A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
"Oh my god, Breanna, I can't believe that your brothers are really wearing those tiny speedos and serving us drinks!"
"Well, they'd better, they lost the bet fair and square. You know that if I'd lost they'd hold me to my end."
"What would you have had to do?"
"Oh, basically the same thing, wearing a tiny bikini and serving drinks to their friends at every party until our parents come home from the cruise. Brad had already bought me mine just to taunt me with it. It was some sort of brand like 'evil weasel' or something like that. It's pretty much just a few tiny patches of cloth and some string. It's hanging over my closet door if you want to see it."
"I might. You think Brad would get a boner in his speedo if I put it on?"
"Probably. Why? Do you want to embarrass him?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, he's hot but he's always such an ass to you. I kind of want to take him down a peg. Really, what I'd especially like is an excuse to kick him in his balls."
"Yeah. You remember when I kicked Damon in the balls in high school?"
"I think that the whole school remembers that."
"Probably. Well, after that I realized that I really like kicking guys in the balls. And in that tight Speedo, they just look like really good targets. He's got nice big balls, and the spandex really hugs them well. I just want to give them a good solid kick."
"I wouldn't worry about getting him hard, just make up some quick excuse and kick him in the junk. You're a girl, he's a guy, the rest of the girls will figure that he deserves it."
She thought about it for a moment. "You know, I think you're right Breanna. I'll just go back out to the pool and find him and kick him in the nuts."
"Have fun," Breanna told her friend. She didn't really understand Dana's eagerness, but she also had no objection to seeing her jerk of a step brother get it in the balls.
Dana headed back out to the pool deck. Brad had just finished handing a couple of girls their drinks and was now holding an empty tray. As Dana approached she couldn't help but admire his broad shoulders and well muscled torso. And she especially liked seeing his cock and his big balls outlined by his tight white speedo. She wanted so badly to kick him right in his big balls.
Brad turn towards Dana as she approached. She was tall and slender but with her fair share of feminine curves. He liked her long legs, rounded hips and tiny waist. And he was especially fond of her pert breasts. They were moderately sized, but on the few occasions when he had gotten to see her when she was wearing a shirt with no bra underneath, it was obvious that they were very pert and pointy, sticking out from her chest with the nipples maybe even pointing upwards just a bit. Today she was wearing a tight, thin one piece bathing suit which covered her up but showed off her figure very well. As such, he was happy to see her approaching. "Hey Dana," he said as she approached.
"Hey asshole," she replied. "Breanna told me what you said about me!"
"What?" he replied, but before he could think of anything further to say, she did what she had been wanting to do and drove her right foot forcefully into his crotch, giving his testes a solid blow from the top of her foot. His reaction was almost instantaneous. The empty tray clattered to the floor as he collapsed in a heap on the ground. Dana felt aroused by the experience of kicking him, and this was only heightened by watch him moan on the ground in the fetal position. Not wanting to reveal her excitement, she retreated to the other side of the pool and found a chair she could sit in and watch him as he attempted to recover from the kicking she'd given him.
By the time he managed to rise again, she was feeling extremely horny. She was disappointed to see him head straight into the house once he got up. She figured that he was probably just checking for damage, but when he hadn't reappeared within a few minutes, she decided to go investigate.
Breanna was still in the kitchen. "Dana, looks like you got him pretty good. Give me five."
Dana slapped her hand. "Is he okay? Where'd he go?"
"I'm sure he'll be fine. He went up to his bedroom. I think he's still there."
Dana headed upstairs, formulating a plan as she went. She headed into Breanna's room to go check out the teeny tiny bikini. It truly was small. Just enough fabric to cover her nipples and vulva and the rest was just string. She knew that she had a nice figure and had caught him sneaking looks before. She hoped that the idea of seeing her in it would be enough to tempt him into letting her into his room. Closing the door, she stripped her current suit off and put the Wicked Weasel bikini on.
The bikini was as Breanna had described it. It was by far the most revealing thing that Dana had ever worn in her life. The tiny triangles of the top covered her nipples and just a little bit more. The bottom was so little that she was especially glad that she'd shaved her bush a little smaller than usual. Even as it was the suit was pushing it. If she didn't arrange it just right a few curly hairs on one side or the other would find their way just beyond the edge of the swimsuit. And it was so thin and fit so closely that she could see the shape of her pussy lips through it.
Looking at herself in her friend's mirror, she could see herself blushing. But this made her all the more sure of her plan. This would be sure to get Brad to open the door for her. After checking one last time to be sure that everything was properly arranged, she went to his door and gave it a knock.
