurt that Aisha had a very slender waist and a pretty flat stomach underneath that big bra.
"Wow!" Sarah exclaimed. "I'm glad I don't have to sew one of those for you. What cup size are you anyway?"
"34J," she answered, smiling. "That's too bad, though, I could really use someone who knows their way around a sewing machine who could help me out with fitting things some. Not bras, but finding tops which fit is really difficult."
"Well, I might be able to help a little. I did do a bunch of alterations for my theater group in high school. Mostly, though, I've sewn a lot of swimsuits for friends."
"Oh, a swimsuit would be amazing!"
"I don't think I could make it very supportive."
"Oh, I have a couple of supportive suits. What I need is something a little sexy. The ones I've got squeeze my tits into my chest as much as possible to stop the bouncing, but they cover up absolutely everything. I just want a bikini top which fits around my boobs but shows off a little cleavage. It's okay if it's not that supportive. I just want something to lounge around the pool or the hot tub in. It's okay if the girls are a little bouncy, as long as they aren't bouncing out of the suit."
"I could probably do like a halter-top bikini which would fit."
"Oh, I would be so thankful, if you could."
"Let's talk about it after we get the assignment stuff done."
"Oh, speaking of which," Aisha said, "that reminds me that I wanted to do a cup test with you, Alex."
"Oh?" I said. I was a little worried because all this talk of bouncing boobs and swimsuits had left me with, well, not quite a hard-on, but something close to it. Basically, my penis was filling up all the space in the cup and pushing it outwards.
"Yeah. Don't want any surprises when we do it for the camera."
"I guess that makes sense. Sure," I said. "Let's give it a go." I could feel butterflies turning flips in my stomach as I stood to my feet and spread my legs. My fantasies of her kicking me in the crotch were about to become reality, although not exactly as I expected, since I'd never fantasized about there being a cup. But the very thought of her showing so much skin and kicking me in the groin was so exciting, that I kind of wanted to wuss out. But clearly everyone expected me to just do it, so I had pushed past that feeling, and I stood up there beside the bed with my legs spread.
She came up to me and, at first, I thought that she was going to knee me, but actually she put her hands on my shoulders to adjust which direction I was facing so that she could get a good clean kick without worrying about what else was around.
"Okay," she said, "first a light one, just in case." She reached forward with her bare foot and pointing her toes, she gave me a very light tap with her foot. I could just barely feel the contact through the cup.
"No problem," I said.
"Okay, turning it up to medium," she said. She pulled her foot farther back and this time she gave me a harder kick. This had a decent wallop to it, I think, probably about like the force of when somebody slugs you in the arm, except, you know, right on the cup.
I could definitely feel that one and let out a little "oof".
"Gotcha some on that one, huh?" she asked.
"Yeah," I answered. "It wasn't too bad, but some of the force gets through, plus some of it is transmitted to my crotch area from the edges of the cup. Didn't really hurt my balls, though."
"Maybe the next one will," she said, smiling. "Time for a hard kick. After all, we want it to look as real as possible."
She swung her foot back and before I could even prepare myself, her kick came fast and hard and right on target. If I hadn't been wearing the cup, I have no doubt it would have floored me. As it was, it still made me suck my breath in hard and bend forward. It wasn't quite like a real kick to the nuts, but a lot of the energy of the kick had been transferred to my hard dick. But the pain was only there for an instant or two, and in a moment, I straightened back up.
"Looks like that got you pretty good that time," she said, chuckling a little.
"Yeah, not too bad, though. Cups don't make kicks magically disappear, they just spread the force around. So I definitely felt that, but it doesn't hurt at this point."
"Okay, well to be extra sure, we should do one last test where I kick my hardest."
Sarah interjected, "Don't wreck him. We need him for shooting the scene."
"Don't worry," Aisha said, "so long as he's got that on, I don't think I can wreck him. Maybe hurt him a little, but that's what we want to be aware of."
This time, when I spread my legs apart, I tried to brace myself as much as possible for the coming impact. "Okay," I said, "I'm ready."
"Okay, full force coming up." This time she took a step back first. I swallowed nervously, knowing how hard this kick was going to be. I looked her up and down, admiring her long legs, her wide hips, her flat stomach, and her massive chest hidden inside her massive bra. I could feel my hardening cock trying to push the cup out of position. The whole scenario was ever so sexy to me.
She smiled and quickly stepped forward, delivering a blindingly quick kick which landed with so much force that it staggered me from the force alone. As I stepped back from the force, the effects of the kick on my dick and balls got to me, and I doubled over as well. The force on my hard cock was really painful and a lot of it got transmitted to my balls as well. Even the cup was only so much help. I was pretty overwhelmed for about a minute or so. As I became more aware of what was going on, I heard Aisha saying "Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck" and hopping around on one foot.
As I sat down on the bed, to recuperate, I couldn't help but smile inside a little about the thought of her having kicked me so hard that she hurt her foot. I'd had a girlfriend or two who played a little rough with my balls at my request before, but never someone who had kicked hard, nevermind hard enough to hurt their foot. Still, I definitely hoped that she was okay, since she was supposed to kick me again when we filmed the scene.
Fortunately, she wasn't damaged. Her foot hurt, but didn't seem to really be injured, and after she walked around on it for a few minutes, she was fine. Not long after, they called her in for a new fitting of the top. They kept her busy for the next while making little changes and trying them out. Sarah also had a first version of the pants ready for me to try, so I wound up busy for the next bit, too. I had another downtime once they got the pants all finished, but she was still busy with the top.
The alterations on the jacket were the hardest part. Shortening sleeves is easy, but widening shoulders isn't. Fortunately, it was well made, so there was some leeway, and they managed to get it done, but it definitely wasn't easy. By the time everything was ready, it was about one in the afternoon.
