After three hours, Serena’s phone rang, waking up everybody. Haruki helped Liam go down the stairs.

“How are you feeling?” She asked, worried about having done some damage.

“My nuts are still a bit sore, but at least the nausea is gone,” Liam smiled at Haruki.

“So…about what you did earlier…” Liam’s voice had a note of curiosity, but was more shy than everything, “You really…you know… like me?” Haruki blushed.

“Well, I, Uuhhh…yes, you’re kinda cute”

Liam blushed too. He didn’t expect such a thing as a confession from the girl who savagely beat his nuts a few hours ago.

He felt a bit happy about it tho, but he wasn’t sure why.

“Get a room you two!” Serena giggled, teasing Haruki while lightly sacktapping Liam.

The group reached the door. When Lila opened it, the light briefly blinded the girl, as they stepped out, feeling the breeze of the air on their skin. In front of the house, there was a big limousine.

“Hi, mom!” Serena waved inside the car after she opened the door. “Don’t worry! She doesn’t bite.” Serena teased the boy, as he was hesitant to go in.

Liam couldn’t believe he was getting a ride from the principal herself. She observed her red dress, tight in the right spots and leaving not so much to the imagination.

She slammed her red high heel right between his legs, making him whimper.

“Serena told me what you’ve done to her in the locker room” Liam looked in disbelief at Serena. “What? She doesn’t bite, she just crushes nuts,” she said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“Look at me!” she pushed her heel deeper into his groin, making him gulp, “What do you have to say?” she started grinding his balls.

“Urgh…Miss, I-” she stomped hard on them, “For you it’s mistress”

She tilted her head, questioning herself what to do to her student. She pulled his foot back, only to stick it harder than before straight between his legs, sticking the tip of his heels between the balls. That should do for the trip. The real punishment will come in her office.

“Lila, how are you?” she casually asked, like she wasn’t nearly castrating a boy.

“I’m a bit sleepy, but other than that I’m fine. Thanks!” the girls and Blair chatted for the ride while giggling and teasing the boy.

Haruki held his hand, like some sort of encouragement. This got her some jabs from Serena, but it was her way of accepting the thing so the girl didn’t mind.

After some time, the car stopped and the group exited the car. The principal was gripping Liam’s arm as they entered the school. Serena waves at a couple of goth girls. One of them was sitting on a guy’s face while the other was opening his legs in a V-shape and brutally stomping on his nuts, with her goth black boot. They both wave back to resume their work, right in the hallway.

“I’ll see you guys at the cheerleader training!” Serena said as she and Lila went to another hallway. “Hurry up or those bitches will never stop talking,” Serena said to Lila, slapping her ass.

“You’ll come with me! Haruki, go in the cheerleader's locker room with the others, I have to talk to him." The principal eyed the cheerleader, and she decided that it would be wise to follow her orders.

The boy and the woman entered her office. She makes him sit in front of her desk. She then sat right before him, with her ass on the desk. She put her shoe right on his crotch, pressing down hard.

“Strip! Now!” Blair demanded. Liam quickly stripped down, as the woman watched him. She began to press her heel on his nuts again.

Liam was trying to not get an erection, but seeing his principal crushing down his nuts, with her sensual appearance wasn’t helping that much.

“Just to let you know, this isn’t your punishment,” Serena’s mother looked him in his eyes, trying to appear more intimidating than aroused “This is just my punishment for what you’ve done to my daughter.”

“I-” she placed the tip of her other heel on his mouth “Sssh! Lick.”

The boy started carefully licking the tip of her shoe, keeping eye contact with his ballbuster.

He had the strange urge to submit to her, but he knew she wouldn’t like it. He felt she loved to play with her toy before brutally dominating him.

He liked it all over the sole, then switched on sucking the pointy heel. For a moment, and only for a moment, he pictured those heels pinning his nuts on the ground. His cock twitched.

“Good boy. I wonder how are you feeling…maybe scared? Maybe aroused? Who knows what kind of reaction your male brain could have when a powerful woman handles you.” her lips curled into a small smile. A small, aroused one.