"Brad," she said loud enough that she thought that he'd be able to hear her through the door, "I'm sorry. I misunderstood something that your sister said and flew off the handle. You didn't deserve that."
She heard no response from inside. She decided that he was probably listening but not feeling forgiving, so she decided to press on. "I wanted to find a way too show you that I really am sorry, so I'm wearing the bikini that you bought for Breanna."
A voice with a tone of disbelief came from behind the door. "The Wicked Weasel?"
"That's the one."
He cracked the door open to take a look and gasped a little.
"Can I come in so that we can talk?" she asked.
"Uh, sure," he replied, stepping back to swing the door open. She sashayed into the room and, taking the door from him, swung it shut and leaned against it. "So, what do you think of the bikini?" she asked.
"It's very nice," he said.
"Have a look from the back," she said, turning around.
Knowing that she couldn't see his eyes, he let them roam up and down her body, lingering especially in amazement on her nicely round butt cheeks, utterly uncovered by the thin string which ran between them. His eyes went down her shapely legs and to her bare, pretty feet. And they swept up to her round hips, narrow waist, and her tapered back. But they kept coming back to those round, firm, naked butt cheeks.
When she turned back around she could see his throbbing erection in his speedo. He was so caught up that he didn't even tear his eyes away from her body, staring at her barely cover labia with his cock twitching. Then moving up to stare at her pert breasts with their barely concealed nipples. He only managed to pull his eyes back to hers when she started to speak.
"I hope that this is an all right apology. Will you accept a hug as well?" she asked, knowing full well from the twitching tent in his speedo what his answer was going to be.
"Yeah, sure, babe."
She stepped in and wrapped her arms around him and the squeezed her body against his. Her breasts pressed against his chest, his cock pressing against her crotch. He was so turned on that without even thinking about it he began to dry-hump her, just a little. She let him go and stepped back.
"Hey now, don't go getting any ideas. The hug is all you get. I'm only apologizing for having kicked your balls once. It isn't as if I kicked them two or three times."
Now he was curious, just as she had meant for him to be. "What would you do if you had kicked me in the balls twice?"
"Oh, I'd probably take my top off and let you touch my breasts."
His cock twitched at the very idea. "And what if you'd kicked my balls three times?"
"I'd let you lick and suck on my nipples."
"Would you take your bottom off, too?"
"Well, not if I were apologizing for kicking you in the balls only three times. But if I were apologizing for kicking you four times, I would take it off."
His cock was bobbing and twitching at the thought. "What if you'd kicked me five times?"
"Then, I think I'd let you play with my pussy and maybe even put a finger inside me." The twitching of his cock sped up to a frenzied pace.
"Six times?"
"If I were apologizing for kicking you in the balls six times, I would lick and suck your cock." She knew she'd said the right thing because she could see his cock twitching again and again.
"Seven times?"
"I'd let you put you fuck me. Not in the ass, though. That'd have to be like twenty." More twitching.
"I wish that you'd kicked my balls more times."
"Well, you know, I guess I still could, if you want."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, even though I'm sorry that I kicked you in the balls, I did really enjoy it. It really got my heart racing, and it was sexy in its own way. If you want, I guess I'd be willing to kick you some more and then apologize for it. It did really turn me on to kick you."
"So, if I let you kick my balls again, you'd take your top off?"
"I sure would." She could see him mulling it over, and from all the twitching it looked like his dick was winning out over his common sense.
"Yeah, okay," he said.
"Great!" she smiled at him in a friendly way. "Stand right here. That's good. Now spread you legs just a little. Perfect." She stood a couple of feet in front of him and reared her leg back. She looked at him and smiled. He smiled back, looking a little nervous. She swung her foot forward forcibly until she felt the top of her foot smash right into his big, round orbs. It seemed only the shortest instant before he was on the floor on his knees with his hands cradling his balls.
She sat back, drinking in the sight, feeling increasingly aroused. He rocked back and forth moaning.
After watching him for a minute or so, Dana spoke up. "Would you like your reward?" Brad gazed up at her from his kneeling position. She reached up and took hold of the loose ends of the knot behind her neck which was holding up her bikini top. She pulled one of the strings until the knot came undone, and then she slowly lowered both strings until her bikini top slowly peeled off of her breasts leaving them bare. Brad's eyes widened at the sight. Now completely unveiled, he marveled at how lovely her tits were. They just as perky as he'd imagined, sticking far out off of her rib cage and they were topped with pink, puffy nipples which did point just a little bit up.