We all piled into a couple of cars and got a quick lunch together at a barbecue place and then it was off to location. We got to the park and it was a little more crowded than it had been the day before, according to the location folks, but it was definitely still usable. We went over our shot list. Basically, it started with an establishing shot and then a wide shot and then had a series of back-and-forth over-the-shoulder close-up shots and then ended with a wider shot from behind her to catch the kick and then a shot of her walking away.
Fortunately, Elizabeth was a pretty experienced with cameras and volunteered to do the camera work. The first couple of scenes were no problem. The close-ups, we wound up shooting several times. Joanna had brought one of those silver mylar reflectors that people use to keep the sun out of their cars to use as a reflector for lighting in the close-ups. This did great for making it look more professional, but she got in the shots a couple of times, so we had to reshoot those. We also wound up going through that part of the scene with the arguing several times because we could only shoot from one angle, and it felt more natural to talk through the whole argument each time.
Then we got to my favorite part, the kick. In the film, the guy had dropped to the ground immediately and started rolling around. So it was my goal to do that too. But the first time we tried it, she kicked so lightly that it threw me off. I was expecting something harder after the practice sessions. So I did fall down, but not on cue. I was too slow. I think she was tentative after having hurt her foot.
"Sorry. My fault. It was just so much lighter a kick than I expected. It threw me off," I said. "Let's try that again."
"Do you want me to kick harder?" she asked.
"If you're okay with it, yeah, a little harder would be good."
The second time, she got me about like the second hardest kick from the practice (the hardest one where she didn't hurt her foot), and I went right down. There was enough impact to it, that I didn't really have to act, per se, just exaggerate my reaction. I could almost imagine that we were doing it without the cup, and by the time I was done rolling around on the ground, I was pretty hard in my cup. From the perspective of the assignment, it went pretty well, but they felt like they hadn't gotten the camera angle quite right and wanted to do it again. I was quite happy to.
The third time, everything went well again, with me falling to the ground right on cue. This time, she did a little extra glowering over me as I rolled on the ground, which I loved. It was amazing looking up at her towering over me, her big tits protruding proudly. It was as if she was lording her feminine parts over me, showing me the weakness of my masculine parts.
Honestly, I wanted to do it again, and I think that maybe she did, too, but I wasn't willing to risk the rest of the crew figuring out my fetish, so I didn't say anything. With that done, they got the last shot. At this point, it was about three thirty in the afternoon. We headed over to Elizabeth's apartment because she told us that she had good video editing software. There was a lab at school which we could use to do the editing, so we didn't have to go to Elizabeth's, but she offered, and it sounded like a good idea. When we got to her apartment complex, I was impressed. It was one of those gated complexes with lots of really nice amenities. She turned out to have a nice big apartment all to herself overlooking the complex swimming pool and hot tub, both of which were empty. It was late September and fall had officially just started, but it was still being in the 80s outside due to a heat wave.
"This is really nice!" Joanna commented, looking out the window. "Do you get to watch a lot of hot guys lounging by the pool?"
"Nah," said Elizabeth, "the pool almost never gets any use. I think that most of the other people here work jobs which keep them too busy. The rent isn't cheap, so it's a lot of well-paid young professionals."
"How do you afford it?" Joanna asked.
"My dad's a very successful orthodontist who also made some good investments with his money. I didn't really need anything this fancy, but he really likes to spoil me."
"We should totally have a celebratory pool party once we're done tomorrow."
"Sure. Sounds good."
Elizabeth fired up the computer. I volunteered to help her with the editing since I'd done some for a video blog in the past. As we reviewed the footage, it looked really good, and I complimented her on her camera work. The shots matched up really nicely. We cut and sequenced them all together, and the result looked really good. It definitely looked like the movie shot-for-shot.
While we were doing the editing, Sarah and Aisha had been talking again about that bikini that Sarah was going to make Aisha. Sarah asked Elizabeth if she had a tape measure, and Elizabeth had gone and found her sewing kit that her mom had given her, and as it turned out, there was one there. They went off to the bedroom to take measurements. I managed to keep my attention on the editing process pretty well, although, really, I couldn't help but imagine Sarah wrapping the tape around Aisha's naked chest.
After we got everything sequenced, we realized the big problem: the sound was terrible. There was all sorts of wind noise and you could hear the geese which had been behind the camera for some of it. With all the background noise and because of the distance, the audio just didn't sound good at all.
We talked about it with the whole group and decided that we needed to rerecord the audio. I had a couple of microphones and a mixer from back when I used to record a podcast in my high school days, so I volunteered that I could go get them and we could rerecord the audio. Because it was getting late in the afternoon and some people had evening plans, instead the group decided to go their separate ways for the evening and to meet back around noon the next day at Elizabeth's to rerecord the audio and then, as Joanna suggested, hang out at the pool.
Joanna and Sarah had each driven their cars. Joanna and Madison lived in the same off-campus apartment complex which was a little ways from school, so they rode back home together. I caught a ride with Sarah and Aisha back towards campus. However, on the way back, they stopped at the fabric store to buy material for Aisha's swimsuit. Initially, I stayed in the car, because there didn't seem to be much point in my going in. But then, after a bit, Aisha came out to the car.
"Hey, we've realized that we're both short on money right now. Is there any chance you could help out?"
"Will you promise to model it for me when it gets made?" I asked, flirtatiously.
"Sure," she smiled, "That would be no problem at all."
So I headed into the store. Sarah was standing around with a shopping cart waiting for us. Aisha explained that she had picked out some red lycra and Sarah had picked out some white. They also had some fabric for lining, some elastic, and some good thread in the cart.
"Are you making a bathing suit for yourself, too?" I asked Sarah.