She released his nuts, letting them rest for a moment on the chair. She put the tip of her free toe under them, making them fall on the sides of her foot, rolling them. She admired the shade of red, noticing a bit of blue under them. It was right where she punted him in the car. She complimented herself for that.

She started crushing again his balls, but this time more slowly. It was more of a teasing. She knew how to hurt men by playing with their sore nuts.

Liam was moaning hard at this point, he wasn’t even trying to hide it. He wasn’t even able to resist her. Without noticing, she used only her feet to seduce him into submission.

As she removed her heel from his mouth, he felt a bit sad. He wanted to worship it for some more time. He wanted to worship her feet some more time.

She smiled, observing how much he was lost in her. Submitted to her feet. To her power. Enjoying licking every part of her high heel. But this was a punishment, not a reward.

She jumped out of the desk, putting all her weight on his balls, standing on them with only one foot. She placed her heel on his right ball and her tip on his left. the poor boy’s sudden scream of pain felt like music for her.

Liam was resisting the urge to push her down and run out of the room. She didn’t want to disappoint her, but the pain was strong. His willingness to show how much of a man was was stronger. He shut his mouth and chose to take it. He could feel his left nut being completely flattered under her shoe, while his right nut felt like he was about to be impaled. The heel was buried deep into his squishy nutmeat, but he didn’t give up.

However, he was tempted when the principal went down to his level, putting more and more weight on them. His now-slightly-crossing eyes met the principal's, as they were full of lust and fun.

“You should take it like a man, or are you implying I’m fat? Because in that case, you will know true pain” she teased him, enjoying his suffering.

She stood still, watching as tears formed into his slaved boy eyes. They started to fall on his cheeks, but she didn’t move. She was willing to test his limit.

After 20 minutes, she was satisfied. She jumped down from his nuts, forcing another scream of pain out of Liam’s lungs.

The poor boy grabbed his nuts and fell on the ground, as he was rolling around in pain. The only good thing about those 20 minutes where the good long peek he took at Blair’s cleverage. And he knew she let him do it. It was a reward for the time he took his punishment. he knew she liked to reward her toys.

“C’mon. Get up, I don’t have all day!” Liam noted she switched again to her harsh side, which he didn’t know if it was a good thing or not.

Right when he was getting up, he felt a low SBAM coming right from between his legs. This was the answer he was looking for. As the pain hit him, he grabbed the chair so as not to fall. He didn’t want to look weak before Blair’s assertive eyes. he wanted to look strong, so strong he could take every kick she gave him, no matter how strong or how rapid they were.

She kicked him again, this time harder than before. She aimed for that little blue spot, right in the most sensible part of his red-than-ever nuts.

Liam let out a high-pitched scream, letting her know she hit the right spot. She kept aiming there, in the same spot. Years of ballbusting shaped her aim perfectly.

She kicked again, watching him squirm in pain, knowing goddamn good that he was willing to take whatever she wanted to unleash on him. She smiled, planning other ways of busting him. She wanted to hurt him badly. So bad he would never lay a finger on her daughter again. She wanted to hurt his man's pride so that his nuts would hurt by only watching Serena.

She kicked again, and again and again. She wouldn’t stop even if he begged for mercy. She kept going, feeling his nuts flattering under the force of her kicks.

Liam was trying so hard not to cry. He felt so humiliated when his mistress watched him on that chair, so he was determined to not let that happen again. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stop screaming. The force of her kicks was something he never felt before. He realized how fragile his nuts were when met with the brute force of a woman. A true woman. A woman who could easily dominate every man she encounters. A woman who could bend everyone with her powerful feet.

The force of her kicks intensified again, and he swore she wanted to castrate him. But deep down he knew she wasn’t the kind of woman who broke her toys. She loved them so much for just throwing them away.

He could feel his nuts squish under her kicks. He felt losing his breath with each kick, just to catch it a second later. Then lose it again, and again and again. It was her game. Pushing him to his limits, and breaks aren’t allowed. His stomach hurt, and his legs trembled. But he stood just for her, for his mistress.

She finally stopped, and Liam thanked God for that. His nuts were on the brink of exploding. But Blair had other plans.

She grabbed his nuts hard, now twice their original size, then squeezed them as hard as she possibly could. Liam tried to break free but was too weak.

