Now that they’d been seeing each other regularly, Dylan was disappointed to find out Callie’s work load was starting to increase – if only it meant less Callie-time for him. She said her job was cyclical and that she wasn’t always this busy, but it didn’t make the time apart any more bearable.

He paced his living room debating whether to call her. He had a free night and really wanted to see her but he knew she was working late. Still, the thought of her flowing chestnut locks, pearly white smile and those warm eyes, the kind that made Dylan feel like he was the only thing that mattered in her life, lit him up with hope, and just maybe...

“Hello?” Callie’s voice sounded distant.

“Uh, hi Callie, it’s me, Dylan,” he sputtered, realizing he’d probably interrupted something important.

“Oh, hi hon,” Callie said, her voice warming. “It’s so good to hear from you.”

“I’m not bothering you, am I?” He asked tentatively.

“Not at all,” she said with a laugh that conveyed he truly wasn’t. “I was just working on a project. I could use a break.”

Jumping at this admission, Dylan blurted, “So you want to come over tonight?”

“Oh, hon, you know I can’t. I’d really love to but I need to get this done.” She countered, “How about tomorrow?”

“Damn,” Dylan muttered, “I can’t tomorrow.” There was a pause as he considered the weight of his next offer. “I’ll let you kick my balls if you come over tonight.” His voice quavered in a funny little way, sounding almost nervous to Callie.

She laughed appreciatively. “Well, that does sweeten the pot, doesn’t it? You know I’d love nothing more than to do just that.”

Dylan’s heartbeat quickened at her sassy tone.

“But, honestly,” she continued, “I can’t.”

He sighed, feeling the ache in his testicles stronger than ever while slaking his desire to get busted felt further and further from being fulfilled. “I totally understand. But I have to tell you, I actually have this tangible, physical burning for you and those legs of yours and I can’t think of anything else right now except your silky knee being driven between my legs.” He hoped he didn’t sound too pathetic.

Callie’s chuckle was breathy and even over the phone it seduced Dylan. He could almost see the gleam in her eye. “Don’t tease me, Dylan. Just know I’m imagining the weight of your balls on my knee as I smash them really hard. I’m hearing your anguished moans and watching you slide to your knees as you cup yourself, wallowing in exquisite pain. How do I look standing over you?”

Dylan’s mind reeled and his dick stiffened at the sensual way Callie related her imaginings. “ look radiant and powerful,” he admitted to her. “In fact, I can see your nipples harden with pleasure.”

At this, Callie couldn’t help but elicit a burst of laughter. “You do know me!”

Dylan heard a loud voice in the background. “Who was that?”

“My co-worker. Sadly, I have to go. Thanks for cheering me up and putting my mind on better things for a minute. It might be hard to refocus, but it was worth it. Hopefully I’ll be able to douse that fire in your loins sooner than later.”

When she clicked off, Dylan cursed his luck. He loved hearing her talk that way, but it did nothing to help his current situation. He really did feel like he needed his balls busted to help relieve the angst that was eating him alive.

He walked to his bedroom, picked out a tight pair of jeans and a stretchy long-sleeved t-shirt. Running his hands through his hair he looked at himself in the mirror. He thought he looked pretty good and definitely not creepy, though creepy was just how he was feeling at the moment. Was he really about to go out and see if he could find someone to oblige his urge? As it was a strong one, the answer was a resounding yes.


The bar was a trendy place, but not too upscale. The crowd was mostly younger than Dylan’s peer group, so he wasn’t super hopeful about his luck, but at least it probably meant he was unlikely to run into anyone he knew. Sidling up to the bar a few stools down from a couple girls, he ordered a drink. He sat quietly, trying to figure out how to even go about what he was hoping to accomplish.

One drink wasn’t enough time, so he ordered another. As he did, two women sat down to his right, on the vacant stools he’d left. One was about his age, the other a bit younger. To Dylan they seemed in good spirits. Maybe this was his in. When the older one ordered a Manhattan, the very drink Dylan was nursing, he felt that surely the smile of the gods must be on him. When the bartender put the drink in front of her, Dylan noticed the woman smile as she eyed his cocktail.

She took a sip and then looked at Dylan. “Don’t see many guys in here drinking Manhattan’s, mostly a vodka crowd,” she said by way of introduction. “I’m Denise.” She extended her hand, which he took. “I’m Dylan, and it’s my pleasure to acknowledge your fine taste.”

Denise chuckled. “And this is my friend Cheryl,” she said, nodding at her friend, who smiled politely at him before putting her nose back in her iPhone.

“Millennials,” laughed Denise, looking at her friend, “what are you gonna do?” Dylan merely shrugged his shoulders, happy to have Denise to himself for a minute.

As it turned out, they had more than a few minutes alone. Cheryl ended up going outside to take a phone call which left Dylan plenty of time to get a conversation going. Halfway through their second Manhattans – Dylan’s third, though he kept that to himself, Cheryl finally returned.