"Yeah," she replied, "I have this related pattern I wanted to try out myself. Is that cool?"
"Sure," I said, "No problem." I wanted Aisha to feel like I was in a good financial situation. Really, based on my money situation, I probably shouldn't have bought it, but I wasn't really thinking with the right body part, so I didn't even bother to stop and consider the decision, I just bought it for them.
We checked out and headed back to Sarah's place. Once we got there, she headed in, taking the material with her and saying that she had a lot of sewing to do tonight. Aisha and I walked back towards the dorms. She was the one who breached the subject.
"That was really exhilarating kicking you in the crotch."
"Yeah, I found it pretty exciting, too. Like really exciting. I mean, it was really, really stimulating. Even just thinking about it is still pretty stimulating." That definitely came out sounding a little creepier than I had meant it.
"What, like you're gonna go home and masturbate?" she said, with an edge of disgust in her voice.
"No, nothing like that. I just meant that it got my heart racing."
"Oh, okay," she said. "It got my heart racing, too."
Then we reached the split and headed our separate ways.
When I got back to my dorm room, my immediate instinct was just to whip it out and beat off like mad. This dark lovely girl with an amazing body had just kicked me in the groin like six times. I wanted nothing more than to just reminisce and masturbate while remembering. So, I did. I took off my clothes, including my cup and lay back on my bed and thought about everything that had happened: the practice kicks, including the really hard one and then the kicks for the actual filming and just staring up at her as she stood over me. It was all so very sexy, and as I stroked, I got harder and harder, but then, in my mind, I couldn't help but remember that sense of disgust I heard in her voice when she said "What, like you're gonna go home and masturbate?" and I just couldn't go through with it. So I got my self dressed again, this time without the cup and found some friends from my dorm to go have supper with at the dining hall.
After supper, I spent the evening trying not to think about ball-busting. I worked out for a little while and then I decided to watch a movie. I wound up choosing an animated film starring cute animals just to be sure that there wouldn't be any ball-busting in it to get me going again. After it was over, I tried to go to sleep, and wound up lying in bed with a hard-on fantasizing about her kicking me in the cup over and over until it broke.
When I woke up in the morning, I had rock hard morning wood. I had told Sarah that I'd be at her place at noon, and it was just after eight. So I took a shower and played with myself, but didn't come (Aisha's voice intruding again when I started to try and get off seriously). Afterwards I ate a bowl of cereal and managed to start thinking about some homework for my philosophy class instead. And that worked until about 11:30 when the urge came crashing back and I wound up giving in and watching ball-busting videos online. I got caught up in doing that and touching myself and before I knew it, it was ten till noon and I needed to head over to Sarah's place. So I ignored my desperate need to come and headed over there, bringing along the cup in case we needed to reshoot, my gear for recording the audio, and a swimsuit.
Aisha got to Sarah's place before I did. Sarah had finished Aisha's suit the night before, and Aisha was in the bedroom trying it on. Sarah showed me the suit that she'd made for herself, too (she wasn't wearing it yet, just showing it to me). It was a white one-piece but with a thong back and a very deep V in front to show off a lot of cleavage. I was admiring it when Aisha came out of the bedroom wearing her new bikini. I felt like my eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. She looked amazing. It was the first time I'd ever seen her show any real cleavage and there was a lot of it. I wanted to stick my face right in her big round chocolatey breasts. Even without her big bra, her tits still looked very nicely perky. Probably not quite as high on her chest, but by no means saggy. They looked big and full and round and just absolutely lovely.
Despite how much the top grabbed my attention at first, she was wearing the bottoms, too, and, honestly, the rest of her looked great as well. She had nice, smoothly colored skin all over, and her legs looked long and strong. I wanted them to kick me again. The bottoms were tie-side, but with the same larger ties as the top. I have always loved bikinis which tie because I can help but imagine tugging and the ties and suddenly having a naked woman. Specifically, it might be a naked woman who is pissed at me and wants to kick me in the balls, which would be extra fun.
So, anyway, she looked amazingly hot and I couldn't help but stare.
"Sexy?" she asked.
"Extremely sexy," I replied.
Next, Sarah went and put hers on. I was also pretty impressed with her suit. The cut in the front was so deep that you could see her belly button. It really showed off her tits terrifically. And it was cut high on the sides, too, emphasizing her long legs. And when she spun around, I could see that her ass was nice and tight. It looked really good in a thong.
"You look great, too," I said.
"Now you should try on yours," Sarah said to me.
"Mine? What?"
"It's a surprise. I had some extra material, so this morning, I made you a swimsuit, too. It's in there on the bed. It's to commemorate getting kicked in the balls on film."
I headed into the bedroom and there, on the bed, was a white speedo-style suit, but she had also used some of the red lycra to sew a bullseye pattern right on the crotch.
"Umm, I don't know about this," I said back towards the girls.
"Give it a try!" said Sarah.
"Please," said Aisha, "I really want to see you in it. I bet you'd look sexy."
So I closed the door and stripped down. I pulled the suit on and sure enough, the bullseye was right over my balls. The thought of the two girls in their sexy swimsuits targeting my balls was enough to give me a woody. I tried to think unsexy thoughts to make it go away, but without any luck. I spent a couple of minutes trying, but I couldn't shake the thought of Aisha kicking me in the balls in this.
Suddenly, Sarah knocked on the door. "Everything okay in there?" she asked.
"Uh, yeah, it fits fine."
"Then open up."
"Well, uh, there's, uh, um," I was totally failing to come up with an excuse.
"He's just stalling," said Aisha. Apparently the lock on the door hadn't worked because she just opened it and came in. My cheeks flushed bright red. I knew that they were both going to be looking at my hard-on in my tight swimsuit. Oddly, this didn't help abate things at all.
After looking down at the suit, they both looked up at me and smiled.
