A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Caley, Claire, Emerson, greeneyedsusan, leeanne, Noemi, Tina, and Tori for their extensive creative contributions and their PERMISSION. Also thanks to dvhour for creating the site that made this fantasy possible.
Enduring Jersey
We met at a small park near the beach. The women came trickling in as late afternoon waned into evening. A boyfriend dropped off one them then glared at me from the car. The girls didn’t seem concerned, perhaps partly because of my small size and polite manner, but mostly because these Jersey girls knew how to handle themselves. I had never met any of them in person, but we had talked online; most of them were meeting each other for the first time as well. There was plenty of wine, so I felt pretty talkative but also nervous. At first I felt intimidated by their youth, strength, and beauty, but they were friendly toward me. Soon I was laughing and talking naturally as I got to know everyone.
I took a quick assessment of the lineup. The first up would be Tina. She was a conversation catalyst, and her enthusiasm was contagious. Tori was short and thin with a pleasant, even kind, demeanor. Noemi’s penetrating eyes shrouded in long black hair gave her a serious look. Susan’s lively smile and blue-green eyes sparkled in the sun, but there was a hardened confidence behind her care-free attitude. Caley enjoyed the good company with the casual ease of a spectator. Leeanne, by contrast, had an all too eager look and seemed to thrive in this company. Claire was approachable and cheerful. She seemed relaxed but also intrigued. Finally, Emerson displayed a relaxed ease, yet her posture and precise movements hinted of danger. I decided that, by the grace of the gods, I might make it through this after all.
I was expecting most of their questions.
“What made you decide to come to Jersey?” – “The incomparable reputation of the Jersey girls, of course.”
“Do you have any idea what you’re in for?” – “Nope.”
“What’s the worst pain you’ve ever been in?” – “Probably an ear infection, but I’m hoping to have a more glamorous answer for next time.”
“Are you sure you want to through with this?” – [pause] “Absolutely.”
“Which of us are you most worried about?” – “Caley.”
“You don’t plan on having kids, right?” – “Haha, not really.” (That was a joke, right?)
I talked with everyone a little bit, alone or in groups of two to three. They talked with each other about clothing and music. At one point there was a very spirited discussion about footwear that went suspiciously silent when I came over. I seized the lull in the conversation to make my big speech. “Thank you all for coming, I’m so glad everyone could make it. So just to recap, everyone will get up to three shots at me, and I get one day off after each of you. Please remember it’s not a competition, and you don’t have to go all out. I’m just a normal guy, not some man of steel.” Noemi whispered some, no doubt cutting, quip to Emerson at that. “So is everyone clear? Alright then, meet at the Spring Lake building at 4:00 tomorrow.” Either everyone was satisfied with the rules, or they planned to disregard them at the first chance.
A while later there was a round of hugs and people started going home. As I packed up the picnic gear Tina came over to tell me she was really looking forward to seeing me the next day. Something about her tone and the way she waited to say it in private seemed alluring and dangerous. I smiled and glanced up to see an evil glint in her brown eyes. My expression must have changed because she smiled with a hint of cruelty at the corner of her mouth. Then, before I could say anything, she turned to catch up with the others.
Despite the pleasant ice breaker, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t get Tina’s evil glinting eyes or Noemi’s stern mouth and unheard mockery out of my head. Leeanne’s beaming smile was equally worrisome. Susan had the look of a lioness resting easy because she could kill in an instant. I spent long hours cataloguing other causes for concern as well. When I had exhausted those, I turned to imagined horrors. As I lay thinking about these eight women, my fear was mixed with arousal. I saw them stealing a glance at my crotch and whispering something with a smile, just as they saw me checking out them out. Of course, their designs on me were purely malign, but still intimate. I was hard from nervousness and excitement, and my balls were starting to ache already. There was no way I was going to be able to hide my excitement in my tight swimming shorts. I prayed that none of the girls would take grievous offense; this was going to be painful enough already.