Bummer, Dylan thought since the alcohol was finally breaking down those pesky inhibitive barriers, giving him the courage to address his true agenda. He was surprised when Cheryl bolted down her drink and then ordered another before leaving them again to “powder her nose” or so she claimed.

Denise rolled her eyes. “Some friend, huh?” She said with overt sarcasm. “I don’t know why I continually agree to go out with her.”

“Well, you don’t have to stick around. We could go somewhere.” As soon as he said it, Dylan could feel his face flush. How could he be so forward, he chided himself. His blush only deepened as Denise eyed him with what he could only take as suspicion.

“One and a half drinks is all you think it takes?” Denise’s words came out more pouty than put out.

“I’m sorry,” Dylan nearly whined, “I don’t know what got into me.” He hoped puppy dog eyes might ease her irritation.

“Well, I’m not going home with you,” Denise cautioned, but then looking toward the restrooms where Cheryl was now chatting up a couple young studs, “but I’m happy to continue our conversation. Where were we?”

Dylan jumped at the chance to steer the conversation toward his end goal, going out on a limb that, maybe just maybe, there was a little Callie in this woman. “I believe you had just asked me what’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to me.” Thr wry smile from Denise shot him, along with an arched brow, seemed to say, “Do tell.”

Denise sipped her drink as she waited for Dylan to go on. He took a big swig as he tried to figure out a good way to start.

“This is going to sound bad, but,” he swallowed hard, “a few weeks ago this woman totally kicked me in, well you know…” He trailed off and motioned toward his crotch.

“Ha!” Denise snorted. “I’d say poor baby, but that’s hilarious. What did you do to make her that mad?”

Dylan shook his head. “That’s just it, I didn’t do anything. She just wanted to do it.”

“Wow,” Denise said, now shaking her own head. “Now that IS crazy.”

A brief moment of disappointment flashed in Dylan’s eyes, but fortunately Denise didn’t seem to register it. “So you think it’s crazy to hit a guy there?”

Denise thought for a moment. “I don’t think it’s crazy, especially if it’s in self defense or some other good reason, but to simply haul off and kick a man there, well, that’s kind of bitchy.”

“What’s kind of bitchy?” A voice from out of nowhere came. Dylan and Denise turned to see Cheryl smiling over their shoulders.

Dylan looked at Denise, unsure of how to respond, but Denise was already filling her in. “We were just talking about this crazy lady who goes around kicking men in the nuts for fun.”

Cheryl nearly did a spit take trying to hold back her laughter. “That’s awesome! Girl power!” She cried after swallowing down her drink.

Denise looked at Dylan apologetically. “God, I really can’t take this girl anywhere.”

Cheryl was about to order another drink but Denise held up a hand, glancing at her watch. “I gotta get outta here, Cheryl. Feel free to stick around.” Rising from her stool, Denise stuck out her hand, “It was a pleasure talking to you. Best watch yourself heading home. Wouldn’t want you to get ambushed and take another shot in the pills.”

Dylan laughed at this, “It was nice meeting you, Denise.” And then in a moment of lunacy, his mouth moving faster than his brain he blurted, “You should try it sometime, you might find some guys like it.”

At this, Denise eyed him quizzically, shook her head and made for the door. Cheryl sauntered behind Denise, and it looked to Dylan like she was purposely shaking her well-rounded ass. Maybe it was the quick look over her shoulder that put the thought in his head, but it sure seemed like she was shaking it directly at him. He took in the way her ass fit snugly into her tight black skirt while simultaneously admiring her knee high black stiletto-heeled boots. Cheryl was much shorter than her friend Denise, but the high heels on those boots really made up some ground.

When they’d gone, Dylan closed out his tab and sipped the rest of his drink. His balls were throbbing harder than ever and he wallowed in his failure to achieve any kind of release. He took one last swallow and rose to leave.

He stopped in the restroom as it was a long walk home, and couldn’t help but notice his testicles felt – and looked – bigger than he’d ever seen them. The bulge they created in his tight jeans was clear as day. He shook his head sadly and walked out.

The air outside was crisp and cool, and Dylan was at least grateful for that. It might help clear his mind. He made his way down the block, head down lost in regret. As he passed an alley, he felt a hand tap his shoulder. He wheeled around and found himself face to face, or rather his chest to her face, with Cheryl. His eyes widened in surprise and grew larger still when she yanked him into the alley. In his surprise he didn’t even offer up any resistance.

The girl grabbed his shoulders and pushed him against the cold brick of the adjoining building and Dylan watched as Cheryl eyes searched his, unsure of what she was doing exactly. Her wry smirk unnerved him and he made a move to get away from her grip. She released him and he straightened up and that’s when the clarity of what was unfolding hit him like a kick in the balls, because that’s exactly what Cheryl delivered.

As Dylan straightened, Cheryl had already taken a big step back, the spiky heel of her black boots echoing off the pavement. With uncanny speed and accuracy the girl drove the top of her boot square into his balls. All the breath went out of him from the force of her kick and he buckled at the knees. Dylan’s hands flew to his groin even before the pain hit. But then it hit and he screamed out in agony, sounding like a forlorn wolf baying at the moon.