"Well, looks like it fits well," said Sarah, being tactful.
"Damn! I guess you like the swimsuit!" said Aisha, laughing.
"Hey, now," I tried to rebut, "all that cleavage you girls are waving around is a big part of this too."
"Oh," said Aisha, putting a pretend innocent sound in her voice, "do you like cleavage?" With that, she wrapped her arms around her big breasts, squeezing them together to show off just how enormous her cleavage was.
My cock twitched in my suit, and I just sort of stammered for a moment before Sarah intervened.
"Stop teasing the poor boy," Sarah said. "We still have to go edit the video at Elizabeth's."
"That's true. I'd better take my swimsuit off." Aisha walked to the doorway, as if she was going to the other room, but then she stopped, still facing away from me, and reached back and untied her top, first from behind her neck and then from behind her back. My cock twitched in my swimsuit, watching her. Once her top was off, she put her hands over her breasts and turned into the living room, quickly going out of view.
"Wow," said Sarah, "she is such a tease." And then she headed out to the living room, closing the door behind her.
I changed back into my normal clothes and then knocked on the door. "Everyone decent out there?"
"Yup," I heard Aisha call back.
"No!" Sarah yelled. Aisha giggled.
Despite feeling a little tempted, I didn't open the door until a couple of minutes later when I heard Sarah say "Okay, ready now."
I gathered up my stuff, including my new swimsuit, and we all got in Sarah's car and drove over to Elizabeth's.
When we got there, everyone else was already there. I unpacked my microphones and mixer and hooked them up to Elizabeth's computer. We made sure the software was all working right, and then we put on headphones and played the video clips and Aisha and I tried to redo our lines in sync with the video. It took us about half a dozen tries for each line, but we eventually got them all sounding and looking right.
Then we got to the kick. Aisha said, "You know, it would probably sound more realistic if we did it without the cup."
"We have to use the cup," Madison replied, "otherwise it's just too dangerous."
"Well, I –" I started to say, but Elizabeth cut me off, "Yeah! It's just too risky!"
I was going to say it was okay, but the opinion of the group was definitely against me. So I went and changed into the cup. When I came back, I stood near the computer, and we pointed a mic right at my groin. I felt excited at the prospect of Aisha kicking my groin again, but it felt weird doing it with everyone else just standing around and watching. Still, I wasn't gonna complain.
I opened my legs, and as I watched her prepare, I could feel the special tingle in my groin. Soon my cock started to expanded. She stepped back and swung in with a solid hit to my groin. It didn't really hurt, but there was a little bit of shock to it, so I let the feeling take me and I let myself fall to the ground and start moaning. I moaned for a little longer than I would have because I wasn't sure how long that shot took in the film.
Then I stopped and asked "How was that?"
"Very convincing," said Sarah, smiling.
We listened to the audio on the computer, and the kick landed with kind of a "thunk". "You can really hear the cup," said Sarah.
"It sounds fine to me," Madison said.
"But, that's not what groin kicks sound like in the real world," Sarah replied.
"Don't worry about it," Elizabeth said, "It's great."
Then we had to record Aisha's footsteps as she walked away. We put a mic down by her feet and she walked in place. It was too quiet, though, on the carpet, so we stretched the mic cord over to the kitchen and recorded it again with her walking on the tile. Once that was done, Elizabeth and I put all of the sound together over the video. We realized that the moaning sound I made after being kicked was too far away from the mic to sound right, so it was time for one last kick.
"Can you stay up when she kicks?" Sarah asked.
"Oh, yeah, sure. With the cup it's no problem," I replied.
"Okay, then you stand here, and I'll hold the mic for you," said Sarah.
So, that's what we did. Sarah stood next to me, holding the mic near my mouth, prepared to adjust it if I doubled over or anything, and I spread my legs for what I thought was likely to be the last time. This time, Aisha turned it up a notch. I grunted from the impact (not faked) and then amped up the moaning afterwards. The kick hadn't been quite hard enough to hurt her foot, but harder than the she had been doing it. I think maybe my "no problem" had egged her on, somehow. She broke out in a smile after she heard me grunt.
Once my moaning was done, she asked, "I got you pretty good, huh?"
"Yeah," I said. "Good thing I was wearing the cup."
"Well, maybe good for you. I wouldn't mind seeing what happens without one."
Not caring much about our banter, Elizabeth broke in, "Okay, let's get the editing done."
"Then we can go tan by the pool," Joanna said.
Elizabeth and I got it finished up and then we all watched the whole thing together.
"Looks great!" said Madison.
"Yeah! I agree." responded Joanna. "Pool time!"
"I'm not sure about that kick sound," Aisha said. "I think Sarah was right."
"I don't think we should worry about it," Elizabeth said. "It's an A-plus project either way. Let's just call it done."
Joanna and Madison seemed to murmur general agreement. So, Aisha and Sarah accepted it. Everyone got out their swimsuits. I got out the swimming shorts that I had brought from home, but Sarah insisted that I wear the speedo she'd made for me and Aisha backed her up, so I gave in. At least, because they'd heard the discussion, the other girls knew that it was something Sarah had made for me, not something I just brought on my own. I changed in the bathroom while the girls changed in the bedroom. I stopped to pee in the middle of changing, so by the time I came out, the girls were all waiting for me.
Joanna, Madison, and Elizabeth laughed at the suit.
"That's lovely, Sarah. That's to go with the video?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yeah, exactly," Sarah said, smiling.
Between the jocular atmosphere and the fact that I'd seen Sarah and Aisha in their swimsuits earlier (and that the other girls were okay, but nothing really special), I managed to keep from getting hard, which I was happy about because it saved me some embarrassment. We all headed down to the pool. Joanna, Madison, and Elizabeth all went and found lounge chairs. I jumped into the pool and was pleased when Sarah and Aisha jumped in, too. I was especially pleased because it meant seeing Aisha's big boobs bounce as she jumped in. I was starting to get wood, so I swam a quick lap and then came back to the girls.