At last I must have fallen asleep because I had a visitor in the night. I greeted her in the manner befitting her status. “Artemis, goddess of the hunt, fertility, and healing – why comest thou to honor me with thine divine presence?”
“I offer my protection. You do honor to these huntresses. Therefore, I shall place my mark upon you and it shall preserve your fertility through this ordeal, so too shall it aid your healing.” She reached out and clenched her hands around my scrotum; there was a bright light and enveloping warmth. When she released there was a bright mark upon me. “Go bravely forth young man.”
I awoke feeling strangely well rested and confident. Of course I don’t believe in magical dreams or defunct gods, but it was reassuring nonetheless. I rented a boogie board and spent the day playing in the water. Only gradually did I begin to recognize some potential limitations of the assurance I had received. I could suffer much damage and still preserve my fertility, and aid in healing doesn’t guarantee a full recovery. Greek deities were known to honor the letter of their promise but not the spirit. And just what kind of ordeal do I have before me that attracts the attention of the gods?
I arrived early and picked out a wide spot along the boardwalk that was partially shielded by a building. I decided it offered the most seclusion. Then I bought a glass of juice and spiked it generously with liquid courage. I was only half done when my companions started to arrive. Claire noticed my drink, so I offered her a taste. “It’s pretty strong.” she said, “You must be worried?” I took it back and said, “Oh, this is just something to take the edge off of waiting.” She watched doubtfully as I quickly downed the rest. The alcohol made me talkative, and I could swear, charming and witty. I had almost forgotten my cares when I saw Tina approaching. Red highlights lit up her long brown hair and her eyes gleamed with anticipation. She wore a short summer dress. It showed off her figure, which was nicely shaped by years of surfing and soccer. My eyes may have lingered too long already, but I was transfixed by her legs which were smooth and lovely but betrayed power with every step. She wore ankle high white socks and, I was keen to note, pink sneakers.
She came skipping up the last stretch and gave us all an enthusiastic greeting. Then she leaned down to tighten her laces. With obvious irritation, she noticed me looking at her chest. I quickly looked out to sea, but then she asked, “Are you excited to have me first?” Her tone suggested double entendre. She leaned against a post to stretch her calf, arching her back unnecessarily to show off her alluring curves. By now I was getting conspicuously appreciative of Tina’s fine features. When she switched legs, she gave me a sly glance and a sexy smile with her lips barely parted. Then she took a bouncing little step up to me and said, “Nice shorts, very appropriate.” I blushed. She looked serious for a second and added, “You are very brave to take on this venture, I’m impressed.”
I was about to respond when Tina flashed me a dazzling smile and stepped forward. I realized it was finally happening and tried to stay focused on her face. There was no time to react anyway; Tina’s kick was blazing fast and sure. Her right leg swung forward, bent back at the knee. As the kick got closer, she snapped her knee forward, her height advantage ensured ample force when her double-knotted laces connected with my testicles. They both got slammed hard, then bounced around inside my sack for a second. The force of the blow took my heels up off the boards and I came crashing down hard with a simple “Fuck.” It felt as though that initial blow still reverberated inside them. Pulsing, throbbing agony set in. I shuddered and twitched for few seconds. The stinging was unbearable.
I was sweating and laboring to breath when Tina knelt down and put her hand on my head. “Oops, I’m sorry. That really hurt huh?” She said it softly, as if she was embarrassed. “I guess that was too much. Come on, let me help you up.” She held out her arms and we took hold of each other just above the elbow. She did most of the lifting while my legs still struggled to find strength. I was almost to my feet when she stepped back suddenly and dragged me forward. Her second kick was already in motion as I fell. It was equally hard and so swift that it caught me just before my knees landed. There was a loud clap. Her foot violently smashed aside my left nut then hammered the right. The slap of pain and stinging were worse this time, then came a penetrating burning sensation in the right ball which radiated all consuming pain. I’m told I made a squeaking scream. For at least a minute I lay writhing wildly. In the back of my mind I heard Tina say, “I’ve got one more hit. Twenty dollars says he’s not getting up for at least half an hour.” My eyes clenched shut with pain that was just starting to transition from shades of stinging to aching. Somehow my blind thrashing had spun me 180 degrees and onto my back. I heard Tina high above me “You were checking me out earlier, weren’t you? So take a look at me now.” By dint of will, I suppressed the shaking of my body to a low frequency, took a breath, and then looked up at Tina.
