“So now we’re gonna play a little game.” Serena says “ It’s called Flavour the meat. I guess you know how this work so, it will be the left or th-”

“Hey! Hey! I got an idea!” Lila shouted.

“Lila, I'm trying to be menacing, can you stop interrupting me?” Serena snorted.

“Listen to me! What if you spray it in his urethra? It would be painful even getting stroked, maximizing the pain!” Lila said, with a big smile on her face.

“Are you trying to steal my sadist personality? Because is working so fucking good!” Serena smiled.

“That’s why we’re besties!” Lila said, still stroking Liam's dick fast.

“Back to you.” Serena looked at the boy cock, while opening up the can of spray “Time to make things more spicy!” she knelt down in front of Liam, with his hard member right in front of her face. She gives it a little kiss on the tip, teasing him a bit with her tongue. Then she put the spray right at the hole of the urethra and pressed the button.

Liam’s world became a literal hell. The only thing he could feel was his burning dick. The more she sprayed, the more he felt the burn. His dick started to become red, while swelling in seconds. The girls' laughter echoes in the room, recalling the laugh of two succubus. He was living a literal hell, and the worst part is this was only the beginning.

“Now that the sausage is nicely spiced, what meatball will be the next Lila? I'll let you choose.” Serena says, while enjoying the screaming of the loser, taking pleasure in every single spasm of pain he was going through. She usually liked males reaction when she kicked them in their balls, how they fell on the floor, the screaming and their faces. She always felt empowered when she could lift a guy with a single kick, and she loved a man that could take more than one. And now she has one of her hottest dreams coming true. A pervert that could take lots of her strong kicks, at his mercy. He couldn’t move, his destiny was to be her dummy training for as long as she wanted and hey, he could also use him as a human dildo after she’s done.

She could feel her arousal growing, while thinking every single thing she could, and will, do to him. She started touching herself, she couldn’t help it. She was so wet she could fill a glass with her juice…drinking squirt uh…she added that to the list.

“Earth calls Serena! What the fuck are you doing? Spray his goddam nuts so we can have more fun!” Lila snapped back to reality Serena. She took her hand off her pussy and grabbed Liam’s nuts, yanking them down, just because she could.

“Yeah, sorry. So what will it be? Right or left?” Serena asked, giggling at how the tables had turned. Now she was the horny one and Lila the sadist one.

“Left. Seems a bit too small for a nut tha is getting punished” Lila pointed out.

“You heard her loser, time to spice things u- fuck I already said that.” she noted disappointed, while grabbing his right nut and squeezing it and pulling it aside, isolating the left. She started spraying all over his leftie, making sure to not miss a spot. She listened to Liam’s scream, knowing no one could hear or help him. He was so fucked. As she finished she noticed that his left nut was twice the size of the right. She bursted into a sadistic laugh. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Can you see that? Is like watching an orange compared to a cherry. Well they're a bit bigger than a cherry, aren’t they?” she asked Liam, while flickering hard his right nut, making him squeal.

She sprayed the rest of the can on his other nut. When she finished his nuts were like two tomatoes, big and red. “Finally! I need to take out some frustration so let’s play another game. This one is called Smash the perverted loser nuts until he passes out! Additional points if he pukes.” she chuckles at her own joke “So let me explain how this will work, i will knee you ten times in your left nut, then kick it with the point of my shoe another ten times, then kick it with the instep ten times, then…look i know you probably are thinking just to my perfect tits swinging right in front of your eyes, and also the Lila’s ones, pressing in your back, and MAYBE to the pain of your fragile manhood but i believe you can get it. I’m just gonna bust your lefty with my knee, foot, instep, heel and thigh, then do it with your right and then do it again with both of them. Really, it's not that hard.”

She looked at Lila “ I would also have done with my shin, but this will involve kicking Lila in her cunt, and since SOMEONE is into cuntbusting and other masochist shit i can't take the risk on losing the grip on you for her hornynes.”

“Hey! Don’t kinkshame me!” Lila exclaimed

“I kinkshame you only when interfere with my pleasure, like now you fucking whore!” Serena suddenly kicks Liam’s balls out of anger, crushing them against his pelvis and forcing the air out of his lungs.

“Why” *kick* “You” *kick* “Have” *kick* “To” *kick* “Be” *kick* “The” *kick* “fucking” *kick* “Way” *kick* “You” *kick* “Are?” She sent one last kick right into the boy's jewels, splitting them apart. One was on the left side of her shoe, with the right half crushed into his pelvis, while the other was in the same position of the left but on the other side of Serena pink and white sneaker.