When I got back, they had apparently gotten into a splash fight. When I approached, they both turned on me, so I splashed back. At the end of this, we were all pretty soaked, but it was a lot of fun. After we stopped I looked around and noticed how transparent Sarah's top had gotten.
"Woah," I said, staring for a moment.
"What? Oh, yeah," Sarah said. "I didn't add the lining yet. I figured that since I was gonna be next to Aisha here and her Grand Tetons, I should dial up the sexiness a little. I'll probably add the lining later, but this is kind of fun."
The site of her pink nipples clearly visible through her top and the way she talked about it had inspired a very firm erection. Fortunately I was in the water, so it wasn't obvious.
"Of course," she continued, "your suit doesn't have any lining either."
"What?" I said, looking down. I couldn't really see in the water.
"Here, hop up on the side for a moment, so we can see."
"But everyone will see."
"They aren't paying any attention. They're busy with their sunbathing."
I looked over and they definitely did seem to be. Two of the three girls were lying face down and the other, Joanna, was very involved with something on her phone. So I hopped up on the edge of the pool and sat there with my knees spread apart. All the white on my suit was extremely transparent, leaving only the red rings of the target design opaque. My cock was hard and having two hot girls staring at it wasn't doing anything to help me calm down.
"Wow, that really is transparent," said Aisha. "I can see everything."
"Those are nice big balls," Sarah commented.
"Uh, thanks," I replied.
"Do girls kick them much?" she asked.
I was surprised by the question, but I answered, "Aside from the last couple of days, not really at all."
"That target kind of makes me want to punch them," Aisha commented.
"Oh, I think you should," Sarah said.
My cock twitched in response to the conversation. I started to brace myself for Aisha punching me in the balls, since it was starting to see likely, when suddenly I heard Joanna calling from her chaise lounge, "Hey, Sarah, can I ask you some questions about my knitting project?"
Sarah was sort of thrown for a loop as well. "Uh, yeah, sure." As she started to head over to Joanna, I slid back into the water because I felt much more exposed now that Joanna was looking over towards us, too.
"Your cock is pretty excitable," Aisha said.
"Well, you've got a lovely figure. Plus, well, it has been a few days since I jerked off."
"Oh, hey," she said. "Sorry about what I said about jerking off yesterday. And especially for the way I said it. That sounded mean and I didn't really mean it."
"It's okay."
"I was just feeling weird about the fact that I found kicking you kind of exciting and I think I projected onto you. I've never thought of kicking a guy in the crotch as sexy before and I just wasn't dealing with my own feelings well. I'm sure you didn't find it particularly sexy."
"Well," I said, deciding to take a chance, "I actually, um, did. I thought it was pretty hot."
"Oh yeah, definitely. Honestly, I would've even been glad to let you kick me without the cup. The whole idea is a huge turn-on."
"We should rerecord the kick then."
"We could go back up to the apartment and record it again without the cup. It doesn't sound right as is."
"But what about the rest of the group?"
"We'll just tell them you don't feel well and that I'm going to take you up to the apartment."
"But I feel fine. What if they check on us?"
"Don't worry. I'll make sure you don't feel fine by then." Saying that, she suddenly grabbed my balls.
"Uh, what are you–" suddenly, she began to squeeze them, hard, "– ugh!" I grunted. She gave them a really hard squeeze. I tried to stay upright, but after about ten seconds, I couldn't help myself and started to pitch forward. She gave one more sudden pulse causing me to grunt again, my nuts were in so much pain, and then she let go.
"Hey, gals," she called out. "Alex is suddenly feeling a little weird and out of it. I'm gonna take him upstairs, and he'll have a little lie down on the couch. I'll get him a little food and water, and hopefully he'll feel better.
"Okay," someone yelled back, but they all were caught up in their own thing. Although, Sarah was sort of looking at us funny.
Aisha helped me out of the pool and then went and grabbed my towel so that I could wrap up, which I did eagerly because I didn't really want to expose my erection to anyone else. My swimsuit covered me, but it was really wet and still transparent and, as such, not concealing very much at all.
She wrapped herself in her towel, too, and went and got the key to the apartment from Elizabeth. We headed back up to the apartment. Once we got in and shut the door, she dropped her towel. I marveled again at how sexy she looked in her bikini.
"Okay," she said, "let's do this. You set up the computer." She went and looked out the window to be sure that everyone else was still down at the pool.
The editing and recording software was still running, so I just had to wake up the computer. My audio gear was also still set up. I put the microphone up on the computer desk, pointing right towards my crotch again. Then I stood by it, my legs spread wide apart. Aisha looked so good in her bikini. As she was looking out the window, I couldn't help but admire what a pert, round ass she had, and how it sloped in to her narrow waist. She was just so sexy and here I was, my legs spread, just waiting for her to come kick me in the balls.
She turned from the window. "Are you ready for a solid kick to the target?"
I swallowed nervously. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied.
Without waiting for any further conversation, she stepped up and kicked fast and hard. This was not a light practice kick, but rather, just as forceful as the ones against the cup. Except this time there was no cup, and when her foot collided with me, it smashed both of my balls hard against my pubic bone. My stomach clenched hard from the pain and I thought that I was gonna vomit, but instead, I just found myself falling over and clutching at my balls. My erection was definitely gone.
Aisha stopped the recording on the computer and then helped me over to the couch to lie down in case anyone else came in. Then she went and watched by the window to see if everyone was still by the pool.
"Everyone's still down there. No sign of anyone coming up here." After a little pause she asked, "So, how was that for you."