Then she reached behind her back to undo the other knot, inadvertently thrusting her chest forward and causing just a little shake of her breasts. She untied that knot and discarded the top. Throughout the process, Brad's eyes were glued to her chest. She could almost feel how focused his eyes were on her puffy, pink nipples. And glancing at his crotch, Dana realized that Brad, despite still cradling his balls, was almost completely erect again.
She gave her breasts a little squeeze. "Would you like to play with them?" she asked.
Nodding, he reached his hands up, still staying on his knees. She took a small step forward so that he could reach more easily. With him still kneeling, her breasts were just a little above the level of his eyes. He reached up with both hands, first just cupping a breast in each, then he gave them a little squeeze. Although they were firm enough to stick out significantly, they were soft enough to yield to his touch and in no time the tent in his speedos was twitching again. He began to squeeze her nipples gently teasing them between his fingers.
Dana took note of his hard, twitching cock and decided that he'd had reward enough. She shifted her balance a little and then swung one leg back. He was so engrossed in toying with her pert breasts and their pink nipples that he took no notice of her shift in balance or her leg at all. So when her foot came rocketing again into his crotch, smacking hard and fast against his testicles, he was utterly unprepared. From his knees, he now fell to the ground, his hands leaving Dana's sweet, soft breasts to instead clutch vainly at his own gonads.
She watched him collapse with both a sense of satisfaction that things were going to plan and with a burning in her loins spurred on by his agony. She did not think of herself as a sadist, but her body clearly had made up its own mind, and all she knew was that she needed to hurt him more.
After watching him writhe for a couple of minutes, she decided that he would require his promised reward if she was going to have any chance of kicking him again any time soon. So she got down onto the floor, on all fours, positioning herself such that her chest was over his face and the she lower her teats down towards his mouth. And in the most plaintive voice she could manage, she asked him "Will you please lick and suck my nipples?"
As she had hoped, her words managed to penetrate the fog of his pain-addled mind, and his eyes snapped open. He quickly realized that what he saw dangling before his face was Dana's lovely breasts and that her nipples, now forming pink points at the bottom of her dangling breasts were within easy reach of his tongue and lips. He was befuddled for an instant or two by the difficult question of which of her two equally lovely nipples he should embrace, but soon chose arbitrarily and turned just a little to his left and began to suck on her right nipple. After about a half minute it occurred to him that he could use one of his hands to fondle the breast he was not sucking on, so he did.
Initially she was pleased to see his response and was honestly enjoying his eager attention to her sensitive nipples. However, soon the forcefulness of his nipple sucking began to get to be too much. Perhaps it was all the adrenaline from the kicks, but he seemed as though he was sucking for dear life rather than for pleasure. He was clearly enjoying himself, though. His cock, although not fully erect, was nearly there.
"Please switch to the other nipple," she requested, her right one now having become tender. He complied, but after another couple of minutes that nipple needed a break, too. Dana gave a quick look down to Brad's crotch and could see that he was fully erect again. "Okay," she said, "that's enough. You want to see me completely naked?" She sat back up to a kneeling position, pulling her nipple out of reach of his mouth.
"Do you have to kick me in the balls again?" he asked. "They're still sore from the last one."
"I don't have to, but if I don't then we've reached the end of my apology."
He thought about it long and hard. He looked up and down her body, drinking in her smooth skin, narrow waist, and pert breasts. He scanned her lovely young form over and over again, his hard cock twitching in his speedos. But even as he looked over all of her he realized that his eyes kept settling again and again on her crotch, on the one bit of her which was still covered by her tiny bikini bottom. He ached to have her completely uncovered. "Okay," he said. "I can take it. Kick me again."
She stood up, standing now astride him. He gazed up at her from the floor fixating on that one little piece of cloth hiding her snatch from him. She stepped away, tried to position herself just right, and then stepped back in swinging her foot at his balls outlined there in spandex. But, as her swinging foot contacted his balls she realized that she had misjudged. She had never kicked a man who was lying on the floor before and misjudged the angle. Her foot hit one of his balls, but only just barely. It was, she could tell, a glancing blow at best. He let out a gasp when it hit, but didn't curl up or move to protect his balls. And his erection had not waned at all.
"I'm gonna take another shot," she said. "I didn't really get them how I was trying to."
"No fair. We made a deal. Off with the bottoms."