Her cute rounded face had the most intent look. Her eyes were ablaze and she rolled a corner of her lower lip between her teeth. She bit down on her lip an instant before my right nut burst into dire agony. Her leg had come stomping down on it crushing it straight into my pelvis. I could feel it almost give way, then she gave a twisting grind and the pressure shifted enough for it to squeeze out from under her heel. As my testicle expanded to its former size, heavy waves of pain exploded from its core. I felt there was damage deep inside the organ. I bucked hard against the boardwalk and screamed out. Within seconds, a growing ache surrounded my balls and pushed up to my belly. Convulsions came and went for a while. They subsided to allow me to gasp and dry heave, but then rudely interrupted. Searing waves rippled through my right ball with increasing intensity. I remained on this high plateau of agony for a long time. Then my writhing lessened, and I spent a long while moaning, and feebly pounding my fist. Suddenly a piercing sensation would cut through my right ball and leave little shards stinging all throughout it, and I would be gripped anew in uncontrollable thrashing. Tears pressed out of my tightly clenched eyes. Finally I settled into a steady rocking motion and some indulgent sobbing. Various voices asked if I would be okay, or if I could move, but I couldn’t even bear to open my eyes.
I was still incapacitated when Tina declared, “That’s thirty minutes. I win.” By the time I got up it seemed everyone had left, but then I saw Tina still watching me. She deliberately looked at her watch and then blew me kiss. It was cute, but I had learned a terrible lesson from Tina’s flirting. Jersey girls demand the utmost respect. I spent a miserable sleepless night meditating on that lesson and watching my right ball swell up despite the ice.
Two days later, Tori took her turn. The swelling had gone down considerably since the previous day, but there was a dark bruise. I gingerly tapped at the still swollen right one, and it throbbed. Both were sore and aching all over. I really wanted to gulp down another couple ibuprofen, but that wouldn’t be fair to Tori. Plus it’s probably safer if everyone knows how much I’m hurting. I stepped into my shorts. Although they came half way down my thighs, they were a bit snug at the crotch, which gave the ladies something to aim for – I wasn’t trying to play hide the ball. Today even that slight pressure was not welcome. I had a few hours before the meet, so I decided to carefully get in the water, using my hands and turning my body to keep from getting slapped by the waves. It felt nice to relax standing in the ocean.
When the time came, I didn’t feel ready at all. Actually, I was terrified. Tori and most of the girls were already waiting by the little pavilion on the boardwalk. She greeted me and asked some friendly questions like how was my place and wasn’t this perfect beach weather. The other girls arrived, but Tori kept talking with me and asked what I thought of the Jersey girls. That sparked my interest, I said, “Jersey has some very fine women, especially present company, but the Jersey attitude can be overwhelming.” I shot a deliberate glance at Tina, who returned the slightest smile with no trace of remorse. I turned back to Tori, who didn’t look like she was about to kick me in the balls at all. She was about 20. Her Italian features were unassuming and casual but undeniably attractive. When she asked a question her eyes would wait with patient anticipation, and when I answered she would smile. I asked her if she was in college, what she liked to read, and if she had a boyfriend. We had a pleasant chat for a few more minutes, then she looked a little nervous and asked, “So, are you ready?” I didn’t think I would feel any more ready, so I said sure.