Most of the oomph had gone out of me, so I replied very quietly, "Very painful, but sexy."
"Good," she said, smiling at me.
It was about five minutes until I felt well enough to get up off the sofa and drag myself over to the computer to edit the new sound in place. Aisha kept lookout to make sure no one was coming. It sounded much more realistic than the thunk against the cup. After I got it edited into place, I deleted the recording so that Elizabeth wouldn't know that we'd done anything. Then I put the computer back to sleep. "Anyone coming yet?"
"Looks like some of them are starting to gather things up."
"I'd better go lie on the sofa and pretend to be unwell, then." I headed over to the couch.
"Why pretend?" she said. When I was standing by the couch, about to lie down, she came over and gave me a hug. I was confused as to what hugging had to do with anything, but was enjoying the feeling of her body against mine, especially her big breasts squished against my chest. Then she let go and took like half a step back, still keeping her hands on my sides. And without any warning, she kneed me hard in the balls. My balls were in terrible pain and my legs started to turn to jelly, but before I could collapse, she kneed me again. That second knee wrecked me. My abdominal muscles were cramping from the referred pain and my testicles themselves felt like two little orbs of pure pain. I collapsed on the sofa, thoroughly devastated. I curled up into a ball and just lay there.
Aisha draped my towel over me. Soon I heard the other girls come in, but I was not yet feeling well enough to care.
"Oh, he does look bad," Elizabeth said.
"Yeah, but I think he's getting better," Aisha said.
"Any idea what the problem is?"
"No, but it seems to be passing. I'll walk him over to student health services when we go back to campus."
I listened to the girls talk for a while, and then I slowly felt better. I didn't want to get up right away, so I just lay there for a bit. Soon, though, my mind wandered back to what had just happened to me, in my head I could replay the whole thing, including seeing her big tits jiggling in her bikini top as she kicked me, and I wound up with an erection again. Fortunately, I was covered by the towel, but you could still see the outline and I figured that I needed to change out of my bathing suit before someone looked under the towel. So, getting up, and wrapping myself in the towel, I gathered up my clothes and went into the bathroom to change.
When I came out, the girls were glad to see that I was looking a little better. But they were all gathering up any stuff they'd bought to head home. We said goodbyes and I rode with Sarah and Aisha again. And once again, Aisha and I wound up walking back to the dorms from Sarah's place.
"So," she said, "now I bet you really are planning to go masturbate."
"Yeah," I replied, "definitely. That was really hot."
"Well," she said, slyly, "I was thinking that maybe instead, you could hold off until after tomorrow."
"What's happening tomorrow?"
"Well, we're showing the video in class and then, afterwards, I was hoping that you'd come back to my place and I could abuse you some more." I smiled at her, thrilled that she wanted to bust my nuts some more, and she continued, "I like how aroused you get in anticipation of a kick to the groin. It's sexy how hard you get, and I don''t want to risk you not being quite so hard. So I have an offer. If you can hold off until tomorrow, I'll promise to put on that bustier I bought while I bust your balls. You should see it, it gives me amazing cleavage."
The thought of her wearing a bustier which looked like it would probably push her boobs up and out, showing tons of cleavage, was so tantalizing, that I just couldn't say no. And the idea of being teased some sounded sexy. "Okay," I heard myself saying, "it's agreed: no jerking off tonight and tomorrow you can do whatever you want to my balls."
"Great," she said, "Oh, and bring along your speedo with the target, that looked really sexy."
We split and headed our separate ways. I spent that evening trying like mad to think about anything other than how sexy this past afternoon's ball-busting had been and what was yet to come tomorrow and, mostly, I failed. Elizabeth had emailed the movie clip out to all of us, and I couldn't help but watch the video of me getting kicked in the groin over and over again. My cock was so hard that night as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. I kept giving in and giving myself a couple of strokes and then thinking better and stopping. It was quite late when I finally stopped teasing myself and fell asleep.
I managed to keep things together the next morning and focus on the classes I was in until the film class. At the start of class, I went and sat and my usual spot and was very pleased when, a little while later, Aisha came and sat down next to me and then, just before class started, Sarah came and sat on the other side.
We watched a bunch of other group's movie clips. Some of them were pretty good. Some of them not so much. When we got to ours, all three of us watched it really carefully, and I found myself getting horny again. And clearly Sarah was listening, too, because after it was over, she whispered over towards Aisha and I, "you guys rerecorded the audio of the kick without the cup, didn't you?"
Aisha sort of looked sheepish, but I admitted it with a whisper back "Yeah."
"Did she really kick you?"
"Uh, why didn't you let me watch?" she pouted.
"What?" I was confused and Aisha seemed surprised, too. Trying to think what to say, the best I could come up with was "Um, uh, let's talk about this after class."
After the class was over the three of us found an empty spot on the quad to talk.
I started the discussion, "So, you wanted to watch?"
"Yeah, of course, why do you think I chose that scene to begin with? Because I wanted to watch her kick you in the nuts. Duh."
"Wow," I said. "I had no idea."
Aisha gave me a playful look which seemed to be asking me if it was okay, and I smiled in response. "Well," she said, "we're planning to go do more now. Would you like to come watch?"
"Absolutely. We're going back to my place. I promised him I'd wear that bustier we found."
"And your gonna kick him in the balls, and I can watch?"
"Definitely!" Aisha said, smiling.
So the three of us headed back to Aisha's place. Aisha lived in a small efficiency apartment, which she had all to herself. So, there was a bed in the middle of the room and a sofa on one side and a kitchen area on the other.
When we got there, Aisha told me to go into the bathroom and put on the speedo with the target, so I followed her instructions. When I came out a couple minutes later, I was wearing only my swimsuit. The girls, on the other hand, were both wearing a lot more. They each were wearing a bathrobe over the top of a jacket as well as jeans and shoes and socks.