She had to admit that fair was fair, so returning to stand astride him again she undid first one knot and then the other and let her bikini bottom fall down onto him, leaving her completely bare. His eyes stared in amazement at her naked muff and now uncovered labia. He had looked at a lot of porn in his time, but having an actual naked girl in his room was a first for him. And he was quickly understanding that porn was a poor substitute for the real thing. He reached his hand up as if to touch her crotch.
She stepped back. "Nuh-uh. Touching wasn't part of the deal, not without another kick."
"Okay then, kick me again," he said, believing that his position on the floor would protect him again.
What he had not realized was that she had figured out what had gone wrong last time. This time she positioned herself differently, a little further forward and delivered her kick a little more carefully. Even though the extra care meant that it was a slightly slower kick than the previous one, it still carried a pretty good wallop and this time she was exactly on target.
When her foot hit his balls, she could feel them flatten just a little under the force of the blow and he immediately made a noise as if the air had gone out of him. He curled up in a ball on the floor holding his balls. She loved seeing him like that and could feel her sex getting wetter and wetter.
After about a minute of watching him curled up in a silent ball she began to get bored with it. "Okay," she said, "You can touch my pussy now." This garnered no response.
She tried again. "Please come play with my pussy." He continued to just lie on the floor, a silent lump of pain.
One more try. "Come on. This pussy isn't going to play with itself." Again getting no response, she thought better of what she had said. It was true enough that her pussy couldn't play with itself, but that didn't mean that she couldn't play with it. She lay down on the bed. Spreading her legs she began to play gently with her pussy lips and then to rub her clitoris. She was very aroused and soon found herself making little noises involuntarily. She was steadily nearing a climax when she saw that he had finally managed to pull himself off of the floor and was looking at her intently.
Startled, she stopped rubbing her clit and pulled her hands away from her crotch. He took this as a sign that it was his turn. He climbed onto his bed, laying next to her, and reached down to touch her. Her first instinct was to shy away because, even though he was very nicely built, he was still Brad. But knowing that she had made a deal, she overcame her instinct and stayed still.
His fingers rubbed her labia roughly, up and down across the surface of her lips. She shuddered under his touch, enjoying the sensation of simply having someone else fondling her private parts. Next, though, he moved on to trying to find her clitoris. In this his utter inexperience showed through and his random probing and poking soon took the edge off of the arousal she was feeling.
This process was completed when he asked her, expectantly, "Am I rocking your world?"
She managed to keep herself from sighing, but just barely. Wanting to still get an opportunity to abuse his balls further, she figured that it would be wisest to avoid answering the question. Instead she responded with a question of her own. "Are you ready for me to suck your cock?"
"Sure," he replied immediately, and then realized what she meant. "Uh, be gentle."
She smiled. "I'll see what I can do." She had no intention of going easy on him. She pushed his shoulder gently, rolling him onto his back. Then she rolled herself on top of him. He was just enjoying the sensation of having her pressed against him when he felt her weight shift as she lifted her right knee high in the air. After pausing for just a moment to savor the anticipation, she drove her knee forcefully down into his groin, pressing his nuts firmly and suddenly against his pubic bone. He convulsed from the pain so violently that he accidentally bucked her off of him and onto the bed beside him. His hands moved quickly to cover his groin as he curled up into a ball, moaning softly from the pain.
She watched him as he lay engulfed in the pain feeling her arousal grow once more. She took about a minute to see if he would recover on his own. When he showed no progress, she repositioned herself on the bed to set about playing with his dick. His hands were still guarding his groin after her last assault, but she found it easier than she expected to push them out of the way. Her last attack had apparently taken all of the fight out of him. She gave his balls a perfunctory check to make sure that they still looked intact and then she pulled his speedo down to get to his penis.
His cock was completely limp, but she had a suspicion that it probably wasn't going to stay that way for long if she applied herself. She began with a couple of slow licks around the head of his cock. The first one produced no results, but with the second one she could feel it begin to perk up. She played across the head with her tongue, just moving randomly, making little swirls. And in no time, he had a solid erection with the veins clearly standing out. She took his cock into her mouth and began to suck on it.
She didn't mind sucking on his penis. It was attractive enough, a decent length and of reasonable girth. And he was well built and attractive enough, but at the same time, he was Brad, and Brad was an asshole. And although a little fellatio was okay, she found herself thinking what was scheduled to come next, actual sex, was not something she was comfortable doing with him. She wondered why she had offered it. As his hard cock filled her mouth, she felt certain that she didn't want it in her pussy.