Cheryl ‘s laugh came through a derisive sneer spreading across her full lips. The way his face contorted, reddened, his eyes bulging from their sockets, made him look pitiful and weak which was a stark contrast to his broad shoulders and toned pecs. It was comical to her to see him bent over, and still he was taller than her, she marveled, moaning from the pain that she’d put him in. She leaned casually against a dumpster and watched his moans give way to rapid panting as he tried to recover.

Soon the shallow breaths became heavy gulps and Dylan summoned all of his remaining strength to right himself. The pain was acute and consuming, but he fought it valiantly. Despite a trembling in his legs, he was able to stand and even cross his arms over his chest in a very small act of defiance.

Cheryl gaped, amazed he hadn’t dropped straight to the ground, and had, in fact, managed to stand upright again. He was, she noted, unable to erase the tight grimace that betrayed the tortured agony he was still in. It was a beautiful sight, but not as beautiful as the one about two feet lower. She saw the bulge in his pants had grown larger, rounder, fuller and she could tell from experience it was the result of swelling in his testicular tissue.  With those swollen plums he had no business standing in front of her, unguarded, with his arms uselessly folded over his chest. This rather enraged her.

“Do I need to kick you again?” She intended her tone to sound menacing, but she couldn’t hide the disbelief.

Still breathing hard, Dylan managed to nod ever so slightly.

“Impressive,” Cheryl said, partly at his tolerance, and partly because she also noticed he’d sprouted a cucumber just above the round bulge. She shook her head at the idea that a man would get hard after having his gonads knocked into his stomach. “Guess I’ll just have to go harder,” she purred.

Inside, Dylan was a mess of nerves and fear, but outwardly, he kept his face drawn and as stoic as his grimace would allow. He inched his legs apart slowly, giving Cheryl ample opportunity to do damage.

“Don’t blame me if you lose one,” she cautioned with a heady smile, “or both.”

Dylan grunted out, “Do it. Before I lose my nerve.” He tingled with excitement at the thought of this small girl nailing him hard, as hard as she could. He wanted to feel the power she had over him, a power she could exercise with a single well-placed kick. He was afraid of the pain and yet burned for it, too, a sweet aching at the humbling admission a girl could send his balls into a fiery hell of pain.

Cheryl, also excited at the prospect decided to draw it out, pretending not to hear. She stepped closer, her hand cupping an ear, though she could smell what The Rock was cooking.

When Dylan tried to say it louder, Cheryl pounced on the opportunity. The target was huge and had nowhere to go, trapped inside the tight denim of his jeans. She swung her leg back and kicked like a Rockette, crushing his balls against his pelvic bone with a loud thwump. Despite the leather of her knee-high boots, she could feel the spongy mass of his testicles compress. She imagined silver dollar-sized pancakes with little faces screaming in agony and laughed.

Dylan dropped instantly to his knees and rolled onto his back grabbing at his anguished sack. Then an amazing thing happened. He came. Right there in his pants, in plain view of the girl who could clearly see a dark stain spreading across the front of his jeans. The short burst of pleasure was euphoric, a sweet release that felt like he’d just been given the world’s best blowjob. The tension in his body dissipated and he almost smiled. But then, just like that, the euphoria was gone and pain ravaged his groin, his guts and right up to his brain. He convulsed and curled into the fetal position, tears leaking from his eyes.

Cheryl’s smile fell away as her mouth gaped as she realized he’d climaxed. She felt herself getting tingly in her own special area. The idea that you could literally kick the cum out of a man had never occurred to her and it was a delicious revelation.

She kneeled down close to the rocking man and whispered. “Sometimes, it’s not just the guy who likes it. Some girls love to bust a man’s balls and I’m one of those. Thanks for the good time, but I need to get home and take care of my own itch. I hope your balls hurt for a long time. Let’s do it again sometime.”

Dylan watched her go through half-lidded eyes, admiring her ass-wagging strut and those perfect nutcracker legs. Then he passed out.


Views: 618

Replies to This Discussion

You're an accomplished writer Joe. Thrilling story, and original, with Dylan sort of lured into tasting the painful fruit of a kick in the nuts. 

on a roll!  And such a surprise considering the last chapter just came out too 

Short and fun. Nice story

I would love to bust Dylan with my stiletto Mary Jane spike heel pumps....except I want to see that cock react to my spikes.  Unzip that monster now and let my heels have a go at him.

Awesome story, Joe! I always love seeing your writing. :-)

Thanks Sophie!

Great story.  I thought it was wonderful when you introduced Callie, but then you gave us Cheryl as well with Denise waiting in the wings.  I look forward to the next installment.

The next installment is coming shortly. Haven't worked in Cheryl or Denise, but I'll try in the future.

Bitte  mehr davon  du schreibst  genial dein Geschichten  sind Klasse!



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