"Hey!" I objected, "I thought that you were going to be wearing the leather thing."
"Oh, I am wearing it," she said, slyly, "But you're going to have to earn your way there. Every time you take a kick or punch in the balls, one of us will take some clothing off. So, if you can keep getting up off the floor and spreading your legs, eventually, I'll be down to the bustier. Once I get down to just panties and the top, and Sarah gets down to just her underwear, it'll be time to play the bonus round."
I smiled, and spread my legs. I could feel my hard cock pulsing with anticipation in my speedo. Her first kick felt like it was just a warm-up. It was quick, but not very hard. I jumped a little, just from the surprise of it, but it didn't really hurt much. Off came her bathrobe.
With the second kick she definitely wasn't holding back. It came fast and hard, smashing my balls solidly. I fell to the ground in pain and just rolled around, there for a couple of minutes. When I finally got myself together, I slowly climbed up onto one knee and then onto my feet again. Aisha had taken off her jacket, but she had a sweater on underneath.
I spread my legs, and as soon as I did, she stepped forward and kicked hard again. She giggled a little as I collapsed again immediately. I managed to keep it together a little better this time so I was able to actually watch as she pulled her sweater over her head. The t-shirt she had on underneath stuck to it a little bit, so I got a glance of the bottom of the bustier before she stopped to pulled the t-shirt apart from the sweater. The second kick had taken a toll on my erection, but when I started to imagine getting to see her in that sexy leather bustier, it started to come back.
I struggled to my feet again and spread my legs. This time, her kick was imperfect, just a glancing blow. It made me exhale sharply and bend forward a little, but it didn't take me off my feet. I straightened up after just a couple of seconds and watched as she slowly peeled back her t-shirt revealing her massive boobs stuffed into the white leather bustier. Only the bottoms of her boobs were really concealed. It looked like she'd sort of had to tuck her nipples downwards and the result of the it squeezing her big tits was just acres and acres of cleavage. I couldn't help but imagine sticking my face right into her cleavage and soon my cock was rock hard in my speedos.
"Looks like he likes it," Sarah commented.
"He looks like he wants to stick his face right in," Aisha responded.
As I tried to decide whether or not to say anything confirm this, I discovered that I was nodding my head. She smiled.
She stepped a little closer, stick her chest out, and then said, "Go ahead."
I leaned in tentatively, and she grabbed my head with her hands and pulled my face right into her cleavage. My cock stiffened suddenly in excitement. The feeling of her big, soft breasts pressing against my face was amazing. My cock had never been so hard. And then she started kicking me.
The first kick caught me by surprise and I gasped when it hit, but it wasn't too hard, and I easily kept my feet under me. The next one was harder. And the next even harder. I struggled to stay up, not wanting to have to take my face out of her cleavage. But the kicks kept coming quickly, each one getting more forceful. I counted the kicks as they landed. And after the seventh one, my legs just gave up under me, and I collapsed to the ground. I curled up in the ball there, my cock now soft and her much-desired cleavage far from reach.
When the pain finally lessened enough that I was able to pay attention, I found that Aisha had shed everything from her bottom half except her white silky panties, so she was now just wearing her panties and the bustier. And Sarah had taken off the bathrobe, but still had a lot of other stuff on. Also, Sarah had laid down in a reclining position at the far end of the sofa and had her hand down the front of her pants. She was still wearing several layers, so I wasn't certain that she was masturbating, but it certainly looked like it.
"Ready for more?" Aisha asked.
"In a moment," I said. "You wrecked me pretty good." Aisha smiled. About thirty seconds later, I managed to struggle to my feet. I stood in front of Aisha and spread my legs apart. She knelt down in front of me. Look down at her smiling face and massive display of cleavage, I couldn't help but imagine that she was about to give me a blow job, but I knew that it was still time for ball-busting. And she quickly made her intentions clear by landing a solid punch to my left ball. Her punch wasn't as forceful as the kick had been, but it made me gasp for air when her first had sent it swinging back and forth. Next she hit my right ball with her left hand and I gasped again. Then she hit my left ball with her right hand again, and kept alternating like that, hitting me at least a dozen times on each ball and maybe even more. I couldn't keep count. I felt like my balls were a speed bag. The pain built with every hit, leaving my balls sorer and sorer. By the end, it hurt just as bad as the kicks had, but it didn't wipe me out quite the same way. I managed to keep my feet under me and my legs spread apart, but not without some mental effort.
When she finally stopped, I let myself collapse. My balls were so sore from the onslaught of punches, I was wondering if I'd be able to continue.
"Oops," she said, "I think I overdid it. That might have been more punches than we have clothes."
I looked over and saw Sarah striping down the rest of her clothes until she was in just her plain white bra and pink cotton panties. She looked pretty hot. She looked a little awkward since she clearly hadn't been planning on getting undressed when she chose her underwear, and that actually made it a little sexier. Once she finished the stripping, she went right back to masturbating. This time I could clearly see her hand working under those thin cotton panties. My dick was rising back towards attention when I heard Aisha start to speak again, and I turned my attention to her.
"To make up for overdoing it," she said, "I think it's only fair that I remove this." She smiled as she undid the hooks on the front of the leather bustier revealing her breasts. Now unsupported, her breasts still looked amazing, big and round, coming to little points at her small, dark nipples. My erection was fully back in the game at that point. I wanted so badly to suck on her nipples. But that thought was pushed to the back of my head when she said, "Now for the bonus round. Okay, Alex, get naked and lie on your back on my bed. And Sarah, put three minutes on the clock."