But as she thought back to what she'd said she realized that she hadn't promised him sex, she'd just said that she'd give it to him if she kicked him in the balls seven times. All she had to do was not kick him in the balls again.
As she thought about all of this, she continued to suck his cock, playing with it in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. She looked up to see him aware and smiling down at her. He reached down and stroked her hair. She continued to suck him for about another minute, and then decided that that was enough.
She raised up, letting his dick fall free from her lips. It was so hard that it was purple now and once she let it go, it twitched freely in the air. "Well, that was fun," she said.
"Just a little more. I'm really close to coming," he said.
"No, I'm done, sorry," she said.
"But you said you'd suck me off," he complained.
"No, I just said I'd suck you. I didn't say anything about getting you off."
"So, one more kick, I guess, then, and we can have sex."
"No, I'm good, thanks," she said, smiling at him.
His mood changed suddenly. "You cock teasing bitch! You can't just leave."
"Sure I can." With that, she rolled of the bed and headed for the door.
"Get back here!" he cried out, and with surprising speed, he leapt from where he lay. He dove across the bed and grabbed her by the wrist. She tried to pull away, and he tightened his grip.
"You're hurting me. Let me go!" she implored him.
"Only if you promise to get me off."
Without releasing her wrist, he pulled himself up so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. When he dove across the bed, his swimsuit had come most of the way off and were now down around his ankles. She noticed that his legs were spread wide with his big balls dangling over the side of the bed with his angry-looking hard-on throbbing above them. His scrotum was bright red from all the times she had kicked it. Realizing that she had an opportunity, she pulled her wrist just a bit to throw him off balance and then she raised her foot up and smashed it down into his balls with a kick like a mule.
His response was instantaneous. He screamed in anguish and rolled over onto his back, releasing her wrist to grab at his poor battered balls. She watched his anguish for a thirty seconds or so, both for the enjoyment she felt and to make sure he really was incapacitated. Deciding that it was safe, she turned and opened the door.
Just as she was about to leave she heard him say something quietly. "Seven."
"That was seven. You have to fuck me."
She scoffed. "I said I'd fuck you if I were apologizing for seven. I'm not apologizing for that last one. You deserved it, asshole." With that she left the room, shutting the door behind her, and headed out into the hallway. She was still glowing for the feelings of that last kick. She felt aroused and powerful.
And she suddenly realized that she also felt naked since she'd left the bikini in his room. Fortunately, there was no one in the hallway to see her, so she quickly returned to Breanna's room where her original swimsuit was waiting. She entered the room and locked the door behind her. Her initial thought was to get dressed, but then she decided instead to take advantage of the privacy. She lay down on Breanna's bed and began to masturbate herself recalling how she kicked Brad's balls again and again and his pained expressions afterwards. As she approached a climax, she realized that she was having more and more trouble keeping quiet, so she grabbed a throw pillow and bit down on it to quiet herself. Just a moment later, she experienced a powerful orgasm which left her bucking and thrashing in pleasure. She continued jilling herself, and soon she was seized by a second on, more intense than the first. A third, slightly less intense on followed soon afterwards and she knew she was done.
She spit out the throw pillow and just lay on the bed for a couple of minutes exhausted. Then she realized that Breanna might come looking for her. So she got up and put her swimsuit back on and went to rejoin the party.
Breanna wasn't in the kitchen any more, instead having rejoined the rest of the party. This relieved Dana a little because it likely meant that Breanna hasn't heard all of Brad's cries of pain. Instead, Breanna was out by the pool and Dana went and joined her there. When Dana rejoined the group, Breanna asked her how it went. Not wanting to tell everyone, Dana promised to tell her later.
The group was being served by Breanna's other step-brother, Chad, and Dana couldn't help but notice his big balls outlined in his speedo. With Brad probably out for the rest of the pool party, she didn't think that she could take Chad as well. "Oh, well," she thought, "maybe next party."
Would love to read more! Especially if Dana decided Brad needs a bit more punishment. I imagine he'd be easy to persuade :P
I tend to more think of Brad as hating the whole thing and regretting having agreed to it in the end. My plans for a sequel (which I've never written because I've been too busy writing other stuff) were to have Brad tell his twin brother Chad and then Chad find the whole thing sexy and eventually wind up accidentally letting Dana know this and then she'd bust him, but even more and harder than Brad because he had been the one to ask for it. I don't know if I'll ever get around to writing that, though. I have so many stories in progress as it is, I'd hate to start a new one right now.
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