“It’s not my fault if you are too dumb to understand how egomaniac you are! Do you think you’re the only one that wants to kick him? I want to have fun too but nooo! You just have to be the protagonist and take his nuts all for yourself, stupid dumb bitch!” Lila said, while stroking Liam faster and faster and faster, taking out her anger.

“So now it’s my fault if a loser chooses to peep on me instead of you?! What the fuck are you saying you whore?” Serena shouted, grabbing both of Liam’s nuts ans start squeezing, pressing her thumbs on the center of each nuts as hard as she possibly can.

With the view of two hotties, Serena’s beating and Lila’s stroking Liam couldn’t hold any longer. He shoots his load right on Serena’s perfect body, landing mostly on her face, tits and some of it, for the misfortune of Liam, in her mouth. She freezed for a second, then looked at Liam with eyes full of anger.

“What. Did. You. Just: Have. Done?” Serena swung her leg back, while Lila started laughing.

“Look at that! It seems the sausage was filled with mayo-” her joke was surmounted by the loud SLAM of the Serena sneaker impacting full force Liam swell and now way more sensitive nuts, nearly rupturing them. His high pitched screaming echoed not just in the locker room but in the entire school gym.

“Well, I felt that too. That was personal” Lila said, impressed.

“You stupid little fucker!” She slammed her shoe in his nuts again “Did you think you could just shoot your loser jeez on a goddess like me?!” another kick and another screaming “You will pay, little bitch!” the instep of her foot caught only his left this time “Who the fuck do you think you are?!” his right nut again “I swear if you do that again i will crush your pathetic loser nuts into a pulp, and i will use a fucking Baseball bat, and both of us know those aren’t made out of wood” this time, the point of her shoe nailed firmly the center bottom of his left nut.

Unfortunately for Liam, Lila keep jerking him off the whole time while enjoying the show without a care in the world. This led Liam to shoot his load on Serena’s juicy, and now sticky, tits again. The girl stopped her assault, shocked. Then she grinned.

“Since you like flavouring my tits with your juice, why don’t you try the outcome?” She asked, grabbing Liam by the hairs and forcing the boy’s face between her voluptuous tits, making sure to spread his semen all over his face. “Come on little bitch!” she kneed his nust. "Like. It. Up. Now.” marking each word by rocketing her strong knee in his sore balls, making sure to hit both of them every time. With the last knee, she started grinding his jewels with her knee and thigh, like if she wanted to flatten them like pancakes. She then forced both of her nipples into his mouth, taking pleasure from his screams.

For Lila wasn’t bad either, while she watched Liams attempt to pleasure Serena while licking off his mess while her friend brutalized his big nuts, she was still getting fingered by him. She was amazed by how scared the boy was. He kept fingering her in fear that something would happen to his balls if he stopped. In these situations she hates herself for leaving her strap-on at home. Punishing a man by fucking his ass and jerking him off while her bestie was destroying his proud manhood was sure an experience. Suddenly she felt her second climax coming. It’s a shame she has to hide her orgasm, or Serena would be mad at her for cumming before her, but that’s the life of a sub like her. She regretted not being a squirter though. When Selena teased her with her foot caressing her pussy and playing with her clit she would gladly squirt literally gallons to show how dedicated she was. But her biggest fantasy was bringing a man down until he couldn’t move anymore by just kicks in his junks,and the squirt on his face like a symbol of victory, maybe even forcing him to drink every drop.

Suddenly she heard it. A loud SQUISH. She snapped back to reality in time to see the perfect ass cheeks of Serena sway, as she swung back her leg and shooted her foot into his balls once again. Another squish sound. Another muffled scream. Another loud moan of pleasure. The loser was probably in hell, and not just for the pain. He was convulsing hard. It was probably due to a problem breathing. Another squish. The first kick forced his air out of his lungs, while he tried to breathe new fresh air, while being smothered by those giant hot tits (she was kinda jealous, to be fair), the second kick forced the air out of lungs again. Another squish. And the loop begins again. Another squish. The best she could do to help her cru-friend was to keep stroking his meat as fast as she possibly could. Another squish. All those years of waving pom poms were worth it. Another squish.

After 20 minutes, Serena was satisfied and released Liam's head, allowing him finally to breathe. “So how does it feel to worship some goddess tits like mine loser?” she mocked him “Where we left? Oh yeah! The game. But first…” suddenly, she did a split and uppercut Liam nuts “...TAKE THIS, BITCH!”, then started to use them like a speedo for about 10 minutes.

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