I wasted no time in following her orders, stripping off my speedo and lying on my back. Aisha climbed onto her bed beside me, her big tits swinging as she did. She looked amazing, curvy and feminine, but still slender in the limbs and waist and with such nice, smooth dark skin. I could have just lay there and stared at her for a while without minding at all. But she made her intentions to proceed clear when she used one hand to grab around my scrotum, pushing my balls up, away from my body. She clenched that hand tightly, trapping my balls there, and she made a fist with her other hand.
"If you can go three minutes without asking me to stop, you win and you get to cum. If not, well, I guess you'll have to hold it till next time, whenever that is." She smiled at me, mischievously. "Okay," she said to Sarah, "give me a count down."
Sarah's voice was sort of raggedy as she said, "Ready, set, go!" and we heard the beep from the timer on her phone as she started it.
I had barely heard the beep when I felt her fist smash into my trapped balls. That first punch was the roughest hit of the night. With no where to go, the punch distended my balls faster and further than anything else. It wasn't just an impact, it was a sudden outright squashing, and it made me feel immediately nauseous. It didn't help that after that first punch, she used the hand which was trapping my balls to pull them further away from my body. The stretching would have been painful by itself, but then before I was even vaguely recovered, the second punch came, just as hard as the first. It made me thrash in her grip, which just pulled on my balls more. I was literally seeing stars at that point, and could feel my stomach getting uneasy when the third punch came and I tried to pull away from her, but her grip on my balls was too tight. As she was about to throw her fourth punch, I managed to find the words to say "stop!"
She let me go and I curled up in a ball, holding my nuts. I managed to hold it together, but I felt like crying from the pain. I had thought I was starting to be able to handle the pain without getting overwhelmed a little better, but that sent me right over my threshold and into a little ball of pain. When I emerged from that enough to be aware of things again, I could see Sarah was flush from a recent orgasm which I had missed seeing.
Once they were aware that I was back with them, mentally, it was Aisha who broke the news. "Well," she said, "you were shooting for three minutes. You made it seventeen seconds. Definitely no cumming for you today."
I lay in a heap on her bed, still in a lot of pain.
"Hey, Sarah," Aisha said, "can I talk to you for a bit?"
"Sure," Sarah replied. The two of them headed into the bathroom together and talked in hushed voices that I couldn't make out for several minutes. When they emerged, Sarah got dressed. She and Aisha said goodbye and promised that they'd see each other in class.
Once Sarah was gone, Aisha, still wearing only her panties, came and crawled back up on the bed and kneeled next to me. "Can we talk?" she asked.
"Of course," I said, shifting onto my side a little so that I could look her in the eye.
"So," she asked, "is this just a sex thing or are you looking for a relationship?"
I probably should have played it cool and told her that a relationship might, maybe be okay, but being where I was, naked in her bedroom with her wearing hardly a thing, I felt like I had to be honest, and it all came spilling out of me: how I'd had a crush on her for the last month, how I couldn't take my eyes off her in class every day. And as I finished it, she smiled, but didn't say anything right off. And then it occurred to me that in all of this, all the ball-busting and teasing and nudity, we had never kissed. So I sat up in bed and kissed her. All my passion for her came out in that kiss, and she returned it in kind. And soon we were rolling around in her bed, making out. We sucked face eagerly and put our hands on each other's bodies. I grabbed her butt and squeezed her against me, crotch to crotch, and soon we were dry humping. I loved the feel of her against me, her soft curvy figure against my hard angular one and her big breasts pressed against my chest. We continued like that for what seemed like forever and soon my cock was painfully hard and leaking precum.
When we finally took a break from kissing, she asked me to suck on her nipples, and, obviously, I was thrilled to. I sucked at her teat while she played very gently with my hard cock, keeping me near the edge without ever letting me get over. After several minutes of this, she instead shifted, and grabbed me by the balls. She didn't crush them in her hand with great force, but she did give little squeezes, just enough to make me yelp a little, which was easy to do given how tender they still were due to the previous abuse. And with her other hand, she started to masturbate herself, working her clit while my lips stayed sucking on her nipples. Eventually, she came, shaking violently in a way that it thrilled me to watch. That she clamped down a little extra on my balls while the orgasm wracked her body was tolerable and kind of sexy, even though not inherently a pleasant feeling.
After the orgasm, she kept rubbing herself, so I switched nipples and keep sucking. Not long after, she had a second one. After that one had finished, she turned to me, "Oh, that feels so good. I couldn't really get off while Sarah was watching. Would you like to come, too?" She gave my cock a little squeeze.
"Oh, good God, yes," I answered.
"Well, then," she said, "I guess you'll have to do better than seventeen seconds next time."
I grunted in agony. "You are such a tease."
"I try," she said, smiling an evil grin. "So, how about a date tomorrow?"
"That would be great," I said.
The next night, I took her out for a real date: dinner at a nice restaurant, a play. And when we came back to my place for a nightcap, we made out like mad and then she gave me another chance to get off. This time it was easier. I just had to take a couple of kicks from behind without falling over. It wasn't a piece of cake, but I managed, and as a result, after I helped get her off, I was allow to cum all over her chest. I'd been saving my load up for several days at that point, and it was huge. I wound up using one of my bath towels just to soak everything up.
And that was the start of a pretty great year. She and I soon settled down into a stable relationship, albeit one with a lot of pained balls and a lot of being me having to wait to get my rocks off. I wound up with way more than my fair share of blue balls and sore balls, but I loved it all. And about once a week, we'd play in front of Sarah, the most appreciative audience a guy could ask for. Sarah never did bust me herself, although Aisha invited her to several times. She just liked the watching.
Eventually, Aisha and I split up after she spent her junior year abroad and we couldn't handle the long-distance relationship., although she still busted me a few times after that. And senior year, I wound up dating Sarah, but that's another story for another time.
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