“What’s wrong? Not a man enough?” she made fun of him, “I’ll admit it, you have some strong nuts. Only a bunch of men has outlasted my kicks full force. Now I know why Serena likes you so much.” Did she like him? Liam was sure she saw him only as a kicking dummy, some kind of stress relief/ ballbusting toy to play with.

“Haruki is lucky to have you, you seem very loyal.” he knew she wasn’t referring to his loving side. “She found the perfect boy. Strong, but also cute and with good stamina” she remarked that word with a strong pull toward her, forcing a single tear out of Liam’s right eye.

She enjoyed the squishiness of his nuts a bit more, while the boy could feel her fingers crushing his manhood, with each one of them going deep into his meat.

She finally released him but grabbed his shoulders.

“Now say hi to my knee!” she slammed her right knee between his legs, while Liam was still coughing for the pain caused by the squeeze.

His eyes widened in pain, as she started to hammer his nuts with her right knee, fast and strong. He felt like a metal piston was trying to shatter his nuts. He couldn’t even stop the tears from falling down his face.

“What do we have here? The little pervert likes getting hit down there I see!” She looked at his erection, now standing proud and getting beaten by her strong thigh.

She kept kneeing him, forcing his face between her boobs. He could smell her strawberry scent. He was surprised to discover that she wasn’t even sweating.

She makes him sit on the desk, leaving his nuts hanging low.

She began to use his sack as a punching bag, using her rings as a weapon to inflict even more damage.

Liam started to lose his mind. He couldn’t take anymore, even if it was coming from his mistress. The brute force of her punches was unbearable, remarked by his hands gripping the edges of the desk.

Suddenly, Blair snapped back to reality. She was there to punish the pervert who peeked at her daughter and her girlfriend, not to enjoy herself.

She forced him to stand up, his legs wide spread. She began to unleash a kick after another but this time it wasn’t some playful thing, it was filled with rage. Every kick bore the anger of a mother punishing the boy who perves on her daughter, and Liam felt it. Even when he felt down. She didn’t care. She didn’t care even when he was too weak to even block her kicks, she just blindly shot her leg between his over and over and over again.

“This is for my daughter!” she kicked his nuts hard.

“This is for Lila!” she crushed his nuts against his pelvic bone.

“And this is for every other girl you peeped on!” she kicked him so hard she lifted him from the ground.

With her final blow, she made him fall face-down on the floor, leaving him breathless.

“Try to spy Serena another time and you’ll say goodbye to you pathetic nuts!” she stomped on them one last time, for remark what she just said. She crushed them for a few seconds, then she let them free. They were purplish-blue.

Liam was taken back from what felt like some kind of hypnosis. He wasn’t in that state even when dominated by Serena. He felt scared by Blair, but also a bit aroused. Deep down, he hoped to meet her more often. But the fear of her rage was stronger. Now he knew what was she capable of. And he wasn’t so sure to experience it again…but maybe…just maybe…

“For your punishment, go meet the soccer team. You’ll be their new dummy until the next tournament.” Liam’s eyes widened. He knew what kind of “dummy” would be. After all, they kick balls for sport.

“PLEASE! Not them! My balls wou-” She smashed her foot between his legs one last time, cutting off his air. Her face was slightly twisted by anger.

“Shut up, or I will make you the dummy of the cheerleading club too. And if you disappoint me, even to the MMA club. Got it?” She lifted his face with her foot, just like Serena had done that morning. Femdom runs in the family.


“Then get out of my sigh!”

The boy lifted himself, grabbed his clothes, and got out of her office. Just to find Serena waiting out of the door.

“Make sure he goes to the soccer club, honey,” the woman spoke kindly.

“Don’t worry mom! I’ll personally escort him there.” she grabbed his nuts, then twisted them and started walking, “Make sure to not fall behind, because I will not let them go!”

With that, the two of them started walking in the hall, the girl had a bright smile on her face, while the boy was wondering when this would end.

Blair locked the door and then took a sit on her chair. She placed her legs wide open on the desk, putting aside her lingerie. She started fingering herself, knowing how good the next two hours would be.

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