Tori’s friendly banter had put me at ease. She looked relaxed in a red and white one-piece bathing suit and leather sandals. Her toenails were done in purple, but were scuffed by the sand. She was short and slim but without the cut-from-marble look of the more seriously athletic girls. I convinced myself that it really wouldn’t be so bad. I stood up taller and put my hands behind my back looking straight into her eyes. Her face lit up but retained its kindness. There was no dramatic set up. Just an innocuous step and then her foot came up at me. It smacked dead center but without a crushing follow through. There was a sharp slap as the leather strap just behind her toes knocked my balls up against me. The stinging hit immediately, and I bent at the knees and waist. I could hear Tori’s adorable giggling over the laughter of the others as I took two little steps forward. I glanced up to see her smiling with satisfaction. The innocence I thought I saw earlier was gone, replaced by amusement.
Suddenly, an intense stabbing aching set in. I grimaced and whimpered as I sunk down to a crouch. “Aww, I guess Tina really tenderized you. I didn’t realize you were still so sore down there.” She reached down and stroked my head as she said it. Her gentle touch took my mind off the aching she had just caused. Then she tousled my hair and stepped back. I tried to get ready for the next one. As I straighten up, my knees wobbled. I had to put my hands on my legs to steady myself. A couple more deep breaths and I was ready. But Tori had already turned to talk with the girls. She looked over at me and casually said, “That was fun, thanks.” With that I let myself sink into a squatting position. I gently cradled my balls with one hand and put the other against the boardwalk for balance. This elicited a fresh wave of giggling, and this time, I laughed too.
I couldn’t believe it was almost time to meet Noemi. I tried to run the short distance from where I was staying to the beach, but it hurt. The deep aching from Tina remained, especially in the right one. Tori’s kick had hurt a lot at the time, but not down to the core. I hoped Noemi would just give them a slapping kick too, but it was hard to say. She had given me a dispassionate look last time, but maybe that was just her style. I decided she had to go easy because I was still so sore.
I arrived on time, but barely. Noemi’s long angular face looked impatient. Her eyes narrowed on me as I approached, so I resisted my instincts and quickened my pace. “Oh good, you made it. I wasn’t sure if you would.” she said smiling. Her words were welcoming, but her tone was unnerving. Her dark brown eyes and hair contrasted with fair skin. She was medium height with long legs. She stretched out her right hamstring, and bent down to adjust the strap on her sandal then removed a well worn nickel from her denim shorts. “Kick or knee?” she pondered aloud. Then she flipped the coin – heads. She gave me an expectant look. I met her eyes, planted my feet facing her, and stood ready. She gave me a quick nod of approval. Then she stepped in close and rested her hands on my shoulders. I couldn’t see it coming, but I could feel her body tense up and her weight shift. Her knee struck just a little too far back, but her femur bashed solidly into them and smashed the left one a bit. For an instant the world didn’t move. Noemi’s leg pressed into me, and I could feel her breath on my cheek. I reached out for her, but then there was a sharp sting at one end of my left nut where it got pinched between Noemi and me. “Fuck.” The stinging advanced to a piercing, but it was the ache that dropped me to my knee. Both of them burned intensely for a second, but I realized she didn’t put everything she had into that knee. The burning feeling was persistent but not unbearable, though the pain had crept into my gut. After a few seconds the twisting in my belly was the worst part.
Noemi asked if I could take another. I could see a hungry look in her eyes. That knee had clearly whet her appetite. It got me excited too. She really wanted another shot at my balls, and she was even sweet enough to ask. I took a second to catch my breath and make sure I had some strength in my voice. “Okay, but not too hard.” I had to admit I could take another, but both balls were now awakened with pain, and the next hit would really hurt.
A small crowd formed to watch us and a middle aged woman with a lascivious smile called out, “Can I be next?” Susan told her, “Sorry, this one’s ours, and I’m next.” Susan seemed to enjoy providing cover and some kind of legitimacy for our activities. A group of charming women would attract some onlookers, but no interference.
Noemi flipped the old nickel again. “Heads again … hmmm.” She gave me a warmly wicked look, took a springing step, and swung her foot. Her face strained with determination as her kick gathered power. I was afraid, but I expected another knee, so I wasn’t ready to react. Instead, I stood my ground as she struck my balls hard and square. They both got slammed and smashed into me, but they are slippery and managed to barely escape the ridge of bone atop Noemi’s foot. I fell to the ground stunned with my knees up to my chest. Then there was blinding pain, a second later I could distinguish a piercing, clawing sensation boring into them. It had a dangerous feel, and I was frightened. My guts clenched up and I thrashed gasping for breath. I wanted to moan out in agony, but my breath came in halting fits, so I could only manage choked half syllables. I wanted to pound my fists and feet, but couldn’t overcome the involuntary quiver running through me. Finally, the rest of my body went limp with exhaustion, and a deep ache washed over my nuts in waves.
When the terrible moment had passed, and I could breathe again, I moaned long and deep as I rolled slowly from side to side. I looked up at Noemi, but my eyes were full of tears. She shimmered radiantly in the sunlight. I thought I saw subdued satisfaction. Suddenly, she made a move toward me, so I curled up tighter with my legs crossed at the ankle. There was a round of laughter, and she stood behind me and put her foot on my hip posing for pictures. “Hold still for a minute.” she demanded. I struggled to breath, finally gasping, “I thought you wouldn’t kick that hard.” She bent down and replied, “Welcome to Jersey!”
After the initial shock and agony, the pain ebbed and flowed. It came surging back, especially in my belly. Noemi had left and returned with salt water taffy which she offered to the girls. She asked me “Do you want one more, or would you rather have a beer, on me?” I still wasn’t moving, “Something dark – let’s save a little for Susan.” I couldn’t drink it there, so they practically dragged me up, and we were on our way to the bar. It hurt to walk, but Noemi kept a firm hand on my shoulder to keep me from falling too far behind. She got herself red wine and me a local beer on tap, dark and not too hoppy. I used it to wash down a couple ibuprofen I had brought. When asked about the second coin flip, she explained, “I decided to kick so everyone could see it better.” Everyone agreed it was good kick; I added my rueful acknowledgment. Then Emerson had to mention “One thing I noticed …” and the conversation turned to technique. I was grateful that LeeAnne wasn’t there to hear it. Once, Noemi looked over at me with a smile and inquisitive eyes as if to ask how they were doing. I managed a smile and tipped my glass to her before taking a long drink. A few of us ordered a second drink and I became a little more talkative. This time I got a long island ice tea and a glass of ice water to put between my legs. By the third drink, I was no longer hating life.
Susan’s reputation preceded her. All the girls respected and admired her. As I limped away from Noemi’s kick, someone asked: if I can barely handle Noemi, how would I survive Susan? It was a good question. My only hope was mercy. Susan had been friendly to me, and I hadn’t noticed any enthusiastic bloodlust from her. But nor was there any indication that she would hold back. She was utterly self assured, and therefore inscrutable.
I found her purple striped umbrella easily. She lay stretched out on her back, shielding her eyes from the sun with her arm. Her long blond hair was still wet and harbored grains of real sand to complement its color. I took a second to reappraise her capabilities. She was in excellent shape, lean and toned, but maybe not as powerful as I had feared. I said hi and she stirred into motion. As she sat up, her stomach flexed to reveal a sheet of stone at the core of her body. Her abs were stark and trailed off smoothly to her flanks. Likewise, her legs revealed dense muscle. Susan’s strength was not ostentatious, but it became clearly apparent. With bright lips and sparkling eyes, she smiled up at me and asked if I wanted some crackers. It turned out I did, so I knelt down beside her while we talked. Then she asked how I was feeling. I said they hurt; she just smiled and said “yeah” like that was to be expected – no indication of how much she wanted to hurt them. She said she was going for a swim. I decided to get wet too, so I walked down to the water with her. Then she ran out ahead and dove in.
Despite my best efforts, a wave jostled my balls and set them aching as a reminder to protect them at all costs. I wondered if these women would be so harsh if they really knew how much it hurt, not just at the moment of impact, or for the next hour, but for days. I imagined they would be a little nicer if they really understood. It felt good to have my balls adrift in the ocean. I realized that I wanted to impress Susan. Trying to impress Noemi had been costly, but Susan was different. She had a brighter demeanor, she smiled more, and she didn’t have anything to prove. Underneath the rationalizations, I realized that I wanted to be at her mercy because I admired her. At least she knew what she was doing, so she wouldn’t hit them any harder than she meant to.
A crowd formed at the umbrella, so I made my way back. Susan wasn’t back from her swim, so I half listened to the girls talk. They were trying to make me nervous by talking about Susan’s history in the military and some time she had dropped a man. I prepared my mind for the challenge ahead, putting aside all rational thought. When she came up and started drying off, I felt almost brave. She stood with the sun behind her, a lithe silhouette balanced on one leg while she dried the other. Was she trying to entice me? Regardless, it was just the encouragement I needed. I set my feet apart and clasped my hands behind my back. Susan sized me up, she was half a foot taller than I am. She calibrated her blow for height, distance, and force. I breathed unevenly and couldn’t fully suppress a nervous smile. I must have cut a bold figure nonetheless because she leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. Her lips were still damp from the sea. I blushed but dared not betray any hint of libidinous interest.
I put my shoulders back, straightened my knees, and watched as Susan stepped back and threw herself into a knee-strike. She took a small step with her left foot and planted it turned outward. Then she directed her entire body at slamming her right knee into my testicles. Her back leg came up off the sand and accelerated forward as her abs tightened up. Her leg became a blur as it thrust ahead. Her arms swooped across her body for balance. It seemed like she was too far away, but then she turned her hips hard and rocked forward on her foot. As I saw this ergonomic marvel unfold before me, I realized this was not a merciful hit. I looked into her eyes to see discipline tempered with restraint.
The top of her knee cap connected directly with my balls instantly ramming them back and up into me. The force of the blow shoved me back and almost lifted me for a second. Susan watched intently with a hard thin smile as I crumpled to the sand. Agony consumed me. I yelled out. A shattering pain erupted within my balls and flared outward. I almost blacked out for an instant. While I writhed and gasped, the deep aching took hold and climbed into my belly. I fought valiantly to keep from throwing up.
Once I settled into an uneven rocking, Susan came over to comfort me. She rubbed my back as I lay on my side. My sobbing eventually softened to whimpers. My balls still felt as if aflame. Waves and bursts of acute pain accompanied the steady ache. I felt I would die without Susan’s consoling touch. Gradually, the accents of pain become less intense, but the ache in my balls and belly didn’t. After a while, she gave me a pat on the head and assured me I would be alright. She went back to her umbrella and accepted congratulations from the others. Before rising, I glanced up to see Susan give me a wink. It was just enough encouragement to get me to sit up. She was explaining to a life guard that I was going to be fine, so I gave him a feeble wave.
Later, I called a cab because it hurt too much to walk. Susan and Emerson each took an arm, and they carried me to it. I felt secure and strangely proud to have such powerful and graceful women bear me across sand and board. A firm “excuse us” from Susan parted the crowd, except for one muscular young man. He stepped into our path and inquired, “How bout you chicks ditch this loser and let a real man buy you a drink?” Emerson pushed me over to Susan and said, “Step aside or I’ll kick your balls into orbit.” His confident smirk withered as he noticed my contorted face and my free hand between my legs. He was about to say something when Emerson took a step toward him. Instead, he quickly slinked back to his friends. Susan helped me into the cab then offered to see me to my door, but I told her I could manage. With a wink, she said, “That’s the spirit.” When I got home, I put them on ice, laid down, and put on some soothing music; nevertheless, they ached unrelentingly and became alarmingly swollen.
link to part2:
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